Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 11

I was wet but at least I was no longer dripping. I had managed to squeeze out the water from my clothes, my hair not so much. There was nothing to dry it with, it was damp and frustrating and I just wanted to scream.

My frustration mounted, my fingers drumming against the rough walls of the cell. This was no way to live, damp and cold with nothing but a rug. It felt like a million bugs were crawling through my clothes but I couldn’t even dare to take off the clothes. It was my last shred of dignity.

“What the hell did you do that for?” I screamed at the top of my voice but the maid was long gone. The guards giggled like they were all in on it and anger pulsed through my veins but instead of yelling, I found myself sobbing.

What the hell? What the hell did they want from melt All I’d ever done to them was f**g exist! Was existing such a bad thing?

I picked myself off the ground and headed in the direction of Aston’s room, still soaking wet and apparently cold now too as the breeze found its way though my clothes and reached dark corners.

I didn’t know what the f**k he wanted with me. He had maids at his beck and call but nothing brought him more joy than seeing me suffer. What sort of sick twisted alpha did that?

The cold air stung my damp skin as I marched towards the Alpha’s chamber, anger and humiliation warring within me. I felt like fool, a pawn in this man’s s***d twisted game of cruelty. He wanted to showcase his strength by preying on someone significantly weaker than he was. Why didn’t he go pick on someone his own size if he was so f****g strong?!

Men and their s***id pride and ego, all they do is cause pain for the people around them! I tried to tie my wet hair up with nothing but my hair but it just wouldn’t work. I gave up and let it all drape over my shoulders.

When I arrived, the door was thrown open by a fierce looking guard, and I was shoved inside. Aston sat at his table, regarding me with cold eyes.

There’s my little slave. Come here,” he said, beckoning me forward.

I walked to him, my feet dragging.

Aston’s smile was like ice, chilling my very core. “So you thought you could make me wait, did you? And here I thought you’d learned your lesson the first time.” He clicked his tongue in mock disappointment.

“I expect you to be on time no matter what it is that you think is worthy of an excuse because I won’t be taking any. You look horrible by the way. More horrible than you usually do. You’re one big pile of nonsense, don’t you ever get tired of being disgusting?” He spat and I just stood there wondering what face he would make when I killed him. His maid made me look this way and he was blaming me for it? Like any of this was my ***g fault! The fact that they all treated me the way he treated me was not my fault.

“You deserve to be punished. You’ll receive five strokes for this transgression.” He ordered like he was some sort of king from the ancient times and my heart dropped. Had we gotten to the level where he would cane me now? What was really? His prisoner, yes but not a slave! I was not a f***g slave that he would choose to whip me and get away with it!

“Five lashes??” I screamed at the top of my lungs and the glare he shot in my direction made me realize that shouting was not going to help me get out of the situation that I was in. So I started to plead.

“Please, I didn’t mean to take so long. You know that the maid-1 began, but Aston cut me off rudely.

“Silence. “You’ll take your punishment like a good little slave,” Aston continued, his voice hard as steel. And if you so much as utter another word of protest, I will double your punishment He added and my heart started to race. Every day was some sort of punishment for me. What did he have against me? Apart from the fact that he hated Dax and he was the Devil so evil was his second nature? Even the Devil gave a little breathing space before continuing evil

My shoulders slumped the tight leaving me. I knew that I had no choice in this, I turned and faced the wall, my breathing shallow. My back throbbed from the last time the guards threw the against the ground, but I knew it would pale in comparison to what was about to come.

I heard the guards move behind me, the clink of metal as they readied the whip.

The first lash struck me, a searing pain across my already tender back. My body tensed, and I bit down on my lip, stifling a scream. The second lash came, just as brutal as the first, and I could feel the blood begin to trickle down my back. The pain was so intense, I thought I might pass out. But I couldn’t, not in front of Aston. I couldn’t give him the joy.

I tried to block out the pain, tried to focus on anything but the agony of each lash The third, the fourth…

With every fibre of my being. I pushed through the pain, bracing myself for the next blow. When it came, the impact made my knees buckle and my vision blurred. But I stood, resolute. 1 uldn’t give Aston the satisfaction of seeing me crumble.

The fifth lash landed, and I finally collapsed to the floor. My back felt like it was on fire, and I could hear Aston’s laughter echoing in the chamber.

“Oh, but I’m not done with you yet. Five lashes were for taking too long. You forgot to beg for forgiveness for your insolence.

“You will say, “I am sorry, Alpha,” Aston commanded, “and then, you will beg me for mercy. If your begging is sincere enough, I might let you eat today. Might

I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to lash out. I knew better than to disobey Aston, so I forced the words out through gritted teeth. “I am sorry, Alpha.”

Aston just stared at me, his smile widening. “And?”

“And please have mercy, Alpha,” 1 choked out, my voice hoarse with desperation.

As I crawl towards the opposite end of the chamber, tears of humiliation and anger blur my vision. Aston’s laughter rings in my ears, like the taunting of some cruel god. He commands me to fetch his breakfast, and I obey, slinking towards the door like a beaten dog.

The kitchen staff stare in horror as I shuffle past them, half naked and bloodied, but no one dared to question the Alpha’s orders, not that they were eager to anyway. None of them seemed to even care about the state that I was in. I grab the tray of food. my hands shaking with rage, and make the trek back to Aston’s chamber, my mind racing with fantasies of revenge.

My footsteps echo in the stone hallways, each one a whispered plea for mercy, for justice. But who would listen? Who would care event


I reach Aston’s chamber, I present the food to him, bowing my head in an act of submission that sickened me. But inside, my wolf howled in protest, begging for revenge. As I watched Aston eat, my hand twitched towards the fork, the handle cold and smooth in my grasp.

The temptation to plunge the fork into his throat was nearly overwhelming, but I steel myself against it, I knew that if I struck now, I would surely be killed. “No, I must bide my time, must find a way to escape this hellhole and reclaim my freedom.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

So, I knelt before Aston, his arrogant laughter like daggers in my heart, as he ordered me to lick up the crumbs he’d dropped. My soul shrivelled at the thought, but I complied. I could not give him an excuse to increase my suffering.

With every ounce of restraint I possessed. I finished my humiliating task. Aston patted my head with a smirk and then dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

As 1 left, my fury threatened to consume me. I grit my teeth, holding back the scream that threatened to tear its way out of my throat. My wolf howled again, begging me to strike, to do something, anything, to escape this tornent.

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