God Of Vengeance (Kings Of Mafia)

God Of Vengeance: Chapter 38

With Mamma and the other women and children safe, we all focus on getting everything ready for the attack.

Impatient as fuck, I glance at Dario, who hasn’t stopped working since I gave the order. “Do you know where Stefano is?”

“His phone signal is bouncing off three towers. I have the area but not a precise location.”

“Where?” I bark.

“Somewhere near Manorville. Just over an hour away by car.”

My phone buzzes, and I rip the device out of my pocket. Unlocking the screen there are more messages from Stefano.

I haven’t tried to call him, because then I’d be playing straight into his hands.

They’ve had Gabriella for twenty-four hours now, and I try to brace for the worst as I open the text.

You’re quiet, cousin. I hope you don’t think you have any other option than to step down.

I suck in a deep breath before pressing play on the attached video.

It shows Gabriella still hanging from the ceiling by a rope.

She must be in so much fucking pain.

“Let’s get started,” the same man from the other recordings orders.

Again, they use a cattle prod to electrocute her, and by the time they’re done, Gabriella breathes heavily through the pain.

Her eyes flick to the camera, and I want to reach through the fucking phone and yank her to me, but instead, I’m forced to feel as my heart is pulverized to dust.

For a moment, she looks directly into the camera lens, and I know she’s speaking to me when she whispers, “Don’t surrender.”

The fucker behind her presses the prod to her back again and keeps it there until she loses consciousness.


“We’re heading out,” I roar. “Right fucking now!”

My phone starts to ring, and seeing Stefano’s name, I accept the call and wait for him to speak first.

“Cousin,” he snarls, “do you have good news for me?”

“Just how fucking stupid are you?” I say, my tone as deadly as it’s ever been.

“Careful. I have the upper hand.”

I almost fucking laugh. “You do? Let’s say a miracle happens, and you get rid of me. Do you really think the other four heads will call you their capo?”

“They will have no choice. When I overthrow you, they must accept me as their new capo.”

Has he lost his fucking mind?

“This isn’t the nineteen-eighties. You don’t get to just kill me and take over.”

Dario gestures excitedly that he has Stefano’s location.

“Step down, or Gabriella dies,” he hisses.

I just need enough time to get to her.


I hear myself suck in a harsh breath, and then I lie through my fucking teeth, “I’ll step down.”

I never thought those words would leave my mouth, but I’m willing to say anything to protect Gabriella and the family.

I’m not prepared to lose either of them.

Stefano lets out a burst of laughter. “You made the right choice.”

“What now?” I ask.

“You have one hour to send me a video of the other four killing you, and I’ll let Gabriella go.”

I shake my head because it’s fucking hard to believe that Stefano is so stupid and arrogant to think his plan will work.

I end the call, and dropping the phone, I grab the nearest cabinet and rip it from the wall. Glass shatters as it hits the floor, and it does nothing to calm the violent storm in my soul.

When I stop and suck in a harsh breath, it’s to find Angelo, Renzo, Franco, and Dario all staring at me.

“It was a fucking lie,” I roar at them, my entire body vibrating with rage. “I’ll never step down.”

When they see the vengeance on my face, they seem to relax.

“Dario, send photos of Stefano and Filippo to everyone. I want them taken alive.” I stalk toward the door. “Let’s end this fucking war.”

When I walk out of the armory and see Emilio, Vito, Tommy, and the rest of my army waiting for their orders, I shout, “You will receive photos of two men. You can wound, but don’t kill. Move out!”

Carlo falls into step beside me as we walk to one of the SUVs at the front of the line, and I climb into the passenger seat.

Breathe, Damiano. You need a clear head for the attack.

Once you have Stefano and Gabriella’s safe, you can lose your fucking mind.

Carlo shoves a bulletproof vest at me. “Put it on right now.”

Letting out a frustrated growl because every second is precious, I get out of the SUV and put on the fucking vest before climbing back in and yanking the door shut.

“Go!” I order.

Dario slides into the back with Angelo, who drops a heavy bag of weapons on the floor between the seats.

“I’ve sent the GPS coordinates to everyone,” Dario informs me.

I watch as Carlo brings up the map on the GPS screen, and after starting the engine, he steers the SUV away from the mansion.

“How do you want to handle this?” Angelo asks.

“We attack and get Gabriella out alive.”

“The property is nestled between trees,” Dario begins to give us a rundown of what to expect. “We’ll head up North Road until it becomes Mill. There aren’t many houses, and it’s a fucking long stretch of road.”

My eyes flick to the map, and I hate that it will take another hour and five minutes to get to Gabriella.

“Faster, Carlo,” I growl. “We need to make it to Gabriella in fifty minutes.” Glancing over my shoulder, I look at Dario and ask, “Can you get plans for the property?”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can try,” Dario mutters before he gets to work.

Silence falls between us, and when we’re twenty minutes out, my phone buzzes.

I unlock the screen, and seeing another video from Stefano, the blood chills in my veins.

Did he call my bluff?

My thumb hesitates over the video because I won’t be able to handle watching Gabriella die.

“Damiano,” Carlo says to get my attention. My eyes flick to his. “Let Angelo watch the video.”

I shake my head hard. “No.”

She’s my wife. The love of my fucking life. No one but me will see these videos.

I turn my gaze back to the screen and press play.

I see Stefano come into view as he moves closer to Gabriella.

“Damiano surrendered,” he sneers. “Two months with you, and he turned so fucking soft he’d die for you.”

She starts to shake her head. “No! Damiano will never surrender.”

“I should hear of his death within the hour,” Stefano says. “Or you die.”

She clenches her jaw, her eyes burning with rage on the bastard.

He moves closer, and reaching out a hand, he trails a finger from between her breasts to her navel.

His tone is low as he says, “You’ll be a widow soon.”

Fucking fucker. Get your hands off her!

Gabriella lifts her chin, and she stares ahead of her, the expressionless mask I fucking hate back on her face.

But this time, I’m thankful for it.

Don’t show any emotion, mia regina. Stay strong. I’m coming.

“Faster!” I roar as if I can change what’s about to happen by getting there sooner.

Stefano walks out of sight, and when he comes back into view, he’s holding a knife.


Christ, please. Don’t do this to me. Don’t make me watch my wife die.

“But I don’t want Damiano’s leftovers,” Stefano says as he drags the blade over her stomach.

My breathing speeds up, my eyes locked on the screen.

Every muscle in my body tenses until it feels like I might snap.

Slowly, he pushes the knife into her right side, and I see every single excruciating inch of the blade sinking into her.

“Motherfucker!”I roar as I slam my fist into the dashboard.



Gabriella’s body twitches, and for a moment, her eyebrows draw together as pain flashes over her face. But then she fucking schools her face into a neutral expression again as she lets out a breath.

Jesus, she’s stronger than me.

“Let’s see who dies first. You or Damiano.” Stefano turns around to face the camera, “You’re running out of time, cousin. The sooner you die, the quicker she’ll get medical attention. Miss the hour mark, and I’ll slit her throat.”

My eyes flick to the GPS, and I see we’re ten minutes out.

“What time did we leave?” I ask.

“We have nineteen minutes,” Carlo answers. “We’ll make it in time.”

“We better,” I growl. Glancing over my shoulder, I order, “Give me a submachine gun and knife.”

Angelo opens the bag and begins to hand out weapons as our convoy race down a dirt road that looks like it’s heading into the woods.

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