Her Raging Flame [English Version]

Chapter 21

“Wow! Just wow! It’s so pretty! This place looks unreal!” I exclaimed while admiring the breathtaking view.

Before us is a very long breadth of immaculate turquoise water.

The white sand was so fine that there was not even a trace of trash from where we were standing.

Along the way are all sorts of trees that give a mysterious path to the water. White glitters are everywhere. The sun is kissing the white sand, its light seething into the cracks and folds of the leaves from the trees.

I turned to Maverick who had just gotten out of the car. He laughed and pinched my cheek lightly then put his arm around me. He raised the sunglasses to his head and looked at me softly.

“You really love water, huh.”

My smile widened as I can’t help myself from containing the excitement to soak my body in the inviting water.

“Yeah, water is my first language. My mother used to tell me stories about how I love swimming when I was only two years old. It’s been years since I got to enjoy swimming like yesterday, thanks to you.”

I smiled at Maverick.


“Years since I swam in real bodies of water. I’ve hated swimming in pools. I can’t just stand the smell.”

He lowered his arm to hold my hand.

He linked our fingers and we started walking slowly.

“If that’s the case then we better seize the entire day swimming. With that look in your face, I doubt if a week will be enough for you. If only you can see yourself.”

Unable to erase the smile on my lips I let him pull me towards the water, my whole attention was still focused on the sea.

We went to a small store by the shore. I looked around and I can’t help but wonder at what I noticed.

“Hey Mav, are we in the right place? I don’t see anyone here. I thought the island is a tourist spot and it’s the peak season because it’s summer.”

I looked around to confirm my hunch.

“Did you rent the whole place? What’s the name of this resort?” I asked one question after another.

He said something to the man who opened the store before turning to me again.

“The tourists are on the other side of the island. This place here, all this you can see is exclusive only for the residents of the island.”

He pointed his hand to the whole place. My forehead furrowed.

“I thought you’ll tour me around? If what you’re after is privacy then we could have just stayed in your place.”

“So impatient. We’ll get there later. Why don’t you want it here? I presume you want me to tour you around. This is the first round of the tour. Welcome to paradise.” He winked at me. “The second paradise. We went to the first paradise last night,” he added.

I cocked a brow at him. “Oh, that was paradise? What a lousy one.”

Maverick gave me a face. “You’re in denial as ever but your moans won’t lie, baby.”

My eyes automatically widened at what he said. My whole face flushed with embarrassment and I looked around the place. I slapped Maverick on the arm.

“Must you say that? Someone might hear you! It’s embarrassing.”

He gave me a shrug. “Joshua’s out to get my key. No one will hear us here and if anyone will, it should never be a thing to be ashamed of. When does telling the truth become embarrassing? Right, Fem? Hmmm?”

I closed my eyes and exhaled. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me wickedly.

“I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to ruin my day as your way of revenge for my rejection.” I smiled at him sweetly. “Lucky me because I won’t let you have your way.”

Maverick just came up to me and caressed the edge of my lip.

“You’re hyperthinking everything.” He lightly shook my back. “Relax, Fem. I won’t do anything you wouldn’t like.”

My smile widened.

“Good. So now while you wait for your key, I’ll walk around and enjoy the sight without your presence, okay? Bye!”

I let go of his hold and marched into the sea. I combed my hair to keep them in place because of the strong wind and took off Maverick’s t-shirt.

Underneath is my red bow tie two-piece swimsuit.

I stepped into the sparkling water and paused to take in its immense beauty.

Unlike Maverick’s private beach house, I could see a few people in front taking a bath. There are also some jet ski docked on the side. However, it did not take away any beauty of the place.

This even made it more fantasy-like.

I was about to plunge right into the deeper area of the water when a strong hand grabbed my waist.

I turned to see a half-naked Maverick.

“What?” I squinted at him.

He raised his hands. “You forgot to put on sunscreen. You’ll be baked under the sun without protection.”

I went with him when he nudged me to go back to the seashore.

He opened the bottle, poured a huge amount of it on his hand and applied it on my arms, over my shoulders, on my back, neck and stomach. His warm rough hands touching my body send tingling sensations straight to my gut and down to my core.

I am definitely turned on especially when he’s doing it while staring at me and making love with his eyes.

Damn those flirty eyes for being too effective.

