Fighting Darius

Chapter 17

The music is deafening. The room is hot. I reach for my sixth shot, but Jay snatches the drink out of my reach. “Let’s do body shots,” he yells above the music. “Let’s do it!!” Lily is totally sloshed beside me. She only had two shots. She’s such a lightweight. She giggles while trying to climb up the table, but Daniel wraps his arm around her middle and yanks her back down.

“Body shot! Body shot! Body shot!” yells Jay followed by some other guys.

I giggle and lie down on the table, pulling the bottom of my top up. Seems like my “steamy” dance last night increases my popularity with the guys tonight. I’ve danced with a number of guys and I’ve been drinking a lot tonight with Jay by my side.

Jay also belongs to this frat house. He’s drinking just as much

if not more than I have. I might have found my drinking soul mate buddy.

Jay licks my neck and sprinkles some salt onto it. Ooohh..that tickles. I try to stop giggling as he places a lemon wedge between my teeth.

Amidst hoots and hollers, Jay peers down at me and grins.

Someone pours a drink into my belly button and he quickly licks the salt off my neck, sips the drink, then grabs the lemon wedge from my mouth with his. Our lips meet. He spits the lemon out and comes back to slam his lips on mine.

He drags me off the table and we continue to make out by the corner before he grabs my wrist and leads me upstairs.

I know Jay is a manwhore, but I’m not looking for a wedding ring and five and a half kids from him.

A small nagging feeling of guilt and doubt started in the pit of my stomach and in my head as we hobble our way through the corridor, but I push it down. My wolf, Juno’s feelings of distaste come forth too. I need more drink.

He unlocks the door and I get a glimpse of his room. A double bed, a study table and chair with a couple of posters. Just what I expect Jay’s room to look like. As soon as we stumble inside, he grabs me around the waist and kisses me again.

He peels his shirt off and we both tumble down onto his bed.

Doubt grows in my head, as he pulls my top off.

As I lay there in Jay’s bed in my red lacy bra and shorts, I can’t quite ignore how different his touch feels compared to Darius’s.

There are no tingles or mind-numbing passion. No quivering of the heart, no butterflies in the tummy, no toe-curling passion.

No fire. There’s no love in the touch. This almost feels impersonal. So, this is what meaningless feels like.

I don’t think I can do this. I don’t do meaningless. My body is my temple and all that sh!t…well, that and I can feel Juno’s anxiety at being touched. The effect of the drinks I had downstairs is wearing off. I can drown Juno’s feelings and my own when I’m drunk. I definitely need more drinks.

Jay pushes himself up and starts to unbutton his jeans and I try to get up.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m out…and I need to get more drink,” I tell him. I look down at myself and realize I’m not wearing enough to go out there.

“No, stay,” he says as he gets up. His jeans fall down to his ankle and he almost falls on his ass as he has to kick off his shoes before he can take his jeans off. That’s just too funny! I burst out laughing.

Jay grins before he stumbles into his closet in his boxers and a while later I hear a rustling sound.

“Party for two, baby!” he says. He has a stupid grin plastered on his face as he holds up a bottle of whiskey like a winning trophy.

He staggers back and tumbles down on the bed next to me, uncaps the bottle and down it.

“You’re the coolest, hottest chick ever. I swear,” he says before he takes another swig of the whiskey.

“You’re just saying that to get into my pants. I bet you say that to all the girls you bring up here.”

“You know what? ….I do…but I mean it this time,” he says, slurring a bit.

“Yeah…sure,” I grab the bottle from him. Next, he’s going to tell me I’m the freakin’ queen of England and means it.


He leans down to kiss my shoulder then trails his lips down to the top of my breast just above my lacy bra as I take a sip from the bottle. I feel like squirming and pushing him away as I feel his cool wet lips on my skin. I slam the whiskey bottle to his chest and push him down. He raises his dark glassy eyes to me and grins.

My eyes travel down his body slowly as he stretches out one hand to grope me. He’s only in his blue plaid boxer shorts. He’s okay, but he’s certainly not anywhere near as beautifully built as Darius. Ughhh…why do I have to compare every man to him?

I need more drink! I snatch the bottle from Jay, but he grabs it back and carelessly drops it on the floor next to the bed.

“Baby…” he groans, as he climbs on top of me and pins my body with his. He grinds his harden groin against mine and my niggling doubts and guilt grow into a full-blown regret. When he starts to fumble with my belt I find myself squirming underneath him. Juno’s anxiety heightens my feelings of aversion. I guess I really am not a one night stand kinda girl…or Darius has ruined it for me. No kisses and touches feel even half as good as his. Juno’s purring only at his touch. Darn him!

“Jay,” I grab his groping hands and pull them off me. “Get off,”

I tell him.

“Awww…come on, baby,” he grabs one of my hands and rubs it against his bulging hardness over his boxers.

“Jay, please. Get off of me. Let’s get back to the party,” I retract my hand quickly.

