Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Waking up the next morning I stretched, feeling hands grabbing at me. Opening my eyes, I was

between Dragus and Matitus. Their arousal through the bond flooding into me. Looking at them, they

were both asleep. Making me wonder what they were dreaming about or whether it was just my

movement that aroused them. Trying to sit up, Matitus chucks his arm over me knocking me back down

and Dragus chucks his leg over my abdomen, squishing my bladder even more.

Seriously, they expect me to sleep in their bed, yet I end up squashed and smothered. Elbowing

Matitus he groans, and I think he may wake when he suddenly pulls me against him. His hot skin

makes me feel hot and tingly as his bare skin brushes mine. Hearing laughter, I lift my head. Silas is

sitting in the armchair at the end of the bed with a newspaper in his hand, looking over the top of it,

amused at my struggling.

“A little help?” I ask, trying to wriggle out from between them. Only for them to keep pressing against

me. Silas chuckles again before getting up. He lifts Matitus arm off me before rolling Dragus off me,

allowing me to wriggle out and stand on the bed. Silas grabs my hips, lifting me over the top of Dragus

before placing me on my feet. Looking back at the bed, Matitus pats the bed in his sleep before his

hand brushes Dragus and he rips him closer, crushing him against his chest.

I laugh, watching as they keep wriggling and gripping each other. Silas chuckles and I see his eyes

light up, watching them before he leans down, his voice next to my ear. “They think each other are you”

he chuckles, making me look over my shoulder at him, but his face was still there barely an inch off

mine. Silas smiles and my eyes dart to his lips, I don’t know what made me do it, whether it was the

bond and feeling Matitus or Dragus arousal or whether I actually wanted to, but I suddenly kissed him,

pressing my lips to his. Silas didn’t hide his shock, not expecting me to kiss him. I was usually

standoffish with him, his lips were warm and after a second I went to pull away, when his fingers

gripped my chin pulling me back.

His tongue brushing my bottom lip wanting access and I grant it; my lips parting and I feel his tongue

slip into my mouth playing with mine. Turning to face him his other hand goes to my waist bunching my

shorts in a fist tugging me closer. I place my hand on his chest, loving how warm his skin is under my

palm before kissing him harder. He groans into my mouth and I feel my skin heat with arousal as I push

myself closer to him. My arms wrap around his neck and I run my fingers through the hair on the back

of his neck.

Someone clears their throat and I suddenly snap out of the weird trance I was in. My body felt foreign,

and I knew it was the bond. Knew that the arousal wasn’t mine, yet I couldn’t deny how right it felt. I

enjoyed kissing him, liked his hands on my body but that didn’t change who he was and what he has

done. Looking back, I see Dragus and Matitus sitting up. Dragus yawns, reaching for me but I step

back remembering I need to pee.

“What were you two doing?” Matitus asks a knowing grin on his face and I feel a blush creep onto my

cheeks making him chuckle. Stepping past Silas, I quickly duck into the bathroom going to the toilet

before washing my hands and heading back into the room. All of them in a state of undress as they get

ready for the day. Silas comes out of the walk-in handing me some clothes and I quickly slip them on,

not even bothering to try to hide from them. Seemed pointless seeing as they have seen me naked

loads of times already. Grabbing my socks, I go to sit on the end of the bed when I am tugged onto

Dragus lap, lifting my foot I place one sock on before doing the other one.

Every movement made me aware of his erection pressing against my ass. He groans, gripping my hips

when I try to get up. My belly rumbling loudly, and Silas looks over at Dragus.

“Let her up, she needs to eat” he tells him gently and Dragus sighs before letting me get up and

grabbing my hand. Following Dragus and Matitus into the dining room, I find breakfast ready and I

pinch a sausage off one of the plates, biting into. I was starving and I don’t remember the last time I

was this hungry, my body usually never gets hungry, I never had much of an appetite before I came

here. Silas walks in a few seconds later and I realised he went and retrieved my grandmother’s book.

Silas then sits done before grabbing the necklace and removing the pendant. I step closer looking over

his shoulder when he tugs me closer making me sit on his lap. He drags his plate closer before placing

the book on the table. I go to reach for it, eager to see what it says, when Silas arms go around my

waist, his hand going inside my shirt. His fingers running across my abdomen, sparks dancing over my

skin wherever they brushed. “Eat first the book can wait,” he says before stabbing a piece of tomato

and bringing the fork to my lips. I let him feed it to me, before biting into the sausage in my fingers still.

