His Little FLOWER

Chapter 27: 27 - Power Over Him

Chapter 27: 27 - Power Over Him

Luciano wailed as if his brain was being shredded from the inside. Blood gushed out of every pore of

his body. From his mouth came a cry from so raw that even Ferrari's men's around there felt a bit of

pity for him.

Ferrari drew the dagger from Luciano's shoulder blade in a swing jerk which he has ebbed inside his

flesh. Then he booted Luciano on his chest hard enough to make him fall on the ground with a heavy

thud as he writhes hysterically in agony.

Next, he yanked Gary by his hair, hard enough to make his hair rip away from his head.

But unlike Luciano, Gary cannot scream since his mouth was clogged with duct tape as tears burst

from his eyes gasping for air that simply wasn't there as his throat burned to form a silent scream.

"You both are so lucky at least I am giving you both the freedom to cry. Isn't it, Gary?", Ferrari looked at

Gary, who is on the ground crying his eyes off from the pain.

Ferrari's eyes were lifeless now because he is dying inside thinking over that word again & again,

which his flower said as he gagged Gary's throat with his shoes.

"You touched My flower not just touch but you grabbed her by the hair. Do you know how it would've

hurt her?", Ferrari implored with anger, thinking about the outcomes that would've happened if he didn't

reach in time, instead of answer Gary is taking his last breath since he is strangling in Ferrari's shoe.

Ferrari got all the information about what happened in that place where they held Rose as their captive.

Since the snipers used the wall radar to look through what is happening inside.

Thinking about that, Ferrari resisted himself from killing Gary, since he wasn't ready to let these die that

much easier.

Gary looked at Ferrari in a begging way to show some mercy but what he doesn't know is when it

comes to being A UnderBoss, he doesn't have any good trait, he is simply a killer who doesn't show

mercy to anyone and now Ferrari is simply losing his mind again after a long time.

Everyone around him sensed it, he is getting back to his old demeanor, he is not in a normal state now

as they are wondering, why?

He is searching for something in the racks hastily until he took hold of the hammer. His eyes held a

murderous raging gape towards Luciano since he revealed to Rose that he is Luciano's step-brother.

Luciano sensed his look as he started to crawl back using his tied-up body. Before he could crawl at a

single pace, he has yanked his throat as Ferrari placed Luciano's hands on the table.

"Raffa please forgive-", those words from Luciano's got torn in the mind as his fingertips got ravaged

with the hammer.

"I gave you so many chances to live, but you fucking ignored. Above all, you told her you are My

fucking brother", Ferrari biting out every word breaking those fingers.

Luciano cried out as if the ferocity of it's might make Ferrari show some mercy but Ferrari simply

continued his path, with each blow, Luciano's blood splattering on Ferrari's face.

"You wanted to show everyone that I can't protect My woman, didn't you?", he gritted out while

flattened the fingers of Luciano's completely with flesh gutted out.

But still, Ferrari is not satisfied as he brought his path towards Luciano's knuckles, his horrifying cry

mirroring through the walls of Dungeon.

The strikes of the hammer made him bawling with extremely radiating pain in a way that shatters his

brain - or at least that's what it feels like & rushing through the body like an igniting fire, his eyes

squeezed close as his face contorted.

Never had he ever experienced such pain in his life. He heard from others, that Ferrari torture will be

brutal but never thought it would be this extent.

"Using you I will show every fuckers out there what would happen if they think about touching My

woman. They should be scared to pull out this stupid stunt even in their dreams", Ferrari smirked, as

his face looked like a demon with blood dabbled all over his face yet Luciano still begging to leave him

which came out a whisper as his breath came short.

But Ferrari simply jagged the hammer against Luciano's knuckles hard as the flesh ravaged solely

revealing the inside flesh, a ripping cry broke out from his mouth which is getting increase each


After Ferrari felt satisfied by hearing Luciano's cry, he let off his hand which is now void of fingers &

knuckles as they all shredded.

"Goodbye, brother", he whacked Luciano's jawbone in a deathly blow, blood splashed in the air as his

body fell on the ground lifeless with a disfigured broken jaw.

Throwing the hammer away, he looked at Gary who is lying on the ground in shock, shaking violently in

panic. He let out a heavy sigh before wiping the hands with a cloth to remove the blood as well as on

his face.

"What should I do with you, Gary?", he rasped sitting on the chair tapping his finger with his eyes

focused on the above ceiling.

He is shredded from the inside, the one who he loves very much said the same word as everyone. He

knows that is true, but he never gave a fuck about other thoughts but this time those words came from

his Little Flower.

