Hatred With Benefits

E I G H T Y - S I X

E I G H T Y - S I X


"Hey, you're here. " I smile at Aliya as I open the door wide for her and she strides inside my room,

while I close the door, taking in several breathes for the conversation that awaits the both of us.

When I turn back, Aliya is standing in the middle of the room, waiting for me and I pace closer to her


"How are you?" She asks and I motion for her to move to the bed. She nods and climbs on, taking her

seat by the edge while I throw a leg across the other at the center.

"Did I stress you? You returned to school, didn't you?" I ask and she says, "I did. And no, you didn't

stress me. I was happy to receive your call. "

"You were?" I lift a brow and she nods, "I was waiting for you, Eva. "

"Were you? Then why didn't you call me? Or text even?" I question and she responds with, "That's

because I wasn't sure if you wanted me to. Anytime I try to reach out whenever we fight, you don't

respond until you're ready. "

"I'd have appreciated it though. " I lift a shoulder and she smiles, "I know. " Then her face turns serious

as her smile fades. "I'm sorry, Eva. For what I said that day. "

I let out a sigh as I stare down at my legs. "Why are you sorry? You were right. "

"No, I wasn't, " she opposes. "I did what I did because I wanted to; not because I felt like I needed to,

and I shouldn't have said it like that. "

"I shouldn't have gotten angry over the letter. I was just— I let my emotions get the better of me. " I say

as I lift my gaze to her and she smiles, "I understand you. "

"You do?" I say and she nods. "I do. You were stressed, and you had things going on with Emerson. "

"I don't think that justifies the way I acted, though. That's no excuse for it, and I'm sorry. "

"If you keep saying sorry, then you'll make me feel even worse about myself. " She pouts and I chuckle.

She follows through, before she stops and says, "How are things between the two of you? Better?"

"You could say that. " I mutter and when she arches her brow, I continue to answer her unasked

question, "We're not exactly together, but we're not exactly apart either. We're in the middle, sort of?"

"Is that your decision, or his?"

"Mine. " I mumble with a swallow and when I feel Aliya's touch on my legs, I raise my head to her

again, "Do you want that to change?"

"I don't know. " I confess. "I'm scared of getting hurt again, but I also want him. "

"Well, as far as I know; where there's love, there'll always be pain. " She says with a straight face and

when I turn my head to the side, narrowing my eyes at her; she breaks into a laugh.

I'm unable to contain my laugh either. "You're quoting me, Aliya Collins?"

"I might have managed to pick a line or two from your book of love. " She teases, and I smile at the

excitement on her face before I lift my hand to cover hers on my leg. "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am. More glad that I'm here. " She answers and I shake my head, "I don't mean that. I

meant Sage. You get to see her every day now. "

She nods. "I do, but surprisingly, I'm more okay than I was before it happened. It's like I don't have to

feel much guilty for doing that to her now that she's moved on. Trust me, I'm fine. "

"I'm glad to hear that. " I tell her and she hums. When she remains silent, I shuffle closer to her, and

pinch her side. "Come on, bitch. Where's my Aliya? This one is well too mannered for my preference. "

"I thought you'd prefer this one. " She proclaims and I shake my head, "No, I want my loud and

annoying best friend. "

"That bitch never left. " She winks and I laugh before I move into her open arms, and let her wrap her NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

arms around me.

"I've missed you, Evie. " She says, her voice muffled against me and I smile as I stroke her back, "I

know. And I've missed you just as much. "

When she pulls back, she says, "I've been taking notes. For you, and you better have a reward for me

because that shit is exhausting. "

"Shouldn't you be doing that for you?" I raise a brow and she frowns, "When have I ever done that?"

"I'm honestly looking forward to seeing you graduate. " I tease her and she shows me her middle finger

with a tiny smirk playing on her lips.

