Dangerous Billionaire

Chap 77

Chapter 77Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Their Last Night

Jessica awaited Lexi to come back home. That night was the last time she could spend time with her husband. According to Daniel Kim, her older brother, her decision was unanimous. All the maids had gone into their rooms. It’s over ten o’clock in the night.

In the living room, Jessica looked at her wedding photo. Just a few days ago she put it on one of the side walls. She watched her face and Lexi’s smiling at the camera. She also noticed the marriage book was still in place, Lexi who put it there.

Her gaze again turned to the photo while on vacation in Bali. Lexi looked so happy. Something bitter crept into his heart suddenly. It’s not over yet, but farewell was in her mind. If she hadn’t miscarried, she might still have had a reason to stay by Lexi’s side.

She used to want to get married and not get divorced, only death could separate them. However, after tomorrow a divorce was in her mind. Lexi who didn’t accept she’s leaving, or Daniel Kim, who would manage everything. It’s a simple matter, what’s more, there was a great power of the Kim Family behind it.

Beside Daniel Kim’s request, Jessica also felt that there was no place for her in this house anymore.

Jessica opened the door when the sound of Lexi’s car entered the yard. She walked to the porch to say welcome to the arrival of the husband.

Lexi got out of the car and walked over to Jessica. His wife greeted him with a friendly smile. He didn’t forget to kiss Jessica.

“Hurry up and take a shower, I’ve cooked your favorite soup,” Jessica said. She put her husband’s shoes on the shelf. She was following Lexi’s steps into the house and walked into the kitchen.

“Yes.” Lexi grabbed the towel and pajamas Jessica had prepared.

“Honey, I made you some hot chocolate,” Jessica said.

“I’m going to take a shower, wait a minute!” Lexi replied, passed to the bathroom. He was feeling guilty for not having lunch together as usual and now having to go home late at night. Jessica was waiting for him.

While waiting for her husband, Jessica made warm chocolate. Although these two days, she did not get out of bed, what’s wrong if tonight she made a glass of warm chocolate for the last time.

When Jessica walked from the kitchen with a glass of warm chocolate and soup. Lexi was already sitting in the dining room chair. He was wearing the same pajamas. A smile cracked on his lips. His wet hair made Lexi look fresh and handsome.

“This is the chocolate.” Jessica put the glass in front of her husband. With both eyes always fixated on him.

“Thank you, honey,” he said. He took a slow sip of warm chocolate made by his wife.

“Emm.”Jessica muttered quietly, even as inaudible.

“Thank you, honey,” he said gently with an adorable sweet smile. One mouthful of Soto soup made by Jessica was very tasty, it was delicious to make him eagerly chew every piece.

“It’s good,” Jessica said as she handed over the freshly heated soup.

Jessica continued to watch her husband, her chest was cramped. She didn’t know why she wanted to scream so hard. However, her decision was already irreversible. The other side of her heart, she wanted to leave Lexi.

“Honey, are you crying?” Lexi asked. His right hand held his wife’s cheek. He looked deep into her eyes.

“This because of the onion I was cutting it off” Jessica pretended in a trembling voice. She looked back at Lexi. She kept as much as possible in the memory of her brain. If their future baby was still growing in her womb, there must still be her reason to stay.

“I’m sorry if I made you sad lately, I came home late at night, and couldn’t have lunch together, I was also slow to reply to your messages,” Lexi said. He held both of his wife’s hands. Then he slowly landed a kiss there. He thought he wasn’t supposed to be working when Jessica was sick.

‘Why the closer I get to the day I promised Daniel Kim, the harder it is for me to leave you. Jessica, you better be strong! If you change your mind, you will lose the opportunity to meet your family.’ she thought.

Jessica looked into her husband’s eyes. There’s an earnestness there. ‘Sorry I haven’t had much time lately.’

“From tomorrow I will never come home late again, at four in the afternoon I will immediately rush from work and arrive home on time, there is a new assistant who will help so that I can have plenty of time for you,” Lexi explained, a smile expanding on his lips comforting Jessica who looked sad.

Jessica nodded in response.

“Regarding our late future baby, you don’t have to worry, you don’t have to be sad. We have to get it back,” Lexi whispered. He guessed Jessica’s grief because of a miscarriage a few days ago.

“Why do you have so many words tonight?” Jessica protested and cast a glance in the other direction, holding back tears. The closer she got, the more she was hurt.

