His Baby Mama


Camila’s POV

“Good morning coco!” I greeted as soon after I had stretched. Coco barked at me, replying with a good morning then hopped off of the bed so that I can make it up and I want straight into doing so then head over to the bedroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

After I had freshen myself, I left the bedroom dressed in an oversize shirt and soft fluffy leggings. My hair in a high pony tail, soft cloud like flip flops on my feet and coco in my hands. I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where there sat only Damon in sweatpants and shirtless, displaying his muscles, abs and V-line.

His hair was wet and dripping in water, telling anyone that he had just took a shower. And guess what he was doing in the kitchen? A hot, sexy, attractive Damon was busily cooking. And no matter how much i try to deny it, I just can’t cause a morning Damon, is a hot Damon, especially in the kitchen. I didn’t even know he can cook!

Okay Camila, That’s enough. Look away before he catches you looking at him.

Clearing my throat, which grabbed the attention of Damon, I placed coco on the floor before standing back on my feet and looked up to see him looking at my clothes in awe. Does he think that I look cute? he never looked away. He just kept looking at me which made me nervous and I stood there, looking at the floor, hoping he can look away from me. But no, he didn’t.

Not until I smelled something burning and I looked straight to the stove to see black smoke coming out of it and I spoke immediately after.

“It’s burning!” I said, pointing to the stove and I heard him swore before he turned around and turned the stove off before lifting the pan with burned food inside and placed it in the sink then turned on the water after. He turned around after, light clearing his throat before opening his mouth to speak.

“Um.. why don’t y-you have a seat? Breakfast will .. be served in a few minutes”he said guiding me to a seat, at the island, and pulled the chair out before I sat down.

“I’ll b-be right back” he stammered before he turned around and walked quickly out of the stove.

I, on the other hand, was surprised and confused of his behavior. He’s making breakfast for me? Why all a sudden? I sat there, waiting patiently for him to finish making breakfast and he served it after a fee more minutes. I thank him before I began to eat.

We sat there eating in uncomfortable silence when all of a sudden my mind went to Ethan and I frown. I thought he was using the bathroom and that’s why he isn’t down as yet but if he was, why isn’t he down as yet?

“Where is Ethan?” I spoke, breaking the silence and raising my head to look at Damon.

“I’m here!” A small voice cut Damon off and I span around to greet Ethan but ended up frowning in confusion when I saw him walking into the kitchen with a suitcase in his hands.

“Ethan? Where are you going?” I frowned, getting up and made my way over to him.

“Daddy didn’t tell you?” Ethan asked, now frowning as well and looking over to Damon with a confused look on my face.

“No he didn’t”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Oh Well, I’m going to stay by my grandparents for a couple of days. I usually go there around this time and they are very excited to see me” Ethan responded to my question with a smile on his face and I inwardly smile of how happy he looked. “But I really don’t wanna leave this time Ms. Davis. I don’t want to leave you but my grandparents haven’t seen me in such a long time and I thought about it and agreed that I’ll go stay with then for only a couple of days. I hope you can understand.” he said, a sad expression coming upon his face and I sigh, not wanting to see him sad.

Well, as much as I don’t want him to go, I have to. He haven’t seen his grandparents in such a long time and if they misses him then I guess he can go.

“It’s okay. I understand everything, So you don’t have to be sad okay? You can go” I said then pulled him in for a hug and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back. We pulled away after and I opened my mouth to ask. “So when do you leave?”


A car born went off right after I had done asking a question and Ethan pulled away, grabbing his suitcase again.

“Right now.” Damon and I both followed Ethan to the door and give him our last hugs.

“Remember to call me, okay?” His father said and Ethan nodded his head.

“And don’t forget to face time me, okay baby?” I said to Ethan and he responded with a’yes’before I engulf him into another hug, not wanting to pull away. I seriously can’t believe he’s going all of a sudden.

“Okay Ethan, the car is leaving now”lan, Damon’s friend, that showed up out of nowhere, said, making Ethan pull away from me and I kissed him on his cheeks before he turned around and entered the car.

“Good bye mom! Good bye dad!” He waved, poking his head through the window and waved at us, which we both waved back and watched as the car drove off, disappearing further away and I sigh, feeling like a part of me has gone. I miss him already ..

