Hatred With Benefits

T W E N T Y - O N E

T W E N T Y - O N E


I don't think before I do it. I panic and slam the door shut in their faces.

I exhale in harsh breaths and my heart is racing wildly in my chest as I take steps back, my mind all

over the place.

"Hey, who is–" my eyes fly wide as I turn back to see Emerson standing in the middle of the living room

with a bowl in hand.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he meets my wide eyes and I press a finger to my lips. When Emerson

draws his brows together in confusion, I take large strides towards him and clasp my hand over his


He tries to speak, but the sounds are muffled against my palm and I press the finger harder to my lips

as they bang the door.

"Eva! Eva, open this door. Talk to me, baby. " It's the sound of my mom and I shake my head to

Emerson, who seems to be smiling against my palm now.

I slowly remove my hand from his mouth and true to my words, a smile is pressed to his lips.

"Your mom?" He wiggles his brows and I nod. "They can't know you're here. "

Emerson raises a brow. "And why is that?" Did he just ask me that question?

"What the fuck do you mean by why is that? My dad's at the fucking door. " I snap and Emerson takes

his eyes in that direction before looking back at me. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Hide. " The word comes out sharp and firm and Emerson smirks. It's not a good one and I know the

words he will say next will be ones I won't like.

He confirms my thoughts by saying. "What do I get by playing along with your game?"

"Nothing. I'm doing this for your fucking sake! You'll be dead if my dad sees you here. " He wouldn't. I

will be the one to be dragged out of here like a fucking child and that's the last thing I want.

"I'll just sit here and wait for that to happen then. " Emerson raises a shoulder and falls to the couch. He

drops the bowl beside him, and crosses a leg over his thigh as he grabs the remote.

I shouldn't give into the demand, but I'm getting damn desperate with the loud knocks at the door.

"What do you want?" I sigh and Emerson lifts his head to me, a smile climbing on his face. He drops

the remote and rises to my height. He doesn't speak a word as he takes a step forward and I take one

backward. Emerson takes a step forward again and I take another backward. He repeats the process

till I trip and fall on the couch; Emerson's body falling after me.

Emerson smiles and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear before moving closer. He whispers, "You

owe me, Carson. " The words are slow and deliberate and I shudder when his tongue swipes across

my earlobe.

Pulling back, he gives me a wink before walking out of the room.

When I'm sure he's completely out of sight, I take a breath to calm myself before striding back to the

door. I pull it open and smile at my parents.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I say as I step to the side and mom pulls me into her embrace. "Oh,

you poor thing. You have no idea how worried you made us. "

I look over her shoulder to see dad frowning down at me and I drop my gaze, wrapping my arm around

mom to return the hug.

"Why were you? I'm fine. " I mumble into her shoulder and she pulls back. As she cups my cheek with

her hand, she says, "You didn't pick up your calls, neither did you respond to your messages.

Considering how it's always been–"

"You thought I'd do the same this year. " I complete her words with a chuckle and she nods.

"I told you I'd be fine, mom. I've come to accept it and I'm not the same girl I was a year ago. " A

complete lie. I'd be in my room, shielded away from the rest of the world if a certain person hadn't

pulled me out of it. Though I knew they would be worried, I didn't expect them to come all the way here.

"So you came here to make sure I'm alright?" I chuckle and mom nods, angling her head back to dad.

"He was worried and wouldn't listen to anyone until he makes sure you're fine. "

"I am. " I repeat the words to assure my family. "It's not like I was going to commit suicide. " I joke and

when I meet dad's eyes, his face is hardened as he says, "You came close to that once. "

The atmosphere in the room changes at Matt's words and I stare down at the floor, taking a step back.

"I'm happy to see you're alright, Eva. I'm proud of you. " Mom speaks, her attempt to lessen the tension

that's suddenly taken over the room quite obvious and I throw her a small smile before urging them in.

Before Aliya can go after them, I grab her wrist and pull her back. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me they

were coming?"

She throws me a glare. "I didn't know they were. We met at the door and if you had answered your

fucking phone, you would have got my warning. "

"You could have tried to distract them, at least. " I whisper and she laughs lowly. "Distract Matt? Come

on, Evie. You know your father better than that. Nothing goes in or out when it comes to your safety. "

Knowing she's right, I nod and release her wrist from my hold.

"Where did he go?" Aliya asks. "I'm guessing you hid him when you blatantly shut the door on your

parents' faces. " A smirk climbs on her face and I nudge her.