When he heard that word from her, he felt the whole world vanished for him, only she has the power to

break him down & make him whole again without even trying hard.

If it was some other, he would have killed them then & there itself but it's His little Flower, the only

person in the world he loves. That's why he left from that place the very instant before she could say

those words again by looking into his eyes.

He doesn't want to hurt her in any way, not even with words. He knows she didn't mean to hurt him but

it happened as Ferrari's chin trembled slightly for a second but he held his feelings inside, shaking the

thoughts away.

He looked back at Gary, "William, get that collar", he ordered, which is not just a normal collar but a

spiked one used to behead as it has sharp nails on all the sides. Giving a nod, he left to bring it.

"Gary, you're the luckiest one, because unlike Luciano no torture for you just a single snap on the

neck.", Ferrari smirked as Gary's eyes filled with horror as he shook his head negatively begging him to

not do that.

"Sir", William gave the spiked collar to Ferrari as he signaled his men's to prepare Gary to kneel in front

of him.

As he now on his knees, Ferrari was about to lock the nailed collar on Gary's neck whilst his denial as

his body shaking violently.

Without giving a thought about this protest, Ferrari locked that spiked collar around Gary's neck slowly.

His face scrunched up in trauma that has no bounds.

But Ferrari enjoying it, to see those spikes gore through Gary's neck, blood gush out mercilessly

through the pores around his neck making him let out his final breath.

The collar pulled taut around his neck in a single pull as those spikes tore deep into his flesh of neck

before his head has been decapitated from his body falling over the ground.

The prodigious quantity of blood splattered on Ferrari's face & shirt once again even some of the men's

felt nauseous since it's a gross sight to witness. But what they don't know is, it's more of torture, it's his

intense grief coming out through this way.

"Mark, is all recorded?", he queried, removing his shirt throwing it away since bloodstain has splattered

on them all over as he wiped the blood away from his face. "Yes, Sir", Mark's voice quivered slightly.

"Transfer it to the organization's private website as it's my brother Luciano's last wish", his eyes held a

wicked look as he booted the cut-off head of Gary.

Emptiness is consuming him slowly, he is good at hiding & to pretend everything is ok until his thoughts

got impeded by a familiar voice.

"Christ, What has gotten into you? What the fuck you're doing Ferrari?", John yelled at him from

behind, it's been a long time since John called him by his name.

Ferrari ruffled his hair back, clutching it in frustration. "What you're doing here?", his voice sounded


"She didn't mean to hurt you. Think about being in her place, it's too much for her to take in. She is not

some Mafia Queen", John elucidated, trying to make him understand as Rose told everything to him

while searching for Ferrari.

"Tell her that I am not hurt", he muttered, clenching his fist hard as it revealing his protruded veins

whilst sweat started to spurt from his body constantly.

John knows very well, Ferrari's control over himself is now on a thin line, he can lose control any time

as he witnessed a lot of time. This would end up putting them all in a danger zone.

John signaled everyone to come aside from him, as all the guards left the dungeon except Mark &

William, as they are standing in front of Ferrari. So, it's hard for them to move away to another side.

Not even a second passed, Ferrari stood up from his position suddenly, starting to search for

something on the shelf. His breath comes, shallow, lungs unable to move much against the suddenly

heavy ribs. His mind becomes static, thoughts making no sense, replays of horrors once forgotten.

Before they could sense what he is about to do, he pulled the broad rim down as it whacked on the

floor in a shattered state. He fisted his hair, he wants to shout, he wants to vent it out.

In the end able to control himself, there is a scream from deep within that forces its way from his

mouth, it is as if he has unleashed a demon.

He kept both hands on the wall forming his fist into a curl as his mind was shut now lost the ability to

think until he felt something nip into his arm. He tilted his head to see John injected him with some

medication which added strength to his wrath.

"From where did get those? You shouldn't have done that, John", he clutched John's neck roaring out

in raw outburst. Both Mark & William trying to pull John from his deathly grip but they can't match with


"Rose, she is packing her stuff to leave", John breathed out. At the very moment, his grip loosened

from John's neck as he ran out like berserk from the dungeon to stop her from leaving him.

"Rose", he screamed her name stumbling on his path, making his way towards the mansion.

John gasped for air, "So, ma'am is leaving?", William questioned, hating the fact she is leaving. Even

though he won't talk to Rose, he had huge respect for her as much as he had for Ferrari seeing her

true nature.

