Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 6

“Look here you conceited ass! I am trying to save your business. I knew you would try to turn this around on me.” She retorted.

“Which is why I waited a month to tell you. You don’t have to take my word for it, you got cameras, use them!” Raine demanded.

“You finished?” He demanded.

“No! Maybe if you didn’t spend all your time fucking the skanks, you’d see for yourself. Consider this my resignation, because I am so done with your shit! I quit!” Raine retorted.

She turned and walked out of his office. Raine went behind the bar and grabbed her purse. Jax didn’t follow her as he was still pissed at her words. She looked for Ice, spotting him on the other side of the bar.

“Ice?” Raine hollered.

“Coming darlin.” Ice replied.

“Where ya going wildcat? Your shift ain’t over yet.” MD remarked.

“Yeah it’s over! I’m going home! I quit!” Raine retorted.

Ice walked her to her car. He kept quiet still processing what she told MD. He didn’t see Jax come out of his office. When they got to her car, he opened the door for her but held it so she couldn’t get in just yet.

“Wanna talk about it?” He asked.

“Nope. I’m done.” Raine huffed.

“Too bad.” Ice sighed.

“Ice?” Raine asked.

“Yeah darlin?” Ice asked.

“That bridge we discussed? It’s burnt.” She replied.

“I was afraid of that.” He sighed removing his hand so she could get in.

“Take care. You’re a good guy.” Raine replied as she got in the driver’s seat.

“Darlin, appearances can be deceiving.” Ice replied.

“And sometimes they’re exactly what you see. While others try too hard to pretend otherwise.” Raine replied.

As soon as she was a mile down the road the tears she fought to hold back finally spilled over. She pulled over to the side of the road. Her vision was too blurry to see to drive.

Her hands grabbed the wheel as she rested her forehead on it. After a good cry and scream, she wiped her eyes and pulled back on to the road.

“Fucking jerk! Why couldn’t I fall for Ice? Universe, you suck big time! If you were a woman, I’d punch your face, and if you were a man, I’d kick you in the balls!” Rained cried.

It had been two weeks since Raine quit and walked out. She went to every club and bar within a 30-mile radius. No one would hire her. Not having a choice, she was going to have to look for other jobs.

“I guess I’m going to have to try other jobs.” Raine replied.

“Can you still roller skate?” Kim asked.

“Probably, why?” Raine asked.

“Shakes-N-More is hiring. I do the hair of the owner. I could probably get you a job there if you want it?” Kim asked.

“Call her, I need a job. My classes won’t pay for themselves. I’ve worked too hard to quit now.” Raine replied.

“Ok. I’ll give her a call.” Kim replied.

“Did you get your last paycheck from Jax?” Sam asked.

Raine shook her head no. “No not yet.”

“Why the hell not? Is that prick refusing to give it to you?” Sam demanded.

“I called Ice and told him to tell Jax to mail it to me. And he called me back to say that Jax said I have to pick it up in person.” Raine explained.

“So, what are you waiting for? Go pick it up.” Sam ordered.

“I’m working on it. You know how bad it ended with him.” Raine stated.

“Still, that’s money you worked hard for. That’s your money.” Sam reminded her.

“I know, I know.” Raine huffed.

Kim called her client and got Raine a job at Shakes-N-More. She has been working there for a week. The first few days were killer on her feet, but her feet were starting to toughen up a bit.

Its Friday evening and Kim was going with her to pick up her last paycheck from Jax. They got there a little after 9pm. She had to work earlier, and Kim did not get off from the salon until 7pm. They walked in and went to the bar.

“Tell Jax I’m here to pick up my last paycheck.” Raine told Ice.

“How ya been doing darlin?” Ice asked.

“Never better.” Raine replied.

“Uh huh, follow me.” Ice turned towards the office, then knocked on the door.

“Enter.” Jax barked out.

“Raine’s here to see you brother.” Ice called out after he opened the door.

Then he stood to the side while Raine entered the office. He grabbed Kim’s arm and kept her from entering. Ice then shut the door after Raine was inside. Kim glared at him and crossed her arms.

“OK Jax, I’m here, where’s my paycheck?” Raine demanded.

“Raine, take a seat.” Jax commanded.

“Look, I just need my check. I’m not staying.” Raine replied.

“Seat, now!” Jax barked.

Raine sat in the chair in front of his desk. Jax closed the folder he was looking at. Then he looked at her. He could tell she was still mad at him.

He was gonna have to eat crow. So be it. She had been right about it all. He hated to admit it.

“I watched the workers. I went back over videos and viewed them. And you were right. About all of it.” Jax replied.

“Well for your sake, I’m glad your eyes are now open. Now, can I have my check?” Raine asked.

“Look, I’m trying to apologize here. For how things ended.” Jax explained.

“Yeah, well you suck at it.” Raine retorted.

“You can have your job back.” Jax told her.

“No thanks, I have a new job.” Raine replied.

“Where? I made damn sure the other clubs knew they’d deal with me if they hired you.” Jax demanded.

“You arrogant asshole! You’re the reason none of the clubs or bars would hire me?” Raine demanded.

“You are not working in any other club or bar, except mine. I forbid it!” Jax stated.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Go screw yourself! You don’t own me! Nor do you tell me what I can and can not do! Now I’d like my check!” Raine demanded.

“Where are you working at?” Jax asked.

“That’s none of your business!” Raine replied.

“That’s where you’re wrong wildcat. Everything about you is all my business. From the minute you walked into my club, you got my attention.” Jax explained.

“You know what? Just keep the damn check! It’s not worth the hassle!” Raine retorted.

She stood up and stormed out of his office. Jax hollered for Ice who grabbed her and walked her back to the office door. Rained crossed her arms obviously pissed at being manhandled. She gave Ice a death glare.

“Ice, I’ve always respected you but if you don’t remove your hands, I’m going to lose that respect and do something we both will regret!” Raine retorted.

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