Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff)

Chapter 118 The Meeting Between Grandfather And Grandson (Part 4)

Chapter 118 The Meeting Between Grandfather And Grandson (Part 4)

Chapter 118 The Meeting Between Grandfather And Grandson (Part 4)

The night slowly passed, the sun gradually emerged in the distant sky and the rain had stopped in the vast and boundless External Battlefield. However, the smoke from the base of the External Alliance were becoming even thicker. In fact, there were still some materials that didn't catch on fire inside the bases. It was highly possible that some of the materials could be retrieved if anyone endeavored to do so. But none dared to go out there.

Countless dead bodies killed over a night were scattering everywhere, including the bodies of warriors of God of War and Super God. Loosing so many powerhouses over a night was a great damage to the vitality in the External Battlefield. No wonder one of the rule guardians in the External Battlefield warned Iwan Cliff last night that he had committed too many killing...

Nevertheless, Iwan Cliff was still chasing Sullivan. Iwan's purpose was not to kill Sulliavan but to make a show. Everyone would watch this scene and understood that anyone who tried to disturb his peaceful life would have no chance to live. Sullivan was the top-notch powerhouse all over the External Battlefield and far stronger than the chief of the Archfield Organization Iwan killed six months ago.

But now Sullivan was covered by blood and in a real mess. It was still bleeding on his right arm which had been chopped off. He breathed faintly and still stayed alive only because he had a strong belief as a Giant God. He didn't want to die. Had become the ruling lord over the External Battlefield after his lifetime hard work, he didn't want to die. But Iwan Cliff was only two or three kilometers behind him and was not about to give up chasing...

"Your Lord of Heaven Domain! I'm wrong! I swear that I dare not to enter Dragon Kingdom anymore in the rest of my life! I'm wrong, please have mercy on me..." Sullivan groaned desperately. Though

Iwan Cliff didn't explain anything to him, he seemed to understand a little bit of Iwan's real intention after a full night's running.

Because if Iwan Cliff wanted him dead, he should have been killed last night and had no way to make it till this morning to see the sunrise. As one of the top batch of powerhouses in the External Battlefield, he naturally knew some of the most secret rules here. He had a feeling that it was because someone had warned Iwan Cliff, so that Iwan didn't kill him yesterday. Nevertheless, no matter what he guessed, he dared not to confront with Iwan Cliff face to face or violate Iwan's will. Those rule guardians had the right to warn Iwan, but he dared not to risk...

As Sullivan kept running, he yelled at his loudest voice, "Your Lord of Heaven Domain, please have mercy on me, I will retreat in closure for three years and not come out in threes years! Mercy please..." Sullivan hoped Iwan could listen to his words. Last night, he learned Iwan's true power, which was not mere the later-stage of Giant God but something far more powerful that was reaching the door to the next level. Sullivan was afraid Iwan would kill him to keep the secret. Also, Iwan acted out only the level of a later-stage of Giant God when he was chasing after him. So he yelled at Iwan Cliff loudly before it was too late.

By now, the morning had fully come. The scene of Sullivan miserably escaping in the External Battlefield made many powerhouses shocked. Despite of being a later-stage of Emperor level, Sullivan was chased like a dog without a break for a full night. And it was not hard to know from his begging words that he was truly terrified. Otherwise, he would not screamed and begged so shamelessly.

Many powerhouses and all kinds of parties in the External Battlefield watched Iwan Cliff, with a sword in his hand, chasing after Sullivan. Thereafter, wherever the two of them passed by, people all went into hiding and were deeply impressed by this scene. Everyone understood the reason why Iwan Cliff chased after Sullivan and was shocked by the super power of the Lord of Heaven Domain...


In a wild land filled with thick smoke, Master Dark and Master War, the two Super God under the command of Heaven Domain, were fighting frantically with two people from Killer Group I, one of whom was Simon White's elder brother, Alexis White! Surprisingly, Dark and War had hunted him down. The two of them got the news yesterday and immediately sent all available personnel to look for Alexis White. They did this for no other reasons but his younger brother Simon White entered Dragon Kingdom and seriously injured their brother, Slay! That's why War and Dark wanted to kill Alexis White!

