Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Silas POV

Matitus and I had just gone to her room, but she wasn’t there. We knew she couldn’t have gotten far

because the guards would have alerted us if she tried to leave. Heading toward the library we could

hear frantic voices coming from the kitchen.

Matitus raising an eyebrow at me when Abigail’s voice hit my ears.

“I’m trying, I am fucking trying Marian; I can’t heal her”

“Heal who?” Matitus asked before I rushed into the kitchen. Matitus and I both nearly knocking each

other over as we barrelled into the kitchen. Only no one was there.

“Marian, you need to get them. '' I heard Abigail’s voice coming from the pantry before the pantry door

opened, making both of us turn our attention to it. Abigail was hovering over Elora’s collapsed body, her

hands bright green and gold as she held them on Elora’s chest. Marian froze before Matitus pulled her

out of the way before scooping up Elora off the floor. Abigail froze in place as I stared at her, but I didn’t

have time to deal with what we just witnessed, when our mate was unconscious.

Swiping everything off the counter Matitus placed her on it. Her skin is pale and ghostly white, black

veins moving under her skin coming from her neck. Matitus swiped her hair away and I felt bile rise in

my throat. Where I tried to mark her was black, black as coal, the veins leading up to it black beneath

her skin.

“She is still breathing but her heartbeat is slowing down” I tell Matitus, biting into my wrist Matitus holds

her mouth open and I let my blood drain down her throat. Nothing happens and Matitus growls loudly

and I can feel his burning anger smashing into me through the bond. Panic seizing me when she

doesn’t heal. Nothing made sense until Marian’s words hit me.

“You did this, she is dying because you took her magic” I think for a few seconds, her words making

sense, maybe if she had her magic, it would undo what I have done. Her magic, I bolted out the door

crashing into the walls and skidding along the floor. Fear consuming me as I rip the draws out from

under the bookshelves trying to find the necklace. My mind went completely blank as to where I put it.

Matitus comes in carrying her before laying her on the ground, Dragus runs in and starts ripping draws

out with me, Matitus must have mind-linked him because in my panic, I completely forgot about telling

him she was hurt. Draws crashing to the ground before I finally pull one out and I see her necklace.

Snatching it from the draw, I raced over to her.

Scooping her up, her head falls forward limply, and I place the necklace in her limp hand. Abigail

comes rushing in.

“It doesn’t work like that because she needs to be awake,” she says.

“Come on Lora, you need to wake up,” I tell her, shaking her but she doesn’t respond. Please, please

wake up, I can’t lose you, I think, as I rock her trying to rouse her awake but nothing we do ignites any

sign of life from her. She was dying in my arms. Matitus collapses on the ground beside me and Dragus

had his head in his hands pacing back and forth. Tears ran down my face as I realised I killed her, she

was going to die because I was selfish, and angry. My anger once again killing someone I love. I loved

her and I killed her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” I tell them, my mates sadness seeping into me, eating away at me

along with my own guilt. Abigail looks down at her, tears flowing from her eyes before she suddenly

stops sobbing and rips Elora from me. Placing her on the ground, I go to reach for her and take her

back when I see Abigail’s eyes glow fluorescent green. What the hell is she?

She places her hands-on Elora’s chest. “Abigail no, it could kill you” Marian screams running in and

trying to rip Abigail away, but Abigail shakes her off before placing her hands back on Elora’s chest.

“She saved me once I am just returning the favour”

“Abbie no, Elora will hate herself if you die” Marian tries to reason with her. Matitus and Dragus heads

snap towards them as we watch frozen on the spot as Abigail's skin starts rippling.

“We just need to wake her long enough to absorb her magic” Marian runs over ripping the necklace

from my hands and I let her, praying to the fates these two women can save her.

“When Abigail absorbs whatever this is, we need to wake her, enough to absorb her magic. Abbie

holds it too long it could kill her, and Elora will die with her” Marian says, her words not absorbing and I

stare at her blankly.

Marian slaps me hard across the face. “Silas do you understand you buffoon” Nodding, I look down at

Elora. Abigail starts muttering under her breath when nothing happens though she looks around

frantically, her entire body was throwing off a strange energy, the air even changing scent to a smell of

earth, like mud and leaves. She starts muttering some foreign language when her hand suddenly

snakes out gripping mine tightly. I go to rip my arm from her when I feel it. Heat rushed under my skin

from everywhere in my body racing towards the place her hand was. Her hand glowing red and I

suddenly felt exhaustion hitting me like a wave, washing over me taking my breath, Abigail was

channelling my magic.