“Then” a voice began and I turned to where the voice was coming from to see Ian standing next to Damon. “I better be going. Goodbye Camila, See you later dude” Ian first said to me then turned to Damon and said and we both stood there and watched as he enter his car and drove off but not before smirking at both of us. I sigh, turning around to go back inside.

Walking to the door, I entered with Damon following from behind and as soon as I entered the house, I was met with nothing but memories of Ethan. Come back soon Ethan

Making my way back to the kitchen, I sat down on then chair and continue eating my breakfast in complete silence. Damon entered the kitchen a few minutes later and also continued eating. My mind kept going to Ethan and I couldn’t help but feel sad. I mean, he should have told me earlier or maybe it was all of a sudden but Damon should have told me and if he did, I would’ve prepared better to be a week away from Ethan.

I kept playing with my food, not really hungry anymore since Ethan isn’t here now but I suddenly became nervous when I felt dark eyes staring at me and I already knew who it was. Why does he always stare at me?

Pretending that I didn’t notice his stares, I got up and took my now empty plate to the dish washer and placed it inside then turned around to meet with those dark eyes again.

They were starting intensely into mine and those memories of his hot breath fanning my ears had suddenly replayed in my head making me feel hot. I have to get out of here!

I averted my eyes from his and quickly walked out of the kitchen and upstairs into my bedroom.

Sighing in relief that I was far away from him, I turned the Tv on before laying on my bed. Everything went fine that day, since I got to avoid Damon, and I think I’ll feel better after a few days of Ethan not being here, plus I’ll face time Ethan later tonight so I’ll get to see him.

It was going unto the afternoon and the place have been really quite since Ethan left. We would usually play games or watch TV when he’s here but he’s not here anymore so I just lock myself in my bedroom. But I was currently in the kitchen, preparing something to eat. The place was more silent than I thought though. I mean, I haven’t seen any maids around, just Damon. Is no one else home today?

“What are you cooking?” A voice came out of nowhere and I jumped at the sudden noise then turned around to see Damon standing there in sports shorts and a vest. It looked like he had just came back from a run or from the gym because his entire Body was drowned in sweat. His chest heaving up and down, his vest stuck to his body displaying his muscles through it and his muscles glistening as the sun hits it through the window. His hair was once again scattered from his head, making him look more attractive. He looked amazing! Simply amazing and I couldn’t stop my eyes from wondering his muscular body. I’m so shameless.

“Take a photo, it last longer” he suddenly spoke and I looked up to see him looking at me with a smirk display on his lips. My face instantly turned red and I waste no time looking away.

Great Camila! You’ve once again embarrass yourself! Good job!

“Ah s sorry” I apologize before going back to cooking.

“What are you cooking?” He repeated his question, moving closer to me and pressed myself closer to the counter, feeling myself getting hot.

“I’m making um spaghetti” i stammered, pressing myself closer to the counter while he got closer and closer towards me.

“Oh” was all he said before he stopped a few meters away from me and I let out a breath, replied that he’s not that close to me.

“Then, I’m going to freshen up and come join you” he said then turned around and left the kitchen and l watched as he disappeared up the stairs.

Join me? I’m not cooking for him! I’m cooking for myself! Scofing, I went back to cooking.

“Is dinner ready?” A voice asked and I turned around to see Damon entering the kitchen. I haven’t too long finish making my spaghetti and was setting the table to eat and no, Damon isn’t gonna get any of my food cause I don’t share my food.

“Yes and you’re not getting any” I said to him then walked over to the table and sat down.

“And why say so?” He spoke again, making his way over to me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Because I don’t share my food! And why don’t you just ask one of your maids to make you something ?!”

“They have taken a few weeks off and if you can remember, I shared my breakfast with you, didn’t I?” He asked, a smirk on his lips now and I looked at him confused, not because he said he had shared his breakfast with me but because of what he said about his maids taken a few weeks off.

“They’ve taken a few weeks off?” I asked, a frown on my face and he nodded before opening his mouth to reply.

“Yes. They have” So if the maids aren’t home, then who is? Then it hit me.

I was alone with Damon!

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