Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 13

The riddle or prophecy or whatever it was I read the previous night couldn’t leave my memory. I kept on saying it to myself. I was almost turning myself to a self-indulged lunatic.

Was I making progress? Nope. I asked Sarah to help me search it up, but she gave no results. I also checked it online myself but there was no sensible result.

It was on my call with Sarah she had told me something which would go on to disturb me throughout the day.

I noticed Don was awfully quiet that day and less of a nuisance. That was definitely a bad sign. He was busy talking to a Beta beside the detached building and I decided to approach him. I wanted to ask him about what Sarah told me – that he knew about the secret Adrian and I were hiding and why I was protecting Adrian.

What exactly does he mean by that and what does he know?

I walked towards Don, my heart pounding with anger and frustration. Whatever he was up to, I needed to find out. I couldn’t let him get away with it. I needed to confront him and make him understand that what Adrian and I did was none of his business.

I approached him and when the Beta he was conversing with saw me carefully excused himself, Don put on a stark expression, “Don, we need to talk,” I said with an assertive voice.

He smirked at me as if he knew something he shouldn’t.

“What’s the matter, Lily? Upset that I overheard your little secret?” he sneered with obvious hatred in his voice. I could feel my blood boiling, but I had to remain calm.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. “It’s none of your business, Don. Have you been eavesdropping on my conversations with Adrian? You have no right to invade our privacy like that,” I said, my voice steady despite the anger bubbling inside me.

He leaned in closer, his eyes locked with mine. “Oh, but it is my concern, Lily. I know what you’re up to with Adrian, and you know very well I can use that information to my advantage,” he threatened. I could see the twisted pleasure in his eyes, reveling in the power he thought he had over me.

Even though I was scared of his threats, I stood my ground and refused to let him intimidate me.

“You think you can manipulate us, Don? Think again. If you spent your time actually being a better warrior on the field, then you won’t be getting ass whopped by the same person you’re constantly trying to sabotage.” I retorted.

Don’s face contorted into a sneer as he grabbed my arm tightly, “Would you shut that your dirty mouth?! You think you’re so clever, Lily, but I have ways of making sure everyone knows about your little affair. Your precious secret won’t be a secret for long,” he spat, his words filled with venom.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about and let go of me!” I freed my hand from his grip and pushed him away from me.

“Just wait and see. What Tyler did to you didn’t teach you enough it seems. I’ll ruin you if you dare insult me again.”

My eyes flamed with more rage than I possibly thought I could have.

“You not only deserve to be insulted, Don, but you also deserve to be taught a lesson. Your ego seems to be inflating more than you can catch up with these days. Do what you want, I don’t give a fuck. Just don’t ever eavesdrop on my conversation with someone again,” I said firmly.

“And if I do, what can you do about it? You little wimp.”

“Just ‘cos my Dad’s got a soft spot for you, Don, don’t think that means you’re off the hook when it comes to his judgement. I’ll make sure you pay…”

He laughed mockingly at me, “You’d make me pay with which power and authority? Even though you’re our leader’s daughter, he still won’t let you get away with anything – you’ll still be disciplined.”

“You’re an ass. Just fuck off and stay away, or I’ll make you regret your stupid attitude.”

With one last threatening glare, Don backed away, a sinister smile etched on his face. “We’ll see about that, Lily. We’ll see,” he said, his voice trailing off as he disappeared into the back.

As he left, I knew he wanted to start something he couldn’t necessarily end. That’s how he’d always been even since we were kids. Don and I actually grew up together after my dad brought him into our home right after a group of vampires raided his family home and killed his parents and twin brother during the boundary war. My father had always taught him to be tough but not a douchebag. He had excelled in fighting and that’s why my dad made him supercede over the others but the older he got, the more obnoxious he got. In contrast to Jaxon who moved in a while after Don did, as a transferee from the main pack house, Don’s distasteful character had made me steer clear from him even though my parents always made me see him as a brother. There was no brotherly anything with that self-conceited asshole.