Lexi, who realized Jessica was sad, hugged her wife very tightly. “Don’t cry, from tomorrow we can have lunch together again!” Lexi persuaded, whispering in the wife’s ear. He didn’t want to make her feel lonely. Two days he saw Jessica was only in the room and did not want to see anyone. Lexi was right if the wife felt stressed.

Jessica could no longer hold back her tears. She cried, putting her face in her husband’s chest to express her grief there.

‘Shut up, why are you talking so much? It makes it harder for me to carry out my plan.’ Jessica said in her mind.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Lexi said. He was tired and knew that Jessica must have been sleepy. He walked over and led his wife. They were now sleeping on the second floor.

Jessica felt weak on her legs, forcing Lexi to move her. He was holding his wife’s body while stepping up the stairs.

With her right hand, Lexi opened the door.

“You better take a rest,” Lexi persuaded as he laid her wife’s body on the bed. Lexi reluctantly asked why Jessica feels so sad, he could only guess. It must have accidentally lost their late future baby.

According to Jessica, there was nothing else she did except look at her husband’s face. She saved as much as possible every detail of Lexi’s face. Black eyeball like a pearl. Firm jaw line. Also a sharp nose and beautiful lips.

‘After tonight, we won’t be sleeping in the same bed anymore, I have to stick to my plan. I’m sorry, all I do is to meet my family. Sorry.’ Jessica thought.

After closing the door, Lexi went back to bed. He sat onto the bed then laid down beside Jessica. He noticed the attitude of his wife was different than usual.

“Forget the things that make you sad,” Lexi told her, hugging her wife. There was a faint sob coming out of his mouth. The incident not only hurt Jessica, but his parents as well.

Jessica turned to look at his face. She touched her husband’s face with her right hand. She felt the warmth and heard every his breath. She deliberately asked the husband to keep the room light on so that she could clearly look at Lexi naturally.

“Go to sleep, should I sing you a lullaby song, so you can sleep, baby?” Lexi made a joke. He was also stroking his wife’s hair.

Jessica tried to widen the corners of her lips. Slowly, she opened her mouth and spoke. Her lips held back the sadness. There was pain in his heart.

“Baby sleep, oh baby sleep, if you don’t sleep I sleep. Baby sleep, oh baby sleep if you don’t sleep, I sleep.” Lexi hummed pretending to sleep by closing his eyes. “I will continue to sing and put you to bed, it’s part of my effort to make my wife feel happy,” he added. “Throw away all your sorrows Jess, we will have happy days after.”

Once again Lexi’s speech was making Jessica’s lips choke. She couldn’t just sit there and pretended to smile. Lexi’s twinkling eyes were so innocent he didn’t even know what her plan was.

Seeing Jessica’s movements, Lexi opened his eyes again. He was watching his wife. His eyes look slanted and wistful, but reluctant to sleep. He was still trying to open his eyes.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. Tighten hugs, shared warmth.

“Emmm …, “Jessica murmured briefly. She felt every touch of her husband’s hand. After this night, she did not know when to feel the warmth of her husband’s embrace.

“Honey, I have a feeling that in your stomach there will be another baby,” Lexi said in a low voice without Jessica knowing, he had difficulty preparing two names, one baby boy’s name and one baby girl’s name.

“Yes, hopefully I also want to have my baby again soon,” she said. She hoped to get pregnant soon.

“Daddy can’t wait for your presence, may God soon blow the fetus in your womb, dear.” He landed a couple of passionate kisses on his wife’s belly.

‘What is this feeling? Why is my chest so tight, what should I do? Lexi, I’m sorry, a thousand apologies.’ she said in her heart.

“Honey,” Jessica called out in a trembling voice. The tears are getting out of control again.

“Yes,” Lexi replied, looking at her husband, unraveling the embrace and moving away.

“Give me a drink,” Jessica said. She took time to be alone.

“Okay, Honey,” Lexi said excitedly, then went out of the room to get her a drink, without suspecting anything at all.

After Lexi came out of the room, Jessica couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. Everything would end tomorrow, she herself cannot imagine what Lexi would feel later, she couldn’t imagine he would be so sad. Her tears continued to run down on her cheeks. Jessica put her face on the blanket to stop crying.

‘Enough Jessica! Don’t cry! The decision has been made, you just have to play until tomorrow night! Be strong, be strong!’ Jessica encouraged herself.

Hearing her husband’s footsteps, Jessica immediately wiped away her tears. She didn’t want to look sad, at least tonight there was no reason to make her husband sad.

