Judas kiss

Chapter 23 -- Pride and Prejudice.

Chapter 23 -- Pride and Prejudice.

The dinner had not been graceful, Della couldn't wait to go away when she had realized that Andre was

joining them. There were awkward stares and glares, Andre talked to his son. She talked to Amber

about the baby, sometimes Daniel talked to Andre and Leondre but at no time did Andre and Della talk

directly. Andre was mad, as selfish as it sounded. He was mad that Della was with Leith, she had not

said anything to him when he fingered her senseless. He wondered if she had already been with Leith

in that manor. Andre thought Leith seemed suspicious but he wouldn't say anything because he didn't

want to seem jealous. Amber and Daniel had been on engrossed on their baby talk that they didn't see

the tension between Andre and Adela. When it ended they were both glad. It seemed Andre was giving

up, he thought he would win her back but it had already been hard as it is. He would continue fighting

for her but not if she wasn't fighting for their love either-

He had made a promise to his son that he would reunite their family and they would be a big happy

family and Della would even give Leo a little sister.


Della made her way into Starbucks, it was early and very busy. After taking a sip of her latte, she

scanned the room for an empty seat. She wanted to have a peaceful morning that included her reading

some novel and not thinking about her life and worries. She continued scanning the room until her eyes

reached a certain male. He seemed to be concentrated on the novel he was reading. He had a lot of

tattoos, they intrigued her a lot.

It was weird, men with tattooes didn't read novels in Starbucks or maybe she was taking this way into

con. She had to admit he was handsome, even while his facing the table, from her angle she thought

he was breathtaking.

? ? ?? ?

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Della approached the man giving him a warm smile. He didn't raise his

head for a few minutes, she knew what that was like-

Have you ever been so infatuated with a book that when people talk to you, you tell yourself this is the

last line or paragraph I'm reading then you can have my attention.

Her breath hitched when he turned to look at her. He had amazing forest green eyes, there was of

course something about him. She sensed danger but she liked it.

"And if I said it is, will you go away?" He said with a serious face. She was suddenly nervous. She

regretted even walking to this table.

"I'm sorry, I will just-" She turned away but he stopped her with a chuckle.

She was taken aback, he had a beautiful smile. It gave her goose bumps, she had only felt like this

around Andre, this was weird. She had not felt this giddy like a teenager in a long time.

"You don't take jokes, i see." He stood up, pulling the chair for Della to seat, such a gentleman after

all... she thought.

"In my defence, you looked dead serious-" she giggled taking a sip of her vanilla latte. He stopped

admiring and taking in every essence of her beauty. She had the cutest giggle and the way her hazel

brown eyes almost closed shut when she smiled widely.

"Is there something on my face-" Della stopped laughing as soon as she realized the stranger was


"Yeah, it's beauty." He smirked at her and she blushed. That was the cheeses thing she had ever heard

from anyone.

"What are you reading?" She asked.

"Pride and Prejudice." He said with a grin.

"That's one of my favorite books. Mr. Darcy-" She squirmed. Her eyes flashed with happiness

whenever she talked to about her favorite worldly possessions.

"Yeah, I just recently started reading it." He sipped on his black coffee.

"Well then I don't want to spoil all the fun from you." Della smiled holding her cup with both hands.

Loving the warmth even though it wasn't that cold outside, it was a habit.

"That would be appreciated, pretty lady." He added and she blushed.

"So do you stay around here?" She asked trying to change the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm here on business. I reside in Los Angeles." He said in a calmer husky voice for the first time

in her life she didn't think about Andre. In fact she was so smitten she had even imagined how this

attractive male looked without clothes. He was muscular but not too muscular. Andre was the same but

without tattoes. He was clean because his mommy wouldn't like if he did- NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

She instantly felt bad for mocking him.

"What about you?" He questioned his eyes piercing right into hers, she felt her cheeks blush.

"I'm stay around here." She said flatly.

"You don't sound happy about it?" He said in a comforting voice.

"New York is well New York. I grew up here, will probably die here." She said in a none enthusiastic


"Nothing is stopping you from moving anywhere." He paused giving her a sinister smile that made her

heart jump up and down in its rib cage.

