Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Five

Ninety Five

Matitus POV

I was a little startled to wake up and find Silas in bed with us and Elora. Hopping up, I notice Dragus

was already awake and had gone somewhere. Looking over at Silas he was already awake, just not

willing to move to wake her as she slept half across him, I chuckle when I notice she was also drooling

on him she was that deeply asleep.

“Might have to get a tarp for the bed” I tell him as he wipes the drool off his chest with his hand.

“She is asleep, I sure as hell ain’t waking her, besides I don’t mind least she is letting me near her”

Silas whispers back. I nod, for once she is getting decent sleep. Hopping up I chuck a shirt on, Silas

watching me as I walk back out of the walk in.

“What time is it?” I ask him and he turns the alarm clock on the bedside table around. 6:30AM.

“What time did Dragus leave?”

“About an hour ago, went to the caves to check on the Dragons, they refuse to leave them”

“Probably best that way, some aren’t to stable” I tell him and he nods in agreeance.

“Are you right with her?”

“Dragus won’t like you leaving me with her” He says,

“Yeah but I am sick of being stuck in the castle” I tell him tired of this entire situation. I know Elora is

scared of him, but he can’t earn that trust back if she isn’t around him.

“You alright with her or not?” I ask.

“Yes of course, but she probably won’t like it, how long will you be gone?” He asks.

“Two days, we were planning on doing this after she is has the baby, but I would rather do it before

hand” He nods.

“You sure that wise, she hasn’t got long left” He says brushing her hair off her face. I know he loves her

but he needs to get his temper in check, unfortunately Elora is just as strong headed as he is making

them clash constantly, though I don’t blame her, it’s still no excuse for the things he has done.

“I am going to go before she brings on the waterworks and guilts me into staying” I tell him grabbing my


“What do I tell her?” he asks, and I could feel his worry about her reaction to him being left with her.

“Tell her we went to the caves and will be back when we can, if you need us send Dakari” I tell him and

he nods.

Grabbing a bag, I chuck a change of clothes in it before walking over and bending down kissing her

head. She shifts and I hold my breath hoping she doesn’t wake before I leave. When she doesn’t, I kiss

Silas goodbye, leaving him with our mate. God, I hope I am not making a bad decision with trusting him

with her, but to gain trust you need to give a little. His actions over the last month show he is trying, and

something has changed in the last few days, something was different with him.

Like he was battling his own demons that torment him, he still hates Fae, but yesterday I noticed

something scared him and I have this nagging feeling it has something to do with Elora, he is scared

for her. I tried to pry into his head but whatever it is, he doesn’t want us to know because he has kept

his walls up tighter than before.

Walking outside, I run into my brother walking out of the stables as I go past heading to the

greenhouses so I can shift.

“Where are you coming back from?” I ask him.

“Them damn bloody rocks Silas had moved here from the ruins, heavy bloody things. He has done

alright with them though, Aldrin was excited when he saw them yesterday”

“Why he move them again?” I ask.

“They are nearly done, he wants to replace the fountain out the front, you will be shocked when you

see what he did with them, I am little shocked myself considering how much he hates everyone” Dakari

says and I nod.

“Where are you off to?”

“Caves, hey do me a favour and keep an eye on Silas, I won’t be back for a couple days”

“What about Dragus?”

“He is already over there”

“You sure that is wise, leaving her with him I mean”

“He won’t hurt her, at least not intentionally”

“Yeah, intentional, or not probably best he doesn’t hurt her, especially given she can give birth any day


“Are you going to do it or just give me a lecture”

“Both, I will keep an eye on her, but he touches her you will be coming home to one mate not two” He

warns me. I nod, I knew I could trust him with Elora and Silas and one plus side was out of everyone,

Dakari doesn’t fear him so wouldn’t hesitate to step in if needed.


“Enjoy, try get some sleep there baby bro, you look like shit” He says patting me on the back.

“Yeah impossible to sleep with her, seriously who has anxiety while asleep” I ask shaking my head, her

nightmares and panic even while sleeping made it near impossible to get unbroken sleep.

“Come get us if she needs anything, or anything happens”

“You know I will” Dakari says walking toward the front of the castle while I walk toward the greenhouses

out back in the far paddocks. Now to find Dragus and hope he doesn’t kill me for leaving her with him.

Elora POV

Waking up, I find I am still in the same position I fell asleep in. My face heating when I realised I

drooled him.

“Sorry” I mutter, and Silas laughs softly as he wipes my drool off.

“Why didn’t you wake me, I would have moved?” I ask him sitting up and stretching only to notice

Dragus and Matitus weren’t in the bed still. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand my eyes bulge,

it was 10:30. I was little shocked I slept that long and in the same position.

“Where did they go?” I ask in panic, they left me with him, left me in bed with him alone?

