His Baby Mama



“What the f ** k do you think you’re doing?!” A voice shouted out of nowhere and the two men, holding unto me, immediately stopped what they were doing.

“F ** k! Let’s get out of here !!” The one, who was taking off my jeans, said and let go of me before both of them disappeared down the dark alley. Sighing in relief, I dried my teary eyes before I slid down the wall and looked up to the person who had just saved my life and muttered

“Thank you”.

“No problem.” A musculine voice responded and I tired to see his face but couldn’t since he was in the dark. I watched carefully as he walked over to me and handed my my pants which I took and thanked him before I stood up to out it on back. Seeing that I didn’t have on any clothes underneath me, he turned around to give me my privacy which I was thankful for. I quickly slipped on my pants afterwards then spoke.

“Umm.. you can turn around now and thanks again for saving me”

“It was a pleasure” the mysterious man spoke again then turned around to meet me before continuing.

“So, what are you doing around here so late at night? You know it’s very dangerous for women to walk late at night” he asked then said and I sigh, trying to decide whether to tell him the truth or not.

I mean we just met and I don’t know a thing about him. I can’t even see his face since we’re in the dark! I began hesitating.

“I’m trying to look for a place to stay for the night”

” Oh, have you found one yet?” He asked after I had done spoke and I raised a brown at him, even though he cant see my face right now.

“You forgot this” he said and I jumped at him suddenly speaking out of nowhere. Placing a hand over my heart, I turned around to finally meet him. The light was shinning from the bar outside, giving light to both of out face and I finally saw his. I was slightly taken back by how attractive he looked.

He had a sharp jawline, beautiful eyes, ginger hair and a very muscular body.. but couldn’t be compared to Damon ..

But why the hell am I thinking about Damon? I’m mad at him. Very mad because it’s him who got me here. If he would’ve just listened to my explanation maybe I shouldn’t have ended up homeless.

“Wow” the guy began. His eyes gazing over my face festures. He looked taken back but snapped out of his daze when Ifrown at him “you’re very beautiful”he continued and I felt my cheeks heat up.

No one had every called me beautiful before, especially a guy so this actually made me feel happy yet a foreign feeling to me but it made me feel happy to know that someone had seen how beautiful I was ..

“Uh thank you”I said after light clearing my throat while he looked away a down at his phone. Replying to a text or something. He finally turned his phone off after a few minutes and blinked after few time before looking down and I followed his gaze to my suitcase that he was holding in his hands.

“Um you left this” he said handing it to me and I took it from him before thanking him then took Coco’s pen in my hands.

“I. should be going if I want to find a place to stay tonight. Thank you again for saying me”I said to him and he nodded his head before saying good bye and I turned around before I began to walk down the dark streets again but stopped when I heard him speak.

“You know, I actually have a place you can stay for a while, that is until you’ve find a place to live. I was wondering if you’d wanna stay for the time” he said looking at my me.

What ?! Living with a guy? I can’t!

No buts! I can’t! I don’t even know him! I tied to deny it but I couldn’t. I mean I really need a place to stay for the time and where I am right now is very expensive so I’m sure I won’t find a hotel that’s cheep and no one else would take me in so, I have to do this .

.”Um are you sure? I mean do you live with someone else who might not want me to stay?” I had to make sure it was fine with both him and the person who he’s living with because I don’t want anyone fighting for me to stay.

“Yeah, well I have a boyfriend but I’m sure he won’t mind since you’re a girl and you seem like a nice girl to be friends with so, yeah” he reassure me with a shrug and my eyes widen. He’s gay ??

“Uhh o. kay.” I said, still a little shocked at what he had just said. I don’t hate gays or anything but I can’t imagine such an attractive guy to be gay, he didn’t even look gay but whatever at lest I have a place to stay and don’t have to worry about getting rape or assulted since he probably have no interest in me but I stop have to be cautious and carefully. Trust no man

“I didn’t get your name by the way”

“Oh, I’m Camila.” I said, stretching my hands out for a handshake which he shook then spoke afterwards.

