Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


Gee and Bal opened the door and were immediately pulled into hugs from Jack. He hadn’t seen them since they’d returned him to Altaria as they’d been in charge of the clean-up work on Allsa One and the Allsa Komanae home world. He effusively thanked them once more for saving his life then held the door open for Diana who had Emily in her arms, Eve who was carrying Joseph, and SennLann with the twins in her arms. The two agents were a little shaken but secretly delighted by Jack’s emotional outburst towards them. They guided the ladies and their charges into the family room where the other mothers were with their children.

Jack walked into the living room and saw a broad shouldered, powerful looking woman in a lovely sleeveless green dress. From her stance he saw that she would have been more comfortable in a military uniform. She was at ease… but not really. Her ebony hair was bound in a long braid down her back. Her skin held a rich brown color and her eyes were scanning the room.

Standing next to her was a lean redhead woman who was laughing with two tough looking grey haired soldiers who were attempting to balance their drinks atop a shiny but dented Tik.

“Hi, I’m Jack!”

The group turned to face him and his horns immediately captured their attention.

“Yeah, the guy with the horns,” he grinned.

Cha’Risa stepped forward and held out her hand. Jack shook it and she smiled at him.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you, sir,” she said.

“Jack, please. Major Cha’Risa Ash. I believe the honor is mine. Gee and Bal’s report said some pretty amazing things about you and your team.” She nodded with a smile and he turned to the redhead as he said their names and shook their hands. “Captain Nann Graf.” He spotted the spade tattoo which was his clue. “Corporal Leo Orlov.” Then his partner. “Corporal Maxim Volkov.”

Lastly he faced the man in the body of a Tik. If he could be a hybrid Human/Altarian why couldn’t this human be part Tik? “Lieutenant Ray Sharif. I understand you were the one who named the bad guys AND got the coordinates for where to find us.” He held out his hand and Ray placed his metallic tentacle in it.

“I’m just sorry we didn’t get to you sooner, sir,” Ray said.

“Just Jack, please. No… it had to happen this way,” Jack said quietly, touching the collar unconsciously.

“Why is that?” Ray asked.

Jack looked at the others. He had their full attention. He saw the Major in particular was listening closely.

“If they hadn’t successfully taken me the others would still be there. They would never have been found. You had to save them. They needed to go home. The ones who survived. For the ones who didn’t you gave their families closure.”

“But you avenged their deaths. It’s true isn’t it. You did that. The Allsa Komanae. They’re all going to die. Soon. It’s already begun.” Cha’Risa said with an intensity in her eyes.

Jack saw her need for vengeance. He saw it in the others as well. They’d all been on Allsa One and the home planet. They’d found the mass graves of the dead slaves. Jack owed them this.

“Yes. Every last one of them will be dead within the next 3 years. The Allsa Komanae will be extinct,” he said.

“I understand we’re going to have to speed that along. They know their Prime, the last Prime, is dead. Their society is fragmenting rapidly. The concern is that these remaining splinter groups, as their brain functionality begins to seriously degrade, they might try something desperate. Violent. We’re going back out there with the Tik to hunt them,” Nann said.

Jack was well aware of the discussions about dealing with the remaining Allsa Komanae. He’d been asked to speak to a special council comprised of members from many of the Gate Network Worlds. Hellna was there representing Altaria and a newly appointed Minister of Security for Earth’s Security Council was there as well. They were just two of the 33 representatives he’d faced in what could only be called an interrogation.

He’d been questioned about his memories of his ordeal, the Allsa Komanae leaders he’d met, the nature of the collar he wore, and most intensely about the actions he’d taken which led to the present circumstances. The actual content of the meeting was sealed but somehow rumors began regarding his role in their demise. The phrase ‘Three can keep a secret if two are dead’ may be true but for 33 it was hopeless. Cha’Risa’s question to him was proof of how widespread the rumor had traveled as she and her team had just returned from Allsa One which was currently a restricted planet with very little access.

He cleared his throat. “I believe the plan is to send them to their home world to live out their last days. A one way Gate.” Jack explained.

“Too good for them,” Leo growled.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Maybe,” Jack nodded. He needed to change the subject. He looked to Ray. “I understand you have to wait a year before you are allowed to be repaired. A Tik appreciation rule.” He smiled at the man/Tik.

“Yeah, I have to experience the ‘fragility of life’ and the ‘consequence of action.’ I get it. It’s cool. I was exceptionally lucky. Many times actually.”

Nann smiled at Ray and fondly touched his side.

Jack saw Gee and Bal enter the room. He smiled at the group. “If you’ll excuse me I should check in with Queen Elissa.” he said and received nods.

He made his way into the large family room and saw the women talking happily and holding their children. His children. Joseph included.

Eve was watching him. She was always conscious of him when he entered the room. He gave her a smile and she returned it. Her slave collar caught the light. Hers had been defused like his was but she’d decided to keep it even though hers was possible to remove. She’d told him as long as he had his she would keep hers. He couldn’t help but see the comparison to wedding bands and the idea gave him some comfort.

Queen Elissa was also watching him. She’d spent a considerable amount of time with him since his return. She’d been with him when nightmares stole his sleep and she’d gotten him past them. She’d brought his smile back to him by focusing him on the life before him, not the death behind him. She’d guided him out the other side of the depression he’d fallen into and he felt like he’d been given another shot at life.

He caught her eye and she handed Max to Karrel who kissed the boy’s face. Elissa joined Jack out on the deck for a moment of privacy. He took her in his arms and held her close.

“I need to thank you. I am surrounded by love and support but more than anyone, the one with the least amount of available time, you were there for me. How did you manage to spend so much of your time with just one of your citizens?”

She kissed him tenderly and smiled when she pulled back. “You were the citizen who needed the most help.”

He was lost for words but his eyes told her how much that meant to him.

“That’s why I’m Queen,” she said quietly with a smile.

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