Chosen By The Dragon Kings



Elora’s POV

After lunch Silas went to prepare for the ceremony, to break the curse. We had to wait for the moon to

be at its highest in the sky. So, we still had a few hours to kill and decided to check the greenhouses.

To my astonishment everything was finished, the paddock was completely enclosed and the plants

within it were now safe from the elements. Victor was helping in the greenhouse and they were now

setting up lights and a workstation for drying out the medicinal herbs. Everything had come together,

and Silas managed to do exactly what they said they would. Victor had enough stock to medicate half

the City and Silas even gave him a few vials of blood to add to the mix. Victor was busy compounding

medicines while Abigail was helping bottle and label them.

A few volunteers were even helping write down the medicinal properties of each plant so Victor could

start teaching a few apprentices. For once the people of the city looked alive, smiles on their faces and

things looked like they were changing for the better. Silas was also in an exceptionally good mood and

excited for the curse to be broken.

I felt nervous, nervous that we were missing something. It just seemed a little too easy, say a chant and

drink some blood. I wasn’t sure how curses worked, they were more personal not something that

requires spells and enchantments. Everything seemed to be going perfectly and maybe it was because

I have only grown used to disappointment, but I know something has got to give, in my experience for

everything that goes right ten things go wrong, so tonight I was little worried, some nagging voice in my

head telling me this spell wasn’t for the dragon kings but something else. Even Abigail had her doubts,

but she too didn’t voice them after the other day. Even she questioned the spell itself.

When the night started to fall, we all went inside. Dragus pulling me up to the bedroom so we could get

ready. It was now 11:40 pm and we had twenty minutes to before the Moon was at it’s highest. After

getting ready and grabbing my grandmothers book from the library I met Abigail and Claire at the front

door. Claire smiling brightly up at me, her eyes shining with knowledge a child of her age shouldn’t

harbour. Claire without hesitation grabbed my hand and I watch the Three Dragon kings walk toward

us. Silas holding a gold goblet with rubies around the base of it.

“Ready” I ask Claire looking down at her. She nods but the words that next leave her mouth shock not

only me but Abigail and the three kings standing near us. Her voice not even her own but morphed into

something otherworldly.

“Shall rise the Queen Aziza of the Draquin kingdom” Her voice sounded melodic, and her words

startled me, yet the look on her angelic face held no doubt behind her words and that scared me. What

could she possibly mean?

Shaking off her words, Silas opens the door staring down at her just as confused by what she said. I

was no Queen, and this was not my kingdom. Walking outside, I gasp and take a step back bumping

into Matitus.

“You okay?” He whispers my mouth falling open at the amount of people standing within the gates.

Thousands of people stood watching as we walked out.

“Why is everyone here?” I whisper to him.

“Probably curious to see if you can break the curse, I left the gates open for people to enter. I didn’t

think people would come to watch though” Silas answers but I can see he is also a little shocked,

walking out, Silas grabs my hand walking us through the crowds, I watch as the crowd parts allowing

us to move through easily as we walk to the centre where the moon is most visible. The silence falling

over everyone was eery the only sounds were of the breeze and our footsteps as we made our way to

the centre of the court. I looked nervously at the crowd all their eyes watching us.

A vampire with long hair tied at the back of his neck came and placed a round table next to me, Silas

opening the passage of the book, I had to read from. Claire, I knew wouldn’t be able to read it given her

age and would need to recite after me.

Looking down at Claire Abigail kneels beside her and touches her little face and I could see the

concern on her face. Suddenly Claire’s eyes turned white, white as snow her pupils bleeding in her

sclera’s. Her eyes taking on more of storm like blizzard caught within her.

“Claire?” Abigail asks panicked and I could see Silas step closer concerned for the little girl standing

before him.

“Do you hear them Mama?” Claire asks her voice strong and unafraid. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“hear what Claire bear?” Abigail says looking up at me.

“The whispers, they have arrived”

“Who has arrived?” Silas asks his eyes darting to the crowd nervously.

“Those of the past they have come to give their blessing” Claire says turning to me, her eyes scared

me, they were vacant, not a look you expect to see in a little girl who was just shy of four years old.

