Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0433

Abby Surprisingly, despite the turmoil of the evening, | find myself falling asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow. However, it's short-lived. Or at least, that's how it feels; it hardly feels as though I've been asleep for more than five minutes when I'm suddenly awoken by the sound of my phone ringing loudly on the bedside table. | groan, cracking my eyes open against the morning sunlight that's shining through the window. The entire room is bathed in the warm amber glow of the sun, but | wish it wasn't. | could have slept for longer. With a sigh, | fumble on the bedside table for my phone and slide to answer it without even looking at the caller ID. “Hello?” “Abby, it's Officer Martinez,” a familiar voice says on the other end. “I'm sorry it's early. | hope | didn’t wake you.” I sit up in bed, instantly alert. The events of last night begin to flood back in: the arrangement with Karl, the bet, the announcement, but even more importantly, the information | gathered in the hallway... And the recording | sent to Officer Martinez. “Officer Martinez,” | say, my voice still rough from sleep, “I'm so glad you called. | take it you got my—" “Yes,” she interrupts, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. “I've seen the recording you sent me last night. You did well by recording that conversation. We're adding it to the case.” Relief washes over me at her words. “And the children?” | ask, my heart pounding. “Will they be safe?” Officer Martinez sighs. “I'm not entirely sure which children the couple was referring to,” she says. “But we're doing our best. Unfortunately that’s all | can say right now.” Her words, while a slight comfort, make my stomach sink a little. “Is there anything | can do to help?” | ask. “I wish there were,” Officer Martinez says. “But as it turns out, the Alpha who may have poisoned the Alpha party lawyered up almost immediately, and so did his Beta, Alexander Black. This could be a long and complicated case.” | frown, my worry returning. My poor restaurant is still hanging in the balance, at risk of closure due to the incident. But if it turns out that this Alpha did intentionally frame me and poison the food, then what about me? What about my restaurant? “My restaurant is still under investigation by the health department,” | press. “It could close down unless we do something. | hate to ask, but can you help me at all?” There's a pause on the other end before Officer Martinez speaks again. “I've already spoken to the health department,” she says. “The investigation has been halted so that we can do our own investigation. Unfortunately, that's all | can do. | hope that's enough.” | let out a soft sigh of relief. “That's more than enough, Officer,” | say quietly. “Thank you.” Officer Martinez pauses, but then her tone turns even more serious. “Abby,” she says, lowering her voice, “Il want you to be careful. Any public knowledge of your tips to the police could put you in danger, especially if those who framed you are already aware of your involvement.” I nod, even though | know Officer Martinez can’t see me. “I'll be cautious,” | say. “I promise.” “You must be more than cautious, Abby,” she presses. “Do you have protection?” Her words give me pause, and it causes my heart to pound in my chest. | knew | had been framed, but | never expected it to go this far. Am | really in that much danger that | might actually need... protection? “I'm... I'm fine,” | say, looking around me at the sunlight streaming into my room. “I'm in a safe place.” “Good,” Officer Martinez says, sounding a little relieved. “Take care, Abby. We'll be in touch soon.” “Thank you again, Officer Martinez. Goodbye.” | hang up the phone and let out a breath | didn't realize | was holding. It's a bit of a relief to know that the police are taking action on this matter, but the feeling of danger still lingers in the back of my mind. Just like Officer Martinez said, | need to be cautious and vigilant. But as | swing my legs over the edge of the bed and meet my own gaze in the full-length mirror, my thoughts from the last few days enter my mind. Being in a safe place, surrounded by people who could protect me if the need arises, is one thing. But being able to protect myself is a whole other thing. After what happened in the blizzard, | know now that I'm not as strong as | used to be. | was never a good fighter, but | was always in shape. Maybe now, it's not only time for me to get back into shape, but it's also time to get some proper training in the realm of fighting. After all, | never know when | might need to defend myself, right? Standing, | steal another glance at myself in the mirror. One day of working out doesn’t make much of a difference, if any at all. No, this could take a while.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

But right now, it seems as though I've got all the time in the world. If w Officer Martin sqid@bs trie this dae Gould take a while. Maybe I'll be stuck here in this mansion with Karl for longer than | anticipated. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org. And with everything going on, maybe | should use this time to my advantage. That's why, with a newfound sense of determination, | decide to quickly brush my teeth and get ready to work out. | pull my hair back into a bun and pull on my exercise clothes, then slip my feet into my sneakers. All ready for a morning workout, | slip out of my room and begin making my way toward the gym; but as I'm passing by one of the large bay windows, my eye catches the landscape outside.

The sun has warmed the ground, causing a good amount of the snow to melt. The air is fresh and brigkf and A» birds@ra SiAGNY. HE ona ie to go for a jog outside to get started, and | slip out of the front door, taking a deep breath and inhaling the cold morning air before | put my earbuds in. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

As | begin to run, a soft smile comes across my face. It brings me bac the days whe sed five held in Hy RhsIon, when | used to meet up with my friends for morning jogs—or even when | used to jog alone and listen to music. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org. But as I'm running and listening to one of my favorite songs, | suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. After what happened last night, it's no wonder that my instincts kick in. | pedal backwards with a gasp, my eyes wide... And | am met with Karl's face staring back at me. He's shirtless again, his muscles gleaming with sweat, and his breath coming out in white puffs in the cold winter air. “Hey,” he says, waving slightly. “Wanna run together?”

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