Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Two

Seventy Two

Elora’s POV

The next two weeks passed by quickly, Silas and Dakari had been busy trying to figure out what to do

about the other dragon’s that had been lost to the curse upon them. Dakari seems to think that when

their mates died part of them died with them and that’s how they became the monsters they turned into.

Dakari also seemed to think that it wasn’t my magic at all that changed them, it was my blood which at

first didn’t make sense because only one of the two dragons bit me, the other bit Aldrin which has now

lead to the theory, that it is Fae royal blood that changes them. Either way Aldrin and I weren’t willing to

go out and taunt them just to be bitten so, now we were trying to come up with ways to inject them

without getting to close. The dragon’s can’t fly so that gives us an advantage, but the problem is one of

them knows Fae blood is the cure, so Silas is now worried we may have a war on our hands soon.

Matitus and Dragus have also been busy when they aren’t seeking me out, they have been helping

with repairing the city. We now had three orphanages and two homeless shelters. The city was actually

starting to resemble an actual township now. The place was flourishing, and the people were happy,

giving me hope that our future is bright.

Walking through the castle, I was on the hunt for Abigail. I had to tell her Victor had finally made a

sleeping remedy for Claire. Claire has been suffering terrible nightmares and Dakari came to ask if

there was anyway, we could help her, so I sent him to Victor. He was as close to a doctor we were

going to get, although victor to had been rather busy training those who were willing to learn how to

make medicine and what they were used for. He had so far 9 apprentices all eager to learn.

Walking into the kitchen I spot Abigail helping Marian sort vegetables they picked this morning.

“Hey Abbie, Victor wants you to go see him, he made something to help Claire sleep” Abigail looked up

excitedly, she looked exhausted from the sleepless nights spent with her daughter. We tried to insist

she take some time off, but she refused wanting to help where she can.

“Oh, thank the heavens, I hope it works. I don’t think I can go much longer without sleep” She says.

“Go home, we don’t need you here. Get some sleep and spend time with Claire” I tell her. She shakes

her head.

“Go on love, you need it” Marian try’s to tell her.

“I will make Silas fire you if I have to” I warn her. She hangs her head.

“Fine, but only a day or two. Okay” I nod anything was better then nothing. I watch Abigail duck out of

the kitchen going to See victor.

“How are you feeling, you don’t look any better. Still been feeling crook” Marian asks. I was also

exhausted. I dreaded night. I had nowhere to hide and the lack of sleep from the past week was

starting to show. Matitus and Dragus never leave me alone. Not that I am complaining but they have

been insatiable.

Marian opens up the fridge, a foul odour wafting to my nose. “What is that?” I ask pinching my nose.

“What’s is what?” Marian asks, looking over her shoulder at me.

“That smell” It was making my stomach turn violently.

“I can’t smell anything” Marian says, sniffing the air. I unpeg my nose taking a whiff. The smell making

me dry retch and I pinch my nose again.

Walking over to the fridge, I peer inside. All that was in there was fruits and vegetable and cheese in

this one. I unpeg my nose again sniffing the fridge before grabbing some cheese off the shelf and

smelling it. Worst Idea the odour was the cheese and I instantly feel bile rise. I drop it running for the

sink only just making it before I empty my stomach. Marian squeals rushing over.

“Shit love, are you alright?”

“The cheese its off” I gasp, and she picks it up sniffing it, while I continue to spew.

“Smells fine to me” She says, and I look up as she breaks a piece off and pops it in her mouth. The

sight of her eating the curdled cheese makes me throw up again.

“Tastes fine too, maybe your coming down with something” She says, putting the cheese in the fridge

and closing the door. I wet my face and drink water straight from the tap to rinse my mouth out. I felt hot

, really hot and start pulling off my coat.

“Elora its freezing in here, leave it on” Marian argues, trying to push it back up on my shoulders.

“No, I am hot, I need it off” I tell her, and she reluctantly removes it for me while I remain over the sink

worried about throwing up again. When the urge left, I finally stood up.

“Maybe you should go lay down” She says worriedly touching my head.

“You do feel a little warm” Marian muses.

“I’m fine I just need some sleep, maybe a shower first”

“I will go see if I can find the kings-”

“No, no I am fine” I spit out quickly, knowing I will just end up underneath one of them and I really didn’t

feel like sex right now. That was the last thing I wanted. Marian helps me to the room and I quickly race

to the shower, stripping off and hopping in. The water was soothing and now I was out of the kitchen,

my stomach was starting to settle.