Alexis White, wearing a black trench coat and a black mask on half his face, was very gloomy. His brother had always been a headache and they even weren't born by a same mother. He had the plan to invite Simon White to join Killer Group I before, so that they too could look after each other. However, Simon didn't agree to come and even swore that he would replace Alexis's position in Group I, which upset Alexis very much already. Now being trapped by two Super Gods of Heaven Domain, he was severely hurt. He would have died not if one of his partners in Killer Group I came to rescue him...

'Dark, War, Simon is Simon. I am myself! Don't be unreasonable! I had no idea about Simon's deeds. The White Family is a big family with hundreds of family members. Simon is not my brother by blood!" Alexis's fist hit with War's and shouted furiously.

With his upper body naked and a sword in his hand, War continued attacking Alexis and sneered, "I don't care if he is your real brother or not. No one of the White is a good man! Come on! Either we kill you, or we get killed by you..." After he finished speaking, War frantically charged at Alexis again.

"Are you insane?" Alexis was furious, but he had to suck it up. He was of the same level as War, both were among the top Half-Giant God and might break through to the next level in any second.

Regardless that he wouldn't be able to kill a Super God from the Heaven Domain, he knew things better than his younger brother and dared not to kill War and Dark even if he had the opportunity. Would he miss the news that the Master of Heaven Domain slayed eighty-eight strongholds in the External Region over a night yesterday? Smoke was still floating over half of the battlefield till now...

Suddenly, when the four of them were fighting violently, Sullivan, who was extremely miserable, flew over their heads and escaped. The four of them all dropped the fight and looked at the direction where Sullivan was running. Soon before they could react, Iwan Cliff's figure also appeared over their heads and chased after Sullivan...

"Alexis, I killed your brother. If you want revenge for him, come after me..." Iwan dropped a line, made a swift turn and disappeared after Sullivan in the distance...

"I..." Alexis almost cried out and secretly thought, "That was the Lord of Heaven Domain! And what was he doing? He was chasing after Sullivan, the senior ruling lord in External Battlefield and a powerhouse who had reached the later-stage of Emperor level! Do I dare to go after you?" He was literally going to cry...He probably would be the most miserable member of the Killer Group I in External Battlefield of all time.

War glanced at Dark who was standing beside him and said, "Brother, our master has grown stronger. We have to become stronger too!"

Dark seriously nodded and answered, "Right. So first of all, let's kill Alexis and his partners now. A fight deciding life and death is the best opportunity for us to break through..."

Alexis, "..."

But right after Iwan left, there was a man who was wearing a black mask and a black-gold trench coat emerged in the distance behind the place where War and Dark fought with Alexis and his partners. This man had a trace of smile in his eyes and thought secretly, "The power of a late-stage

of Emperor level? Well, Lord of Heaven Domain, you are more than this! You are my destined partner, how can you be weaker than me? You must have felt a touch of the door by now. Others might be deceived, but not me...Fairly strong! I wanted you to be my partner more and more..." NôvelDrama.Org © content.

This hidden powerhouse was the man who communicated in front of Ivy yesterday afternoon when Iwan arrived at the External Battlefield. Right now he was hiding not far away from the four who were fighting and unaware of his presence. Certainly, Iwan had known about his existence when he passed, but didn't make any remarks.

There were ten killer groups in the External Region, among which members in Group II to Group IX were frequently renewed because they got killed now and then, but Group I had never been destroyed before! Never! So Killer Group I was not that simple as it appeared. Were all of them of half-Giant God level? Impossible! For example, this hidden powerhouse who had been hounding Iwan to be his partner was far beyond the reach of a Giant God.


Sullivan kept running while Iwan kept chasing. Iwan arrived at the External Battlefield at 4 P.M. yesterday and he would only stay here for 24 hours. It was afternoon now. Sullivan had run and shouted himself hoarse all the way, he was about to collapse. Iwan slowed down a little bit too and prepared to leave. After chasing after Sullivan for a whole night, he was sure that Sullivan would never dare to turn against Heaven Domain or help those forces in Amerieland again in the future...

But just when Iwan passed another hill and was ready to give up chasing, he saw another fight going on at the bottom of the hill. A hundred or so were fighting violently there, one of the parties was from the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom! Four God of War followed by dozens of Half-a-step God of War were fighting against Killer Group VII.