Don’s threats hung over me like a dark cloud, but I wouldn’t let it deter me.

The worst that could happen was that he’d tell my dad that Adrian had a secret, but what secret could he be possibly referring to?


Feeling overwhelmed by Don’s threats, I turned to Jaxon for comfort. I needed someone I could trust, someone who would understand the situation. Jaxon had always been a friend I could rely on and someone who knew Don personally, so I had hoped he could offer some clarity in my dilemma and maybe help to talk sense into Don so he wouldn’t do anything to cause drama in the grove.

I found Jaxon in his study, poring over ancient texts and scrolls. He looked up as I entered, sensing my worry. His eyes met mine, and I felt he immediately understood and was concerned. Without saying a word, I knew he was ready to listen.

I closed the door behind me and took a seat across from him, fidgeting with my hands nervously. Jaxon patiently waited for me to gather my thoughts.

“Jaxon, I don’t know what to do,” I began. “Sarah told me this morning that Don had boasted to her about knowing a secret Adrian and I are keeping. You know how Don is and how he does irrational things out of impulse. I think he’s pained because of the fight he had with Adrian that day and the fact he lost so this is how he wants to get his revenge; by telling my dad that Adrian and I are having an affair and I’m keeping something from him.”

“What’s his problem? I wouldn’t believe that alone would make him want to do something stupid. We all have the responsibility of keeping the peace in this grove.”

“I know, but he’s resilient. He’s threatening to expose our secret. I’m scared, Jaxon. I don’t want anything to cause conflict in this grove.”

He palmed his forehead and then leaned forward, “Lily, ARE you and Adrian hiding any secret from us?”

I flinched, “Of course not.”

“Then there’s nothing to be scared of. Don’s just being his usual self. Just ignore him.”

I knew Jax was telling the truth, but something about how Don said what he said to me made me think further. Whether it was a joke or not, it didn’t sit well with me.

“Okay, maybe he was joking with me but still I don’t like the fact he goes around eavesdropping on my convos. Nobody does that to him, so he should respect himself.”

“I’ll tell him to stop.”

“Like that will be enough…” I sighed.

“Just don’t overstress yourself on trivial matters. You’re literally as light as a feather these days.” He took my hands in his and squeezed the flesh in my palms softly. “Look. Are you even eating again?”

“What are you even talking about?” I smiled, “I don’t normally eat much. It’s just things that have been happening.”

“Things like?”

“Dad and Mom put a huge responsibility on my shoulders when I can barely take care of myself.”

“And you’re doing a great job at it.”

“Yeah… because everyone already knows what to do.”

“Take it or leave it. I’d rather have you as my leader than your old man.” He smirked at me and I laughed out.

“Thanks, Jaxon,” I smiled. “I needed to hear that. You always seem to find a way to take my head off stress.”

Jaxon stroke his chin comically, “I guess I’m not only doing that to just get preferential treatment from you when you’re officially our leader…”

I hit his arm playfully, “Get out!” And we both burst into laughter.


As the moonlight shone into my bedroom, I was wide awake, thinking about the journal I had found the night before. Its secrets were too important to ignore, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that the weight of them was bearing down on me. I knew I had to explore them further. I was busy throughout the day to even ask anyone about it, but even if I had someone to ask, what exactly would I ask?

Do you know about this particular artifact only my dad has a secret journal about?

I reached for my phone and dialed a familiar number. It rang for a few moments before a voice, warm and comforting, answered on the other end.

“Aunt Belinda,” I greeted softly, trying to hide my curiosity.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Lily, dear, how’ve you been?” Her warm voice always seemed to ease my stress.

“Both are flourishing, dear. You know what they say, ‘A healthy garden reflects a healthy soul.’ How about you? Any interesting thing happening over that hell hole?”

I chuckled. Aunt Belinda always referred to the grove as a hell hole and we living inside as prisoners. I’d been the only one, besides her late husband, to really appreciate her humour and life view.

“That’s actually why I called.” I adjusted in my bed.

