Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


“Aaros! Oh god! I- I’m gonna cum! I can’t hold it!” Jack gasped as his orgasm surged up. He grabbed her ass cheeks again and ground her against him forcing himself as deep as he could go.

Aaros threw her head back and crooned as her orgasm struck. She felt Jack firing heat deep inside her and her eyes rolled back with the sensation.

Jack’s orgasm rolled on and on and he couldn’t believe how much he was spraying into Aaros. All he could do was cling to her and shake.

Finally their surroundings came back to them as they lay panting.

“Did I ever tell you that your name sounds a great deal like a word from an ancient language on my planet. ‘Eros’ which means the ‘expression of sexual love’. When Narelle first told me your name I thought she was teasing me. Then when I saw you I thought it was a cruel punishment to restrict me from sex yet trap me with someone so lovely. It was torture!” Jack smiled fondly and Aaros looked embarrassed.

She rolled from his body and sat up. Jack kept his eyes on her face so he saw her freeze and a strange expression slip onto her features.

“Oh. Oh my.” She was looking off into space and tears were welling up in her eyes again.

Jack sat up and looked at her with concern. “What’s wrong?”

She suddenly realized she wasn’t alone anymore. “I can feel it!”

“What? What can you feel?” he asked.

“My body. It’s preparing for a baby,” she said with wonder. “I never thought I would…”

“But I didn’t smell the sweet musk!” Jack yelped.

She looked at Jack. “Have you ever smelled musk from me?”

Jack thought back and realized he hadn’t. “Aren’t you on contraceptives?”

“Why would I be if no male wants to mate with me?” she answered. “I never expected to mate tonight!”

“Do you want a child?” he asked gently.

“YES! Oh, I didn’t know how much until just now!”

“Then I’m thrilled for you! I have to warn you though, I’m not one of those males that mates and walks away from the responsibility of raising the child. I will want to be involved in its life!” he said seriously and she looked at him with happy eyes and nodded.

They settled down on the bed and cuddled. It had been a long day and they were both exhausted so sleep was quick to take them.

There was a chime from the front door. Jack jolted awake and looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. Who the hell could that be! He jumped up thinking it might be Leffera but relaxed as he recalled she wasn’t due yet.

Jack grabbed his robe and threw it on as he marched to the front door.

SennLann came rushing down the hall in a swirl of silk followed by FennLann who was… quite naked.

“FennLann! Go put on a robe or some shorts! Cover that up! Geez!” Jack barked and the Phem Kalos looked surprised and rushed back to the bedroom to get his robe.

Jack pulled open the door and Gee was standing there looking grim.

“Gee! What’s wrong?” Jack asked, surprised. He stood back to let her enter. Bal followed her in then Jack was face to face with someone he never expected to see again.

Diana Haven stood in his doorway. Instead of gazing into her beautiful green eyes he saw one was swollen shut and the other was red from crying. Her forehead had a bad cut held closed by suture tape.

“Oh my god! Diana, come in please! What happened?” Jack blurted.

“Before that, do you take responsibility for this claimant of political asylum?” Gee asked.

Political asylum? He looked at Diana but she wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes were downcast and had a desperate look to them. His history with the woman had been tumultuous at best but Jack couldn’t turn her away in her hour of need. “Yes. I have extra room now so she can stay with me until we get this sorted out.”

Diana’s shoulders sagged as the tension she’d been carrying left her. The relief was so profound she wobbled and Jack took hold of her elbow and led her to the couch. When he looked back Gee and Bal were on their way out the door. They had bad memories with this woman. He’d speak with them in the morning.

Diana was looking at a completely white Altarian female, an ebony furred cat lady and the black and brown furred cat man who were all looking back at her. She froze.

Jack saw the bewildered look on the woman’s face. He supposed that to her he lived in a strange world but then it looked like her world had just fallen apart. “Diana, this is my very good friend Aaros. She’s a Judge here on Altaria. These are my friends Princess SennLann Du Kess and her cousin FennLann De Jark, Prince Regent of Phem Kalos.” Diana’s eye widened and she nodded to the beings.

“This is Diana Haven, my friend from Earth,” Jack said and his friends nodded and smiled. With a final wave SennLann and FennLann headed back to their room. Aaros pulled Jack aside.

“I’m going to go home now. I had a lovely evening! I will speak with you tomorrow. Your friend from Earth needs to be comforted. Take care of her,” Aaros said.

“This is what I was saying about your beautiful soul!” Jack murmured to her then gave her a sweet kiss. He let her out then walked back to the couch.

Diana had watched the tender moment between Jack and Aaros and was feeling incredibly awkward. “I’m so sorry to interfere with your evening, Jack! I- I- I just didn’t know where else to go.”

“Please don’t worry about it. Tell me what happened and start at the beginning,” he said gently.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“My father survived your hitting him but had to have his face reconstructed. He looks horrible but I guess it hasn’t had time to heal. He was recuperating at my place under house arrest as I’m his only family. Anyway, the day your battle with the Altarian male was on TV we were watching it. When the male said my father was involved with your attempted murder I said some things to him I shouldn’t have. Today I discovered something and I wasn’t careful enough. My father found out and he went mad. He started beating on me and I just managed to escape the house. I’m certain he would have killed me. There was a police standoff at my house and my father outed me on national TV. The fact that I’d had sex with you. I immediately started getting death threats, a lot of them. Nowhere on Earth felt safe so I came here.”

“What did your father find?” Jack asked, suspecting the answer.

Diana looked away from Jack and her desperation returned. She seemed to be collecting herself. “A pregnancy test. A positive one,” Diana said and glanced to see his reaction. She relaxed when she didn’t see anger or signs of imminent violence as her father had reacted.

“You said you were on the pill,” Jack said with confusion.

“Well… I was really horny and there was a good chance you weren’t compatible… so I lied,” she admitted looking at Jack from under her bangs.

He sighed. “Have you been to a doctor?” he asked.


“Tomorrow is the start of the weekend so we’ll go to the hospital in the morning. I’ll show you where you can sleep tonight.”

“Could- could I stay with you? I’m feeling kind of isolated,” she asked.

Jack looked at her and saw the desperation in the non-swollen eye. “OK, sure.”

He led her to his bedroom. Jack slipped some boxers on under his robe then quickly brushed his teeth. When he exited the bathroom he noticed her just standing there looking lost. He realized she’d arrived on Altaria much like he would have left it if he’d been banished. With only the clothes on his back. He pulled a long t-shirt from his drawer and pointed to the washroom. “Extra toothbrush in the top drawer left side.”

She went to get ready for bed and he slipped under the covers. A few minutes later she stepped out and slipped under the sheets too. She hesitated a second then slid next to him. When he didn’t object she snuggled up to him.

He turned off the light and tried to get to sleep.

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