Let’s Dance.

– This is absurd, you’re crazy, you think he would look at me, I’m bisexual, but I don’t think he likes men, he likes women, you don’t know anything about him – said Oliver.

– Humm, I think he likes the same fruit that we do, I’ve caught his eyes several times for you Oliver, he’s fallen for you. And look, he’s not that ugly, with a shower and the salary he’s going to earn, we can help him dress better. Of course the ugliness will be there, but with better clothes and style, you can help the hideous creature. – laughed Martin.

– You have no heart, how can you think I’m going to play with him, if he’s really in love with me, he thinks I’m going to play with his feelings – Oliver said, furious.

– Because you care Oliver, I’m thinking you felt something, but you don’t want to admit it. Armand said.

– Look, let’s do the following, first let’s talk about the fictional company with Benjamin, then let’s see if he will agree to help us, so we can put the Ugly Duckling plan into practice. – laughed Martin.

– I’m not going to participate in this, I’m warning you, don’t count on me for this Armand. Oliver yelled, and stormed out of Wang Armand’s office.

– Calm down, he will accept, you will see my love. Do not be worried. – said Martin.

– I’m not really sure Martin, Oliver got really mad, I’ve never seen him like that, you know him, he gives a lot of importance to questions of love, he’s a serious guy, he always told me he’s waiting for the right person, so he doesn’t pay much attention to models. Armand said.

– I’m sure Armand, love is in front of him, he didn’t realize it, and we’re going to help both, but we’re also going to save our company, please help me convince Oliver with the Ugly Duckling plan, yes please? Martin implored, kissing Armand’s lips.

During the meeting, Martin and Wang Armand propose a new business plan that could take Power Mans to new heights of success. But Oliver is not interested in discussing ideas and just wants to know how he can get rid of the company’s debts and his friends’ absurd idea of ​​seducing Benjamin.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

– I don’t think that’s right, I can’t play with his feelings.

– Man he likes you, I saw it in his eyes, how he devours you.

– Shut up Martin, that’s all you think about.

– But I’m serious, Benjamin is in love with you.

– That’s true, Oliver, I noticed the way he looks at you.

Oliver was thoughtful, and paced back and forth.

-Go Oliver, it’s to help the company, we’re going to lose everything, and if you put the ugly one on our side, we’re taking time. But we need you on this one. Armand pleaded.

-Okay, you’re going to talk, but I’m not going to kiss him, I refuse.

– But Oliver, he needs to believe that you are also in love with him.

– And just you conquer him little by little, it won’t be difficult.

– I have an idea, when you’re with him, you take pictures of some models and handsome men we have here, then you think it’s them, when you go kiss the ugly thing. – said laughing Martin .

– You are cruel, I will not do that, I will not kiss him.

– Calm down Oliver, relax, you don’t need to kiss him, just seduce, and convince him to join us to embargo the company, but the company we are going to create will be ours, but with another owner, which is Benjamin. But he will preside with our help, so I don’t risk losing our parents’ company.

– Yes love, so Oliver, can we schedule a meeting with Benjamin and talk about the proposal?

– Please buddy, I need you on this, it’s for our company, we can’t let Power Mans go bankrupt, it’s a lot of debt, and I don’t have the courage to tell my father, and your father. Armand pleaded.

Oliver looked at the two friends, and there was no help.

– OK dammit! I accept the plan, but be very clear that it is only to save the company that my father created together with his father Armand, I will not kiss him, do you hear me?

– Yes, calm down, man, let’s do it like this, to celebrate, let’s dance until we drop in that club, what do you think? – suggested Martin .

– I’m up for it, I’m wanting to vent, I’m very stressed. – said Oliver.

The three will leave Armand’s office and suddenly Oliver bumps into them, almost knocking over Benjamin, who was carrying several papers in his lap. He falls to the ground knocking everything over.

– Oh my God, I’m sorry, sir, wow, I’m screwed.

Oliver was piled up of papers on top of him, and Benjamin took the papers trying to get off of Oliver, when he accidentally takes the paper in the middle of his balls. And unintentionally presses.

