Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time… It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other’.

Kate shouted in disbelief as Nora listened attentively to every word.

“Craig will you shut up that mouth of yours before I do that for you. How on earth can you say the plane Philip boarded caught fire and there was no survivors.” Kate said in an angry tone.

Craig allowed the tears to flow freely from his eyes. “Check the news ma’am, I was called and told the plane and every passengers on it were burnt to ashes.”

Kate wasted no time in switching on the big plasma t. v. in the sitting room and quickly put it on the news station.

The first thing she saw was the headlines:

Floda Plane Fire Accident: No Survivors.

“Flight 402 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Floda to Basla. The aircraft took off from Floda at 10:38 local time (12:38 UTC) with 187 passengers and 13 crew on board. At 11:49 when it wanted to land on Basla runway/ taxiways, unfortunately, it lose control and couldn’t land, the plane flew some miles away from Basla airport into the city of Valten, killing some people in process before it caught fire and everything was razed. We are yet to find out what actually caused the fire. All passengers and crew on board, 200 in total, were killed in the accident. There are no survivors. Our condolence to the grieving families.” The newscaster said as part of the t. v. was shown what remains of the badly burnt plane.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“No, no… this can’t be true, Philip can’t be gone like that. Why did this happened to him, Philip deserve a second chance.” Kate said bitterly.

Nora couldn’t believe what she heard. She touches her grandmother’s arms to draw her attention to her.

“Yes my dear.” Kate said trying to calm her voice. She has forgotten that her granddaughter was with her. “What is it?”

“Please don’t tell me what they said on tv is true, don’t tell me Philip is dead please grandma, tell me they’re lying.” Nora told her through her braille words.

Kate couldn’t hold the tears from falling. She couldn’t hide it from Nora. “Nora my child. Phi.. philip is dead.”

Nora shook her head not believing. “Philip can not die grandma, he promised me he would return to me. Philip always keep to his promise.” Nora said as she started crying.

“Nora, we all knew he boarded that plane. He is dead now Nora.” Kate said crying and turned to Craig who has been standing, silently crying. “I am really sorry for your lose Craig. I wish there is something that could be done to bring back Philip. He was like a son to me and his death is a huge blow. I am sorry fate decided to play us this way Craig.”


Few weeks later, Philip was buried in Kate’s compound as Nora had wish. Though they didn’t buried his body cause the plane and everyone was razed down to ashes.

In those few weeks until the burial of Philip, Nora didn’t visit her secret garden.

Two nights after his burial she visited the garden. But she was not in the mood to dance.

“This isn’t fair at all, fate didn’t even give us a chance to let him live, even if he was crippled, I would have still love him, but fate tricked us.” Nora told Daisy cleaning away the tears from her cheeks. “Why didn’t fate give us a second chance daisy, why? When I thought I was being myself once again then this happened. Why does circumstances always choose me? I have given up on ever finding happiness, I just want to die and go and met Philip.” She’d been crying, so her voice still cracked and caught in her throat.

“Sometimes, life do play us tricks Nora, but it depends on how we look at them. Everything always gets better, no matter how bad things seem, better things are yet to come, so smile and don’t lose hope.”

“I don’t get you Daisy, I should not lose hope? Philip is gone for good and you said I should smile and not lose hope? What do you mean by that?” Nora asked in bewilderment as she stare at Daisy.

“What I meant is you shouldn’t lose hope on your life. Time is best companion like every good time, bad time will also be consider as past very soon. Just wait and keep your hope, strength and courage. The hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are yet to come so don’t ever think of killing yourself.” Daisy told her encouragingly. If only she knew what faces her ahead.

“Thank you so much for this piece of advice. It is just too hard for me to believe that Philip grave lays in the compound, that he is buried six deep feet and I can’t even see him to tell him how much I still love him.”

“I know that Nora and I also know how you feel, but show fate how tough you can be, don’t let fate win you. Of all the things that you will accomplished, your greatest day is yet to come.” Daisy said and flew around her before stopping in her face. “Come, let’s go and dance I still have one finally dance step to teach you.”


Nora finally told Kate about her dancing skills which Kate was surprised and astonish when she saw it. Nora’s dancing was out of the world.

Nora who always sit at Philip grave sometimes had promised herself that no one else, apart from her beloved grandmother and Craig, would ever see her face again. She told Kate who quickly made a face mask for her which concealed her face except her eyes and nose.

Since the boy’s quarter which Craig and his late son reside brought old memories to Craig, kate locked it up and ask Craig to be living with them at the main house, which after much plead he comply. They were there for Craig.

3 months later, Mark came down to Floda to see Nora. He had earlier called to inform his coming. Renting a car, he drove straight to the residence of Kate Dante.

He was greeted and welcomed by Kate who usher him in.

Calling out Nora who was being escorted by Craig by her hands. As usual she wore her face mask. Kate went to meet her and took her to a sofa to sit.

“Hello Craig.” Mark said as both men hug themselves, they were friends and so was their sons. “I am so sorry about your lose and also sorry I didn’t attend his burial, I couldn’t make it. He was like a son to me, I don’t know why death choose him.” Mark said trying not to break down into tears in front of them.

“Thank you Mark, I really appreciate.”

“So Nora, Philip told me a lot about you and how you got amazing dancing skills.” Mark said directing his speech to Nora.

“It’s Ora sir not Nora.” Nora told him with braille words.

“Oops, my bad. Sorry Ora. So can you demonstrate a little bit of your dance?”

“Sure sir.” Nora answered, stood up from her sit and allowed her body to flow with the imaginary music playing inside her head. Kate who knew about his coming had cleared and created space where Nora would demonstrate her ballet. Nora soon stopped dancing.

“Wow, that was fantastic.” Mark said really impressed by her little performance. “There are high places in Floda were you’re going to perform ballet dance, and with this beautiful dancing style, you will soon be a household name.” He added with a smile.

Nora smiled at that and wish Philip was here. “Sir, I don’t mean to sound rude, but any performance I want perform, I wish to perform alone.” Nora told the man. Her last dance she had with someone was with Philip and she intend to keep it that way.

“No problem Ora, you’re just like my son David who prefers to dance alone whenever he dances his ballet. One of these days I shall introduce him to you.”

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