"Do you realize we can change our lives anytime we want like you can just go ahead and quit your job,

start a new one, stop eating meat, start running every morning, quit smoking, start smoking, shave your

hair off, tell that person you hate them, confess your love to someone and kiss them unexpectedly,

move to a new city, a new country, learn a new language ; like why the fuck not !!" The stranger said

passionately, like a lover of life full of positivity.

"It's not even about money, it's about having the guts to do it." He smirked.

"I like your theories on life and living. Tell me more-" She said listening attentively.

Be continued to tell her more about living your dreams and not caring what anybody thought. You could

even go as far as sleeping with loads of men and not care about how society expects a woman to live.

He thought it was quite idiotic how men get to sleep around and are worshipped for it but women cant-

the stranger mentioned sex being the most amazing feel in the world. He thought it was one thing

everyone should experience every once in a while even if you wake up in the morning full of regret. He

mentioned living in the moment, not planning for anything but just letting everything go by each

moment. He said he had witnessed many people die in his short life span and he knew you could be

dead in less than a minute and forgotten in less than a week after your burial ; life continued. He lived

like he would be shot dead tomorrow, he mentioned that even if he had died on that spot he wouldn't

care, he had lived and most importantly-

"I like you pretty lady, even if we never see each other again just know you caught my attention."?

- he had confessed to liking someone who he had just met a few minutes ago. Everything he said

intrigued Della, he seemed passionate when he talked about life, danger and death like he knew it all.

When he mentioned witnessing alot of deaths, she wanted to ask if he was a doctor or worked in the

hospital but she decided to let him continue..

"Spencer?" Someone called. Della was shocked to see Leith holding his copy of Pride and Prejudice

standing right in front of them.

"Leith-" Spencer replied through gritted teeth. The two men seemed to be communicating in a secret

code way.

"You know each other?" Della asked surprised,?what a small world.

"Yes, kind of." Spencer replied feeling uneasy. "What are you doing-" Spencer paused. "Here with your

copy of pride and Prejudice... this isn't a book club you know..." Spencer deadpanned.

"I'm shocked you even know how to read, Spencer-" Leith retorted, the tension was thick enough to be

seen in thin air.

"All I love reading, i read all the time. I'm just surprised you care about my hobbies." Spencer rolled his


"Uhm it seems you are more than just acquaintances.." Della said feeling awkward. Leith growled

before composing himself.

"Well I had came here to buy my coffee and maybe engulf myself in some stories about Mr. Darcy

when I saw you and decided to greet you but it seems you found a new reading buddy-" Leith said in a

composed stature while sorely glaring at Spencer.

"But your book looks pretty new and also i think Mr. Darcy is the only character you know-" Spencer

said in an arrogant voice. He had read Pride and Prejudice multiple times, he lied so he could catch

Della in a conversation as desperate as it sounds. Spencer read all the time, he had a shelf of literature

that he would spend his time reading whenever Garreth didn't need him. He loved Garreth like a father,

when Garreth had picked him up from the streets at sixteen and took him in even when his wife thought

it was a bad idea. Garreth paid for him to go to business school so he could manage the Mafia

businesses, Garreth cleaned him up well and he would always be thankful to him. In other words he

was the heir before Garreth heard about having a daughter.

"I know many characters, shut up Spencer ! I'm the one who has a father who owns a publishing

company." Leith stomped his feet like six year old Leondre, Della and Spencer stifled a laugh. This was

a grown man stomping his feet in front of a couple having their coffee in the middle of Starbucks, it

looked very wrong to other people who weren't aware of the situation.

"I didn't say you weren't but that's your father's publishing company not yours buddy." Spencer added

only making Leith lose it.

"I'm leaving, Adela I will give you a call." He said abruptly leaving. When he reached outside where

Adela and Spencer couldn't see him, he threw the novel in the near by trash can. Garreth's advise was

shitty, Spencer had taken it for himself.

Now he would have to try Romeo and Juliet, he thought. He couldn't mess this up, Garreth would snap

his fingers and send them to his father that was what the English Mafia was known for. It was their

signature move. Garreth McCarthy as the Don and Spencer as the Capo they were a dangerous

combination. He didn't understand what Spencer was doing with Adela-

He had to deal with the billionaire ex-husband now he has time deal with bloody Spencer.

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