"Oh, and I brought you something. " She announces and I move my head in curiosity as I watch her

fiddle with the small purse by her waist before she brings out a paper– one that I recognize at first


"You still have it?" I say as she lifts it between us and she nods, "Of course, I still do. It's yours and I

have no right to dispose it. Besides, I thought it might come in handy. "

When I take the paper from her, she says, "I know how you feel at the moment, babe but I want to

believe Emerson loves you, and deserve another chance to show you why you chose him in the first

place. I don't know what that holds, but I'm hoping it'll fix a thing or two between the two of you, and

help you with your decision. "

"He left because he thought he needed to protect me, and our relationship. " I tell her and she slides a

hand around my waist. When my head falls against her shoulder, I proceed to say, "And it's no doubt

that's the explanation this note holds. "

"Will you read it?" She asks and when I nod, she moves away from me and climbs off the bed.

I raise my brows at her, "What are you doing?"

"I just thought you might need some privacy reading that. You deserve it. " She smiles, pressing a hand

to my cheek before she strolls out of the room and when her frame disappears, I return my gaze to the

paper I have in hand. The one I never got to finish.

I open the note and his handwriting glares back at me as my eyes run over the words.

'Eva. Firstly, I want you to know that I didn't want to do this. I truly didn't want to do to us, baby. Not to

you, but I had no other choice: I don't want to lose you, but I also don't want you to lose everything else

that you have. My dad knows about you and I, and he's everything but accepting of it. I know, baby:

you don't care if they are against our relationship, as long as we have each other and I honestly don't

care either. I don't care if I have to lose everything else just to keep you, but then I realized I can't be

that selfish. I don't know to what heights Mason would go just to keep us apart, but I know you'll lose

more than just your relationship with your parents if I let him do that to us and I can't. I adore the

relationship you have with your parents and I don't want you to ever lose that. I know you said you don't

care, but I don't want to be the one to take that away from you, and that's why I have to leave. I want to

be with you without causing any other chaos in your life, Eva. I want to be with you without having to

worry about those that'll do anything to break us apart. I want to be with you without having to wonder

what trouble will come our way today or tomorrow, and cause us to drift apart against our will. I deserve

to be with you in that way. We deserve that much after everything, and that's why you'll have to be

strong without me by your side for a while. I'm leaving for New York to my brother, and in all honesty, I

have no idea what awaits me there but if there's anyone who always finds a way to make everything

right then it's my brother. So, I want you to see this as me sacrificing time apart from you now so we

won't have to do that for a longer time that awaits us. See this as me trying to change the outcome of

what's bound to happen, and I'll be back there with you and then; it'll all be worth it because we'll be in

each other's arms again. And you probably think this coward of me, but I would never be able to do this

if I had to look into your eyes, or hear your voice.

... I love you, baby. Never forget that. Yours, Always and forever. '

I don't realize my eyes are full of tears until the paper is almost soaked with the drops and I sniff.

"Emerson. " I call out his name as my eyes remain glued to the paper. Even after knowing everything,

even after he explained his reasons; this doesn't fail to make my heart hurt.

I toss the paper to the side and dab the back of my palm on my cheek to wipe my tears before I grab

my phone, and one glance at the screen is all it takes me to remember I have plans with Emerson


I'm quick to move out of bed, and I stride to my closet, picking out a short dress. After cladding myself

in it, I fix my hair and place my bag across my shoulder. I pause at my bed at the sight of the paper,

and I move it between the pages of my book before I grab my phone and walk out of my room.

When I reach the living room, mom is speaking to Aliya while dad stands next to them with a smile on

their face.

Dad is the first to sight me. "Princess. "

Then mom and Aliya raise their heads, their eyes roaming down my body.

I look down at myself before I raise my eyes to them, "Um. I have to—"

"We know. He has been waiting outside for a long time. " Mom interrupts me with a smile and I furrow

my brows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You have to be somewhere with Emerson, don't you? He's been waiting outside for hours. An hour

Delilah?" Dad asks Mom and she confirms by saying, "Almost two. "

"You know I'm leaving to somewhere with Emerson? Emerson Ford?" I say the words for clarification,

and when they both nod with smiles on their faces, I look back to Aliya who raises her shoulders in


"What's wrong with you?" I ask dad as I return my gaze to him. "You know Emerson Ford is waiting

outside for me, and you haven't lost it yet?"

