Judas kiss

Chapter 60 - Help me carry my mate upstairs

Chapter 60 - Help me carry my mate upstairs

"Let's talk about something else.." Della told Mila. They had exhausted everything from talking about

her mom's situation and baby making with Andre also the embarrassing scene with Jeanine.

"Okay uhm I quit my job." Mila said expecting a backlash from Della but she merely just stared at her.

"Why?" Della asked, she sort of already knew the answer but she wasn't sure if that was it.

"Alfredo.." Mila said in a low tone.

"Did he talk you into this?" Della questioned.

"Not at all, I hate that shitty job anyways and would have quit the minute I didn't need the money


"So that means you will depend on Alfredo forever?" Della stated, still a bit skeptical but Mila just

seemed annoyed with this talk.

"He took my virginity without my consent.. I mean it's the least he could do."

"Wow that's a bit petty Mila, considering that was years ago and you're willingly with this guy and you

ought to be forgiving." Della said not regretting anything that she had said. They were in the hospital

cafeteria, drinking coffee. It wasn't pleasant but it was good enough.

"Just like how you forgave Andre for manhandling you? Who else are you going to forgive next?

Spencer for slapping you with his dick? Forgiveness right." Mila lashes out without thinking about what

she was saying. Della was shocked because Mila had never ever talked to her like that. They always

had a mutual understanding and the fact that Mila was using everything that she had confided in her

with; against her... really hurt.

When Della didn't say anything as she was still a bit shocked. Mila continued feeling the need to

defend herself—

"You don't have to be so judgemental Adela! I don't have a rich father who kisses my ass all the time. I

don't have a rich ex-husband who is constantly kissing my whiny ass and begging for your attention, I

certainly don't have a kid with a millionaire to save my life, I don't have a rich boyfriend who wanted to

rape me.." Mila said in the heat of the moment. Della was surprised, she clearly wasn't expecting that

atleast not from her bestfriend. Della composed herself and breathed in before talking. Oddly it hurt,

everything she had said hurt. Della found it hard to believe, was she too forgiving? Did she do anything

wrong by being concerned for her friend's well being?

"I just think you leaving your job after you have been with Alfredo for two minutes isn't the best

decision. What if he changes?" Della said this only with genuine concern. Yes, what if Alfredo suddenly

changed like Spencer. He came into the picture like a saint but only turned out to be the devil. If there

was one thing Della prided herself in, that was being independent. After she got divorced with Andre

she learnt the hard way that... Andre convincing her to be a housewife while she focused on her writing

her pretty much a bad idea. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"You know what isn't the best decision? You fucking your ex-husband and wanting to bring another

fucking baby into your fucked up situations. For fucksake think—"

"You want to preach to me like you're freaking mother Mary when you're just as dirty and unholy as I

am. Quit the act Adela!" Mila said defensively.

"Insult me all you want but I'm only trying to look out for you, Mila." Della replied trying to seem

untouched by the words that had came out of Mila's mouth.

"I can't stand you right now.." Mila rolled her eyes, taking out her latest iPhone as she swiped on the

screen ignoring Della. The last time they were together, she remembered that Mila had an iPhone 5.

"So he bought you a new phone?" Della said but she already knew the answer.

"No, see that's where you're wrong. I actually bought it with my savings." Mila said sarcastically. Deep

down Mila knew that she had only contributed $156 and Alfredo had offered to pay the rest.

"Oh.." Della replied. It was tense, Della was trying not to argue with Mila but Mila was just looking for it.

"You know what.. I'm just honestly done." Mila sighed putting her phone away.

"Done with what?" Della asked with a shaky smile.

"Done with all this." She paused. "Firstly I came here to support you regarding your mother but all you

do is judge me. You're self centered, all we talk about is you and you and you, all the time. The one

time when you should be happy for me.. you aren't. I don't even get why we're friends. We're better off

without each other because I contribute more into this friendship than you do. I hope your mom, gets

better. Goodbye Adela."

Della was hurt.

This was her only friend, someone whom had been there for her for a long time. She didn't know that

was the way she felt. Before Della could fathom anything.. Mila was already leaving the hospital

cafeteria. She always thought the worst heartbreak was with a man but no the worst heartbreak was

the one that occurred between two friends. When you're convinced every guy will come and go but not

your bestfriend. Mila was now even more like a sister to her, it would feel weird not being able to text

her a funny joke or ask her to come sleep over or send each other the pictures you took together or

even ask her to join their movie night with Leo. It seems she couldn't have it all, she met Mila after

Andre left her now that Andre was back in her life with a purpose, Mila had left.

"Hey, are you okay? Mila just came and grabbed Alfredo and left."

Della sighed looking up at his concerned blue orbs.

"So I guess we aren't friends anymore.." Della said it as if it was a very funny joke but it hurt so much.

Her chest felt constricted and heavy.

"But why?" Andre said clearly concerned seating opposite her.

"It's fine." Della replied. "We will both come around.."

Sadly Della had no idea that she was already blocked. Mila was tired of her sob stories. Couldn't they

just have a good time without Della raining on their parade. She always always had bad news and Mila

couldn't deal with that anymore. It was as if a dark cloud followed her around and it somehow affected

Mila as well. Mila was tired of being a therapist, she tried being a good friend but Della's problems were

just too much and her life was fucked up. Mila couldn't take it anymore. I suppose we all have that one

friend with too many problems and is always asking for advise.

"If it makes you feel any better, I love you chérie." Andre said genuinely as he reached out for her hand

and gave her a tight squeeze. "I could call Amber to come cheer you up but you know with her


"It's fine, you're enough." Della replied trying really hard not to seem fazed by this. Andre was enough,

his support was enough. Him being here with her was enough. They had tried really hard to convince

Garreth to go home, he initially gave in and summoned that he would be back in an hour. You would

expect Marcela's husband to have been present but no he wasn't. Supposedly people deal with

everything in a different manor, some prefer to be really close and others to be really far.


Spencer checked his phone for what seemed like the seventh time. Della wasn't responding to any of

his messages or calls. He even dropped by her apartment but she wasn't there. He figured ofcourse

she was at the hospital. He didn't suspect anything to the latter, he thought he had a pretty tight leash

on Della but that wasn't the case.

He had to fetch some paper work from one of Garreth's bars that Ignacio managed. He was so busy,

after coming from the airport he went straight to see Della but she wasn't there and Garreth gave him

more work. He didn't mind, he assumed Garreth was giving him a lot of work because it was a very

tricky time for him. With Marcela being in ICU. Ignacio and his friend (Abhay) had convinced Spencer to

have to a drink, soon enough it was more than just one drink.

Soon enough he had passed out on the couch in the VIP area.

"Ey.." Ignacio called for one of the bartenders. "Help me carry my mate upstairs, he must have been

super tired."

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