– Ah drug what are you doing Benjamin?

– Oh my God, I’m sorry, what a shame.

Martin seeing the scene, started laughing at the situation.

– Stop laughing, and help your friend – asked Armand.

Martin helped to lift Oliver, who was very nervous and with his hands in his pants, in a little pain. He looked seriously at Benjamin, and Benjamin covered his face dying of embarrassment.

“Damn it, now my boss is going to fire me, what an idiot you are Benjamin.”

– Boss, I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose.

– Get out of my way Benjamin. – Oliver shouted, very nervous.

Benjamin didn’t know where to stick his face, and saw his friends from the barracks approaching and helping him, Kim took the papers and asked Armand what had happened.

– Wow, why did Oliver leave here so nervous?

– Don’t mind him, Oliver needs to go out for a while, and Benjamin don’t cry, look Oliver is not mad at you, stay calm. – Said Martin trying to calm him down.

– No sir, I’m a disaster, how could I drop all the paperwork on him.

– It wasn’t your fault, look, I had an idea.

Martin looked at the boys in the barracks and looked at his boyfriend who was waiting for him at the reception.

– How about everyone go to that club with us, and take Benjamin to celebrate.

– What ? There in Bonebreaker? Kim asked.

– Yes, it’s been a while since we went there, me and Armand and Oliver are going, if you want to join us.

– It wouldn’t be a bad idea, I really need to shake the chairs, I want to dance until nightfall. Tul suggested, texting her boyfriend on the phone.

-But what about Benjamin, will he go? Zee asked.

– Call him too, and take him with you, Armand and I are going.

And there was Martin and Armand leaving the company.

– Hey Benjamin, come on? – Pedi Zee.

Benjamin was all messed up with crooked glasses and disheveled hair.

– Hi Zee, I’m already packing my things to go home.

– No, wait, are we going to break bones with us?

– To where?

– Break bones, it’s a nightclub, today is Friday and we’re going to go drink at night, you see that our bosses are also going.

– Oh, I don’t know, I can’t go like this, without notifying my parents.

– Is this serious? Do you need to tell your parents to leave? Kim asked incredulously.

– Yes, my parents are very strict, they especially my father, he doesn’t like me to go to clubs and parties at night. He would kill me.

– So you never went on a night out? Zee asked curiously.

– Oh not me – said Benjamin all shyly.

– I DON’T BELIEVE IT, guys, he’s a ballad virgin. – shouted New all excited

At that moment Oliver went down the stairs a little more calmly, he had changed his shirt, now he was wearing a black scarf and a coat, Benjamin just missed having a heart attack when he saw him all handsome.

Oliver stared at them.

– Hey you?

– Yes boss.

– You’re not leaving, are you?

– Yes, boss, it’s just that Mr. Martin invited us to go to Bonebreaker, ah, you’re going too, aren’t you? Zee asked.

– Yes, I’m going there, are you going?

– We really want to go, but we can’t let Benjamin go home alone.

– No, we can go, I’ll take a bus, don’t worry about me.

At that moment Oliver remembered the plan he and his friends had planned, and he thought about putting it into practice.

– Why don’t you come with us?

– What? I go with…

– Yes with me, I’ll take you.

– Ahh me me, ah that’s it.

– That was Benjamin, spit out man.

– Sorry boss, but I can’t accept it.

– Why not? You happen to be having a date of some sort with your girlfriend.

Benjamin swallowed hard, adjusted his glasses and flushed with embarrassment.

– No sir, I mean, I don’t have a girlfriend and…

“It’s just that he needs to let his parents know first,” Kim said.

Benjamin was extremely embarrassed when Kim opened her mouth, and he felt like a teenager.

” Damn Kim, now he’s going to think I’m a silly kid, who needs parental permission to go out, a guy like me 31 years old behind my back, my God, what a shame. ”

– So say you’re going to accompany me and it’s work, I don’t take no for an answer. ordered Oliver.

– What, don’t wait, boss me.

– It’s an order Benjamin, you will accompany me, do you want me to call your father? I call.

” It can’t be, is this really happening?”

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