“God, I love watching you put things in your mouth” Dragus groans, making me look at him, my face

turning red at what he said.

“So innocent,” Silas chuckles, rubbing his thumb over my blushing cheek. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You two seem cosy” Matitus states.

“Hmm, I feel different besides I am doing what I promised I would” I answer.

“Because Dragus marked you, your body will want you to finish the marking process, I wouldn’t be

surprised if you actually went into the Dragon heat again tonight” Silas tells me, making me nearly

choke on the sausage I was eating. Silas hands me a glass of water and I drink it down.

“I have something you can choke on'' Dragus says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes before

grabbing the fork and devouring everything on my plate, when Silas pushes his towards me. Why am I

so hungry? I think to myself.

“Last dragon heat, that’s why. Your body will burn at unimaginable temperatures when it hits again now

that you bare two marks” Matitus answers my thoughts. Fear consuming me at what he said. Hotter? I

thought it wouldn’t kill me now?

“It won’t but you will probably wish for death,” Dragus answers.

“Stop doing that,” I look at the pair of them, annoyed. My heart is pounding in my chest with fear of

what’s coming.

“Both of you stop it, you’re scaring her,” Silas tells them, glaring at them both.

“Since when do you care about scaring her?” Matitus retorts and Silas shrugs.

“If you want, I will make sure the power is restored today even if I have to do it myself, then I can mark

you before it gets too bad,” Silas tells me.

“What about the book?”

“It can wait, I have waited hundreds of years to find you, just over one hundred years to find that book

another day won’t hurt,” he says, and I nod.

“Wait, but if you mark me, won’t I go into the next stage of the heat?” I ask.

Silas nods. “It probably won’t be for a few days after you wake up.”

After breakfast Silas, Dragus and Matitus leave the castle grounds and I wander into the library and

retrieve the journal of Silas’s that I was reading. Skimming through the pages, I stop when I come to a

drawing inside of the book. The woman looks so similar to me and I stare down at the woman. The only

actual differences between us were, her hair was curly and her face a little fuller but everything else

was similar, including the Aziza eye colouring. On the bottom of the page is the name I am assuming of

the woman. Blaire.

Sitting down at Silas’s desk, I go back a couple of pages before the picture. My mind is reeling. Is it

possible Silas was telling the truth that the Aziza’s started the war, that my bloodline was the reason for

all this destruction, but mostly I wanted to know who the woman was to Silas. I start reading,

completely consumed in Silas’s thoughts. But the only thing I can figure from his writing is that he loved

her, it doesn’t say what happened to her or where she went placing the journal on the shelf. I look for

the next year hoping to get some answers when Silas walks in.

“There you are? I have been looking for you,” he says, moving to sit on the edge of his desk. Looking

toward the windows, I see the sun going down and hadn’t realised how long I had actually been sitting

reading. The entire day seemed to pass by.

“What are you looking for?” Silas asks, standing behind me. “The next year,” I tell him, placing the book

in its designated spot before going to retrieve the next one when he stops my hand from grabbing it

and I see worry in his eyes as he looks at it.

“What?” I ask. Maybe he changed his mind and didn’t want me to read them anymore. “Nothing, it

didn’t bother me before but there are some things I don’t want you to know now,” he says looking down

at me.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because before I didn’t care if I upset you, that you knew. But now that you're sort of trying, I don’t

want you to change your mind. I don’t want you to hate me more than you do,” he says before grabbing

it from the shelf.

“This wasn’t a good year,” he says, flicking through the pages.


“Because that’s when the war started, when the treaty was broken and when” he didn't finish. But I

know what he didn’t say.

“Blaire?” I ask, looking up at him. He nods before his eyes dart away from mine.

“I won’t read it then,” I tell him when I see how upset he just got over her name. His jaw was tense and

his knuckles white, clutching the journal just at the mention of her name which confused me.

“I know you loved her,” I tell him, taking the book from him and placing it on the shelf. Silas doesn’t

answer, just stares back at me.

“I also know I look like her, that she was an Aziza,” I tell him, he still says nothing, and I can see behind

his snake-like eyes a storm of emotions is brewing before he shoves them away and his eyes soften.

“Come on, I want to take you somewhere.”

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