Right now, she was no child but something else, something not of this world.

Claire reached out, grabbing my hands with her tiny ones and I gasped at her touch, lightning shooting

through her palms through me. The whispers she was talking about filling my ears and tears fill my

eyes when I heard her.

“I can hear them” I whisper lost and only able to focus on her voice as it filled me with happiness and

the sadness of her loss. A voice I never thought I would hear again, one I longed for.

“This is what you were made for, don’t fear it my child. You were born to rule, don’t forget who you are”

My grandmothers voice echoing through me and I feel my tears fall.

“What did you do?” I hear Silas ask looking to Claire, her eyes solely on me, her eery gaze steady.

“The chosen one was never me, it was always you” I tell her, and she smiles.

“You are the chosen one, I am just the guide that shows you where you belong” She answers, I shake

my head, this little girl held power and knowledge that only she could understand, and I knew I was

right this was my destiny, but Claire was the chosen one, the only one that could restore the balance,

the one everyone had been waiting for.

Claire lets go, the whispers of my ancestors remain filling me with their wisdom, echoing around me

and filling my mind with their knowledge. That's when I realise this would not break the curse on the

dragons, that was never my sacrifice to make, no this was to bless the Fae with their magic. Looking up

at the sky, the moon was nearly at its peak. Claire reaches for the goblet, taking it from Silas. Abigail

steps away, and so do the Dragon kings leaving only Claire and I in the centre.

Claire grabs the dagger on the table before gripping my hand, our ancestors whispering to us what

needed to be done, we didn’t need my grandmothers book with our guide standing with us. Claire

slices my palm before holding it over the goblet my blood running into the cup.

“The Blood of spirit and the blood of our ancestors, the blood of the Moon” And I see Taylor step

forward, I hadn’t even noticed her amongst the crowd. Claire slices her palm and lets her blood run into

the goblet. “Child of the Moon cursed to the night” Claire and I whisper at the same time.

Claire then turns and waves to a woman in the front row who was human. Claire didn’t even have to

ask, she willingly stepped forward holding out her palm.

“The Blood of the sun and the child blessed to the light” Claire says as she slices the human woman’s

hand her blood running into the goblet.

Claire then slices her own palm without even flinching like she didn’t even register the pain at all letting

it bleed into the goblet, Abigail I noticed out of the corner of my flinched as she watched her daughter

bravely slice her tiny palm, but remained still and I could see she had faith in her daughter, just as she

pulls her hand away the moon reaches its peak the goblet starts shaking slightly and I watch as Claire

grabs the goblet holding it above her head, the moonlight moving up her little body to rest on the


I watch amazed before I hear Claire’s voice echo though the knight “Don’t fear for the balance to be

restored a sacrifice must be made, and the Queen reborn” Her words confusing me before I watch her

drink from the goblet, then it dawns on me.

We are the sacrifice, yet I felt no fear of death, felt nothing but complete faith in her words and a strong

urge to fulfil the prophecy, my grandmothers reassuring voice in my head, feel the whispers of my

ancestors washing over me like a breeze, the voices carried with it growing stronger, and louder filling

me and giving me, a sense of calm and I drop to my knees in front of her. She tips the goblet to my lips

and I drink from it, feel the magic in the blood bleeding into my soul changing it.

Claire places the goblet down on the small tablet before grabbing the dagger, I reach for her as she

slits her own throat, the dagger falling from her little hands as her body falls on top of me, Abigail’s

blood curdling scream full anguish and heartache filling the night. And I whisper the last be piece

“I Elora Aziza forgive the sins and right the wrongs of the past, for I shall fall, for the balance to be

restored, for we are reborn, and we shall rise” Grabbing the dagger, I feel the coldness of the blade as

it runs across my skin as cut my throat, my life’s blood spilling out of me. The screams of everybody

surrounding us, my eyes dart to Claire on my lap and the last sounds, I remember were the screams of

our loved ones, the whispers of our ancestors and my last dying breath.

**Author Note**

Let me know your thoughts, I will try and update again tonight

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