I gulped when he knelt down in the sand and started smearing the sticky lotion into my butt cheeks, my legs down to my toes.

He even put my foot on his thigh to make it easier for him to reach them.

He’s clearly enjoying it.

I tried to ignore the fire he just ignited.


He stood up and tossed the bottle next to our t-shirts on the sand.

“Thank you.” I coughed to try to take the lump off my throat. “Come on. The water’s nice.”

“Wait,” he stopped me again with my wrist. He took out a small bottle from the pocket of his swimming trunks and wriggled it in the air. “You forgot to put sunscreen on your face. Let me put it on for you.”

I almost laughed at his suggestion. “No, I’ve put some in already. Maybe you haven’t yet. Where did you get it?”

I snatched the bottle from his hand and came closer to him.

“Joshua’s. He offered to give it to me for you. He’s got a crush on you. Wanted to talk to you. That boy.”

He nodded his head in a childish way.

In my head, a boy. Yeah, that’s more like it.

“Ah, a minor. I’ll meet him later.”

I put an ample amount on my hand, threw the bottle to the sand, and tiptoed to apply it on his face. I dabbed a dash of cream on his forehead, nose, cheeks and chin and then massaged it all over his face. I did it while avoiding his scorching gaze. I know what will happen if I don’t.

“You’re so tall. Your height?”

“6 feet and 2 inches.”

He circled his hands on my waist and tugged me closer.

“So your fans’ information is incorrect. They said you’re somewhere between 6’3 to 6’4. Your weight?”

My hands went to his neck and applied the remaining sunscreen.

He laughed softly and kissed my head. “175 pounds, I’m 27 years old and I live on the top floor of my hotel. You can come anytime sweetie.”

“No need to tell me that. I can just google that away.”

I tapped his cheek and pulled my hand away from his.

“Come on. I want to swim now.”

We ran out to sea to immediately dipped into the water. I let go of his hand and swam away. The water was still cold even when it’s nearing noon.

The water is so cool and refreshing.

I swim and swim and swim until I’m transported back to the days where I am still carefree at everything and all I have to worry about is that once a month visit to the mansion.

There, I was free even when I’m alone. There, I was still happy.

I caught a breath before immersing myself in the water again.

If only I could swim back to my life before that happened. If only.

Someone pulled my foot under the water. I screamed while smiling to see him under the water. His head appeared in front of me.

“You’re good. I had a hard time keeping up,” he said breathlessly while wiping the water on his face.

I smiled proudly.

“I know. There’s a lake in my province where I always practice. I could be in the Sea Games, you know?”

He came to me and pulled me towards him.

“No doubt. Now wrap your legs around me,” he ordered me.

“Ha? Why?”

“Just do it.”

I wondered why but I still followed him. I grabbed his shoulders so I could feel the full rigidness of his body.

“Now what?”

“Breathe,” he commanded again, his eyes with a strange twinkle in them.

“Fuentebella, what are you planning to do?”

My eyes widened.

“You talk too much.”

He suddenly pulled me under the water and covered my mouth. My scream was drowned out.

I immediately parted my mouth and responded. He cupped my ass and rub his hardness on my thigh. I moaned underwater in his mouth and closed my eyes. I think we were kissing for far too long now before we rose back above the water.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I sucked for air when we broke the kiss. That was a literal wet kiss.

Our bodies are still entangled. My hands on his neck and legs on his waist while his hands on my back.

“It’s so salty,” he laughingly joked while staring at my lips.

“Fool, of course we’re at sea,” I gasped.

“I’m regretting why we even went out of the house. I want you,” he said in a whisper and buried his face on my neck.

I let out a throaty laugh and gently held his chin to catch his eyes.

“I want to torture you more.”

I closed our gap and met his salty warm lips. The kiss we shared is hot and demanding as if we can’t get enough of each other. I crushed my lips against his and meshed my body with his hard physique. I felt his hand inside my bikini top palming my already firm protruding bud.

I broke the kiss the instant his hand started untying my bra.

“Hey, stop,” I hissed at him and looked around. “It’s a public place.”

He laughed foolishly.

“Lesson number one. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

“Whatever, Mav. Wanna race? It’s a good exercise and an effective way to shun off your pervert thoughts. What do you think?”

“I like that.”

I looked around.