Dad laughs as he moves away from mom to walk toward me. When he reaches me, he grabs my

hands as he speaks, "Yes, we know, Princess. We're in full support of your relationship. "

"I— I don't understand. " I say as I look at mom who joins dad and presses a hand on my shoulder.

"I spoke to Mason. " Dad reveals and I sigh, "Dad, I told you not to—"

"No, listen, Princess. " He starts and when I close my mouth, he continues. "I know you didn't want me

to interfere after what happened with Emerson, but I needed to. I couldn't stand by any longer and

watch you like that, knowing I was a part of it. So yes, I went to Mason Ford and spoke to him; only the

outcome wasn't exactly what I expected. "

"What happened?" I ask him and mom speaks next. "Mason had a change of heart. "


"Yes, baby. Mason Ford had a change of heart, and no longer holds the hostility he held towards your

father. They've come to be friends. " Mom says, only for dad to oppose her last words. "I won't say it

like that, but we're calm and we're no longer at each other's neck. I just want you to know that we're no

longer a force against your relationship; I should have never been and I know that this might not

change how things are between the two of you, but I'm hoping it influences your decision. You both

deserve to be happy again. "

"I— I don't know what to say. " I tell them and mom smiles, "You don't have to say anything, baby. We

only corrected our mistake, and I know it might be too late now, but I want you to know that whatever

decision you make in the end, you'll have our support through every step. "

"Mom. " I call and she smiles again before nudging me forward. "Go now. He's waiting. "

Dad's hands fall from mine and I stand there, just staring at the two of them and wondering how this

whole thing managed to take a turn around.

"I'll be on my way. " I inform them and they both wave at me. When I look at Aliya behind them, she

winks and gives me a thumbs-up, and I sigh, adjusting my bag before I turn around and stride out of

the house.

True to their words, Emerson's car is waiting outside of our door, and I step forward.

He's drumming his fingers against the steering wheel with one hand pressed to the side of his face

when I arrive at the car and I press my knuckles against the glass.

He turns his head to the side, and a smile instantly stretches out to his face as he rolls down the glass.

"Hey, you're here. " He says in an excited tone before he opens the door from the inside and I climb in,

shutting the door as I settle on my seat.

"Why didn't you text to tell me you're here?" I ask him as I fasten my seatbelt and he says, "I just

wanted you to take your time. I don't have any trouble with waiting. "

"Still. You should have. They said you've been waiting for almost two hours?" I frown as I turn my head

to meet his eyes and the brown orbs are shining as he whispers, "I don't mind waiting an eternity for

you, Eva. "

I turn my head away from him immediately and Emerson chuckles. Clearing my throat to tone down the

sudden hotness, I say, "Why didn't you tell me about dad and yours?"

"They told you?" He asks as he fastens his seatbelt and when I hum, he says, "I didn't think that was

important at the moment. You are more important. "

"You should have told me. Wasn't that the whole reason why you left?"

"And almost came close to losing you. " He mumbles under his breath, but I manage to catch the words

as he starts the car.

"You're more important, Eva. " He repeats as he begins to drive out. "But yes, my father and yours

resolved their issues. " And as silence takes over with Emerson's focus on the road before him, I steal

a glance at him. He might have done it in a way I didn't want, and hurt me in his process of trying to not

make them a problem to us, but he did it. He got what he was hoping for.

When he starts to turn his head to my view, I'm quick to tear my gaze away and lean against the



"We're here. " Emerson says and I look out the window to see we're at the garden.

"The garden?" I ask him when I look back at him and he hums as he unfastens his belt, "I thought you'd

love to come here. It's been a while since we came to one. What do you think?"

"You were thoughtful. " I tell him and his chuckles resound behind me as I climb out of the car. Emerson

walks out through his side and moves to my side, and I watch his eyes dance down my body.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress?" He remarks and I avert my gaze from him to

hide my face, "Let's get inside. "

"You brought a camera this time too?" I ask him when I notice it in his hand and he grins, "I love taking

pictures of you. Especially when you do something you love. "

"The compliments again. " I mumble under my breath as we stride inside the pretty house and soon,

we're surrounded by flowers and their scents while Emerson stands behind me, clicking the camera at

every other second he gets.

