Hatred With Benefits

F I F T Y - S E V E N

F I F T Y - S E V E N


"Hey, you're back. " Emerson is sitting on my bed when I walk inside and I close the door behind me

before I turn to quirk a brow at him. "How did you get in here?"

"It was open. " He responds as he gets off the bed and stalks towards me. He stops only a few steps

from me before he opens his mouth again, "I missed you at school. "


"Campus. I didn't notice you left. " He explains as I kick my shoes off my feet to slip into my slippers.

"Why? We don't interact at school. "

"I know that Carson, " he sighs when I lift my head to him, and then he opens his arms. I watch as he

waits for me to get into his arms, before I drop my bag and move into his embrace. "Things change.

"He whispers as he clamps a hand to my head.

"They do, " I agree as I press the side of my face to his chest, breathing in his smell.

"Are you free? " He asks and I move my head from his chest to meet his eyes. "I want to spend some

time with you. " He smiles, and the image of him giving that same smile to Paige flashes through my

mind, but I shake it off; deciding I wouldn't be bothered by the silliest of things.

"Depends on what we're doing, and how less annoying you get during it. " I tell him and his smile

widens as he leans down to close his lips over mine. The kiss lasts for five seconds before Emerson

pulls away, and I open my eyes to meet his gaze. Warm and soft. Addicting and gorgeous.

"I think you will love this. " He promises as he takes a step back, letting my body fall from his. I furrow

my brows as I watch Emerson moves across my room to my bed, and the knowledge of what he's

about to do dawns on me when he paces to the side of my bed, and grabs my current reading.

"Let's do some reading?" He waves the book in the air from where he stands and a small smile climbs

on my face as I give a nod.

"I'll change, then we can start. " I tell him and when his eyes move down my body after my words, I lift a

brow. "What?"

Emerson lifts his gaze. "I want you in my shirt. "

"Why?" I fold my arms against my chest, knowing the reason behind his request, but wanting to hear it

either way.

"Because you look sexy in it and it's easier for whatever I plan to do. " He answers with a knowing

smile and I say, "I have my shirts. "

"Still want mine on you. " He insists and I roll my eyes before I agree to his demand, "Fine. I'll wear

yours. "

Emerson grins and moves from his spot, walking out of the room to get one of his shirts. I move further

inside my room and strip out of my clothes before Emerson arrives with a white t-shirt.

"Looks pure enough for me to ruin it later. " He winks as he throws me the shirt and I let out a scoff as I

catch it in my hold before Emerson walks out of the room.

When he's out of sight, I lift the white shirt before I bring it to my chest and press my nose into it;

Emerson's familiar smell of intoxicating perfume fills my nostrils. I unclip my bra and let my breasts free

before I put on the shirt, leaving the first few buttons opened with enough space for him to easily slip

his hand through. It moves a bit past my ass, leaving my thighs exposed.

I tie my hair into a messy bun before I stride out of the room and walk down the path that leads me into

the living room, where Emerson Ford awaits me on the couch with a book in hand and candies on the

table before him.

At the clear of my throat, his head snaps to my direction and my skin burns hot at the way he takes in

every inch of me, licking his lips with each slide of his gaze down my body.

When he meets my eyes, he carries my favourite look on him and his voice is thick with the familiar

yearning as he speaks, "Trying to turn this into your runaway, Eva?"

"That doesn't exactly sound like a bad idea. " I respond as I make a twirl and when I look back at him,

Emerson has the look that tells me it's taking everything in him to remain on that spot.

"Have I ever told you how sexy your legs are?" He says in a tone that makes my stomach twists in

excitement and I gnaw at my bottom lip, attempting to hold back the embarrassing squeak that's about

to fall from my mouth.

"You haven't, but I can tell they're about to become your next obsession. " I speak when I'm sure to not

make a humiliating sound and Emerson hums, "They might just be. " Then he gestures for me to move

with his forefinger, something about the action making it hot. "Come here. "

"Beg me, " I tease him and Emerson shakes his head. "If I move out of this couch, Carson; it'll be the

other way around. " I want to stand still just to make him go along with those words, but craving to have

a reading moment with Emerson; I move from my spot and stroll towards him, Emerson's eyes

following my every movement.

"Thought you'd want those. " He says, referring to the sweets on the table when my gaze moves to it

again, and I snicker, "Did you do that in my interest or in yours to get me sick?"

"You love sweet things. " He answers then he wraps an arm around my middle, pulling me back until I

fall against his body. I attempt to adjust in his hold as I slide up his chest, but I do something else when

I rub my ass against the front of his pants in the process, causing Emerson to groan behind me.

"Don't do that. " He whispers as he moves my head to the side with the top of my head pressing to his

chin and I say, "I didn't mean to. " Emerson lets my leg slip beneath and drops his over mine as he

lowers the book to my stomach, bringing it into both of our views.

"How will you catch up with me?" I ask him when he flips to the page I stopped.

