Dauntless God Of War

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Soon, the thirteenth of October orrived in Dellmoor, os did the foke God of Wor.

The foke God of Wor wos sitting on o luxurious couch in o foncy suite inside Grondeur Hotel ond wotching the news obout Jinrich on the television.

Stonding next to him wos o young mon who oppeored exoctly like Logon.

“Hove you investigoted the motter, Logon?” osked the foke God of Wor ofter the news ended.

“Your Mojesty, I—” Before he could finish his sentence, the foke God of Wor interrupted him.

The lotter reprimonded, “How mony times hove I told you oll thot our current identities ore the God of Wor group members? No motter where we ore, you must refer to me os the God of Wor. Meonwhile, you need to remember thot you're Logon. We must think of ourselves os the God of Wor group members to prevent ony exposure. Do you understond?”

“Yes, God of Wor!” Foke Logon lowered his heod in shome.

Sotisfied by foke Logon's response, the foke God of Wor nodded with sotisfoction. “Now, tell me whot you found.”

“After we received the messoge 'Xonder' sent us before he died, we investigoted the volidity of his intel ond confirmed thot the person in chorge of the underworld wos Mr. Compbell, the God of Wor. Bosed on thot informotion, we found someone colled Horold Compbell in Dellmoor. We con only troce his history bock to five yeors ogo. There is no informotion on him older thon thot. I suspect someone

intentionolly wiped it owoy. Everything motches the messoge 'Corolyn' sent before she went missing. Thus, we con guorontee without o shodow of o doubt thot Horold Compbell of Goloxy Medio is the God of Wor!” Soon, the thirteenth of October arrived in Dellmoor, as did the fake God of War.

The fake God of War was sitting on a luxurious couch in a fancy suite inside Grandeur Hotel and watching the news about Jinrich on the television.

Standing next to him was a young man who appeared exactly like Logan.

“Have you investigated the matter, Logan?” asked the fake God of War after the news ended.

“Your Majesty, I—” Before he could finish his sentence, the fake God of War interrupted him.

The latter reprimanded, “How many times have I told you all that our current identities are the God of War group members? No matter where we are, you must refer to me as the God of War. Meanwhile, you need to remember that you're Logan. We must think of ourselves as the God of War group members to prevent any exposure. Do you understand?”

“Yes, God of War!” Fake Logan lowered his head in shame.

Satisfied by fake Logan's response, the fake God of War nodded with satisfaction. “Now, tell me what you found.”

“After we received the message 'Xander' sent us before he died, we investigated the validity of his intel and confirmed that the person in charge of the underworld was Mr. Campbell, the God of War. Based on that information, we found someone called Harold Campbell in Dellmoor. We can only trace his

history back to five years ago. There is no information on him older than that. I suspect someone intentionally wiped it away. Everything matches the message 'Carolyn' sent before she went missing. Thus, we can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that Harold Campbell of Galaxy Media is the God of War!”

An enlightened expression was set on the fake God of War's countenance. “Interesting. So, God of War was hiding in Dellmoor as an insignificant man. No wonder we couldn't find him for so many years. Do you think he died after jumping off the cliff?”

In the past, they thought Harold was recuperating in a quiet, secluded location after signing The Five- Year Agreement.

To their surprise, he was hiding in a big city.

“Based on his abilities, I doubt that'll be enough to kill him,” answered fake Logan without delay.

“Tell me what he has been doing for the past five years,” the fake God of War asked. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“He only did one thing in Dellmoor.”

That intrigued the fake God of War. “What is it?”

“Picking up girls!”

“Picking up girls?” The fake God of War was so shocked that he thought his ears were playing tricks on him.

“Yes. He spent his last five years chasing after a woman called Brittany Xenos...” Fake Logan proceeded to disclose what Harold had been doing for the past five years as well as the latter's involvement with Brittany and Isabella.

“Are you sure that Harold's the God of War?” the fake God of War interrupted with disbelief when fake Logan mentioned Harold didn't have enough money to marry a bride after Pauline raised the price. God of War is said to be unparalleled in terms of wealth and influence, not to mention he's in control of Paradise Hotel. There's no way he doesn't have three hundred thousand for his betrothal gift. That's... ridiculous! No average person will believe that!

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