Dying in silence

Chapter 18 Who are the guys?

Fontana Pov

I opened the yoghurt and gulped it down.

I drop it back on the desk and glanced at Savannah.

She has turned back to her desk.

She couldn’t be angry, could she??

Cassie and Perla walked into the classroom and I smirked.

I allowed them to settle down before walking over to their desk with the box of youghurt in my hand.

“Hey”I fake a smile.

Perla rose up her head and her face brightened when she saw me.

“Oh my!, Fontana, are…. are… you talking to me?”she asked.

Excitement was written written all over her face.


After hearing Perla called my name, Cassie looked up at me.

“Fo… Fontana?”she stuttered.

“Hey, bitch. How about I give you guys a revenge party?”I smirked.

They looked at me with a puzzled face.

“Oh, c’mon, don’t give me that face, you probably understand what I mean. Now, tell me, should I give you guys a revenge party?. Geez, what I’m I even saying, I don’t need your suggestions on this”I said and opened the youghurt then poured it down on their desk.

“Cassie, you understand this right?, cause your the one who bump into me the other day making my milk spilt all over my desk”I said, still pouring the youghurt on their desk.

The students turned to look at us and murmurs broke out between them.

“Wha… what a.. re you doing?”Cassie asked.

“Paying you back with the same bucks you’ve gave me, what else”I snorted.

Words refuse to come out of her mouth as she glanced back at the students.

After pouring all the content in the box on their table, I drop my hand and threw the box on Perla’s face.

I moved closer to her and step on her leg.

“Ouch”she winced.

I winked at them and walked back to my seat.

Savannah Smiled at me when I sat down.

“Now I get why you wanted to take the chocolate drink I gave you home”she said.

“And what’s that?”I asked.

“Because you don’t want to waste it”she giggled and I secretly rolled my eyes.

I stared at Fred and he looked unbother.

The bell rang and the teacher came in almost immediately.

*What the hell, have he been waiting for the bell to rung?*a student scoffed.

We greeted him and afternoon class commence.

*Our topic for today is Federalism and I remember telling you guys to read on it cause I’m going to ask questions before further explanation it*he said.

The class drawled out a reply and he placed his glasses at the bridge of his nose and flipped through the pages of his textbook.

“Now, who can give us the meaning”he asked as he looked up at us from his glasses.

A girl raised up her hand and he nudged his head forward for the girl to move on.

“Federalism is the shared of power between the central government and its component units”she stood up and said.

“You’re correct but that wasn’t the definition I want, you can sit down. Anybody else?”

“Yes, you”he pointed at the back.

“Federalism means the shared of power between the central government with a state or region”a boy defined.

“Also correct, but that’s still not the definition I want, though you’re almost there”he sighed.

I raised up my hand and he nodded at me.

I stood up and his brows rose in surprise.

“Miss Fontana?, go on please”he said.

I hate all this formalities already.

“Federalism is a system of government in which the central authority shared power with the state or region”I explained.

“Wow; that’s it, bravo. A round of applause for her class”he gave a clap and smiled.

The class applauded me and I sat down.


Students started trooping out of the class.

School was over for the day.

I also carried my bag and left after bading the guys – Fred and Savannah.

I walked through the lobby and got out to the lots.

I saw Darrel beside his car with some other guys that are in his car though they’re putting on another school uniform.

From the look of it, they are arguing over something.

One of the guys eyes traveled over to me and he paused.

He said something to the others and they all turned to look at me.

Fontana’s Pov

I swallowed hard as their eyes lingered around me.

What the hell?..

I retracted my gaze to Darrel and he has a somehow disappointment expression.

He shook his head and threw his head to the other side.

Okay, this is more weird.

Why are they all staring at me and why the hell is Darrel having that facial expression?.

“Uhh… is… is everything okay, miss?”one of the guards behind me asked.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I shifted uncomfortably then quickly took my eyes away from them and started moving away.

“C’mon man, won’t you say something to her”I heard of the guys says.

I increased the space in which I was walking but stopped when I heard my name.

“Fontana”he called.

I bit my lower lips and turned around.

“Huh?”I asked.

“Please, can you come over here”he gestured to me with his hand.


But I just walk past him why didn’t he call me then, why now.

I sighed and turned to the guards.

“Wait here, I will be back”I said and they nodded.

I walked over to Darrel’s car and the other guys were weirdly scrutinizing me with their eyes.

“I’m.. I’m here, why do you have to say?”I said and Darrel sighed.

He glanced back at his friends then turned back to me.

“So, I kinda host a party at my house on weekend and… uhm…. I .. was…. you know, wondering if you could make it. It’s just a party though and even if you turn the offer down, it’s no problem”he stuttered nervously.

But, a party?

“I’ll think about it”I replied.

“You can just give us the answer now princess”one of the guy chuckled.

Darrel turned and glared at him.

“Okay”Darrel shrugged.

“Yeah”I nodded and turned back to leave.

“Nice body you’ve got”one of the guys complimented.


“Damnit man, you going to far. Just let her go”Darrel grunted behind.

“Thanks”I turned back and said.

Darrel rolled his eyes to the side and then, entered the guy.

I started walking away and joined the guards then we walked towards the garage.

We got to my ride and I entered and fixed my seatbelt on.

“Welcome Miss”the driver greeted and I nodded.

He started the car and drove out and the other cars followed behind.


The gate slides opened and the drive drove in and went to park at the lots.

I clicked the door opened and got down with my bag.

I started moving towards the house and some maids came out and ran to me.

“Welcome Miss”they chroused and bowed and one of them tried taking my school bag from me.

“No, it’s okay actually”I stopped her and she nodded and stepped aside.

I moved inside the mansion and remembering Sam, I decided to check her in her room before going to my room.


I placed a knock on the door and a masculine voice sounded from the other end.


“Who’s there”the voice asked.

“It’s Fontana, I’m here to check on Sam”I said.

I could hear low voices from the room after I said that.

Then, Sam finally came to open the door.

“Uh, hey, Fontana”she waved.

“Why are you damn nervous”I asked with a smile.

“Me?, nervous?, oh hell no”she replied nervously.

“That was a joke though but hearing you say that, I think something is going on inside this room”I pointed at the room.

“And why are you blocking me from entering?”


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