Deadly Storm

Chapter four

Blade's POV

I drove home from the school thinking of the events that went down this afternoon. I feel stupid for not watching Harper.

I had one job and failed it.

It's not like I care for the girl anyways. She's the daughter of the vampire hunter leader and everyone knows that one day she'll be in that group, serving her father to take down the vamps.

Of course with our accessories on, we won't bring any harm. As soon as one of us takes off our accessories, then game on.

I drove down the road we came earlier, but kept going until the road to our home showed. Signalling left, even though no ones around and out of habit, I drove down the road being cautious as sometimes the three kids plays in this area.

Since my mind keeps getting the better of me, I parked the car. I killed the engine and rested my head on the wheel.

Why would the Vanetts attack on Harper. Of all people it had to be Harper.

The daughter of the vampire hunter leader. We did agree to not talk about it. My mind had so many questions that may or may not be answered. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I heard a knocking at my window. Rolling my window down I recognize the blondie with the purple streak from top to the bottom of her hair.

"Hey Sapphire, what's up?"

"What are you doing sitting here all alone?"

"Well, pipsqueak, I've got a lot of thoughts racing through my mind. And I need to think and not drive or I'd get into a crash."

"Don't crash," she whined.

"I won't. That's why I stopped driving."

"Can I drove all the way back?"


I open the driver door allowing her to climb in. Sometimes, I'll slow her to drive with me in charge of the gas and holding the steering wheel with one hand. I don't go very fast, twenty would be the fast I'd go, maybe twenty five. Just for safety reasons.

I help her climb in and sit in my lap. I slam the door shut turning on the engine. Moving the joystick to drive, she grasps the steering wheel as I descend forward. I always have my fore and middle finger at the bottom of the steering wheel in case I have to take over.

I pulled the seat forward so it's better her to reach the wheel. I smiled as she enjoyed driving back home. Luckily, we don't have every far.

We vamps are very rich when it comes to things. We get the money from the vampire government, and a few of us has jobs to collect more money.

As soon as our home is in view, I took over to park but still going slowly since Sapphire is still on my lap without a seatbelt. Killing the engine, she looked at me with a huge smile on her cute little face.

"Was that fun?"

"Yeah, I love driving."

"Pfft, wait till you have your licence. Then you'll be free but still have to follow the rules of the road."

"There's rules of the road?"

"Well yeah. If there wasn't, then there'd be a lot of accidents."


"Yeah. Let's go in, shall we."


I killed the engine and opened the door. I lifted out of the vehicle and I got out. The little eight year old ran into the home with me trailing behind her.

Walking into the home it seemed very quiet. Sapphire stood in the living room waiting for me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask hoping she would know.

Instead, she shrugged her shoulders. I sigh while shaking my head.

"I'm back from the Chase!" I yelled hoping someone would hear me.

It was quiet until I heard muffled bickering down the hall. I knew exactly who it is.

"Don't tell me what to do. You may be a year older than me but that doesn't give you the right to boss me over!" Nevada shouted.

"I'm still older than you so it does give me the right!" Corbin fires back.

They appear in the living room bickering at each other until they saw me.

"Blade thank goodness your here. This kid here won't stop bossing me around."

I rolled my eyes. "Where the others?" I ask instead of helping.

"Went out to look for strays."

When she means strays, she means humans who are trespassing on our land. Halloween is the biggest because a lot of teens come on our land and try to 'survive' us. I'd say only a couple made it out alive.


They bickered while Sapphire left for the kitchen. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright . . . Hey!"

They stopped immediately and looked in my direction. "Okay, what's the problem?"

"Well he keeps sneaking into my room and eves dropping on my phone calls!"

"Well you keep talking to boys!" He fired back.

"Hey . . . Hey . . . HEY!"

They stopped once again.

"Can't you get along?" I said this to myself. "One at a time. Nevada go first."

She pushed her jet black hair behind her ear, with neon red dyed at the tips.

"Okay, so I was on call with one of my friends, and Corbin here is spying on me through my bedroom window."

"Well maybe if you weren't talking to boys, then I wouldn't have."

"Okay, Corbin your turn."

"Okay, so I was enjoying the inside when I over hear her talking to boys about relationships and how she may date this guy. She's TWELVE!"

"Really, Nevada?"

"Maybe. . ."

She coward letting her head hang low. "What kind of relationship?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking back up scrunching her eyebrows together.

"Well, there's friendship, boyfriend and girlfriend, and sexual."

"Isn't sexual and bf and gf the same thing?"

"Well yeah, but depends. If your just bf and gf with nothing going or serious on so it's fine. Now if your dating and things start getting sexual, well your still a bit young for the sex talk."

"I'm going to be in grade seven next year, come on."

"Well also talk to your parents for the sex talk cause I ain't doing it."

"Ugh, fine. We're not even dating. Just talking."

"Uh huh. Okay. Well I'll be upstairs if you need anything. If the other get back, tell them I'm home and upstairs."

I left with Sapphire trailing behind me with a bottle of blood in her hands. I enter my room with her coming and sitting on my bed.

My room is small and cozy. My bed is right against the window with my desk against the wall connecting to my dresser, and shelves on top of my desk.

"No blood on my sheets, got that?"

She nodded.

I sat at my desk facing Sapphire. "Well kiddo, it's just you and me."

In the distance, we heard them bickering. Sapphire placed the bottle on the desk and covered her ears, staring at me.

I smiled at what she's doing. It's cute.

I think of her as a little sister, even though she's not related to me. We have the best relationship. Raul found her wandering around our woods when she was only five and a half. She doesn't know who her parents were, or are.

Raul took her in as ours and bit her. Now she lives with us and ever since she's been here, I've been there for her.

Now she follows me wherever I go in the house. Like a puppy. It's cute. I was only ninety nine and a half at the time. Sapphire was young then. Now she's grown and able to reach high places for her.

The bickering wouldn't stop as she still covered her ears. I held out my arms and she ran into me. I picked her up embracing her in a hug as I covered her ear.

"Are they ever going to stop?"

I shrugged my shoulders as they came into my room.

Damn, I should have locked it.

"Blade!" They both yell in unison. I move around so I'm facing them both.

"Okay, please talk it out or go for a run, something that'll help you two get along. Just please stop bickering," I beg.

"But you know what to do," Nevada whined.

"This time I don't. I mean it though, go figure it out on your own. One day I won't be here to help you. So bye." I waved goodbye trying to get them to leave.

Eventually, they did leave my room, thank goodness. I uncovered Sapphires ear after they're gone and knowing they're not arguing.

"They're gone, right?"

"Yeah, they're gone."

I grabbed the bottle of blood, gulping down my thirst. Standing up with her in my arms, I threw her on my bed.

"Blade." She laughed as she curled into the blankets. I grabbed my laptop and pushed other over to the window so I could lay down. Sapphire curled up next to me as I scroll through my movie options.

"That one." Sapphire pointed to Coraline.

"That one?"


"Isn't it a bit scary for you?"

"I'm a vampire, unless if someone's going to kill me, nothing can scare me."

"You're such a brave kid."

I pressed on the movie and we watched it for the time being. Sapphire curled under my blankets and rested on my chest as we watched Coraline.

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