“Okay. You see that woman on that part? Whoever gets to her first wins.”

“What’s at stake?”

I thought for a moment.

“A question. The winner gets to ask the loser a question and he or she is obliged to answer it with utmost truthfulness. So, call?”

“One question and a true answer. Sounds good. Game.”

“Okay. Game!”

I pushed Maverick hard and immediately swam towards the finish line. I just laughed at him when he shouted that I was cheating.

As expected, I won.

“Well, what do we have here? You have to answer my juicy and fishy question my dear Mabmab,” I grinned while he’s frowning at me.

“No, let’s start again. You clearly cheated,” he disagreed.

“Oops, we don’t have any rules. We only agreed that whoever gets to the finish line first wins and I’m the winner so I will be the one to ask you a question. Does it make sense? Of course it makes sense.”

I crossed my arms and arched my eyebrows at him.

He stared at me with amusement in his eyes first before combing my wet hair.

“What a trickster. You’ll go to places.”

“Thank you. I appreciate the compliment but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to answer my question.”

He put his hands at the back of his head.

“I didn’t say anything. Bring it on.”

“Okay. What was the most unforgettable moment you have?”

“What is this? A beauty pageant?”

I frowned.

“Just answer it. A loser doesn’t have the right to complain.”

“Oh a dictator. Hmmm. Let me see. There’s just too many. But I think I’ll pick that one in college when dad told me he’ll give his dying hotel for me to manage after I graduate. I was so elated that time. I’ve been nagging him, no, I’m actually forcing and blackmailing him to give the place to me. I love the place and I wanted to prove to the family that I can transform it back to its former thriving glory.”

“Did you succeed?”

“No. The hotel went bankrupt after a year of managing it. I had to sell it off in the end. But here’s an interesting thing. The money from that hotel became the starting capital for my empire now.”

“Wow. You’re good!”

He winked at me.

“I know. Come on, let’s get back to the starting point. I will beat you. And I will add some rules. We have to count up to three before we start, okay?”


We swam back to the starting point and competed again. Maverick won.

“Ops, you can’t say I cheated. I won fair and square.”

He told me before I could even protest.

I rolled my eyes. “I was just about to ask ‘what’s your question’.”

“Good girl.” He paused to think. “What was the most unexpected moment that happened in your life? Explain why.”

“An easy essay question. Yeah, too bland.”

“A loser doesn’t have the right to comment on the question.”

He grinned. I splashed water on his face.

“Copycat. Well, an unexpected moment? Being here with you. It was so unexpected and sudden like never it has crossed my mind because I was so adamant in rejecting you. But look where I’m now.”

Maverick was silent and just observed me.

“Let’s go back. This time, I’ll make sure to beat you the second time around.”

But he still won.

“You’re an only child?”

I was stunned by the question but I still posted a smile on my lips.


I turned around and avoided his gaze to hide my pain.

It took us a few more laps back and forth but I always lost so I quit the game.

We just decided to spend the hours floating in the water and sometimes racing again.

“I’m tired already.” My stomach growled. “And hungry.”

Maverick turned to me who was still floating in the water. He flexed his muscles and turned his back on me.

“Come on. It’s time to go to the other side.”

He motioned me to ride on his back.

I climbed on his back and encircled my hands and feet to his body. I put all my weight on him. He started to swim towards the beach while I looked like a monkey clinging to him.

When we reached the shore, there are already bottles of water and two towels that were laid beside their shirts. He took them and opened one bottle for me.

“Thank you.”

I drank water then took the towel to dry myself. I shook the clinging sand off the t-shirt and put it on.

And then Maverick is leading me to one of the jet skis. I got thrilled with the idea.

“Ready for the ride of your life, sweetheart?”

I returned his grin.

“Aye, aye, boat driver.”

Our laughter filled the place. He supported my back while I climbed at the back of the boat and put my hands on his waist.

“Hold me.”


He started driving and everything takes its own life. The pattern of wake lines materialized behind us as we crossed the waters. The wind on our faces blowing our hair away. The astonishing view of deep blue water surrounding us.

I closed my eyes and felt the strong breeze all over my body and Maverick’s sinewy body beneath my grip. I’m trying to imprint everything in my mind making sure that they will stay there forever.

Because I came here with only memories and I will leave here with only memories.

I opened my eyes and kissed his nape.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

Thank you for giving me a taste of freedom even for a short span of time.