The door opened, Lexi was carrying a glass of water he had brought from the ground floor kitchen.

“Here’s the drink,” Lexi said, and then gave her a glass of water. He was waiting for Jessica to take a sip and then put it again on the small table next to the bed. “Alright, alright!” Lexi didn’t want Jessica to get sick because she thought too much about her future baby who had gone.

“Thank you,” Jessica said a little. The tightness in her chest decreased slightly.

“Listen, from tomorrow you don’t need to cook for me anymore, let the maid cook, I don’t want you to get tired, understand?” Lexi’s pleas were forceful, but his voice was soft and attentive. The reason was, earlier his mom sent a message, she was telling that Jessica tried hard to cook for his dinner.

“Yes,” Jessica answered quickly, snorting irritably, reducing her heavy chest.

“I don’t want you to get tired!” Lexi said firmly, thinking that Jessica could not sleep due to fatigue, occupied herself. “Should I call the doctor Sam’s here? You don’t look healthy, honey?” he asked.

“Emmm …, no need,” Jessica replied briefly. The two of her eyes did not blink, she looked at the man who seemed to be worried about her.

“Come on,” Lexi whispered, and he put his hand on Jessica’s shoulder. They both laid down. They were hugging each other.

Jessica was just quiet and according to her feeling of tightness in her chest, making her unable to make a sound.

“Thank you, you’ve changed a lot for me, it’s not like before, you’ve learned to cook for me, anyway, you’re the best woman,” Lexi praised while continuing to shower his wife’s forehead with kisses. “I don’t know what my life would be if I hadn’t met you Jess.”

“Emmm .. yes, honey” Jessica replied, putting her face to her husband’s chest. She was looking for warmth and comfort there, after this night everything would end. She didn’t know when she would be able to be in this cozy place again, Lexi’s arms.

“Let’s go to bed, from tonight I will always put you to bed like this, you better sleep, okay?” Lexi whispered softly while gently rubbing the wife’s back. When he was a child, his mother would put him to sleep that way.

Jessica could no longer hold back her tears, she returned to tears in her husband’s arms, more sobbing, and Lexi might have heard it.

‘I’m sorry, Lexi, I can’t! This is my decision, I want to see my family, even if I have to leave you.’ Jessica’s mind. She was forcing herself to make sure what she would do.

Lexi pretended to be asleep, but in fact he was crying. His tears fell on Jessica’s forehead, making the woman realize that her husband also felt her sadness.

She unraveled her husband’s embrace. She was looking up, looking right at her husband’s closed eyes. Her breathing was normal, he’s asleep. However, his cheeks were wet from the tears coming out of the corners of his eyes.

Jessica rubbed her husband’s cheek slowly, then she kissed his face. Again she landed a kiss there.

“Good night,” she whispered, putting her hand on Lexi’s cheek.

‘Jessica I don’t know what makes you cry. Tomorrow morning, when we wake up and my body is refreshed, I’ll ask you about it. If you cry because of yesterday accident, you will definitely get pregnant again. I’m sure sooner or later, we’ll have it.’ Lexi thought.

Jessica slowly fell asleep. The sound of her husband’s regular breathing was like a lullaby that made her comfortable until she fell asleep in the warm arms of her husband.

‘You are the most beautiful Jessica. I love you so much. Our love could lessen the hate and the resentment that is in my heart. Now I will only love you, be happy and spend time with you. I realized why I chose you, besides you are good, you are also the most beautiful, Jess,’ he said in his mind.

Every minute Lexi used to look at his wife’s face. Teardrops wetting his cheeks. Many times he wiped it off, many times his cheeks were wet with tears. He didn’t know what made Jessica sad. Might be tomorrow he would be off work and would spend the day with his wife.

Until the morning before the man continued to look closely at his wife’s face, heard her heartbeat, felt her breath. Lexi closed his eyes slowly, because he was tired and sleepy.

Jessica woke up at 05: 00 in the morning, right when her cell phone alarm went off. She landed kisses on Lexi’s eyebrows, both cheeks, and lips. Without further delay, before she changed her mind Jessica. She left the room and then continued moving down the stairs. Then, she was able to get out of Lexi’s House.

Jessica opened the main door. She was in the car, and Daniel was right next to her. This morning they left for Singapore.

“We’re going to the airport right now, Elsa,” he said with a smile, his mission to brought home his sister who had been missing twelve years ago was succeeded.

* * *

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