
Chapter 12

Chapter 12 


“Why am I not surprised to see you here?” 

I nurse a shot of vintage wine. 

Demetri offers the best of the best after all. The 

only thing that puts me at ease is that I know the bastard drank the wine too. I watched him do so 

making it safe to say the wine isn’t poisoned. 

Sunshine seems to be managing the conversation with Demetri too well. I see her smile. The same smile that she gives every guy like it’s free candy on Halloween. 

A minute later, Demetri escorts the Little Nurse out of my vicinity and I would react if it isn’t for the fact that Maximo hasn’t given me the clear I need to take down any man I want in this room. 

The other reason happens to be the fact that I’m occupied. 

With him. 

“It’s a small world, Volkov. What? You think 


are the only one who wants to hear what Demetri wants to say?” NôvelDrama.Org content.

Dante Keaton asks, showing his usual smug 

bunny teeth that make him think he looks smart. 

Chapter 12 

The truth of the matter is, Dante Keaton has never been smart. He might happen to be the biggest douchebag I’ve met and trust me with my line of work, I’ve met a lot of them. 

“I didn’t know he was inviting low lives too is all.” 

Dante chuckles. I take a sip of the piss wine. 

What’s taking Maximo too long damn it? 

“Always arrogant, Volkov but then again what I can expect from a stuck–up Sicilian heir. I was the head of the Chicago mafia before you invaded my turf, maybe our Russian friend recognizes. 

who I am and who the thief is.” 

I made the Chicago branch better than what Dante had and that’s a fact. 

“I should stick to politics if I were you. Business and greed don’t work hand in hand Keaton. I might be stuck up but at least I’m not the one botching business operations all in the name of crying over spilled milk.” 

His men shot Nico, raided my bar and all for what? Because I sell more load than the weasel in 

front of me ever will? 

“I’m taking back what’s mine. You get the saying. In three months you’ll be taking what’s yours unless perhaps something were to happen to you and your seat miraculously became up for grabs.” 

“Is that a threat Keaton?” 

Chapter 12 

“A threat would be holding a gun to your head. and making sure I don’t miss. That’s a threat, this

This is advice.” 

“Volkov? Damn it, come in. You hearing me? They jammed the signals. Jett found Demetri’s. men slaughtered. You have to get out of there. It’s a trap. Dante Keaton set a trap for all of you. Demetri isn’t the one going to kill you all, Dante 

Keaton is. Dante…” 

The earpiece in my ear loses the signal completely. 

I chuckle at the turn of events. 

So what? Demetri called us to a regular meeting 

and not a genocide and Dante Keaton wants to take advantage of all that by killing every mafia head in this room? 

Well played, I didn’t see that coming. 

“What is it you said about threats?” 

My Glock is already up and directed at the dead center of Dante’s forehead. 

It takes me one bullet to fry his brains out. One bullet to end him and rid the world of an asshole planning to be a senator so he can embezzle public funds properly while shipping weapons into the country unseen. 

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You shoot me and you take the fall for every man that dies 


Chapter 12 


I underestimated you this time.” 

“No. You became too cocky in this game. The secret to success has always been patience. Wait 

for the right time, the right place and moment and then poof!TM 

Jamie Keoghan, head of the Irish mafia drops like a bug on the floor. Dead, unconscious? I don’t give a fuck as the next man that ends up on the floor happens to be the head of the Los Angeles 


I don’t wait for the third man to fall. 

I rely on instinct. I point my gun away from Dante’s face to the ceiling, shooting the lights 


Darkness hovers around the room, gunshots rain like sulfur from the depths of hell. 

Nothing worse than a group of panicked heavily armed men who sense death and are too cocky to 

accept it. 

My hand locked on my gun, I shoot whoever I have to as I make my way down the same path that Sunshine and Demetri went to. 

My mind ticks with rage, adrenaline pumps into. my blood like a fix and in a haze of confusion, fury and disorientation, my mind goes back to the child back in the damn mansion a few miles 

Chapter 19 

from here who is expecting to see her mother 


Little nurse dies and that child falls on me. 

I can’t raise a child. 

Not with these conditions I can’t. 

The dimly lit hallway crawls with dead men, I’m almost on the verge of giving up and calling it a night when her screams punch the air louder 

than the gunshots. 

Up ahead, trembling against the ground, hands covering her head as if that would stop a sniper from blowing her brains out, Little Nurse screams and cowers in fear. 

“I expected you to be dead by now, Little Nurse. Get up, our time’s up.” 

Her pretty blue eyes turn to face me and I swear any man would be dead from her gaze. 

“Vicious? Vic-?” 


She doesn’t give me a minute to breathe. 

Her shaking body wraps around my waist it hits. me like a gust of wind on an already shitty night. 

“You’re gonna have to let me go if we have any chance of surviving the night Alexia.” 

Her sternum shakes against my chest. Her wet cheeks caress my neck. Her legs tremble as they 

Chapter 12 

hug my waist. 

And this stubborn little thing? She refuses to let 

  1. go. 

“Get me out of here, please.” 

She begs. 

She hugs me. 

I kill more than four men while she’s latched on my upper body like a baby monkey to its mother. 

The only difference is this wild monkey is scared as fuck. 

Every time I fire my gun, her body only captures mine further. The more she clutches my body, the more my sanity and my blood rush all the way to my dick. 

We make it out of Demetri’s house with me 

covered in blood and Sunshine’s hold around my 

neck enough to choke me. 

“This is the part where you let go and run to the 


“No…I don’t think I can. One wrong step and they’ll kill me. I can’t die like this. I can’t die here. I can’t leave Millie.” 

“No one is dying. All I need is your little feet running to the car while I cover you. I’m right. behind you, Sunshine. I promise.” 

Chapter 12 

Maybe it’s the blue eyes. 

Maybe it’s the adrenaline and the thrill of having had to shoot my way from Dante Keaton’s men 

All I know is as I watch my thirse run to the car in five–inch heels. I swell with pride. 

‘Run like the flash, sunshine. I’m right behind 


Ensuring no men follow us, getting rid of the earpiece that has proved ineffective in contacting Maximo, I get in the car. 

A few minutes later, Sunshine and I are on the 


Except everything on the road looks too blurry. the steering wheel in my hands feel like Jello, Alexia shouting my name feels like a distant wail. 

Before my eyes shut down and I black out. 1 realize two things. 

One, Dante Keaton spiked the vintage wine and knowing him, he probably did it with poison. 

Two, I’m the one driving. Me blacking out means. my Little Nurse follows me to hell too. 

This chapter is unlocked. Enjoy reading! 

Chapter 13 

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