Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)



“You poisoned the Prime Source. A biological weapon strike against the very thing that kept them alive for so long. Now it’s gone and they are all going to die. Slowly at first then in ever growing numbers until they are gone.”

“Why are you saying that was me?” Jack asked, hoping to deflect her rage.

She reached up and pulled a corpse into view. It was suspended on a ceiling mounted rail. From the robes Jack knew it was First. “Do you remember this one? I had a long talk with it and it said some very interesting things before… well, you know.” Prime explained. She reached up with her long white fingers and touched the ripped flesh almost tenderly.

“This one was truly a disappointment. Smarter than the others, I’d actually begun to think I could depend on it to get things done. I mean, it managed to arrange your capture. It followed my instructions to the letter and here you are! Earth and Altaria are at each other’s throats and soon we will have a little bloodshed on both sides. Shouldn’t be difficult to escalate that into something really vicious. Humans are truly barbaric at their core.” She smiled down at him and stroked his cheek. “Capable of genocide.”

Prime pointed over her shoulder. “The small grey one confirmed First’s statements when I explained I would eat the baby unless she talked.”

“Where is Joseph?” he asked.

Her blue eyes looked into his and once more he saw them begin to glow. That was oddly disconcerting.

“In a safe place. I have plans for that one. I have plans for all the children I’ve collected,” she looked down at Jack with an almost doting smile.

“What?” he looked at her in shock.

“It’s all part of the plan Jack. Of course you made it necessary for me to move my timeline ahead quite a bit. All of my people, dead at your hand. How am I going to rule if I don’t have a loyal ruling class? I need to repopulate my race. That’s what a Queen does. I’m the last Prime so I’m going to repopulate our world. You and me Jack, we’re going to make some new Primes. Then once they are ready we will expand outwards once more.

“But… you could save some of your people if you gave them some of your tissue. They could be refreshed from your flesh. You don’t need to steal children!” Jack gasped.

She looked down at him and he went completely still. The rage and revulsion on her face was terrifying.

“Give them a piece of me? Steal from perfection to feed their corrupt sickened flesh? If you weren’t integral to my plans I would crush your brains between my fingers for speaking such blasphemy.”

Jack just blinked at her as she struggled to get control of herself once more. “Ahhhh… very clever Jack. You almost made me forget myself and kill you. No. That won’t do. You will help me renew the Mahrell Drun and the galaxy will fear that name again.”

Jack suddenly realized she was quite mad.

“Why are your eyes glowing?” he asked to distract her.

She smiled and stroked his cheek with her slender hands. Then she slapped his cheek. His head rung from the slap as he was still clamped down on the table. Shit, she was strong!

“I will tell you. I was asleep for a very long time as my ship travelled from the Mahrell Drun home world to the first outpost world in the Allsa Komanae territory. It took far longer than expected and far longer than the equipment maintaining my perfection could cope with. When they thawed me out my beautiful eyes were gone. It had been too long. Luckily the Allsa Komanae are second to none when it comes to cybernetics. They matched the beauty of my natural eyes and improved what nature had given me. I see… everything! Motion detection down to the smallest increment. Every spectrum.” She looked at him and smiled oddly. “But enough delays. I have a reborn race to create and you must do your part.”

“Sorry, but we aren’t even close species wise! How the hell are you expecting to get pregnant from me?” Jack gasped in exasperation.

“Your very nature is what makes this all possible Jack. Do try to keep up. You’re a hybrid. A miraculous amalgamation of two completely different genomes. Do you have any comprehension of just how rare that is? Better yet, proving your viability you can impregnate both species! Your genetic versatility is exactly what I need! Primes are gifted with the ability to blend and alter our own DNA if we have access to the right source genome. This eliminates the problem of the Gate’s effect on Prime genetics. I’ll be free to travel anywhere!” She grinned at her captive audience.

“That’s where you come in Jack. Before I set my plan of capturing you in motion I had one of my agents collect a sample of your DNA.”

Seeing Jack’s frown of confusion she grinned. “How many hands do you shake at those silly trade commission meetings? Jack, please, it was so simple to obtain the sample. I tested it and confirmed you were compatible. Then all I needed was to bring you to me. Getting to you on Altaria wasn’t an option but you do love visiting your home planet don’t you. Homesick maybe? All I had to do was whisper in the right ears that I wanted you, alive.”

Jack’s mind was reeling. She’d been plotting his capture well before he stepped into the trap.

