Holding on to you

Chapter 14: Red is everyone’s favourite colour

My nightmares were keeping me away, I kept twisting and turning in my bed unable to sleep. I’ve woken up more than a few time with the image of my parents killing people, floating through my mind. And every time I ended up crying, Killian would hold me as I relived the shock of my world crumbling all over again.

However, this time when I woke, I decided not to wake him. I didn’t want to rely on him because I knew that his comfort will come at a price. I slowly eased myself out of the bed, taking care not to wake him. When I was off the bed my foot caught in the rug and I stumbled, almost knocking the bedside lamp over. I cursed silently and turned around to see if I disturbed his sleep, but he was still out cold.

I repositioned the lamp then picked Kilian’s t-shirt up off of the floor, pulling it over my head. It was the only item of clothes that I could see as the room was flooded in darkness. If I wanted to wear my own clothes that would mean turning on the light, and I didn’t want to risk it.

I quietly tiptoed my way over to the door and opened it, I was starving after not eaten the night before. I intended to find the kitchen and make myself a sandwich then find my way back to bed.

When I was free of the room I headed in the direction of the kitchen, it took me a while but I finally found it. The house was so big and I knew it’ll probably take me weeks just to see every room. Wanting to hurry up and get back to the room before someone found me searching through the kitchen, I quickly make my way over to the fridge and grabbed the bread and all the other necessary goodness to make my sandwich. I put all the ingredients on the counter, but I saw that I was missing tomato. When I looked in the fridge, I saw that it was all the way to the bottom, leaning down I grabbed it and almost lost my heart when I heard someone spoke.

“I’m starting to understand now why my son is so taken with you.”

I quickly closed the fridge and looked around the room, but because it was dark I didn’t see anyone. At that moment I was about to abandon my food and run like hell. If the house had ghosts, I sure as hell didn’t want to meet them.

“No need to be alarmed sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you.”

A dim light was switched on at the far corner of the room and I was Mr Black sitting there nursing a glass of what looked like whiskey. I felt my body tensed up and I became violently aware of what was wearing.

“S-sorry, I didn’t k-know that anyone was in here, I’ll just leave you to it.”

I turned and quickly deposited everything back into the fridge and started moving in the direction of the door, but he stopped me from leaving.

“Sit down young lady, keep an old man’s company, you’re quite a lovely sight to look at.”

The way he said the latter made me feel like millions of little spiders were crawling over my skin. Crossing my hands in front of me protectively, I hesitantly took a seat next to the counter. I pulled at the shirt I was wearing trying to cover myself as best as I could.

Mr Black got up from his seat and moved closer to me, I looked over to the door and felt like running and never stopping. He stopped just a little way in front of me, eyeing me. I watched as his eyes took me in, undressing me with his look. I started to shake, feeling more violated than I’ve ever been before, tears burned my eyes, but I bit the inside of his lips to keep them at bay.

“Such a pretty little thing, although not quite as beautiful as the girls my son normally brings home.”

I swallowed when he moved in closer. He swept my hair away from my face, making me cringe and I was sure he saw it.

“M-Mr Black, K-Killian is waiting for me, I sh-should g-go.”

I hate myself for stuttering, but I wanted him to think that Killian would come looking for me if I didn’t leave. However, when he chuckled I knew that I failed at convincing him.

“I highly doubt that he is, you see, my son doesn’t normally care when his playthings go off wondering. And he sure as hell doesn’t care if I have a little play myself before he kicks them out.”

I felt his hand on my thigh and I gasped. I tried to push him off but he was not budging. My tears started flowing freely, they were uncontrollable. With pleading eyes, and trembling voice I begged.

“Please, please don’t.”

“Don’t worry I can be just as good as my son.”

He started moving his hand up my thigh, getting dangerously close to figuring out that underneath Killian’s shirt I was naked. One of his hands moved to cup my breast through the thin fabric and I broke down. I tried pushing at him again, but by this time he was already standing between my thigh. I felt like throwing up when his hand squeezed my breast.

