Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


Her mind fluttered as she tried to react, to push him away, but the truth was… she liked him. He was childish and silly but in his heart he was a good person. There was also the fact that she had no suiters on Altaria. Security Agents don’t get a second look from Altarian males. She needed to get her pleasure from time to time. She knew Jack could make her feel good… ah, fuck it. She wanted him.

Bal’s arms went around Jack’s neck and she kissed him deeply in return. Suddenly he rolled them over and his warm body was pressing her down on the mattress. Fuck, he felt so good! They rocked together for a minute until she was almost crying out for him to enter her when he raised his hips. She reached down and guided him to her opening and gasped when he slowly pushed himself in deeper and deeper.

She knew in his drunken state he was probably imagining Queen Elissa or one of the ladies he lived with but for now, for this moment he was with her. He felt good! Big! She felt so full and warm. This damn planet was so freaking cold! She wasn’t cold now!

Jack’s hips began to thrust faster and faster and she could hear him begin to rumble deep in his chest. That made her tingle. His teeth grazed her neck and she couldn’t prevent her instinctive jolt of primal fear quickly followed by a wave of relief and a huge surge of pleasure as her release washed over her mind.

“Oh god Bal! You’re so beautiful!” Jack moaned as he erupted deep within her.

She froze. Her sexual bliss was still flaring but the warmth that exploded through her now came from a different source. She clung to his large body soaking in the contact, the closeness, his connection to her.

When she came back to herself she was still under him… but he’d fallen asleep. He was incredibly heavy, he wouldn’t wake up, and she couldn’t move him.

Stupid human.

“Gee. Wake up.”


“Help get him off of me!” she growled.

Gee tugged sideways from the top while Bal pushed from the bottom until he rolled over onto his back. Gee smirked at Bal then climbed under the warm blankets to cuddle against Jack’s warmth.

Bal pulled up the blanket as well. Then grudgingly tucked herself against Jack’s other side.

Stupid warm human.

She couldn’t keep the little smile from her lips so she pulled the blanket over her head to hide it.

Chapter 5

Jack awoke feeling the oddest sensations.

First to catch his attention was the physical. His nose and his toes were cold but the rest of his body was hot!

More profound than this was the incredible feeling of lightness. He was almost giddy with a sense of relief… but from what? What did he do to feel this way?

He cast his mind back to the night before and… frowned. His memories were cloudy and jumbled and the bits he could pull out were almost surreal. Going further back he recalled Tanz bringing them to the royal dining room and meeting the cabinet ministers and their spouses. Ah! He needed to get some time to discreetly pick their brains about the unrest on the planet.

Then he remembered meeting the royal couple. After the friendliness of everyone else he’d met they were surprisingly cold and stiff. Troubles in the relationship, he thought. They were so wrapped up in their own misery they wouldn’t be aware of troubles in their kingdom. As a source of information on the unrest they were a dead end. As a young couple he hoped they could work it out.

As he continued on through his memories he remembered eating and being miserable then being with the King and drink- ah. He got drunk. Probing at the rest of his memories of the night was useless. They were a jumbled mess. What the hell had he been drinking?

Still, for a night after a bender he felt good. So good! Almost like a runner’s high!

He looked to his left and right and saw lumps under the blankets. He lifted the blanket and yup. His two heat seekers. The reason he was sweltering under the covers. Guh, he needed a shower.

There was no way for him to get out of bed without pulling the blanket down and he knew… fuck it. He needed out. Down went the blanket and the cold air hit his bare, sweaty skin. Yikes! He tried to get up quickly but got a few slaps from the two sleepy heads before he was able to walk down to the end of the bed and step off. He looked back and they’d already pulled the blanket back up over their heads once more.

Shivering, he grabbed his toiletry kit, gathered some clothes and made his way quickly to the bath room. The shower was enormous! He dumped his stuff on the counter, grabbed his soap and shampoo and stepped into the shower. The controls were relatively simple to figure out and soon he was standing in a vertical stream of hot water. He played with the settings and finally found a way to reduce the flow so it didn’t feel like he was being pounded to the ground by a torrent. He let the heat soak into his skin as he lathered up and rinsed.

He remembered the caps and reached up to remove them before he washed his hair. He shut off the water and stepped out looking for a towel but there were none. He looked back in the shower and saw a setting for what looked like air dry so he pressed it. The stall was filled with swirling, hot and dry air. He ran his fingers through his hair and eventually he felt dry enough. He shut it down and went out to finish cleaning up.