“Nice meeting you Camila. I’m Marcus” Marcus? It’s suits him ..”We should get going since ir’s late” Marcus said before taking my suitcase in his hands.

“I’ll help you carry this to my car” he said and I nodded my head before looking him from behind with Coco’s pen in my hands.

After what feels like an hour, Marcus finally pulled up at a house. It was beautiful and pretty big too.

“And here we are” Marcus said, unbuckling his seat belt before exiting the car and I followed after him. He took my suitcase out of the trunk before taking me to the door of his house. Unlocking the door, he let me entered first with coco’s one in my hands and he entered after.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Baby !!” A mixture of feminine and musculine voice was heard and I shot my head to where the noise was coming from to see a man, dressed in a shorts and crop top, running towards Marcus.

“Hey baby!” Marcus chuckled as the man ran into his arms and hugged him and I couldn’t help but awed at both of them. They look so cute!

“And who’s this here?” The man asked after he had pulled away and his eyes met mine.

“Oh this is Camila, I met her on the street and she said she need a place to stay so I offer her to stay here.” He said, introducing me and the other man’s face immediately lit up as he smile politely at me.

“Hi there! I’m Bianca! And you can stay as long as you want”

“Thank you and it’s nice meeting you too”

“No problem honey. Gosh, she’s so pretty!” He squealed and Marcus only chuckled, agreeing with him.

“Oh it’s so late honey. We should get you settled in and get ready for bed since it’s almost ten in the night” Bianca said to me and I nodded my head before grabbing my suit case and he dragged me off with Marcus following from behind

We walked upa staris, then down the hall where we stopped off at a plain white door. “And.. this is the guests room and it’s all yours. So make yourselves comfortable.” Bianca said and I thanked him before entering in size and gawking at how beautiful it looked.

“Also, if you’re hungry, just tell us. We’ll provide something for you.” Marcus added and I nodded my head once again.

“Well goodnight then. See you in the morning” Bianca wished me and I wished both of them good night before they left, locking the door from behind.


“Camila, get your ass over here girl! It’s about to start!” Bianca voice yelled from the living room and I shouted I’m coming before I grabbed the big bowl of popcorn and literally sprinted out of the kitchen to the living room. Plopping down in the soft, comfy couch my eyes darted straight to the movie, not looking away for a second.

It’s been a few weeks now since I’m staying at Marcus’s and Bianca’s house and I’ve grown to be more comfortable around them and they have literally became my bestest friends. Ihad recover from my weight loss but I still cry almost every night thinking about Ethan and I’ve come to hate Damon with all of my heart that if I ever see him again, I’m afraid I’ll kill him.

Bianca and Marcus had also found out about Damon and Ethan. It happened one night when I was having a nightmare and I began screaming Ethan’s name and begging Damon to let me stay and both Marcus and Bianca came to my rescue but minutes later demanded an answer from me of why I was having such nightmares and screaming Ethan’s and Damon’s name and I hesitate a bit but eventually told them.

They were as just as angry as I am now but Bianca was wayy angrier. He wanted for us to sneak into Damon’s house at night and kill him before taking Ethan, which I instantly refused to do. I don’t want to go to jail But they have been the bestest friends you could’ve asked for.

They took me almost ever where with them and never left me out of anything and for that I’m very thankful for.

“Hey ladies! What you guys–”

“SHHH !!!” Bianca and I said to Marcus at the same time then send him a little glare before we turned our focus back to the movie.

Marcus’s day off was today so he is at home but is annoying sometimes. Like he would interrupt Bianca and I when we’re doing our girly stuffs and Bianca would chase him away before he went back to painting his nails or putting his James Charles’make up on me.

“Sorry” Marcus whispered then walked over to us and took a seat beside a very concentrated Bianca. We continued to watch over movie in silence but groan out annoyed when we heard the door bell ring.

Uhg !! “I’ll get it!” I said before I lazily got up and dragged myself to the door.

Groaning again, I unlocked the door before turning the door knob and pulling the door open to meet with a tall shadow but my eyes widen and my mouth dropped open as I now stare face to face with the man that made me grow to hate him.


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