CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

Field trip

Chapter 101 Field Trip


A large smile appeared on his face as he stared at the phone screen talking to Chloe. ‘Pregnancy sure looks good on you. How has it been working in that condition?’ He inquired, pulling his suit over his shoulder.

Chloe’s laughter sifted through the phone speaker. “It has been nice. My dad and godmother seem to have nothing else to do but fuss over me. It can be too much sometimes but I really can’t complain.’

He grinned, ‘I’m glad you have them with you.’

‘How is Darby and Sinclair? She called to check on me few days ago.’

At the mention of his girlfriend and son, he couldn’t hide the sheer joy he felt. ‘They are doing really well.’

‘I should go now. Work is about to start.’

‘I need to leave home now, too. I would call you later. Do take care.’ He said, waving at her as he hung up the call.

Whistling a happy tune to himself, Leo typed a quick message and sent it to Darby. Her reply came in almost immediately. It made him feel giddy knowing she is just as eager as he is. Getting into the car, he drove out of the compound and headed towards Darby’s fashion house. It has been a week since they started dating and it has been nothing short of pure delight.

The both of them are meeting up for breakfast before he heads to work. Darby wanted the utmost romance even though she isn’t too direct with it and he is all to be at her service whenever she wants him to. There is still a bit of hesitation from her, though Leo knows it wouldn’t be easy for her to fully trust him but he would do whatever it takes to win her over completely.

Stopping at her favorite restaurant, he asked for their breakfast to be delivered. He would have called but he enjoys the ambience of the space. The meal arrived few minutes after he got to Darby’s place.

“The food is here.” She giggled, clapping in excitement.

Leo bit his lower lip as his eyes trailed her happy face. “Are you that happy?”

Darby looked up at him, grinning from ear to ear while wrapping her arms around his waist. “I am very happy. Thank you for agreeing to eat breakfast with me.”

He kissed her nose. “You know I won’t miss it for anything. Every chance I get to spend with you means a lot to me.”

“Let’s eat then.” She urged.

Serving their plates which includes french toast, chicken and waffles. Darby had a smile on her face as she chewed.

Leo paused on his chewing as he observed her. “Is there something you would like to share?”

Exhaling slowly, Darby raised her head. She had thought being extremely cheerful will cover the anxiousness she was feeling. “Actually, Isabella would going on a field trip for five days which means I would need a nanny to help look after my son and you know Sinclair can be quite a handful. With Isabella gone it won’t be easy to handle him. Even though he would be away for the entire day, it still doesn’t change anything and hiring an unknown person would make him cranky. I don’t want to ask my mom or aunt, it would be too much bother. I wish there is a way for me to convince Bella not to go, but then she has a life of her own. It would be unfair for me to deprive her of something she has been looking out for a long time. I don’t want to bother anyone with my troubles.”

The worry was more obvious on her face now that she expressed her true feelings. It made Leo feel bad that she couldn’t trust him enough over something that concerns their child.

“Why would you make this your headache alone? I am here too, aren’t I?” He had a pained look on his face.

Darby looked confused at first before it dawned on her what was happening. She gasped lightly. “No, Leo, it’s not what you think I promise. I am just not use to asking for help. This is all so new to me…I mean…sharing the burden with someone else.”

“Don’t talk like that. I am his father after all and if there is a need for me to be there for him, I definitely will. I don’t mind staying back at yours and helping you with whatever needs to be done until Bella is back.”

“You would do that?”

He reached for her hands. “I promised you didn’t I? I told you I am going to do everything in my power to prove to you that I am reasonable and responsible. I think I am dragging this on too much. I will be by your side up until Isabella returns and that is settled.”

Darby blushed shyly, Leo sounded sweetly possessive and it made her feel giddy. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, please. This is for our son. When is she leaving?”

“In the next two days.”

“Alright, I will get few of my things and come stay with you.” He said, checking his wristwatch. “I really need to go now, baby. Kingston would burn my phone up with calls if I don’t move now. I have a meeting with the board.”

“Okay, baby. I will talk to you later then.” Darby stood up to hug him.

Placing kisses on her nape, Leo raised his head to kiss her properly. “Sure. I love you. Have fun today.”

Watching him leave, Darby placed a palm on her chest humming a slow song. Her heart flutters at the sight of Leo every time. It still feels so surreal that they are together. Two weeks ago, she never would have thought of any closeness between them but now she wakes up to his text and calls. Her phone rang loudly dividing her attention. Darby made her way back to the table and she smiled at the name on her phone screen.

‘Hey, Zac.’ She chirped happily. They got to resolve their differences not too long ago.

Zac’s soft laughter sifted into the receiver. ‘Someone sounds very happy. What’s the occasion?’

Dumping herself into the chair, she twirled it around. ‘Nothing much. I’m just extremely grateful for this life of mine. Talk to me, how have you been?’

‘Fine, I guess. Work has been going smoothly, so it’s all good.’

‘You don’t sound like it’s all good.’

