Judas kiss

Chapter 42 - Please not Spencer too.

Chapter 42 - Please not Spencer too.

"More cake!!" One of the little kids at Leo's party pestered Mila. She gave an exaggerated sigh. Her

mood had been ruined, her entire day had been ruined.

"Hey, are you okay?" Della asked her friend who had a sour look on her face. Before Mila could

respond, she had one question.

"What is Molinero doing here?" She questioned.

"Well, Garreth asked me to add him onto the list. He is new in the city and hardly knows anyone-"

"Right.." Mila nodded, rolling her eyes. She didn't want to alarm her best friend so she decided not to

say anything.

"I know you guys slept together-"

"No, Della it's alright." Mila assured her friend but what she really wanted to ask was how Garreth and

Alfredo knew each other. Was she right all along, is Garreth part of the mafia? Just like Alfredo.

Something was really fishy, she turned to look at Garreth who was talking to Spencer and Alfredo.

Mila gasped.

"God, please not Spencer too."?She whispered under her breath as it finally dawned onto her. Della

was really starting to like a guy besides her asshole husband and now the second perfect guy seems to

have ties with Garreth. Alright maybe she was freaking out, just because Alfredo was a mafia Don, it

doesn't mean Garreth and Spencer are.

"You seem a little flustered?"

"We're not friends Marcela!!" Mila spat at the woman who had her makeup, heavily done.

"You're in such a sour mood." Marcela replied in Spanish.

"I don't know what you're really doing here but if you hurt Della and Leo, you will have me to answer


Marcela only laughed at this.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, little girl. You need to get laid, you need to find a man and

stop clinging onto my daughter just because she suddenly has a rich father."

"That's the problem with you Marcela." Mila chuckled. "You think everyone is like you?"

"Like me?"

"Yes like you! You think the world revolves around getting a 'man' well not just a man but a rich man.

You cling onto anything and anyone with money and a reputation. Is that why you're here today? Have

you even apologized to your daughter or you think bringing your son here is an apology enough. I feel

sorry for you because you will never have a mother-daughter relationship with Della. That ship has

sailed, it's too late she doesn't need you. Go play family with your rich husband thanks."

This honestly hurt Marcela.

For the first time, she was speechless. Giving Mila a chance to walk away.

Deep down, Marcela knew that Della didn't need her anymore.


That voice.

"Ja- Garreth, I'm not here for you." Marcela replied attempting to walk away but Garreth held her hand.

It was undeniable that she hated him so much because she will always feel something for this

psychopath. He was after all her first love.

"I know, just thought I would greet you." Garreth said softly. She couldn't deny that he looked

handsome, he always did. She didn't know why she was thinking about him in this manor. She had a

husband who adored her. She couldn't be thinking like this.

"Oh alright." She replied, clearly provoked.

"She is beautiful isn't she, our gem." Garreth said finishing his whiskey in one go. As they both stared

from a distance, staring at Della who was talking to Leo about something.

"She is." Marcela replied.

"But you have a family now so you can just forget about Della and I." Garreth said softly. "I know I'm the

reason why Della had to suffer at your hands."

Marcela almost chocked on her wine.

"You're wicked Marcela. You're beyond deleterious. Della had a son and the father turned out to be an

arsehole but you don't see her taking out all her anger on that innocent little boy."

"That's very rich coming from a killer." Marcela said defending herself but truthfully, she felt unwelcome.

It's as if she didn't deserve to be here, she didn't-

Leo didn't even know who she was.

"I would never treat my own child that way even if the mother turned out to be a bitch." Garreth gave

Marcela a smile.

"I don't forget Marcela, I never forget. Trust me when I say your time is coming. You abused my

daughter when you could have given her up for adoption. I might love you even until this day but

ending your life with my own hands would give me bliss." Garreth gave her a clean white smile.

Marcela shivered.

"You better not do anything to my son." She said protectively.

"Sweet Marcela, I wish you cared about our daughter as much as you love your little Lyle. He goes to

Saint Patrick's right? Good school."

"Jake, how dare you threaten me? I will take you to the police for every little thing you're saying to me

right now. I hate you." Marcela was scared, she had never been scared not even when she was close

to death because of her drug usage.