“And here you are! With your seed I will be able to create a new race of Primes. I am ripe with eggs, just waiting for a new sequence to be written into them. I will spawn in abundance. Once I fertilize my eggs with your unique genetic sequence I will begin injecting those eggs into the children I collected. They will grow within the hosts, absorbing any genetic traits that may be suitable, until their hosts are completely consumed.”

Jack stared at Prime in revulsion. “Oh fuck! Mahrell Drun are parasites?”

Again rage and madness flashed across her face and her hands went to his neck but even her long digits had trouble wrapping around his thick muscles.

Shaking she pulled herself back from the brink.

“Again… you are too clever. Far too clever. Once I have what I need I will need to dispose of you,” she whispered aloud but Jack was sure she thought she was saying it internally.

She moved to the bottom of the table and climbed up. She made her way up until she lowered her body on top of his.

“This isn’t going to work you understand. I’m not attracted to you. Frankly, you scare the piss out of me so getting sexually excited is probably not in the realm of possibility.”

“Your fear excites me.”

“That’s lovely for you but like I said…”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Her face was positioned above his and her eyes were beginning to glow once more as she rocked her pelvis in circles over his limp penis.

“It’s quite amusing that you believe that. You forget how driven your race is by its base urges and biology. Why do you think I created such a special collar to collect and broadcast so much of your body’s sensations? It will let me know exactly what feels good and how to make you give me what I need. You won’t be able to resist.” Prime said calmly.

Jack suddenly felt the glass shards sensation in his mind. So not only was she trying to rape his body she wanted to rape his mind too. He was still limp but he wasn’t kidding himself that his body wouldn’t respond if she started doing something right. He was just fortunate that she was really bad at the whole seduction thing.

He looked into her eyes and there it was again, doubt. She could feel that he wasn’t excited… at all. He knew he had to do anything he could to prevent her from killing those children. If that meant he needed to trick her into killing him then that’s what he would have to do.

“Wow, you’re a little out of practice with the whole sex thing. Maybe you should take up another hobby. I hear pottery making is relaxing,” he said, his nervousness weakening his smirk.

Rage and doubt flared in her eyes once more. He prepared himself for a killing blow so he was taken completely by surprise when her mouth pressed against his. Her lips were wet and sticky and suddenly her tongue was in his mouth. He choked when she thrust it in too deeply. He thought of biting it but he couldn’t. He just wanted her tongue out of his mouth. His lips began to tingle like they were going numb.

She pulled her face back and looked at him in frustration. Her lips were swollen and a deeper shade of blue. Her face was flushed with a blue tint as well and her breathing was coming in gasps. She was definitely getting excited but he just wanted to get away from her.

He blinked to focus his eyes as he began to feel a little strange. Sounds were slightly out of sync with his vision. The discrepancy was making him feel a little queasy.

She rubbed her groin against his but she was the only one who was receiving pleasure from that. She was getting closer but Jack was still limp as a cooked noodle.

Prime looked closer at his face and saw she’d left his mouth wet from the fluids her lips gave off. His eyes were glassy and he seemed to be unaware of his surroundings. She reached down and ran a fingertip over his lips and she felt a sudden surge of pleasure rushing through their link as his tingling lips reacted to the touch of her finger. When he let her fingertip slide into his mouth and gently sucked on it, flicking it with his tongue Prime threw her head back in their shared pleasure. She’d forgotten the effect her lips had when kissing. Seeing him suck her finger gave her an idea.

She pulled her finger from his mouth and he moaned. His eyes were rolling as the toxin in her mucus seeped into his bloodstream.

Looking at his cock she determined it would fit into her mouth. The tingling sensation on his lips applied there was going to do amazing things to this sensitive flesh. She could already feel his pleasure as she held it in her fingers. Tentatively she reached out the tip of her tongue and stroked up the thickening shaft.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” they cried out in unison. She pulled back and shook her head to clear her vision. The collar was transmitting his sensations too strongly. It was overwhelming her senses. She needed to recalibrate it once more to reduce the output but he’d have to go through that pain again and… she wanted more. She couldn’t recall feeling this much pleasure… ever. Maybe if she shared the feed with the others. Limit it by spreading it around. She connected to the two females and shut off their punishment. They sagged in relief. Then she linked in the feed from Jack and dropped the sound wall around them. She wanted to hear if they were getting his signal.

She noticed his cock was beginning to soften so she stroked it with her tongue once more and kissed the tip.

“Fuck!” Jack yelled, his hips jumping involuntarily. Eve and Stella both cried out in joy as they felt Jack’s pleasure and knew it was from him.

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