Her Dirty Professor Series (21+)


“I get it, Logan, I really do. But it’s hard trying to have my own life while living and working together with you guys. I just think it’s too much. I don’t feel like I can be myself.”

I reach out because I need to touch her. We’ve always been quick to show comfort, so a simple touch feels natural. I run my hand down her arm and she leans into it.

“Sarah, it would devastate both of us if you moved out. Things have been a little rocky lately, but just give us time. Don’t make a rash decision about leaving us because of Luke’s temper.”

She looks up at me confused by my words. “I wouldn’t be leaving you, I would just move out and get my own place.”

I don’t know why I phrased it in that way, but if Sarah moves out it would feel like that. It hits me in the chest because that’s what I’m most afraid of her leaving us. It would feel like she’d be abandoning us. I don’t know that Luke and I could make it together anymore if she left. Sarah is the glue that keeps our family together. The thought of her moving out breaks my heart.

I take a step closer to her and keep running my hand up and down her arm. I bring my other hand to her face and cup her cheek. I need her to understand why she can’t go.

“You know leaving this house would mean more than you just getting your own place.”

She looks up to my eyes and I feel her body shift closer, pressing against me. I don’t know how we’ve gotten into this position but it’s far more intimate than a brother and sister should be. We’re an affectionate family, so touching isn’t strange to us, but Sarah pressing against my erection is further than any of us have gone before.

“I know what it would do to me if I left, Logan.” She brings her hands up and rubs them across my chest. Something has suddenly shifted between us and the air is thick. My breathing speeds up and her hands move lower, teasing across my abs. I lean closer into her touch and dip my head down towards hers.

I feel her rise on her tiptoes to reach me, but I’m too tall for her lips to meet mine. In a moment of sheer impulse I move both my hands to her waist and pick her up, bringing her lips the rest of the way and crushing her body to mine. The second I touch my lips to hers, I’m lost to sensation. Her mouth immediately opens and my tongue can’t get inside her fast enough. I lick inside her mouth as she moans into mine. Her tongue runs across my bottom lip and I groan loudly into her mouth. She wraps her legs around my waist, and my dick lines up perfectly with her pussy. I can feel her heat through my pants and my body is a mass of need. I deepen our kiss and run my hands down to her ass, gripping a cheek in each hand roughly. We breathe each other in, and not a single thought is given to what we are doing. This is lust at its most basic and our bodies are doing all the talking.

“That’s enough!”

We both jerk our mouths apart and look down the hallway to see Luke standing there. His chest is rising and falling with deep, angry breaths and his fists are clenched at his sides. He’s livid, but I can’t tell if it’s because I’m kissing Sarah or because he wants to be the one doing the kissing.

Sarah and I realize the position we’re in and I slowly let go of her, allowing her to slide down my body so my erection rubs against her body on the way down. Once she’s free from my arms she takes a reluctant step back. She brings her hand to her lips and touches them like she is trying to remember what just happened. She looks like she’s savoring my taste on her lips and it does strange things to my ego.

I look back and forth between Luke and Sarah and I have nothing to say. I don’t know what we just did, but I know it felt perfect. It was the most gorgeous moment of my life, and Luke ruined it.

I start to speak when Luke barrels down the hall and blows past us. He doesn’t even look at us when he leaves us standing there. After a moment of shocked silence I hear the front door slam and his car peel out of the driveway. I look over at Sarah and she’s got tears in her eyes.

My instincts kick in and I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her again. This time it’s only for comfort as I feel her start to shake from crying.

“Shhh. It’s okay, Sarah. He’ll be back and I’ll talk to him. Everything will be okay.” She nods her head in acknowledgement but squeezes me tighter.

I pull her face back and look into her eyes. “Hey, you okay with what just happened?”



Am I ok with what just happened? I’m not even sure what just happened. One minute I feel like I’m getting everything I ever wanted and the next I feel like I’ve taken a sucker punch.

“I’m not sure how I feel about it, Logan.” That’s the truth if I’m honest with myself. I’ve dreamed about kissing Logan for years; the reality is a lot different. I want it again God, do I want it again but the look on Luke’s face cut deep. I’m not sure if it was rage or disgust I saw there but it struck me to the core.

“Well, sweet little Sarah, I think it’s about time we all got real and stopped pussyfooting around what’s really going on.”

I’m a little taken aback by his words. Does he mean that he wants me or that they want me? I’m worried that if I say the wrong thing I could anger him. Would it make him mad to know I don’t just want him and that I want his brother too? Is he looking for it to just be him and me? Because I don’t think I can have it that way. Logan and Luke make up the perfect man. Logan is the light that offsets Luke’s darkness. While Luke is the strong silent protector, I believe he feels the deepest and loves the hardest. I always imagined in my fantasies that his touches would be hard and demanding while Logan’s would be soft and sweet, just like he is.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Choosing my words carefully I try to figure out what he’s getting at. “I’m not sure what you mean,” I whisper while picking at the hem of my shirt. I pull at an imaginary thread so I don’t have to look at him.