John shook his head negatively, "No, definitely you both can't save me. So, I said like that to save

myself", he took a deep breath but soon he felt repulsive seeing the beheaded body as well as

Luciano's disfigured face especially his jaw as it was crushed brutally.

"Christ, how you guys are watching this shit?", John felt sickened by the sight. He moved towards the

exit of the dungeon before saying further, "That injection has a calming effect, so nothing to worry


"But, it won't work in an instant, isn't it?", mark's question made john realize. "Arghh...Shit! You're right.

We gotta stop him", John along with Mark & William ran fast to save Rose before Ferrari does

something to regret later.

Three of them ran as if their life depended on it to stop Ferrari. The main door was opened by the

guards as they entered inside to get frozen in their spot.

"Don't tell me we ran like maniacs only to see this? It's not fucking fair! I wish we could control

Mr.Knight like this easily", Mark grunted under his breath seeing the scenery in front of him.

Three of them let out a sigh of relief, after seeing Ferrari sleeping on her lap peacefully holding her

hands as if his life depended on it. "She got one hell of a motherfucking power over him.", William

declared, as they both nodded accepting it.

"Since he is sleeping, you guys carry him to the room. She can't do it alone", John suggested for which Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

they both gave a nod.

Rose saw them standing over there, as they came ahead, understanding their motive she didn't

oppose. They l lifted him taking slow steps towards upstairs making sure to not wake him up.


I saw them taking ferr to the room, I sat back on the couch like a lifeless as guilt started to swallow me


I shouldn't have said it like that, I can't believe those words came from me.

What worse is, he didn't even get angry with me instead of that he took it all out on himself it seems.

When I turned around to ask him 'sorry', I met with the state of emptiness as he has gone which I have

no idea about.

"It's not your fault", those words brought me back to my senses. I gave a weak nod to John. "He took

drugs again, because of me", I muttered, feeling bad.

"He didn't, I injected him", he confessed leaving me in stunned silence.

Few minutes before while I was sitting on the couch crying, feeling scared where would he have gone?

But very soon, I heard his voice, he is screaming my name ferociously at the same time, the door was

opened revealing the face of his, which I have been craving for but...

He didn't look normal when he left, he wore the shirt but now he came shirtless. His robust form was so

obtruding sweating profusely not looking normal with veins popping out visibly as well as his anger on

me. I sat frozen on the couch still.

He has all the rights to be angry...

But once he reached near me, he slumped on his knees in front of me, shook his head side to side as if

trying to stay awake.

"You can't fucking leave me no matter what.", his face tempered as his eyes are closing slowly but he

controlled himself.

"Don't you love me anymore? Did you get tired of being with me?", he whispered, those words broke

me hard.

"No, ferr. Please, don't think in that way. I am sorry, I don't know how those words came out of me. I

didn't mean to hurt you. I was just scared of losing you", I confessed with our foreheads touched


Before I could say further, his eyes closed on his own as he was about to fall sidelong but I held him on


His head rested on my lap, he held my hand tight with his. Tears blurred my vision as I hoped for his


"Why?", it came out as a whisper. I looked at john waiting for his reply,

he is being quiet for a second before answering.

"I did that to save others from him as well as to save him as he may end up killing himself beside it's

not dangerous. It is a doctor-prescribed one", John explained, with a distant look in his eyes.

"Killing himself?", those words terrorized me to the core, I can't even think about that.

"He has anger issues, to be frank, Intermittent explosive disorder. Yet you can easily control him, which

is incredible. But still, once he comes from his business trip, I want you to take him to the doctor. If you

say, he won't reply No", John elucidated all in one breath.

IET?... I can't believe it, I thought it's some normal anger issue. I should take him to the doctor. That's

where another thing hit me.

"Wait! Where he is going?", I asked, confused. He didn't say anything like that. Well, how could he?

since I ruined the whole day.

"Tomorrow, he is going to Germany to finish off a business deal", he answered back. "Tomorrow? but

ferr didn't-", he impeded in the mid.

"It was unexpected even for him. You guys disagreed right. So, he might've forgotten to inform you. He

will leave tomorrow and-", he paused, seeing Mark & William coming towards our direction.

"You both can leave", he ordered them like ferr, as they left without asking any question back. He can't

be just a driver for ferr.

"Can I say something?", he asked waiting for my reply. "Yes", I told him to sit as we both settled on the


"To be honest, he is not a good man", a wave of sadness brushed over his face saying those words just

like mine.