Iwan frowned deeply. He didn't want to get too much involved with the Military Headquarter of Dragon Kingdom yet and had no intentions to interfere, so he continued chasing after Sullivan and


The crowds who were fighting at the bottom of the hill stunned and all stopped when they saw a powerhouse of late-stage of Emperor level escaping hurriedly and miserably. Killer Group VII, who had the advantage and almost succeeded to kill the four God of War from the Military Headquarters, was also stunned and turned to the direction where Sullivan disappeared.

A moment later, Iwan's figure appeared in the air over the battlefield. He didn't intend to interfere, but somehow when he saw an old God of War in the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom from the corner of his eyes, he felt a throbbing in his heart. That old God of War was covered in blood, but his eyes were extremely firm. Most importantly, Iwan didn't quite know why but he felt something familiar in his heart when he saw the old man.

At this moment, the old God of War and his partners were almost being wiped out by Killer Group VII of the External Region, which consisted of five killers being God of War.

Iwan looked at the fearless and firm eyes of the old God of War, and all of a sudden, he almost did it subconsciously and hit the five God of War from Killer Group VII with his palm. Bang! The five God of War from Killer Group VII instantly exploded and died, also several killers of Half-a-step God of War died along...

After Iwan made this attack, his eyebrows frowned. Then he swiftly turned and disappeared. But he had a bad feeling in his heart, a strong feeling.

Ten minutes later, Sullivan in the distance was utterly worn out and collapsed to the ground. He could' t run any more and desperately stared at Iwan who was walking up to him, trying to say something but failed. However, Iwan didn't kill him. Instead, Iwan took a secret pill out of his chest, threw it to Sullivan and turned around to leave. It was time for him to go back...

"Huh..." Lying on the ground and covered with blood, poor Sullivan stared at Iwan who had already gone and opened his mouth widely. He firstly felt great shock in his heart, then his feeling transformed to deep gratitude because Iwan had spared his life...


Half an hour later, just after Iwan left the External Battlefield by riding in Ivy's helicopter, at the battlefield located at the bottom of the hill where Iwan had interfered, the party from the Military Headquarters of Dragon Kingdom finally eradicated the remained killers from Killer Group VII under the leadership of the four God of War...

And an old God of War who was sitting on the ground and gasping for air had a weird feeling in his heart. Why did he have a familiar feeling about the powerhouse of Emperor level who just saved him? As if they had met each other somewhere? And it seemed to be a person that he cared very much? The old God of War frowned deeply. He tried to figure out something, but he couldn't. Was it because of his age?

"Evan, how's your injury? Is it bad? To be honest, you have reached the age to retire long time ago, Marshal Carl also told you to go back to Gotham City. Why are you still fighting so hard?" A God of war about 50 years old walked to the old God of War and said complicatedly. And this old God of war turned to be the elder master of the Cliff family in Gotham City, which meant he was Iwan's grandfather, who Iwan had seen only few times from his childhood to adulthood, who had been fighting all over for Dragon Kingdom, who was the senior God of War in charge of the battlefield in External Region. And his name was Evan Cliff!

Evan laughed and said, "I'm okay. Right, Jonny, who was the powerhouse that just saved us? Why do I feel quite familiar about him? Do you know him?"

The God of War nicknamed Jonny thought for a second and said, "No. What are you talking about? He was a powerhouse of Emperor level! A powerhouse of Giant God in the battlefield of External

Region! What are you hoping for? He was so young. Are you planning to get acquainted with him? Well...Don't think too much, go back and have some rest..."

"Yeah. Maybe it's because I'm too old and started overthinking. Well...This is the last time I fight together with you. I do feel I can't hold up anymore. My old brothers, take care! I will stay here for some time to recover, then I will go back to Gotham City next month..." Evan miserably said and looked at his partners with sadness in his eyes, loathing to part.

At 4 P.M.,Iwan left the External Battlefield taking a special plane and flew towards Cleveque City in Dragon Kingdom. He entered the External Battlefield yesterday and stayed there only for 24 hours, but he made a deep impression, or in other words, a nightmare on the powerhouses across the most chaotic land. And he also asked Ivy to inform War and Dark to get rid of all the Killer Groups in External Regions except Killer Group I...

"Now, I finally can have some peaceful time..." On the flight to Cleveque City, Iwan thought and let out a long sigh...Thinking of Emily and his wife, a smile appeared on his face...

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