“What’s the matter?” Aunt Belinda’s voice held a gentle concern, as if she immediately sensed the turmoil in my heart.

“I… I found something in Dad’s study,” I began hesitantly, struggling to find the right words to say.

There was a brief pause on the line, and I imagined Aunt Belinda taking a deep breath, preparing herself for what I would ask of her.

“What did you find, Lily?” her voice held a hint of caution.

I inhaled sharply, mustering up the nerve to finally spill the secrets I had been kept in the dark about for so long. “It’s a journal, Aunt Belinda.” I blurted out, “It’s about a long-lost artifact, prophecies, and how our family is connected with other werewolves. It was really cool to read!”

Aunt Belinda’s silence on the other end of the line was all I needed to be sure this was serious. I could almost envision her mind working, sifting through memories and choosing her words carefully.

“Lily, there are things you must understand,” she finally began, and I was all ears. “There is a reason your father kept that journal a secret, from you and even from your mother.”

My eyes widened in shock, “Mom doesn’t know about it too?”

“Yes. The artifact you’re talking about, it possesses a dangerous power-one that can either bring great harmony or unleash unspeakable chaos upon our kind. It’s like a double-edged sword.”

I listened intently as my heart pounded with excitement.

Aunt Belinda continued, “I’m not even meant to be telling you this as it’s your father who can adequately reveal all he can about this, but all I can tell you is of the reprisal – The Great War happened about 5 centuries ago and it’s devastations are still felt till this day. The cause of the Great War was said to be a misunderstanding between two of the most powerful leaders of the two most populated species race during the time; the werewolves and vampires. It was a blood bath and our parents lived and fought through it all. Your father was the first born and he did live during the times. It isn’t a time any of us would like to live in again. But as for the artifact, legend says it was recovered by the bloods of the two said leaders; the werewolf Lycan Alpha and the Vampire Hybrid born, when they both came into a truce as the war got out of hand. It was passed between the two races and the decision to which side would have it wanted to cause another conflict when your grandmother adviced the Alpha of that time to destroy it. Some say it was destroyed, some say it still exists, I honestly don’t care. But if it is true it still exists, then there might be a fear for another war since whoever is in possession of it has the power to control both species and even Lycans, Hybrids and Halfbreds. The one who discovers it will be the ultimate ruler.”

My mouth hanged open and she had to call my name before I mustered up to speak again, “Oh my freaking gosh. Aunt, that’s a whole lot.”

“Yeah, that’s why your father tried to hide it all from you.”

“But hiding it from me won’t protect me from anything or keep me from finding out. Why doesn’t he really want me to know?”

I felt she was still hiding something from me, but she held her stance, “That’s for you to ask him, dear.”

“What exactly is the artifact, Aunt?”

“It’s a ring.”

“Really?” Am I living in Lord of the Rings right now or what?

Aunt Belinda only gave me bits and pieces of the truth and I felt like she was only telling me what she thought I needed to know, just like my parents. I wasn’t satisfied with what she told me but it was eye-opening enough.

“Promise me, Lily,” Aunt Belinda pleaded softly, “Promise me that you’ll be careful, and that you won’t get into anything too risky. Your father has been keen on all these historical and mythical stuffs, but please don’t get yourself caught up in them too.”

“I promise, Aunt Belinda,” I made a flimsy vow. “I’ll try my best to not be too nosy.”

“I’m serious, dear. These things are what you shouldn’t be getting involved in. I know you have that risk-taking blood of mine in you, but please this is more than you and I.”

“I understand, Aunt.” But my mind was made up. Even if it didn’t involve me, I would involve myself in it.

“Alright, dear. Greet everyone there for me and stay safe.”

“You too. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, dear.”

The call was hung up and I kept my phone on the table. I was totally exhausted, but still had a resilience in my heart, so I snuggled down into bed and eventually drifted off. I couldn’t help but have dreams of ancient relics, prophecies, and the destiny that awaited me.

I literally felt like a PC in a Lord of the Rings Reboot sequel. Lol.

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