"Cute." Garreth muttered. "Not now of course because now I have to focus on the Levetté family. Your

time will come."

"Gramps-" Leo came running towards Garreth. He immediately lifted the now seven year old up.

"Leo, look now you messed up your grandpa's suit?!" Della said amused by her son's actions.

"It's alright." Garreth smiled broadly. Leo was swimming in his trunks then immediately ran for his


"Hi?" Leo said to Marcela.

"Uhm-you remember Mommy's"

"Your friend who came the other time?" Leo added making Marcela feel even more unwelcome. Her

grandson thought she was her mom's friend. She didn't have anyone to blame, she had introduced

herself that way. She realized in that moment that she could never have what Garreth has with Adela in

such a small amount of time or what Garreth has with Leo.

There was awkward silence until Garreth walked away with Leo, talking about the present he had

bought for him. How his present was the biggest. Leo was also sure to tell his grandfather about her

mom's new boyfriend whom he really didn't like. Garreth has to convince Leo that Spencer was a good

person because he would be around for a while.

"Marcela.. thanks for bringing Lyle..." Della said softly.

It was awkward, she didn't want to say anything that would make her mother angry. She knew anything

that came out of Della's lips automatically made her angry and triggered. Della was over it, over

needing her mother's attention or approval.

"Yeah.. figured you could bond with your little brother.." Marcela replied.

"Yeah but he seems to be bonding with my son more than me." Della gave a nervous laugh, she didn't

know what to say to her mother.

"Yeah.." Marcela replied, her pride wouldn't let her apologize.

"I'm just going to go check on him.." Della said and Marcela nodded. Della couldn't just pretend that,

her mother had always been there and that nothing was wrong with this scene.

Della was on her way upstairs, she needed to get Leo some new clothes to change into. She was really

glad that Andre had made the effort of making him a room in his home or what used to be their home.

They had planned that when they have a big family they would decorate these rooms now they were all

just an empty space.

She looked around Leo's room, she could see the effort that Andre had put. She didn't think that he put

in all the effort, he probably hired someone to do this. Her breath hitched when she heard the door

open and softly close. She knew it was him because of his cologne. She just knew. If Della had said

she was avoiding him.. that would be an understatement considering she had recently made it official

with Spencer Hurst. She was ready to move on and she didn't want any bad blood between herself and All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.


"You were taking too long.." Andre said. "Thought I should check up on you."

"I'm fine.." She nervously chuckled. "I once lived in this house, I could never be lost." She said turning

around to face him.

"Yeah.." He replied. His eyes swept over her delicate face and her soft lips that he missed so much and

dreamt about almost daily. This was their sad reality..

"Why are you really here Andre?" She asked him.

He didn't take a minute to reply. "Truthfully, I wanted to be alone with you."

"Why?" She questioned.

"I never got the chance to apologize, I was selfish enough to put all the blame on my mother when it

was entirely my fault." He paused. "I'm sorry Adela, I'm truly sorry that you had to go through all that

shame and misery at the hands of my family and mostly myself. You didn't deserve that." He said

running his fingers through his blonde hair. His baby blue eyes flickered, looking moist. "I know, there is

absolutely no excuse for the way.. I treated you. I didn't mean to lay my hands on you. I'm sorry Adela-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence. Della felt touched, first his mother apologizing and now him.. why

couldn't Marcela do the same. She didn't even attempt to-

"I know I always say, I have forgiven you but.. hearing that really gave me the peace I needed to move

on. Thank you Andre." Della said softly, Andre stepped close to wipe away her tears. For a moment

they just laid there in each other's arms. Finally at peace with their past and everything that had

happened and all they had been avoiding.

"I hope you get to find love again.." She said pulling away from him.

"Just like you have with Spencer?" He questioned, he wanted to know if Adela really loved this man.

Did she love him or this was a just a thing of the moment?

She didn't reply.

"You love him?" Andre asked.

"You can't ask that of me." She simply said walking away from him. It was only a question and he

wanted to know. He was curious but at most he was glad they got to talk and find even the littlest of


Things were going slow but they were looking up.

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