“Listen, sweetheart, I brought you up here when I could’ve chosen other girls down there. Now, c’mon…you know you want this. Don’t give me the blue balls, yeah?” He leans down and starts kissing and biting my chest. His hands fumbling with my bra strap this time.

“Jay, get off me,” I tell him again, starting to get pissed. I’d give him more than blue balls if he didn’t get off of me soon. He really should listen when a girl says no. He moves up and pins me down with his whole body this time. I lay back, starting to count to ten in my head to cool down my anger. Stupid human boy. I could do a lot of damage to him when I’m pissed off.

…3,4, I could kick him in the nuts. 5, 6, I could squeeze his nuts till they really do turn blue. 7, 8, maybe I’d phase into my wolf and bite off his nuts…ewww.. NO. Gag. 9, 10…

The door bursts open and we both jump. Darius is standing in the doorway taking in the scene before him.

Why? How?

Before I can process what’s happening, Jay is flung to the wall with a bang. He falls down with a loud thud. I spring out of the bed to see him slumped unconscious on the floor.

Darius is standing in front of me breathing rapidly. His jaw is set and his nostrils are flaring. He’s looking positively murderous.

Darius stalks to where Jay is, like a vicious predator and I jump in front of him without thinking.

I push him back from Jay’s lying form on the floor, but it’s like forcing back an advancing concrete wall. His eyes are two black pools of fury. There are faint black veins around his eyes now.

His lycan is definitely taking control. I know letting him touch Jay again would be very bad.

“Darius, don’t..please,” my plea falls on deaf ears. “Darius, please stop!” I keep pushing, but he keeps advancing. So I did the only thing that I can think of. I grab the back of his neck and haul myself up. I’m practically climbing up his body. I wrap my legs tightly around his hips, lean in and kiss him squarely on the lips.

He stands completely still. My heartbeat triples and my stomach flips as I realized just what I’m doing. Well, too late now, and it seems to be working. I’m totally committed to the cause as I feel heat spreading through my entire body. I mesh our lips together, sucking on his bottom lip before sweeping my tongue over it. Tasting him. I love his taste. I love his smell. I love…

With a deep fierce growl in his throat, he takes over the control that I have over the kiss. Devouring my lips like a man starved.

His hand grips my bottom, pulling me flush against him. He is so strong that I don’t have to depend on my legs around him keep me up on this level. His tongue plunders inside my mouth, searching for mine. I flick my tongue to meet his, and soon our tongues are warring against each other. My whole body is buzzing with pleasure. I’m kissing a powerful lycan.

I run my fingers through his thick lustrous pale blond hair and he moans softly into my mouth. His sexy moan fuels the passion that runs like fire in my blood. I grind my lower body against his and kiss him harder. His grip on my bottom tightens and his other hand roams over the bare skin of my back. It travels up to grasp the back of my neck as he sucks my bottom lip before his tongue goes back to tease mine.

Mmmm…the taste of him is driving me wild.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Vaguely I hear a groaning sound coming from somewhere in the room. Darius pulls back and we both stare at each other.

Our breathing ragged. My heartbeat is still pounding in my ears. His eyes look dazed with passion and hunger. They are back to their usual color, but the irises are dark and dilated.

His lips red and swollen from our kisses. So kissable and sexy.

My own lips feel bruised and tingle with pleasure still. Right now he’s staring at my lips like a starving man looking at the most delectable meal. He leans in again and I almost meet his lips halfway when we both hear a loud groan on the floor.

We both look down at Jay who is still lying on the floor. He’s waking up. I sigh in relief. At least he’s still alive.

I feel Darius’s body stiffen. His eyes narrow and his jaw hardens. A hard lethal look flashes in his eyes. I slide to my feet, getting ready to push him back just in case he tries to go after Jay again.

I’m glad that nobody came to check on the loud booming sound that came when Jay was thrown against the wall. I guess the sound of the loud music and the fact that a lot of them are drunk has something to do with that.

Instead of advancing towards Jay as I expected him to, he peels his shirt off and pulls it down over my head. It’s a black t-shirt that fits snugly on him, but hangs loosely on me and comes down just above my shorts.

Jay starts moving and trying to push himself up, groaning louder. I turn and try to escape out the door while I still can.

Darius grips my hips before I get too far. He turns me around, leans down, and effortlessly throws me over his shoulder and carries me out of there.

Wha??? NO WAY!!!! I’m stunned silent for a second.

I come to my senses and start to pound on his back. “Darius put me down!” My fists have no effect on him. “Darius!” I can’t even move my legs to kick him. One of his hands is firmly holding my legs together, while another one is pressing my butt down in place on his shoulder.

“Put. Me. Down! You brute! Argghh!!!! You’re barbarian, impossible, obnoxious…sucky….meanie!!!”

He just keeps walking, leaving the room, then descending the stairs with ease. It’s clear that my protest doesn’t affect him in any way. Why do I even bother?

Oh, I give up!!! I slump limply over his bare broad shoulder and grit my teeth, resigning to my fate. Nice Penny! Play dead.

Like a possum. Definitely not a cowardly move. There’s really nothing I could do against a lycan strength. Brute!!!

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