I was feeling like a caged animal about to be eaten alive by a predator, with no hope for escape. My eyes closed when I felt his hands caressing the inside of my thigh. I started wondering if Killian would believe if I told him what his father did when it was said and done. In my heart I didn’t feel like he would, I knew he would somehow blame me for it, and I would be punished for being a whore.

Just as his hand moved further up me thigh and touched me where no other man but Killian has, the kitchen was flooded in brightness.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What the f**k are you doing?!”

I have never been happier to see Killian in my life, but all of that left me when I saw the murderous look in his eyes. His father moved away and I wasted no time jumping off the chair and covering myself up as best as I could.

“Don’t be too hard on her son, she was just being the slut that she is.”

I gasped, looking at him, I couldn’t believe that he was blaming me for what he almost did to me. I turned and started shaking my head frantically at Killian. I needed him to know that I’d never cheat on him, I’d never stoop to the level of sleeping with his own father.

“Killian, please, I-I never, I would never. Please, you’ve got to believe me.”

With every word I took a step closer to him, my eyes begging him to believe, but all I saw in his eyes was a cold look filled with disdain.

I tried again. “I’m yours, remember… Only yours.”

In an instant I saw his eyes softened, making my shoulders slumped in relief. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I broke down, sobbing uncontrollably against his chest. He ran his hands through my hair as I cried, soothing me.

“Shh, it’s ok Red, I’m here now, I’ve got you.”

With me still crying in his arms, he spoke to his father.

“I always knew that you were a sick twisted f**ker, but this is a new f**king low even for you. This one’s off-limits dad, for you and your men.”

My sobs subsided and I listened to their conversation.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, son, I thought I taught you better? It doesn’t do well to get yourself attach, you’re telling your enemies that you have a weakness and they’ll not hesitate to milk that for all it’s worth. Your best bet is to squash those feelings before they escalate further and leave the girl with me then turn around and leave.”

I stiffen and Killian did as well, making his hold on me feel like cement. I started to feel like I was suffocating, but I dare not move for fear of his father taking matters into his own hands.

“Your best bet, old man, would be to shut the f**k up, you might be my father but if you so much as come within ten feet of her I will think it took close. If I ever find out she’s scared and it is in any way related to you, I’ll start digging your grave myself and I’ll give you a bullet for every tear she sheds.”

Killian’s voice was calm but deadly dangerous.

“You’re threatening me over a useless whore? Choose your words wisely son, because once it said there’s no turning back.”

“I meant every last word I said, touch my wife one more time and it will be the last day you walk this earth.”

He put his hands under my feet, lifting me bridal style. I closed my eyes and just listen to his heartbeat as he carried me back to his room.

When we finally reached, he gently placed me on the bed. Opening up my eyes I looked at him and felt this strange feeling taking root in my heart. I didn’t know what it was but at the moment I was too drained to question it. Killian brushed my hair aside and placed a soft kiss against my forehead.

“You okay, baby?” he asked.

I nodded my head, “Yeah, thanks to you.”

“I’ll always protect you, Red. Now, are you such you’re okay?”

I nodded my head a second time and he smiled, but then it was replaced with anger.

“Good, now I want to know what the f**k was that?!”

I was taken aback, I thought he believed me when I told him I didn’t do anything wrong. I was confused, I didn’t understand why he was acting the way he was.

“W-what do you mean?”

“How could you think that I’d believe that you’d cheat on me, I never question your loyalty and I never will. I know the kind of person you are, Red, you went eighteen years of your life as a virgin and for two and a half of it you had a boyfriend and you still manage to keep yourself intact.”

He took my hand, pulling me to my feet.

“I’ll always believe you, Red, never doubt that.”

I looked up at him as that strange feeling in my chest planted a seed. I was seeing Killian in a new light. He dipped his head and kissed, it was rough and a tab bit painful, making me whimper. I knew what he wanted, but I wasn’t in the mood for the hard sex my body has gotten used to. I looked at him and I knew he saw the look in my eyes.

“Don’t worry, Red, I’m going to give you what you want tonight, just this once.”

What’s that,” I asked confused.

“I’m going to make love to you.”

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