His Mate His Sex Slave

Chapter 51 The past mistake


A man was seated in his office, there were piles of files he needed to look through in front of him but his mind was far away from the walls of his office.

He was lost in thought just like he has been all this years. He has managed to become successful and also became one of the top business men in California, got a family but there is one thing left that he couldn’t get till date which is his happiness.

No matter how much money he makes and how loving his family is, he can’t get the happiness he wants. Naturally, money doesn’t guarantee happiness, he has learnt that in a hard way but he can’t do anything to change that fact now that it has been years. It is probably too late.

He wish he can turn back the hands of time and correct just one mistake he made in the past, his past keep haunting him in the present. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the people that stepped in until someone hit his table, jacking him back to reality.

“Not again Dad” his daughter said with a groan, she huffed and sat opposite him as she heard him taking a long sigh.

“Bella and Karen, when did you both get in?” He asked putting on a fake smile in pretence of being fine but he can’t deceive his daughter anymore.

Bella has lived with him all her life to know when her Dad is feigning being happy or when he is genuinely happy. Maybe he can fool his secretary with that smile but not her.

“We’ve been here for quite a while Dad, you didn’t hear me calling out to you either” Bella said with a pout but deep down, she is sad and jealous. Jealous of the people that took away her Dad’s attention even without their presence in his life.

“I am sorry my princess, I was thinking about the company’s project” he lied half-heartedly and Bella pretend to believe him, for now.

He turned towards his secretary, Karen with a questioning look.

“I got a call from Mc Max Group, they are interested in signing the contract with us. Should I fix a date for the meeting?” She asked. Mr Karl’s face lit up on hearing that, he’s been waiting to get a response from them for months, it’s a good thing they are ready to give them the contract.

“Immediately, please do that” he answered

“Yes Sir” she replied and stepped out leaving both father and daughter alone.

Mr Karl turned towards his daughter and smiled at her, this time, a genuine smile. He doesn’t want his past to affect his children’s life so, he tries all he can as a father to provide for them and keep them happy at all time. He love his children regardless.

“Why did my princess step into the company today? Are you not supposed to be in school?” He asked narrowing his eyes at her.

Bella crossed her legs, she dropped her bag on her Dad’s table and flipped her hair. One will think she is in her early twenties with the way she behaves when in truth, she is still a teenage girl.

“I’ll pass Dad, I do not like the teachers that I have their subjects today. They are all dickh… annoying” she quickly corrected before she gets scolded. Mr Karl glared at her and she shrugs in return.

“You can’t be skipping school anytime you want Bella, you are still in highschool. What will become of you when you get into college?” He asked sternly.

“I will be graduating from highschool in two months anyways I don’t need to–” she paused on seeing the glare her Dad sent her way.

“I am sorry Dad” she apologized knowing that she will still skip school again. Her Mum will always support her though.

Mr Karl sighed, sometimes he wonders where Bella got her stubbornness from. He wasn’t like this when he was younger, probably from her Mum.

“And Eva?” He asked

“That nerd will never miss school even if she is dying” Bella replied and they both laughed, that is the character of his youngest daughter. Unlike Bella, Eva is smart, intelligent and calm.

“Stop calling her that, she will throw tantrums if she hears it” he said with a low chuckle. His mind wandered back to years ago, instantly making the smile on his face falter.

Bella noticed the look on his face and rolled her eyes, here goes nothing.

“Is there a day we will have a single conversation without your mind wandering to your precious daughter and her mother all the time?” Bella asked in annoyance. She is tired of putting up with her Dad.

“Watch your tone Bella” Mr Karl retorted.

“Yeah right! If you love them so much, why did you leave them for mum and chose to start a family with her, Dad? You could have stayed back with them in the suburb place they are staying” she said angrily and Mr Karl shook his head to stop himself from getting angry instead, he should see the reasons why his daughter is mad at him.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Princess I –”

“You are sorry and you will make us understand everything as time goes on, that’s what you wanted to say. I am tired of hearing that Dad” Bella cuts in.

“Please Dad, whoever they are. I can’t stop you from thinking about them but can you give us your time when you are with us?” She asked poutily. At a point, she wished she is the daughter her Dad longed to meet every single day without making any effort to go see her and her mother. Even with that, her unknown step sister likely has the love of their Dad more than Bella and Eva. At least, that’s what she thinks.