All of a sudden Logan pushes his body into mine, backing me against the wall.

“All right if that’s how you want to play this. I’ll just show you what I mean,” he says while he teases my ear with his teeth. I feel his five o’clock shadow against my neck and my body breaks out in goosebumps. I feel his hand slide down my body and cup my pussy. My body betrays me and pushes itself farther into his hand. I have no control over my hips as they undulate beneath his touch.

“If I dropped to my knees right now, would you have a tiny wet spot on those white cotton panties, or would they be drenched?”

I know without a doubt that if he did indeed drop to his knees, not only would he find a wet spot, I might just orgasm from his inspection. Nodding my head yes is the only reply I give. I don’t know how to answer that question without breath in my lungs. I’m not used to such crude words being spoken to me. I’m not naive, but I sure as hell don’t know how to deal with what’s happening. I’m not certain if I should run, or try to move my hips so his flingers slip inside my panties.

“Tell me, Sarah, is that wetness seeping through your underwear a result of what I’m doing to you, or that orgasm I heard you giving yourself before I knocked on your door?” he whispers against my ear as he rubs my clit through my underwear.

“Please,” I respond intensely, not even sure why I chose that word. Please stop or please keep going? I’m pretty sure I want him to continue, because my body is once again pushing farther into him.

“Hmm…I see you’re going to be a greedy little girl. Luke is going to have his hands full with you,” he chuckles. The mention of Luke’s name brings me out of my needy haze. “Luke?” I question, rolling my hips and thrusting myself harder against him. All I need is a little more, I silently plead.

“Yes. Luke, our brother who just stormed out of here like I stole his favorite toy.”

Is he admitting that he wants us together, or that he’s going to give me over to Luke?

“You’ll soon learn that Luke can be quite demanding and controlling when it comes to the bedroom, whereas me? Well, I’m sure you’ll have me wrapped around your finger in no time. Fuck, who am I kidding? You already do. I’m not sure I could deny you anything, princess. Like right now. You want to cum, don’t you, baby girl? Ask me to make you cum and I’ll do it.”

“Yes, please, I want that,” I beg. I feel so needy.

“Ah ah ah… you have to ask.”

“Please make me cum, Logan.”

“See, all you’ll ever have to do is ask me and I’ll give it to you. With Luke, well, you’ll learn. How do you want it, sweet little Sarah? You want to cum on my fingers or my mouth? Never mind, don’t answer that. I’ve got to watch the first orgasm I give you, so fingers it is.”

Logan’s fingers quickly push my panties aside, and he finally gives my clit the pressure it’s been begging for. I explode, making my body jerk against him. I let out a cry and feel my wetness soak my panties even more. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so fast in my life.

“Fucking Christ, did you just cum?” he growls.

I can’t believe I went off like that. He barely touched me and I was cumming all over his hand. I feel my face heat with embarrassment and bury it in his chest. I hear him slip his fingers in his mouth to taste my honey. He moans loudly and I can feel myself get more embarrassed.

“You always like that, princess? You go off with just a little touch?” he asks, leaning away from me so he can look down into my eyes. Refusing to look up and let him see my mortification, I just give a little shrug. I really don’t want to have the ‘no one has ever touched me like that before’ conversation, the one where I have to lay down all my cards, and admit that I’ve never made it past heavy petting. I don’t want to have to explain how I could possibly want to take on two men at once when I’ve had no experience. I feel like I’m so close but still so far away from getting what I want.

“I’ve got to tell you, princess, that’s the hottest shit I’ve ever seen knowing that I get you so turned on you come from the slightest touch of my hand. God, just when I didn’t think my dick could get any harder.” He grunts and reaches down to readjust himself. “All right, let’s get your ass in bed so we can talk about how this is going to go down. After that you’re going to take care of my cock like a good little girl, then big brother will take care of you again.”

Not waiting for me to respond, Logan leads me back into my bedroom and over to the bed.

“Sit down for me. I’m going to sit across the room so we can talk for a minute. I know if I sit next to you you’ll be on your back with my cock deep inside you before I can even clear some stuff up.”

I can’t help the little giggle that escapes me at his words. The idea of him over me, thrusting deep inside of me makes my pussy clench. It both excites and scares me a little. I’ve had two orgasms in the past thirty minutes and now my body is primed and begging for another. Sitting on the bed I deliberately let my legs fall open while perching on the side. Maybe I could persuade Logan to give me another. I watch his eyes drop to my spread legs as he takes the chair across from me.

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