Emma’s warning fury returned to full flame. “This so-called “matter” better be about something reasonable. Because if you mess with my job, I will yell sex discrimination so loud that these concrete building blocks will crumble” her fingernails raked the wooden arms of the chair. “I’m the right person for this job. Mr Rohan”

“You sure as hell are right for something” he snapped. ” I got a taste of it the other night. You were like hot silk in my arms when we danced, woman. Why the hell did you walk away from me?”

Emma felt the blood drain from her cheeks. “Finally you said what you have been wanting to say since. Is this interview over, Mr Rohan?”

“The interview is over, but you and I are not.” he stood up menacingly, then leaned forward to brace his fists on the desk. “Take a note, lady. You and I are not through. I want to know why you walked out?”

Emma’s head went up; her jaw jutted forward. She jumped to her feet. The ponytail whipping about her neck. “women do change their minds, you know. Just because we had a couple of dances doesn’t mean I owed it to you to spend the night in your bed. Maybe you just didn’t appeal to me”

They glared at each other across the wide desk.

“You gave me quite a lesson in teasing, lady. You were ready” he stated. “I should have…”

“I don’t tease” Emma sputtered. “And what makes you think you could have?”

“This” Her first step backward was her last. Daniel rounded the cluttered desk in a single leap. His arms looped about her to bring her to his chest, pinning her arms to her sides, and sending her handbag across the carpet.

Their clothing seemed to dissolve as Emma felt each button of his shirt imprint itself on her flesh. Hard thighs cradled the softness of hers, a granite brace of muscles and desire that burned her body.

Daniel looked down at her, his lashes throwing webbed shadows on his cheeks. Emma swallowed nervously, and his gaze flickered down her throat. The grim line of his mouth tightened. His stare returned to her face. His arms loosened slightly, yet he did not permit her to move.

He wanted to trace her ribcage and slide his hands beneath that damned shirt. He wanted to touch her bare nipples, to feel them ripen with need. The same need that coursed through his own body and made his muscles bunch. But he knew he had to pace himself, to keep his cool and launch a full blown attack on her senses, it was all about breaching her line of defense, tackling every barrier she had put up and turning her on beyond the point of no return.

They were so close he could almost taste her breath in the air between them.

“Don’t move” he murmured softly as she squirmed against the masculine shackles that bound her. He leaned back against the desk, then drew her forward against him. Emma pressed her thighs into the front of the desk. His jet black gaze slid over her face, touching the parted softness of her mouth.

Emma struggled, found it futile, then glared at him. “Let me go”. She said

He held her easily, his eyes glittering as her tongue laved her dry bottom lip

The harsh places of his face softened into a sensual expression that heated her blood.

“I wasn’t being coy” she said remembering his accusation, her body rigid as she tried to force inches between them.

“Oh lady” the long curve of his mouth moved slowly. “Saturday night you were coy as hell… I spent the weekend wondering how your sweet mouth would taste.” His face lowered toward her, and the earth under Emma’s feet began to tilt. She shivered, her body taut with the effort of withholding her breasts from the hard pressure of his chest.

“Saturday night is over and gone” she managed to say, breathing in the scent of soap and musk and man.

His breath feathered her fevered cheeks. “There will be other nights” his hands spanned her back gently ; they caressed and soothed. One hand slid to her lower back, then rubbed it slowly. ” You like that, don’t you, kitten? You are trembling, “he added softly. “You are flushed and silky and all woman, honey”

Emma’s bones began turning to Jell-O, her emotions playing hide-and-seek with the orders of her brain. She groaned, a low sound of frustration. “Let me go” she said

“I can’t” his hands probed the hair at the back of her head, finding the sensitive scalp. The rubber band came free, releasing her hair. He sifted the strands and stared as the tendrils curled around his dark fingers.

“Don’t…. Move.” His other hand slid down her back, found her bra clasp, and easily unfastened it. She shivered, aware of the unbound softness flattening against his chest. She struggled to retain her grip on reality as his head lowered. But reality became the man, nothing existed beyond him.

She wanted his mouth. She wanted the hard lips on hers.

His fingers tugged her shirt loose from her skirt and slid beneath the cotton fabric. She closed her eyes, savoring the erotic slide of his rough hands on her flesh.

“Ohhh….” she moaned.

“That’s right, my little cat. Don’t fight it” he murmured close to her cheek.

His mouth touched hers lightly. He explored the corners gently, giving her proactive glimpses of desire that did not satisfy. One palm flattened heavily between her breasts. Slowly, it slid to cup the softness of one round globe. He massaged the nipple into a peak before turning to her other breast.

Enveloped in his body, Emma was overwhelmed by her rising desire.

The rough slide of his tongue on her throat was followed by a deep rumble of male pleasure. “You taste of salt, little cat. And you smell like green fields and daisies.”

His lips prowled a trail upward to play tiny bites about her earlobes. “So soft and sweet, like little bits of candy rolled in honey” he said hoarsely, the curl of his breath sought the crevices of her ear.

Her fingers moved at her sides, she wanted to wrap her arms around him, run her fingers over the shifting muscles of his back.

“That’s right, my silent witch” he crooned, “Let me in…” His thighs released her, and immediately her palms sought the powerful length of them.

He looked at her. She was staring at his mouth. It was an invitation if he ever saw one. He lowered his head.

His hands framed her face, a thumb raised it for his lips. His mouth was unexpectedly gentle. It tantalized her, roamed over her lips with feather light kisses. Then gently he drew her upper lip between his, sucked it briefly, and repeated the action on her bottom lip. His tongue licked the full outline of her mouth, tasting it. It delved slowly into her mouth to coil against the moistness of hers. It asked, it enticed, and offered as it stroked her own.

It was everything she had imagined his kiss would be. No. It was more than that. Her appetite whetted by days of unrequited attraction, she was so ready for his kiss that she moaned into his mouth and pressed forward, feeling the hardness of his chest even as she savored the softness of his mouth.

She skimmed her hands over his arms and shoulders, then down his back. The fabric of his shirt was warm and taut over his muscular frame.

He pressed her against his hot, hard body.

Emma moaned, it had been long, so long since she had let anyone touch her that way. She wanted to crawl inside of him. She couldn’t get close enough.

His hands were all over her, touching her in places that were private. He slid one large hand between her legs and she gave a small cry that didn’t sound like her.

It seemed like her clothes dissolved under his touch. Damn the man was good. He was good with his mouth, with his hands. She felt her legs give way. And she was sure she would have fallen if he wasn’t holding her. Holding her like he didn’t want to let go. Like she was his. She loved the way she felt in his arms.

Emma moaned as he rubbed. She came, right then, throbbing hard and fast.

He kept his hands there, hot against her skirt.

When his mouth finally lifted, Daniel looked deep into her half closed eyes, one large palm cupping her aching breast possessively. His thumb and index finger teased the hardened nub.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

He stared at her. It took a few moments for her to come back down to earth. Then she realized what had happened. She had had an orgasm when all he had done was touch her through her clothes.

She was embarrassed. He didn’t seem to care though.

“I’m staking my rights” he whispered against her swollen lips

He lifted a strand of hair and brought it to his lips. It shone against his dark skin. It drifted slowly through his fingers.

“You are mine from now on.” he said “Do you understand that, honey?”

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