He exhaled tiredly into the receiver. ‘I don’t know, Darby. For one, I really miss you guys and there is this guilt that keeps nagging at my conscience.’

Darby sniffed. ‘You are feeling bad because you haven’t done the right thing. I think it’s time you accept that you are the father of the child Chloe is carrying. She needs you, Zac.’

‘We aren’t even close and there is still no certainty to it.’

‘I won’t try to convince you, but you know deep within you that she isn’t lying. And it is just you who is scared of the new sense of responsibility.’

There was a pause on the other end. ‘I don’t know how to approach her, Darby. She must hate me right now, also I would have to return to LA which I can’t cause of workloads.’

‘Actually, Chloe is San Francisco.’


‘Yeah and if you quit finding excuses. You both might just be able to bury the hatchet.’

‘What if she shuns me?’

‘Then you would know you did try your best. Come on, Zac. We never know what fate holds for us if we keep holding back. Trust me, this will be good.’

Zac sighed. ‘Thank you so much, Darby. You just made my day. I will talk to you later then. Bye.’

Hanging up, Darby smacked her lips mumbling a wish to the heavens. She hopes everyone eventually finds happiness.


“I have never seen you look this excited before. Is this what love does to one?” Aaron teased Leo as he watched him arrange his clothes.

Scarlett giggled, wiping her lip stained with ice cream. “I am just so glad that he finally got his spark back. You should really thank me with a Bentley ride, bro.”

Leo tried hard to hide his smile, if the two of them continue with their tease he won’t be able to resist them any longer. “You both should back off.” He warned, returning to his closet to pick his shoes.

Aaron wiggled his brows playfully. “Why didn’t you just ask your stylist to pick up your clothes and pack?”

He shrugged. “I wanted to do it myself. Also it’s only five days.”

“Long enough to make another baby.” His sister joked.

“Watch your mouth.” Leo pointed at her with a hidden smile.

Scarlett let out her tongue at him. “Just admit it, bro. You are most delighted all of this is happening.”

Exhaling, Leo folded his hands and leaned against the wall. “I don’t know how to explain it, it feels like the universe is working in my favor. I know this might sound selfish, but I want more of Darby. I want her to know I am worthy of her forgiveness. I want to assure her that I would live the rest of my life proving just how much I love and cherish her. I want her to give herself to me entirely. But it feels like something keeps holding her back and I have been trying to find ways to make her see that I am willing to do anything for her. It’s why I am most grateful for this opportunity. I am not going to let it pass me by.”

“Yes, it is necessary to fight for what you believe in. Hold onto your woman with every strength you possess. I can’t wait to see you two get married. I might probably rethink my own life then.” His friend muttered then let out a chuckle.

“If you need my help you know I would come through, please don’t hesitate.” Scarlett said.

Zipping up the bag, Leo grinned widely at his sister and hugged her to himself tightly. “I love you so much, Scarlett. It is only because of you that I found a place with Darby. My dumb-self would have kept wallowing in self-pity and pondering in the wrong direction. Thank you for being so supportive.”

“I would do anything to keep you happy, Leo. Our mothers don’t have the best relationship and I almost thought we would have that kind of problem. But you never shied away from loving me completely. I promise to always be by your side.” She said to him before leaning up to kiss his cheek.

Aaron let out a loud snort. “Now you both make me wish my parents had tried for another kid. I hate the sight of you both.”

“Jealous much.” Leo mumbled, reaching for his bag. “I have to go now, guys. I need to pick Darby and Sinclair.”

“Say me hi to them. I also need to return home now, mom insists I have dinner with her.” Scarlett said.

“I wish I had somewhere to go to.” Aaron whined.

“Why don’t you come with me to dinner then.” Scarlett invited. “I could really use a company while mom chews my ear off for always being unaccountable.”

“I think I would love that.” He grinned.

Leo smirked, “I guess it’s all settled then. See you guys later.” He waved at them.

Getting into his car, anxiety gnawed at Leo’s heart as he drove toward Darby’s fashion house. The excitement of spending time alone with the two favorite people in his life filled him up. He couldn’t wait to see their faces whenever he wakes up for the next few days. Texting Darby that he is almost near, he increased the speed of the car. Darby had just stepped outside with Sinclair in hand when Leo’s car parked.

He hurried out of the car to take a sleepy Sinclair from her. “Hey, baby.” Leo cooed kissing her.

“Hi.” Darby replied tiredly. “I’m so sorry you had to pick us up.”

“I offered to do so didn’t I? You look really tired. Thank goodness it’s the weekend, I think it is best you take the next two days off and rest.”

“That sounds like a really good idea. I would love to.”

“Thought you would say that.” He smiled, kissing her again.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Darby was too tired to even eat dinner, she had been working on a dress with delicate designs that drained her energy. Leo urged her to eat a little and shower before going to sleep. Despite her wrecked state, she was still really bothered about Sinclair but he assured her that the little one would be fine. It took a lot of persuasion before she finally gave in. Sinclair didn’t make any fuss also. By the time Leo was done cleaning up and getting their son to sleep, he was also ready to call it a night.

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