“They went to the caves, they will be back before you know it” He says sitting up and putting his legs

over the side of the bed before standing up. I watch as the his muscles in his back move as he

stretches, his back cracking loudly making me wince.

“Next time wake me” I tell him.

“You mean you will let me sleep in here again?” He asks looking down at me making me realise what I

just said. I say nothing realising how stupid that was to say.

“It’s fine Lora, come on you must be hungry” He says holding out his hand. I was hungry but first I

needed to pee. Climbing off the bed, he sighs when I don’t take his hand before walking into the walk

in. I waddle off to the bathroom to pee. When I finish, I come out and find him gone, but he had laid my

dressing gown on the bed and my slippers. I put them on deciding to go make something to eat and Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

hoping I can keep it down today.

It was always an odd feeling walking into the kitchen and expecting to see Marian scolding everyone,

or busily rushing around the kitchen. I missed her and this place didn’t feel the same without her. What

was more shocking though was finding no cooks in the kitchen, only Silas as he rummaged through the


“Where is everyone?” I ask looking around.

“I told them they can have time off till after the baby, they left this morning after the storm” Silas

answers when suddenly Peter walks on in behind me.

“Hey Silas, Elora” He says giving me a nod. I watch as Silas passes him the teabags down off the shelf

and Peter makes himself a cup of tea.

“Didn’t know you drink tea Peter” I tell him walking over to him.

“I used to drink coffee, but Silas reckons I talk to much when I do. So, tea it is” He says and I see Silas

smirk at what he said. I was more shocked to find out they actually have spent time together and how

comfortable Peter seemed to be around him, because when I first come here Peter would run at the

mere sight of him.

“Can you help me with stables, doors blew open overnight one is broken, and hay is everywhere?”

Peter tells him.

“Yep, need to remove the tree from the back rooms too” Silas tells him, and Peter shakes his head.

“Na Pluto and Ares did it this morning and put some boards up” Peter answers him.

“Okay I will finish up here and come over, you eaten this morning?” Silas asks him. Peter nods.

“Yep, Pluto made damper on the fire was so good, although I feel like shit now after eating too much”

He says sipping his tea while walking out. I go to follow him out and go in search of something to do

when Silas stops me.

“Breakfast first” Silas says making me turn around to look at him. Silas walks over and I step back

worried with how quick he moved. He grabs my hips putting me on the counter he is doing something


“You like omelette?”

“Yes, but”

“But no cheese” He says with a chuckle and I nod. I watch as he cooks, he isn’t a man of many words

unless we are arguing so the quiet was nice, even if it was a tense at first.

Silas walks over to a kitchen cupboard before grabbing something down and grabbing a cup and filling

it with orange juice, he hands me the glass before handing me two white pills.

“Your nausea tablets Victor gave you” He says before flipping the omelette. I take the pills before

drinking the juice. Silas finishes cooking before grabbing me off the bench and placing me on my feet

he nods to the little table in the corner. I go sit at it and he brings our plates over before sitting down

himself. We ate in silence, awkward silence while I looked everywhere but at him who was watching


“What are you doing today?” He asks as I pick my now empty plate up and take it to the sink. I shrug,

“maybe go see if the cradle is done, probably read, not much else to do” Silas nods.

“How long will Matitus and Dragus be gone for” He becomes a little nervous before washing his plate

while I watch him which made me nervous.

“They will be back when they can” He says turning the tap off and facing me.


“A couple days Lora, then they will be back”

“A couple of days” I ask, and I feel myself start to panic, they left me with him?

“It will be fine you have me here” He says reaching forward but I step back. He drops his hand with a


“It will be fine, you will be fine” He says as I shake my head feeling tears well up.

“Lora?” He asks as I turn around leaving and heading for my room seeing as it now boarded up.

I was pissed off, I couldn’t believe they would abandon me like that, leave me when I was this far along,

and with Silas of all people. Walking into the room, huge wooden board blocked the hole the tree left

behind. Rocks form the stones walls scattered all over the floor. Walking back out, I go find a bucket

and broom, noticing Silas leave out through the front doors as I go to the cleaning cupboard. Finding a

bucket and the dust pan I grab a broom before going back to the room.

It took a couple hours and never to clean up the mess the tree made and running the bucket back and

forth to outside to discard of the rocks. When I finished I go find some logs for the fire place. Stacking

them in, I then change the bed linen. The day passing by quickly when I decide to go look for

something to read. Walking in the study, I freeze when I see Silas sitting at his desk. He looks up when

he notices me walk in.

“Where have you been?” He asks watching as I rummage through the bookshelf for something I

haven’t read yet.

“In the room” I tell him. Grabbing one off the shelf I walk out heading back when he calls out to me.

“Have you had lunch?” He asks.

“Yep” I lie quickly walking off before he realises, I wasn’t telling the truth, honestly I was afraid of eating

my stomach had been doing backflips all day.

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