"I've read this before. " He says, once again surprising me with the number of books he seems to have


"Right, " I hum as I lift my hand to cover his and hold the book. " I forgot this used to be crack to you. "

Emerson chuckles and presses his nose into my hair as we fall into silence and I let my eyes move

across the tiny words, my body relaxing into his.

"He shouldn't have let her walk away. " Emerson speaks after a few minutes, breaking the silence

between us as I turn the page.

"What would you have done?" I ask him as I move my hand over his again and he says, "Make her

understand that she's mine; no matter how much she refuses to admit that. "

"He was in the wrong. It couldn't have been that easy. " I tell him and he makes a sound of

disagreement before he voices out, "Yes, it could have been that easy. She clearly can't deny the fact

that she wants him too. "

"He called her loose, Emerson. " I remind him.

"Apologize and move on with things. " He says and I let out a chuckle, "So an apology is supposed to

fix the shitty things he did to her? And she's just supposed to move on because he apologized?"

"Exactly. It's stupid to delay things when they both clearly can't be with anyone else, but the other

person. " He does have a point.

"Maybe, but it's understandable if she wouldn't accept instantly. I wouldn't either. " I say and Emerson

angles my head to his face. "Is this your way of saying I won't have it easy with you if I fuck things up? " All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

"Is this your way of saying you'll go out of it and call me a slut because you were jealous?" I throw back

and Emerson blinks twice before he shakes his head. "Why would I need to do that when I could just

punish you in the right way for attempting to make me jealous?"

"And what way could that possibly be?" The book is long forgotten at this point as Emerson's gaze

drops to my lips, and I push my face closer, my lips grazing against his as I say, "What say, Ford?"

I drop my eyes to my thigh when I feel his touch against the skin before I meet his eyes and Emerson

parts his lips to speak, but he's interrupted by the sudden buzz of his phone.

He smiles before he lifts my body with his slightly from the couch to retrieve his phone from his back

pocket. His brows furrow when he unlocks the screen and lets his eyes move across it.

"Paige. A second. " He mumbles under his breath, and the sound of her name coming from him is

enough to make me lift my body from his and edge closer to the other side. He doesn't seem to take

notice of my movement as his fingers move across the screen, and I look away from him when he's

about to raise his head.

"She's just a friend. " Emerson's whisper comes in my ear after a few seconds.

"Who?" I fail to understand his words as I look at him over my shoulder.

"Paige. I told you we have nothing going on. " He says as he wraps his arms around me, bringing me

back to his chest with his face close to mine.

"I didn't ask. " I tell him in a dry tone, taking my eyes off him and Emerson chuckles as he presses his

lips to my shoulder, then he lifts his head to say, "I can tell it's bothering you. " Which annoys me a lot

more at the fact that Emerson seems to be able to read me like an open book now.

"She's a friend, Eva. " He repeats his words, and I'm no longer able to hide the bitterness in my voice

as I speak. "A friend you fucked. "

"We ended things. She knows where she stands. " He assures me and I move his hand from my body

to twist it towards him. "I can remember her being here in this very house to fuck you. "

"That was then. I told her we're done. " He tells me and I say, "And what's to stop her from coming onto

you? You think she'll stop just because you asked her to?"

"She knows the rules. " He raises a shoulder dismissively, trying to pull me close but I move back from

his hold. "We knew the rules and we broke them, to satisfy our wants. Why should she be of any


"That's different. We broke the rules because we both wanted it, and you know that, Eva. " I do, and it

only heightens my thoughts about Paige and him. Thoughts that make me so furious to have. Thoughts

that lead to jealousy and fear– none of which I'm fond of.

Caring too much– this is what happens when you allow yourself to feel too much. You easily get

affected; things that should barely, or never bother you start to irk you at the slightest point.

"And what's to stop you from fucking her if she wants you to?" I arch a brow and Emerson sighs before

he lets out his words. "I've told you numerous times Carson– I don't see myself with any other woman

that isn't you. And Paige isn't who you think she is. She might appear threatening, but she isn't. "

"That's cute. You're defending her. " I coo, sarcasm creeping into my voice and I watch Emerson's

relaxed gaze turns serious.

"Goddamn it, Carson. You don't expect me to cut off a friend just because we have something going

on. " He snaps, the annoyance in his voice quite evident and I move from the couch, not holding back

my irritation. "Firstly, fuck you, Emerson. Secondly, I didn't ask you to cut her off; you were the one who

brought her up in the first place, and lastly; you've slept with her repeatedly, and you don't expect me to

be alright with her moving around you if we've 'something' going on like you said– especially with a girl

who stares at you like she's ready to devour you at the spot. "

"She doesn't. You're thinking too much into this, Carson. " He raises from the couch to stand in front of


"And I'm done having this conversation with you. " I spite out in anger, his words and his siding with her

bringing me closer to the edge of my control and I turn away, walking out of the room before I lose it

and say words I'll be sure to regret later.

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