We disembarked at the shore where the difference from the other side was noticeable.

The place here is filled with more people, of tourists consisting of the majority of foreigners.

There are also establishments you can see from the shore. There are souvenir shops, restos, bars, and hotels.

“So this is where all the people are hiding, huh,” I said after I reached for his outstretched hand.

“I wonder why you become so giddy all of a sudden. Planning something, huh?” He muttered when we started walking.

“Nah. I’m not planning to escape. I need the money.”

He went silent but its grip on my hand tightened.

He led me into an open nipa hut cottage floating in the water.

Someone immediately approached us to take out orders. We were each given a menu. After ordering, we just sat there in an awkward silence.

“You didn’t bring your phone? What if some business emergency comes up that needs their CEO’s intervention?” I opened up a conversation to try to get back our energy.

He snapped from his deep thoughts and looked up to me. “I have a very competent team. If my intervention is highly needed then expect someone to be here by now.”


I averted my eyes. I have nothing more to say. Silence again filled the air until our meal arrived.

It’s a seafood luncheon. Chili crab in a big platter, oyster Rockefeller, garlic butter scallops, mussel chowder, grilled shrimps and squid and steamed salmon and watermelon shake in tall fruit glasses and mango juice.

We ate quietly. Maybe it’s because I’m so hungry that I don’t care if we didn’t speak for almost an hour. I raised my head to Maverick as he placed shredded crabs and shrimps on my plate.

“It’s their specialty. It’s one of the many things I keep coming back to here on the island.”

“Thank you.”

We almost finished all the food on the table so we just laughed together when I burped out loudly.

We chatted for hours until it’s time to go back to water once again.

We tried banana boat riding, kayaking, sea walking, and scuba diving. It was past five in the afternoon when we went back to the resto up for a snack. Then we sat on the sand and watched the people enjoying themselves in the sea.

“Did you enjoy the day?”

He wrapped our hands and placed it on his lap.

“So much, especially scuba diving. That was the best experience.”

“There’s more exciting activity other than that.”

He stood up and held out his hand to me

“Oh, there’s another one?”

I took his hand and stood up.

“I saved the best for last.”

He took me to a boat waiting from a distance with a crew in it.

“What are we doing, Mav?” I asked him when the boat started moving.

“Parasailing.” He looked at the sky. “The sun is setting. Wait till you see the phenomenon later. You’ll thank me for showing it to you.”

We stopped in the middle of the sea. The crew started inflating the parachute in the air and then they strapped us in the life jacket and into the safety harness.

And when we were slowly hoisted up to the air, I felt my stomach churning from the inside.

I couldn’t help but panic as we slowly ascended.

“Oh gosh! It’s too high!”

I clung to Maverick’s hand when I couldn’t help myself but look down.

“Fuentebella!” I shouted when we were up in the air. He just laughed and then touched my chin.

“Don’t look down. Focus on the view from here. Look at the horizon.”

“Okay, okay. Just don’t let me go, okay? Hold me,” I begged him.

I read something that crossed his eyes for a second before he easily hid it.

“You know I’ll do it. Now see the view?”

I turned at the horizon and gaped at the magic happening before our very eyes. The sun is setting.

Red, orange and yellow hues were all over the blue sky.

The ball of fire is setting in this part of the world and it feels more emotional when you’re up in the air witnessing it as if it’s within your grasp.

“It’s beautiful…”

I just stared enchanted at the sun as it slowly faded away. My grip on Maverick’s hand tightened and the fear I had felt before disappeared like I didn’t wear it within my sleeves earlier.

I turned to him with a smile but it was erased when I saw him staring at me.

His gaze is so soft and intense at the same time I never want to look away.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispered.

My heartbeat quickened and I suddenly felt thirsty.

“Me too.”

He slowly cupped my face and lowered his face on mine. I closed my eyes and waited, having only seen the colors of the sun setting reflecting on his dark eyes. And when his warm lips descended on me for an unhurried sweet kiss that almost got me teared up, I knew in myself right at the moment that I will not leave this place with only memories.

There is something more. It’s deeper than I thought, something I want to explore if only we were in a different world and circumstances.

He grazed my lower lip with his tongue and deepened the kiss.

Maverick Fuentebella, I think I’m falling for you.

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