"Emerson!" I gasp, swatting his hand away as he tries to pluck a flower before I look around us

frantically and he puts on an innocent face when I meet his eyes, "I thought these are your favourites?"

"They are there for looking and admiring; not destroying. " I scold him and he winks as he brings the

camera up again. He laughs at something on the screen when he brings it down, "You look so fucking

cute with your scolding face. "

I shake my head as I move away from him, but I'm unable to hold back my smile.

After a long time of staying around with Emerson being in his goofy mood than usual, we finally make

our way back outside.

"I love it when you smile. " He says suddenly as he moves around to stop in front of me and I halt my


"You have your ways of making that happen. " I mumble as I stare at the camera he has around his


"Do you want to know something interesting?" Emerson asks me and I raise my gaze to him. "What?"

He looks around us with a smile on his face. "This is where I first fell in love with you. " When he meets

my eyes, he says, "I might have fallen in love with you before our first time here, but this is where I

realised that I fell for you. This was where I admitted it to myself. Seeing that bright smile on your face

on that day; I just knew you got me within your grasp. "

"Is this why you bring me here?" I ask him and he hums. "Because this is where it all started, without

you knowing and this is where I want it to start again. I don't want you to take any breath without me by

your side again, Eva. I'm tired of staying away now. I want you back. I need you back here. "

I take a while before I speak. "I read your note. " I take a pause and wet my lips before I continue, "I

know you thought that'd change how things went if I read it, but after reading it; I don't think it'd have.

I'd have felt the same way I feel right now. Maybe I'd have understood your reason for leaving a bit

better, but I'd have hurt regardless. "

"I know, baby. I know. " He mumbles as he closes the space between us and lifts his hands to my face.

I make a sound at the back of my throat and shut my eyes to the feel of his touch against my skin

before I open them to brown eyes staring at me and Emerson opens his mouth, "I know you'd have hurt

and I'm sorry for that. Away from you for those days made me realize maybe–just maybe we could

have found a better way. I'm sorry that I had to hurt you to keep you, Eva. But I don't want to do that

anymore. I don't want us to hurt each other anymore, so, please; put an end to the pain. I don't want to

walk any longer without you here. "

I lift my hands to cover his and move them to stroke my cheek and he smiles, "Eva. "

With a nod, I don't say another word as I remove his hands from mine and turn away from him, heading

in the direction of the car.

As I shut the door to my seat, I look out the window to see Emerson standing there confused before he

starts to move.

As soon as Emerson closes the door from his side and drops the camera to the backseat, I don't let

him fasten his seat belt before I move from my seat to straddle his lap and his eyes widen as I drop my

hands on his shoulders.

"Eva—" I slide my hands up his neck and close my lips over his. His hands immediately find their stay

on my hips and when I withdraw from the kiss, he's smiling at me.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask him in a small voice and he shakes his head, "You just never fail to amaze

me. Does this mean you're mine again?"

"I thought you said I never stopped being yours. " I call him out and he grips my hips tighter, "You know

what I mean, Eva. "

A small smile touches my lips and I grip the end of his locks as I crush my lips against his. He moans

into my mouth, and I take what he gives me as I slowly start to grind to the hardness begging to break

free from his pants, and Emerson swallows my sounds as I did to his as he takes over the kiss. He's

smiling against my lips, smiling into the kiss and then his tongue is lowering mine to press his to the

back of my throat.

My pants are heavy and the sounds fill the small space of the car as I pull back to take a breathe and

look into his eyes.

"I want you inside me. " I tell him and a smirk crosses his face, "Your place?"

"No, the apartment. My parents are back home with Aliya. " I say and he groans, his hands moving to

the small of my back.

"The apartment is a long journey. " He complains as he rolls his hips against mine once to show me the

reason for that complaint and I glide my hands down his chest, "It'll be worth it. "

"In what way?" He asks and I push my head to the side of his face, swiping my tongue down the skin

before I whisper to his ear, "Because I want to be able to chant your name without having to worry

about my parents in a room away. "

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