Mr Karl held his daughter’s hand and smiled at her. They wouldn’t understand the pain he is going through but he doesn’t want them to be sad, especially because of him.

“I am sorry my princess”


Both Daciana and Alpha Connor had their lunch in district B and Cole sent the herbs like he promised.

All this while, Alpha Connor didn’t step away from Daciana. He didn’t leave her side and gives her everything she wants.

Sincerely, Daciana love the attention she is getting from him. If getting pregnant will make the Alpha king submissive to her this way, she won’t mind getting pregnant again and again.

“You should get some rest, we will head back at sunset” he said to her and helped her to the bed. He covered her with the duvet after laying her on the bed.

“Is it too thick? Should I change it?” He asked referring to the duvet.

“No, it’s okay” Daciana replied and closed her eyes. She feels like a princess from the fairy tales she have heard countless times. Alpha Connor won’t even let an ant climb her body or even let any harmful thing come close to her.

With the animosity inside of him, Alpha Connor also has a good side of him. The side that cares so much for the people he cares about. Being cared for by the Alpha king is something she wish it can continue forever. She loves this side of him more than anything she has ever come across.

Deep down in him, he is a kind, caring and loving person. The pain he has caused her will soon be covered up with this sweet side of him.

Alpha Connor laid beside Daciana, facing her directly. He stared at her beautiful face as he watch her eyelids shake on their own accords which is a proof that she isn’t sleeping… yet.

His eyes glued to her face studying the features. She has long lashes, pointed nose and very tiny lips. Since she’s slender, she has little to no bone on her cheeks but she still happens to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Daciana is not just beautiful, she is simply the best mate anyone could wish for.

The first time he saw her, he thought the moon goddess made a wrong pair but right now, he is the one that was wrong. The two of them made a perfect pair and he can’t be more grateful to the moon goddess.

He touched her forehead to feel her temperature knowing very well that she is fine. He just doesn’t want to take chances or let his guards down, making her pass out on him again. He will make sure that never happens ever again.

He stood up and tied her hair to the back in order for it not disturb her face while she is sleeping. He laid back down after he was done, he rub her cheeks slightly with a smile on his face.

Ever since he realized his mistakes, he has been happy. No one has ever made him happy like Daciana does, she’s like an antidote that cures him from being trapped in the past with just her smile.

He could have lived with the regret all his life if he had killed Daciana after the first night she had with him, good thing he chose to spare her.

As he was lost in thought, his gaze never left hers. He didn’t notice that Daciana’s eyes were now wide opened until she cleared her throat.

“Aren’t you sleeping?” He asked furrowing his brows while Daciana shook her head.

“I can’t sleep” she replied. Alpha Connor drew himself closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, using his hand as a pillow for her.

“I just want you to have enough rest but it’s okay if we stay this way, I love it” he said sniffing her scent as he rub her back soothingly. Daciana smiled and bit her lips.

“You want to say something?” Alpha Connor asked, Daciana can easily be figured by just a look at her.

“No” she replied quickly, she already thought it over. She loves the peace between her and Alpha Connor, she wouldn’t want her to be the one to ruin it with her own hands.

“I have told you before, you should be free with me. I won’t get mad at you if you say or do anything you are not supposed to say or do” he assured her.

Daciana nodded her head, she trust him to keep to his promise. Even if he gets mad, he wouldn’t punish her since she’s pregnant right? This will be of advantage to her.

“The female from three months ago” Daciana mentioned and Alpha Connor tried to remember a female from three months ago. Three months ago, that was when she was brought into his tower. If she is referring to that day, he met a lot of females so which is she referring to?

“I do not know the female you are talking about” he replied. Daciana sat up on the bed and gulped down nothing. She side glanced at Alpha Connor, he saw the fear in her eyes. There were visible to him.

“The one you–”

“Killed?” He completed it for her and she nodded her head in response.

“What about her?” He asked.

“She said she newly gave birth to a pup, how will you feel if someone takes me away from both you and our baby after my delivery?” She asked and Alpha Connor’s hand balled in a fist, his jaw clenching and unclenching. He wouldn’t spare anyone that will be involved in it.

“This was probably how her mate felt, my king. I am wondering how lonely the pup has been without his mother.

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