Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 61

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 61

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 61



” Alejandro ! Alejandro ! ” I opened my eyes to find Darien leaning over me . Where was I ? I looked around , aware of the pain in my body and how tired I fucking felt . Then it all came back . Kiara . The pain was still there but with the exhaustion , I felt it was duller . I looked away , shoving Darien far from me . ” Get the fuck out of my way . ” I said hoarsely . It seems like my throat hasn’t healed yet .

” Al … What are you doing man ? Substance abuse ? We need you at your strongest … What if an attack happened when you were out ? We’d be fucked thanks to your reckless behaviour ! ” Darien growled , I knew he was fucking scared that I almost killed myself , but I wouldn’t die that fast … I wasn’t that stupid …. I also knew I didn’t think of anything but how I was feeling … Kiara . How did she fuck up m y head so easily ? I sat up and turned away from Darien . I didn’t want him here .

” Leave . ” I said quietly . ” No. What happened Al ? ” He asked , placing a hand on my shoulder . ” Nothing ! I don’t need your fucking pity ! ” I growled , standing up and turning my back on him . He shook his head softly . ” This isn’t pity , it’s concern for my brother . ” Darien said , frowning . ” I haven’t seen you like this in years … Is it her ? ” My eyes flashed and I grabbed him by the throat .

I knew at my current strength he could rip free with ease but it seemed he didn’t want to . I slammed him against the wall , feeling every muscle in my body scream for reprieve . ” There is no one in my life that matters . I’m a fucking monster , remember ?! ” I said harshly . His eyes softened . ” You’re not . Only you see it like that . ” He said , pulling himself free . ” She’s strong , Alejandro , strong enough to be that Queen by your side . Stronger than Jasmin by far and she’s already won our pack over in such a short time – something Jasmin hasn’t been able to achieve in years . Yes she’s respected , but she’s not loved .

” # I looked at him , not even having the energy to argue . Kiara was so lovable , who wouldn’t warm up to her ? ” Jasmin is nothing to me , and that’s what I need . ” I said , turning away . Neither of us needed to say Kiara’s name to know who we were talking about . ” You need to cut yourself some slack . You are capable of treating her like a Queen and deep down you know it … Who better to protect her than the Alpha King himself ? Why didn’t he fucking get it ? I could also hurt her … ” You have done nothing but take care of her , even her father can see that .

” ” Yeah , well if he knew how good I’ve taken care of her he sure as hell wouldn’t fucking like it . ” I said , without my usual smirk . I had no fucking energy for sadistic humour right now . ” Claim her before The Blood Moon . What i f … her mate shows up . ” He said quietly . I smirked now though , turning and looking at him . ” You sure are fucking dumb … ” I remarked . He raised an eyebrow before he looked at me with shock . ” Wait , do you really think she’s … ?

” ” I’ve heard sometimes you have a connection … I don’t need a Blood Moon to confirm what I already know . ” I said quietly . ” Then that’s perfect ! Alejandro ! She’s the rightful Queen , you can’t give her position to someone else ! ” ” Moments ago you were fucking ok with me giving up my mates position to Kiara . # I said . ” Because I was right , she’s suited for you . ” He proclaimed stubbornly . I shook my head . No one fucking understood .

” No. ” ” Then what about the mating ceremony ? What the hell will you do ? ” I now turned and gave him a cold smirk . ” What the fuck do you think ? You’re hosting it . ” I said . His eyes widened in surprise . My presence wasn’t really needed , I only talked to a few of the fuckers . I hated the fucking display of lovesick pups like it was a fucking senior prom or some shit .

” I still think Kiara is the best choice . If you really care for her , keeping her by your side is the best option . It’s a two way thing Alejandro , she cares for you too . He persisted quietly , gathering up the ” empty syringes with a deep frown on his face . ” Who said I cared ? ” I said icily . He gave me a small , defeated sigh . ” Don’t be so stubborn that you’ll regret it later . ” He said . I already regretted it . She moved on and fucked my nephew . Perfect .

” My decision is made . I’m making Jasmin the Queen . ” ” Then what ? Kiara will choose someone and leave maybe ? Only for her to be put in danger . Do you really think anyone else can protect her ? ” ” Just fucking drop it , Darien . ” I hissed icily . ” I’m trying to get through that thick skull of yours Alejandro ! Please just stop being s o fucking stubborn ! ” He snapped .

I growled murderously , my aura now filling the room like an entity of its own . H e clenched his jaw and lowered his head in submission . ” This is my final warning to you . Because you’re my second in command , I will let it slide … Don’t bring her up again . ” I turned and I walked out . I was not going to let Kiara mess up my plans . I needed to stay away from her at all costs under The Blood Moon and I will , no matter what ..

The day had come , I had stuck to my rule and avoided Kiara at all costs . Almost … once or twice I watched her from afar , staying far enough away that she didn’t sense me . It kind of satisfied me that she was smiling , guess I was the only fucker who fell so fucking crap inside . It was for the best . She had her whole life in front of her and plenty of young dickheads to choose from . Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Not that I didn’t enjoy beating the shit out of any wolf I knew had flirted with her during training . Yeah , I enjoyed it . As for Rayhan , I avoided him too . I didn’t want t o see or speak to him . I’m not sure why but that one hit fucking harder . I don’t think it was because of what happened between them , it was because he was my nephew . It just made it a hundred times fucking worse . I looked in the mirror , staring at my tattooed torso .

I had changed my earring for a little dagger today . I pulled on the crisp white shirt and buttoned it halfway u p leaving a few buttons open showing off my necklaces . Even if I wasn’t going to attend the actual ball , I still would need to meet a few Alpha’s later . There was a knock on the door . By the scent , I knew it was Jasmin . ” Enter . ” I said coldly . I had been staying in the extra room I had , not wanting to run into Kiara at the mansion . The door opened and she stepped inside smelling of expensive perfume mixed with her usual scent . ” Ready ? ” She asked in a soft tone .

” Remember my rules . ” I said quietly .. She walked over , looking up at me dressed in a black shimmering gown my favourite colour . ” Sure … Sometimes relieving a little stress helps … I know a few ways . ” She said , placing a hand on my arm .

I looked at her coldly . Why didn’t she even look appealing anymore ? ” Don’t push me , Jasmin . ” I said quietly . ” Ok , I won’t . But if ever … You know ….. You know I’m here . ” She said , replacing her hand on my arm after pulling it back earlier .

” You can step away from this engagement if you want . I won’t ever be anything more than this to you . ” I said coldly , pulling out of her touch . ” I love you and I don’t care . I’m staying . ” She said firmly . Her fucking loss then . Turning around I walked out . Let’s get this shit over and done with . I up at the night sky , the full moon looked shaded with that hue of red invisible to the human eye . The Blood Moon had arrived .

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