Blinking a couple of times forcing my eyes open, I watch as the black veins move towards Abigail’s

hand that was on Elora’s chest just above her bra. The black veins wriggled under her skin before

bleeding into Abigail’s hand making her scream loudly.

Marian shakes Elora's shoulders, at first there was no response.

“Come on baby, wake up,” I tell her tapping the side of her face when her eyes flutter open and she

takes a breath. “Silas,” she mutters, her head going to the side as she closes her eyes. I tap her face

“Elora you need to take your magic back,” I tell her. Marian lifted her hand, placing the necklace in it

and closing Elora’s hand around it.

“Come on Lora, you need to take the magic before it kills Abbie,” I tell her.

“Abbie” she breathes. Looking to Abigail she starts chanting louder her voice sounded pained and she

was starting to sway before Dragus rushes over to her placing his hands on her shoulders keeping her

upright. Abigail’s eye flying open turning red and I can feel Dragus being hit with the same wave I was,

as Abigail starts channelling him.

“Abbie you can’t hold that much power” Marian screams frantically to her, the black wounds of my bite

losing colour and Elora’s eyes fly open.

“Abbie” she gasps, and Marian shakes her hand, Elora opens it seeing her mother’s necklace before I

watch her hand glow purple and eyes start burning brightly, her skin regaining colour. Abigail on the

other hand was sweating profusely when Elora suddenly sits up gripping Abigail tightly, absorbing back

what Abigail took from her. Abigail fighting against her not realising Elora was conscious and had

absorbed her magic.

“Abigail let it go” Elora screams to her.

“Elora” Abigail gasps before I feel her suddenly stop channelling us, and it was like a vacuum suddenly

got turned on and Elora was knocked back with the force as the black veins that were running up

Abigail’s arms suddenly zapped back into Elora so fast like the flick of a rubber band. Abigail collapses

on top of Elora and they both lay there panting trying to catch their breaths.

Marian sits back, relieved and I feel relief flood into me from Dragus and Matitus. Grabbing Abigail, she

freezes as I pick her up, moving her off to the side of me and leaning her against Dragus. Abigail looks

a little shocked for some reason. I am more shocked at what she did, she saved my mate.

Grabbing Elora, I pull her breathless body onto my lap. Biting into my wrist I offer it to Abigail. She

stares at me like I am deranged.

“What? It will heal you”

“Please Abbie, let him help,” breathes Elora. She looks at me warily before shaking her head, when

Matitus grabs the glass of scotch I was drinking earlier that I left on the hall stand, he grabs my wrist

before biting into it again after it healed before turning it and letting my blood drip into the glass. He

hands it to Abigail. Her skin was white as snow and her hair damp with sweat.

“Drink it” Marian urges, Abigail looks at the glass disgusted. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“For god’s sake, Abbie, drink it. It won’t hurt you” Elora says, grabbing my wrist between her shaky

hands showing Abigail before she bites into my wrist her teeth biting into my flesh and Elora’s neck

suddenly closes completely. Her skin glowing subtly, and her hands stop shaking. Elora’s tattoo’s and

her mark slowly reforming across her face burning brighter the way they were before I took her magic.

She lets go. My wrist heals her almost instantly and Abigail brings the cup to her lips before Marian tips

it up further, forcing her to drink it down.

When she drops the cup, she starts coughing and spluttering on the alcohol making me wonder if she

has ever drank before. “God that shit burns” she chokes out.

“Thank you” Elora says to her and I look at her. I could tell how much Elora deeply cared for her. Abigail

nods before Marian helps her up. They both hesitate, looking toward the door. And I realise they were

waiting to see if I was going to let them leave. “You can go” Matitus tells them and they both head for

the door. Elora shifts off trying to get off my lap, but I pull her back down. My hands still trembling

slightly at almost losing her.

“Abigail” I call out just as she goes to walk out the door. She freezes and I can smell her fear filling the

air. Abigail looks back at me nervously and Marian eyes dart to Matitus.

“Thank you,” I tell her. The words sounded strange rolling off my tongue, but I truly meant them. She

saved her, saved my mate and I would never be able to pay back what she just did. Elora looks up at

me, her shock hitting me. Abigail nods before ducking out of the room leaving us.

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