Aliya walks in while I shut the door, and pray Emerson remains still.

"Where's your roommate? Matt told me you have one. " Mom asks as I take the seat across them and I

exchange looks with Aliya before looking back at her. "She is asleep. "

"Is she nice? Giving you any troubles?"

"Giving troubles is one thing through. " Aliya mumbles from her seat and I glare at her, giving her my

middle finger.

"She isn't, " I say to mom. "And yes, she's nice. You don't have anything to worry about, mom. I love it

here. "

"I know. " She smiles.

"And you should head back home now that you've confirmed I'm fine? I told you I didn't want you guys

to show up here. " I frown.

"We wouldn't have come if you had responded to the texts and calls, Princess. " Dad finally speaks, his

voice calm, and not the harsh one he gave at the door.

"I was watching TV, so I didn't get any of those. " I tell him and he nods, rising to his feet.

"Come here. " He says and I look at mom who gives me an assuring nod. I move to my feet and stride

towards my father, letting him wrap his arms around me; covering me with his large body.

"You got me, dad. " I whisper and he presses his hand tighter around me. I know the scar from what

happened years ago left on him. Left on me. Left on us and as much as I tend to think I have the

biggest scar, I know they had it worse even when they pretend to be strong for me.

I pull away from dad and give mom another hug.

"You weren't there today. " She whispers into my hair and I nod. "I want to find peace within myself

before going again. "

Mom pulls back and holds my face in his hands. Unshed tears shine through her eyes as she says, "I

couldn't be any prouder. " And she presses her lips to my forehead.

"We should be on our way. Is there anything you need? " Dad asks and I shake my head. "You already

gave me everything I need and more. "

He presses his hand to my cheek before he pulls back and I walk them to the door.

I watch them get into the car after filling my ears with how much they love me before they drive out,

disappearing out of sight.

"Want me to stay for a while?" I drop my gaze to Aliya's at the sound of her voice and say, "No, I don't

think so. "

She pouts. "I thought you would want me to keep you company with him around. "

At Aliya's words, I remember Emerson is still in hiding and a smile crawls to my face that he kept to the


"I'm fine, Aliya. I have some works to catch up with. I'll text you later. " I tell her and she narrows her Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

eyes at me. "Why does it feel like you're trying to drive me out of here? "

"I'm not. " I assure her. "But we both know you'll get bored if you stay here, then you'll try to take me out

for some fun and you know I can't today. "

She seems to be in thought for some seconds before she nods. "You know me too well, bitch. " She

gives a playful hit to my shoulder and I laugh.

"Call me if you need me, yeah? Anything and I'll come running at your door. " She says in a serious

tone and I smile. "I know you're here. "

She leans forward to ruffle my hair, to which I glare at her, causing her to laugh before she moves away

and I wave at her till she moves out of sight before I walk back inside.

"I've always known you're a daddy's pet, Carson. " I turn around to see Emerson's eyes on me with

arms folded to his chest, and a smirk pressed to his lips.

"I have a good relationship with my father. There's a difference. " I tell him as I close the door, and

freeze at the crazy thought that runs through my mind.

"You didn't hear anything, did you?" I ask slowly, and Emerson laughs. "Do I look like I eavesdrop on

people's conservation? Though I think I should have done that, judging by that look on your face. Must

be something interesting if you don't want me to learn about it. "

My heart calms at his words, and I move forward. "Not your biggest win. " I taunt him as I stride to the

kitchen at the rumble of my tummy.

I grab a bowl and put out the eggs.

"What are you making?" I jump at the sound of Emerson's voice behind me and nudge him from my


"Omelet. " I tell him as I crag the eggs into the bowl.

"Those look too much for you alone, don't you think?" He says and I roll my eyes, knowing where he's

digging at.

"It's for the both of us. " I tell him and Emerson fakes a surprise face. "Eva Carson making me food.

That's something I never thought would happen in this life or the next. "

"If you run that mouth too much, I might consider poisoning it and getting rid of you permanently. " I

retort as I grab a pan and Emerson chuckles. "We both know you won't get rid of me that easily,

Carson. "

I ignore his words as I begin to fry the vegetables in a considerate amount of oil and Emerson props on

the counter. I feel his eyes on me from the corners of mine and I shift awkwardly on my feet.