He felt clean, refreshed and still remarkably light. He buffed his collar with a small hand towel he found then pulled on his clothes. As he exited the bathroom, Gee and Bal brushed past him to get into the bathroom. They were moving stiffly and had dour looks on their faces. They really didn’t like the cold. Now that he was dressed he was… comfortable. He didn’t know what the plan was today. Tanz would be by… in about forty minutes to fill them in.

He poked about in the room until Gee and Bal came out of the bathroom. They were still moving a little stiffly and he suddenly recognized their movements from how Leffera and Karrel were after he’d been a little too aggressive with them during lovemaking. His jaw dropped and he moved to apologize.

“We will not speak of it. Nothing. Happened.” Gee said looking him right in the eye.

Jack blinked, looking between the two agents then nodded.

Gee pointed to the couch and Jack moved to sit in the middle with a resigned sigh. They tucked themselves in next to him and Bal pulled the blanket over them.

“Could they not add a heater to the guest suites?” Gee grumbled.

Bal didn’t respond to her partners complaints.

“I know you don’t want to speak of what happened last night but could you clue me in to what happened after dinner?”

Gee looked up at Jack’s face in surprise. “You have no memory at all?”

He fidgeted. “Well, I have some brief flashes but most of it is either gone or bizarrely surreal.”

Gee grunted in annoyance.

“You spoke with the King and he seems to have reconciled with the Queen. They were very happy when we last saw them. They took you up to their apartment for a nightcap.” Bal explained.

Gee and Jack both looked at her in surprise. She was usually so quiet.

“What? It’s what happened!” she scowled and burrowed a little closer to Jack. They sat there on the couch for the next half hour until there was a knock on the door.

Bal threw back the blanket and leapt to her hooves to answer the door. She returned with Tanz who saw Jack and Gee getting off of the couch and folding the blanket.

“Good morning! Again, I apologize for the temperature. I have been assured your warmer outerwear will be ready this morning,” she said in concern.

“That’s great! Thanks! Good morning to you!” Jack responded.

“Yes, it is a very good morning indeed! I thought we might go to one of our best hot springs so you could see what makes Chrystan such a paradise… for us,” she amended seeing the two Altarians looking so chilly.

“A hot spring would be lovely!” Jack agreed.

With a happy nod Tanz led them out of the room and palace. They walked back through the shopping district and the marketplace once more and Jack thought both areas seemed even busier than the first time they’d been through. The people still called out to Tanz and her responses were generating a lot more smiles this time. She was really popular!

They climbed back onto the cart, Gee and Bal once more making a Jack sandwich for his heat. They pulled out into the tunnel, continuing in the direction they’d gone yesterday.

“We’ll be going around the city to get to the hot springs. Taking the cart is quicker,” Tanz explained.

She was staring at Jack with a strange smile on her face. He was going to ask her about it when she turned and the cart rolled into another parking area. The air felt just a little warmer here making Gee and Bal perk up. The group walked through the doors from the parking lot and a gust of warm humid air caressed their faces. The entrance to the hot spring was just up ahead and there was a lot of Shreen coming and going. They went inside and Jack saw a large sign indicating the location and sizes of the pools. Tanz pointed out the one they would go to. If they were feeling adventurous there was a special treat with this large facility. Part of one of the large pools was outside. Swim under a wall and you could surface outside! Gee and Bal immediately killed that idea.

“Are you ready?” Tanz asked with a grin.

Jack looked for signs indicating men’s and women’s locker rooms but everyone who entered just headed in the one door. He had an uneasy feeling.

“Uh, Tanz? Is the change room for everyone? No separate room for male and female?” he asked.

“Why would we need separate- oh! I’m sorry, I forgot. We don’t get many visitors. Shreen don’t have inhibitions about displaying our bodies. Our kilts are functional and decorative, not to hide parts of our anatomy.” Tanz said looking curiously at Jack’s body. “Do you wish to leave?”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“No!” he quickly looked at the two Altarians who appeared to be willing to be naked as long as it meant they could get into the hot water. “I’m here to experience your culture so I’ll go native.” He stopped to think about that. “You don’t wear anything in the water, do you.”

“Of course not! The clothing would get wet!” Tanz laughed.

“We have clothes designed to be worn in the water. We call them swimsuits,” Jack explained.

“How strange? What would be the point of covering your body with clothing if you wanted the hot water to touch your skin?” she looked at him incredulously.

“Well, a swimsuit is typically a very small piece of clothing that covers a very small portion of our body. Around the sexual organs mostly,” Jack said, his face burning just a little.

“AHH! That’s right! Human males have externally located genitals!”

“How about that swim!” Jack blurted and clapped his hands together.

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