Cursed By Fate

Blood For Blood

Louis set out to meet with Alpha Rudolph along with six of his trusted and strongest warriors. Before leaving, he gave out instructions. Two of them were to act as scouts looking out for any potential danger and were to signal the rest should any arise.

The next two were to remain hidden and were only to come out in case of any altercation or conflict. The last two were to stand by his side, one of them huge and muscular, and the other was of course, his most trusted spy Alfred.

They arrived at the river bank just before dusk. They were met by the emissary who admonished them to be patient as their Alpha was on his way. After waiting for twenty minutes, Louis began to pace around, he was becoming impatient.

This seemed to be a form of insult as waiting happened to pinch his pride. He almost turned around and left in anger when Alfred pacified him to wait.

Alpha Rudolf arrived from behind the tree lines as soon as the sun was out of sight and the moon began to emerge. He was accompanied by his son and more than thirteen other wolf warriors. Their demeanor was in no way friendly nor courteous.

As he walked, Louis observed his Son who happened to lock eyes with him. This was the first time Louis met with either of them, but he would not be so easily intimidated.

“Alpha Rudolph allow me to offer my condolences over the death of your scout” Louis started as the silence between them began to seem uncomfortable.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“It was murder and nothing else, not to mention you crossed our territory.” Damian interjected. Rudolph raised his palm slightly signaling Damian to let Louis finish. “Go on” he said turning back to Louis.

“As I was saying, I cannot express how deep it saddens me, but I offer my sincerest apologies.” Louis said. He went further to explain why his men had to go through the moon shadow territory and how it was essential for Jack to be put down.

“I understand the crossing of my territory, Hunters are a plague that have tormented all werewolves for decades, I understand your desire for revenge. However, this entire ordeal could have been avoided had you sent word before, I’m a rational man. I would have given you my permission.

“Permission” that word pierced through Louis’s pride. His ego could no longer be smudged. He was an Alpha. He did not need to seek permission from anyone. These were the thoughts that encircled his mind as he listened to Rudolph. Although enraged, he did not allow his intrusive thoughts to get the better of him.

“I believe you asked to meet, because you do not wish for this unfortunate incident to cause war to break between our packs.” Louis said calmly but his face was clearly betrayed him.

“You’re right young wolf, I do not wish for war, but a great injustice has been done to my people. The wolf your men killed was sired to my son. It is a heavy price that must be paid in blood.

Louis had not prepared for this in anyway. He only hoped a simple apology and the offer of virgin mates would appease the old alpha Rudolph as it was rumored he had certain sexual proclivities.

Sacrificing one of his men was in no way amongst any of the compromises he intended for. “Certainly you cannot mean what I am thinking.” Louis finally said after a few minutes of silence.

“I certainly do, if we must avoid war, then the price to be paid must be blood for blood. Here and now!” Rudolph said, this time he sounded a lot more aggressive.

The expression on his face also changed to match his tone. “So what will it be bastard?” Damian asked mischievously, hoping to trigger Louis into doing something foolish.

Alfred walked up to Louis and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened as he turned back to look his most trusted spy in the eye. He could not risk war, he did not have the men nor experience.

He pondered for a while before finally agreeing to Rudolph’s terms. Louis turned to the other wolf who stood guard behind him. “What’s your name?” He asked and the guard replied “I am Oscar my lord.”

“I must ask you to do the impossible Oscar. For the posterity of our pack, I must ask you to sacrifice your life.” Louis said as he placed his hands on Oscar’s shoulder.

“And if I refuse, I’m a dead man either ways aren’t I?” he asked looking in Louis’s eyes for the first time since he became the Alpha. With tears in his eyes he nodded in agreement and walked towards the edge of the flowing river.

Upon see this Rudolph said “You’re reasonable, quite different from what I was told, I’ll leave my son Damian to handle the rest of the proceedings.”

As he walked back through the same path he emerged from, Damian wore a gleaming smile across his face. “Get on your knees he commanded Oscar” he signaled one of his guards to hand him an axe he had been holding all along.

“In the name of the all fathers, I send you back to the earth from which you came from. Do you have any last words?” Damian asked as Oscar shook his head. With one clean swing, he decapitated the man and his head fell off his shoulders.

That was painful to watch but it was a sacrifice Louis could live with. What followed next was what enraged Louis was the fact that Damian kicked Oscar’s head towards Louis. His eyes turned red in fury, but before he could react Alfred held him back.

Damian laughed as he watched Louis turn around with Alfred to regroup with the rest of their pack. “I know you’re angry Sire but we must exercise caution” Alfred said trying to pacify him.” The time for restraint is over Alfred, I’ll take his head and territory.” Louis roared.

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