"Why would you think I want omelet, though?" He says, and I raise my eyes to him. "You should be

happy I'm making you something. "

"More amazed than excited. Why are you making me food, Carson? Is this some sort of bribe?" He

knows what he's doing. He just always want me say the words. Fucking bastard.

"I'm not surprised you're that dumb to not realize this is a repayment. " I taunt him with a smirk on my

face and Emerson gives a small laugh. "For what? The cry or the hide?" A blush reddens my cheeks at

the reminder of Emerson Ford seeing me in displeasing situations... Twice.

"And if I say it's for both?" The egg sizzle as I add it to the vegetables and I cover the pan before

turning to him.

"That's a cheat, Carson. You have to repay one with one. Not two. " He lowers his voice as he jumps

off the counter and I raise my brows. "Who made that rule?"

Emerson takes a step forward. "Me, and considering the fact that you're repaying me, you have to go

by my rules. " My eyes fall to the movement when he takes another step. "Which means you still owe

me after this, Carson. "

The pounding of my heart against my ribs is loud in my ears as Emerson takes the final step that

closes the distance between us and brushes his nose against mine; the contact sending a shock

through my body.

"Since when have I ever gone with your rules, Ford?" I try to keep my voice steady and not give out the

way my heart threatens to pump out of my chest or the way my breathing seems to quicken at having

him this close or the way I'm aware of how he rubs his thigh against mine.

"Since you brought up repaying me. " His voice comes out in a baritone and God helps me– I'm unable

to control the rub of my thighs when he drops his head.

"You might want to check out on the omelet, Carson. " I turn my head quicker than necessary to hide

the heat that rises to my cheeks as I peek at the omelet, and gulp when my ass presses against the

front of Emerson's pants in the process.

"You know–" I swallow at the fan of Emerson's breath near my ear. "I can think of a second way you

could repay me right here. "

I don't try to move because it'll only worsen the situation we're in, and that includes the way he grows

against my ass.

"And what could that possibly be, Ford?" I give myself a mental pat to the back when my voice comes

out as I intended. Harsh and steady.

"I could fuck you right now. " His lips brush against my neck as he speaks the words and my body

shudders in response– one I hope he doesn't notice. "Right here. " His hand moves over mine as he

slaps the counter and the image of me bent over the counter with Emerson pounding into me from

behind goes through my mind– it's hot and dirty and it emanates a familiar ache between my legs.

"You're thinking of it, Carson?" Emerson whispers near my ear when I take long to respond and I shake

my head. "I'm too disgusted by the words to have a thought on it. "

He chuckles. "Could have fooled me if your breathing didn't quicken along with those words. " Before I

can think of something else to say, Emerson moves away, taking every reaction with him, and I let out a

deep breath.

"But that was just me messing with you. I'll be in the living room. " And when the sound of his receding

footsteps echoes around me, I check the omelet before dropping my head.

Emerson Ford is turning out to be a bigger distraction than I reckoned.

After putting the omelet on two plates, I walk into the living room to see Emerson huddled on the couch

with the Panda on the screen.

"Here, " I say and he lifts his head to grab his plate from me.

"I'm surprised you can cook, Carson. This looks good. " He says as I take a seat beside him.

"I'm surprised you think everyone is as bad at cooking as you are. " I retort and Emerson laughs. He

gives a small shake of his head before he cuts the omelet with his fork and I steal a glance to watch the

way he licks his lips before taking another. The sight comes with satisfaction and I turn back to the


Emerson gives me his plate when I move from my seat to return mine to the kitchen and I throw him a

glare, but take it from him nonetheless. I drop the plates into the sink and get a glass of water for him

after downing mine.

"Here you go. " Emerson takes the glass from me with a smile. "You're better at this than I expected. "

"Consider this the first and last time you get to have it from me. " I respond before dropping on the

couch in a crouched stance.

Minutes into the movie and we've somehow moved from being apart to being extremely close.

I'm aware of his one hand around me and the other playing with my hair. I'm aware of his heavy

breaths against my neck and I'm aware of the way his skin is pressed to mine. I'm aware of the spot

we're in: legs tangled and bodies flushed.

I'm aware I'm cuddling Emerson Ford on the couch whilst watching TV, but I don't give room to think

back on our actions as I push back against him and Emerson's throat hums with a groan as he tightens

his hold on me.

"You feel good. " I hear Emerson whisper behind me and I don't let myself think much into his words,

but enjoy that moment, because I know as soon as I start to think on it– I'll ruin this moment where

there's nothing, but the sounds of our breaths and the one from the TV.

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