Hopping out I wrap myself in a towel. I groan when I see Dragus and Matitus sitting in the room. I

quickly shut the bathroom door locking it before one of them knocks on it.

“Go away my muffin shop is closed” I tell them. I hear them chuckle and knock again.

“You can’t hide in there forever little one” Dragus voice rings out on the other side of the door before I

hear him laugh.

“I’m not coming out, I’m sore, I feel sick and-” I ran out of excuses, but they seem good enough to me.

“I can make you feel better” Matitus says. I groan they were impossible. Suddenly I feel arousal through

the bond.

“What are you doing?” I ask, as another wave hits me.

“Come out and you can see” Dragus says, and I hear Matitus moan. I hear something hit the door

before overwhelming sparks rush south from whatever Dragus is doing to Matitus. I moan involuntarily

before covering my mouth with my hand.

“Silas!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs and I hear Matitus laugh.

“You want all three of us Love” He taunts.

I huff, I was not walking out the door until they leave. I hear the door burst open and know Silas ran in.

“What, what’s going on?” I hear before I hear him groan at whatever he just walked in on. His arousal

hitting me making mine ten times worse.

“Make them leave” I tell him, but my voice comes out like breathy moan.

I hear a crash before hearing a laugh coming from Dragus.

“Silas?” I call out.

“He is a little preoccupied” Dragus says.

“You’re meant to be on my side” I whine as the feelings through the bond get stronger. My skin tingling

and burning.

“Knock knock” Dragus calls.

“Go away” I tell him sitting on the floor. Suddenly the door handle breaks, and I jump back up about to

dart away when arms snake around my waist. Silas grabbing me and I can feel his erection digging into

my back.

“You’re meant to be helping me, not fucking me” I tell him.

“Change of plans” He says before tossing me on the bed. His lips going to my neck, nipping, and

sucking on my mark. My traitorous body reacting like a hussy. I press my lips into a line, trying to fight

the urge rolling over me as he peels my towel off. He bites down on my breast and my back arches off

the bed, his lips continuing to nip and suck down my body to my hips before he suddenly stops, sitting

up on his elbows. He runs his nose across my belly making me shiver. He continues sniffing me NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

making me confused, I just showered. I look over to Dragus and Matitus who had huge grins on their

faces staring at Silas.

“What?” I ask confused. Silas runs his nose down my hip to the apex of my legs. “What are you doing,

stopping sniffing me, do I stink? I just showered” I tell him appalled at his strange actions.

“You never stink” Dragus chuckles when Silas pushes his nose into my belly button inhaling deeply. His

head snapping up and eyes going wide before they dart to mine and I see how watery his are. Is he

crying? I wonder, confused he seemed frozen a silly grin slowly creeping onto his face before he sniffs

my stomach again.

“Okay get off me, you are creepy me the fuck out” I tell him trying to push him off with his strange

sniffing fetish he has going on right now.

“Please tell me you smell it too” He says, looking to Matitus and Dragus.

“She is also warm, very warm” Silas says before I see a tear roll down his cheek.

“Why are you crying, what is wrong with you?” I tell him, he has lost the plot, the man has finally gone


“Smell her” He says and Matitus leans over, and I squirm trying to get away from him.

“Get away with your sniffing” I screech. Dragus had a grin on face watching.

“She smells really good doesn’t she Silas?” Matitus says a strange smirk on his face. I furrow my brows

looking to Silas.

“You knew already, I am not imagining it?” Matitus shakes his head.

“You’re not imagining it Silas” He says, and he looks to Dragus who nods. Am I the only one, that has

no idea what’s going on here?

A strangled noise leaves silas’s lips and I feel overwhelming happiness hit me through the bond and he

starts sobbing. His head against my stomach his arms wrapping around my hips. Matitus rubs his back

and I see Dragus look away teary eyed. I sit up alarmed when I feel his hot tears run over my skin.

“What’s wrong, why is he crying, why are you crying” I ask looking at Dragus. No one answers.

“What did you do to him?” I ask, confused. Has everyone lost the plot?

I brush Silas hair with my fingers before he suddenly starts kissing my stomach and my hips hungrily.

“What’s going on” I try to ask before Silas sits up, plunging his tongue in mouth making me moan into

his before he suddenly pulls back, gripping my face with both his hands. He stares at me and I wipe his

tears that were on his cheeks.

“What is it?” I ask, starting to worry.

I am hit with a tidal wave of emotions from them. All of them staring at me.

“You’re pregnant” Silas whispers.

Author Note

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

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