"That's how he is to all, except to you. I don't know should I say to you to stay with him or leave him

since he is not suitable for the life you're asking for", his words are harsh truth as he looked at me with

a sympathetic expression before saying further.

"You will be loved always, Rose until he dies he will love only you, keeps you protected, will go any

extent for that but a normal life will be like a dream for you always", he said as I let out a heaved sigh. I

tried to gulp my fear not wanting to show.

Ferr is not a bad person at least not completely...

"I'm telling you this straight now. I don't want you to leave him seeing his fucked-up side. I know it

sounds stupid, there were some times he used to yell at me but I don't take it as a big deal because

still, I see him as that same little boy", his face held a frown expression as if remembered something,

he stood up instantly from the couch moving out.


"Mr.John, wait", I tried to stop him but he left without listening to me.

What does that mean? He said the same little boy. How long does he know ferr?

I snuggle up to him, wrapping my arms around his shredded torso with my head rested on this sturdy

chest as a lonely tear slid from my eyes before I could control them.

A few minutes later, I moved away from him before placing a kiss on his cheek gently. I turned to the

other side, closing my eyes but sleep is not ready to welcome me.

My eyes instantly opened, when I felt a heavy arm draped around my waist. I tilted my head back to

see him only to be asleep.

I rested my head back on his chest again, curling up to him. Instantly, his arms around me got

tightened more, stronger than anything I've ever felt as if holding me wasn't quite enough, he wants to

feel every ounce of me.

"Don't leave", he mumbled in his sleep. At that moment, my heart got a little bit of peace. Tomorrow, he

may act cold towards me or he may even ignore me but now this one word is enough.

I look over to see him, pressed my lips against his for a short moment before pulling back.

"I'm sorry, ferr. I hope you will forgive me", I whispered before placing a soft kiss on both closed eyes of


I gazed at his face, as long as I could remember until darkness started to engulf me.


I leaned back on my seat consuming the drinks. Yesterday night, I was in New York City planning to

capture Raffa's woman, now I am on a private jet going to Koror, A city I have no idea about.

I looked at my so-called brother, Moretti talking with theo, who killed Miller yesterday night. It's his fault,

he should have fucking handled the situation carefully. His stupidity leads us here now.

I planned to have some fun today but now we are running away to save our lives. I should have stayed

away from this fucking topic.

"So, Ferrari can't kill us if we go to Koror?", I asked them, not able to sit like a statue. "Ferrari? He got

nothing to do with this", theo said, annoyed at my question.

Even I am annoyed of seeing his face for the past 5 hours. The worst part is, I have to see these two

assholes for the next 13 hours till we reach that place, complete torture.

"Then, for what the fuck we are going to Koror now?", I yelled out not able to keep my mouth shut, for

which he glared at me.

"Zac, lower your voice. We are going to Koror to escape from Fury", Moretti explained, ruffling his hair

in frustration.

(Fury - Hadezeus DiFury Archer)

"I get it, Fury will never have any idea about the existence of a place called Koror just like me. Am I

right?", I asked, for which both looked at me with a blank expression.

Moretti let out a heavy sigh, "He lives in Koror". Fucking hell! There is no way we are gonna survive.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Fury is living in Koror?.", I snapped at him in disbelief. He fucking lost his


"Once fury finds out the truth he will search for us everywhere but not in Theo's place. Because theo's

father Orson & Fury made a treaty that both will never cross path in each other's business", Moretti

explained. Well, that makes sense.

"But, Isn't that Orson, fucking crashed up the deal already?", I muttered in a boring way. Theo glared at

me before replying, "Watch your tongue, it's Mr.Raynott for you, not Orson". I rolled my eyes at him.

Theo added explaining, "Apart from us no one knows that we tried to steal off the business of Fury. So,

if fury does something, there will be a huge clash arise between Capone & Camorsta Organization. So,

being An Consigliere, Fury will back off".

I highly doubt that...

"If only you have caught Miller's daughter. We wouldn't be here in the first place.", he blamed me,

which that cunt Moretti accepted too.

He continued to mock me when I didn't say anything back, "We can't trust Neol completely. What if he

fails to kill her just like you? Fury won't kill us because of the treaty between him & My Father. Besides,

after all, Miller is just a worker for him. So, he won't take a huge risk".

"If Fury let this matter go, we can get back to Our Place", Moretti muttered under his breath but he

looks restless.

"You guys got nothing to worry about. My brother Dominic will arrive this week. After that he will take

care of everything", he ensured us, but I am not satisfied with his words.

I feel like there is no escape...

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