Call me Alpha

Chapter 7: Desire

Chapter 7: Desire

I woke up embracing an unfamiliar feeling of emptiness. Only a faint smell of my mate is present in the

house. He didn't come home last night. And there's a void inside of me that screams for my mate, for


My chest is heaving. Im starting to feel the need of seeing him and holding him. I want to wrap myself

around him. This must be the second wave of the mate bond. Even if I don't want to feel this way, I

can't control it.

My anxiety towards the danger I may or may not be in, crept to me. Should I lock myself in his house

until he'll claim me? But he said he would never do that. How should I live then?

If some mateless wolf found me and claim me first before Aiden does, then I will be stolen from him. I

was worried that might happen to me, I'm too attached with Aiden now. I can't think of myself away

from him.

Will all these affection fade once I'm claimed by another wolf?

A part of me sides with the thought of being stolen rather than felt this desolate inside. But another part

which is greater, like to have Aiden and only him alone.

A few knock on my door snatched my attention. I just took a shower and had dressed. Time flies fast

when I'm alone.

I can smell Aurea's scent just outside the closed door.

"It's open." I said in a low voice that she can hear.

"Good morning, Luna." She entered and gave me a light bow before taking a few steps in.

"Morning, Aurea."

"What would you like to do today?" She asked. I started to think what my plans can be but hesitated

once I remembered the danger that's just waiting for me to step out of this house.

It seems that I can't have any plans today.

"I've got no plans for today, Aurea." I said, giving her a sad smile.

If only I'm away from danger then I would not have a second thought to buy some clothes. The ones

I'm wearing now is the last one from the things I brought from home.

"Won't you need to shop for clothes?" She smiled, I'm glad to have a female with me for having the

same thoughts.

I looked down at my feet. Torn between shopping or locking myself here. I'd like to shop, plus I have no

choice unless I walk around naked or wear the ball dress I had yesterday.

"We'll come to that." I smiled and finished brushing my hair. "How about you teach me how to cook?" I

raised my brow, hoping for a 'yes' from her.

She grinned, like I said something that excites her. "I'll be honored, Luna."

I chuckled from her response. Honored? Just by teaching me how to cook? I'm so ashamed of myself

being a woman who can't cook without burning the house. Meanwhile, Aurea is 'honored' to teach me.

"This is the part where you'll scold me for not knowing how to cook at this age." I teased her. She just

smiled at me and lightly bow again. I can't get used with her respectful actions towards me.

"You're my Luna. I can't nag you and I'll never will. But the fact that you'd want to learn is already a

great step." She said.

I smiled. Remembering her words. It's not bad to have someone older than me around. It somehow

made me see a different perspective. An old one, at that.

She really taught me how to cook. Even I can't believe that I can actually cook. Well, after a few tries.

Its nine in the morning when we stopped our 'lesson' because of my growling stomach. I asked Aurea

to sit with me at the table and eat together but she declined humbly. Saying another old-fashioned


I started eating as Aurea went to the backyard. Now I know how to fry without messing the food or

burning it. The soup I made also tastes good.

I looked at the huge table I'm eating at. I'm all alone. Suddenly, I missed eating with Eric, Ophelia and

Cruz. That warmth from laughters at the table and not having it now saddened me.

I finished eating and took care of the dishes then headed upstairs to my room.

I walked passed on Aiden's room, feeling the emptiness in it. Does he always sleep over at his office?

Aurea told me he might be busy that he can't leave his work.

But really? Just when he found me, his priorities already won? This is not what I had expected of my

mate. It's not usually like this. He must have felt the same sensitivity I'm suffering right now. But how

can he stand to not see me or to be near me when I, on the other hand, felt like dying.

Nick's POV

Damn! My right arm is still sore even though it healed completely. Every broken bones in my arm was

all in the right places now but I still can feel the tingling aches of it. Damages caused by an Alpha is

different than from a regular wolf. I'm lucky I'm a beta, that made my broken arm heal quickly than the

others but if I'm not, two days will be the maximum to heal.

I glared at Aiden who just woke up from my couch.

Why is our pack's Alpha sleeping on my couch when he have his own home to sleep in?

"Have some breakfast, darling." I teased him, giving a wide grin when his eyes narrowed at me.

"Stop being cocky around me." He said. I just laughed off his growl.

"Oh come on! It's just us, darling." I grinned and I received a pillow flying straight to my face. He sure is


We'd grew up together that's made us practically best friends. My Dad was the former beta when his

Dad was the Alpha. I didn't had the Beta title the same time Aiden did became the Alpha but I've been

around. When I turned 21, I took over my Dad's position.

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked, settling on my kitchen chair. My house is a studio type so

nothing divides the couch he's in and my kitchen.

He scoffed and stood up then sat on the bar stool in front of me where the breakfast I prepared was

between us.

"None if your business."

"Don't tell me you're avoiding her?" I asked but no answer came from him. My brow raised, starting to

suspect I was right.

"You left your mate alone in your home?!" I tried catching his eyes but he won't look at mine. He busied

himself with putting food on his plate.

"Why? You'd like to snatch her away from me again, dog?" Bitterness is evident in his voice that ends

with a mock.

"I thought I was forgiven?"

"You were."

I sighed. I can see how the mate bond's already affecting Aiden. He's so fucking jealous so why won't

he go home to his mate's arms than act grumpy little kid?

"Come on Aiden, I'm not aware Ashira was your mate when I asked her to dance."

Seriously, I was clueless. I thought Ashira's mate was not around last night and she's so freaking

beautiful on that sexy Olive dress that I have to ask her to dance, to kept her company. That gave me a

broken arm.

"Now you know. So stop asking about her."

This fucking jealous wolf.

"I'm not—argh. Whatever." Nothing can stop him from being jealous anyway so these talk would be


We ate talking about issues and problems of the pack after.

"The renewal of treaty between Ravenous pack is near." Aiden brought up.

After the war between Ravenous and Prime, a treaty was made to prevent more wars to come. Aiden

was against it at first but my Dad, who was the beta when he took over, pursued him. It's for the better.

Aiden's mother and former Luna, Luna Tina, was killed on that war. Former Alpha James, Aiden's

father, gone berserk killing the late Alpha Raekon of Ravenous.

Since both pack lost each leader, a treaty was decided for both packs.

"I'll handle the preparation for the peace treaty. We can't have our walls weak when it comes to that


"How was Elon doing?" Aiden asked, finishing his meal.

Alpha Elon is the Alpha of Ravenous pack. The son of former Alpha Raekon and Luna Sofia, he took

over the pack when his father died. Alpha Elon was years older than Alpha Aiden though since his

father can't give up the Alpha title even when Alpha Elon met the required age.

"I heard he just lost his mate few months back. Some Rogues attacked the pack and killed Luna


Aiden paused for a second. Alpha Elon must be devastated from his Luna's death. They didn't had a

pup and that's terrible for an Alpha, being left behind alone.

"How's he surviving?"

"I heard their pack encountered multiple Rouge attacks while Alpha Elon was mourning. Their defenses

was weak without Alpha Elon, so former Luna Sofia took over, helping the pack survive before Alpha

Elon snapped out of his loss. He's functioning just fine now."

He nodded.

"That filthy bloodline will come to an end, then." He said.

I nodded. "Luna Katalina died without producing a pup for their Alpha, so yes."

"Finally." He snorted. His hatred with Ravenous pack is far from fading. Yes he entered the peace

treaty with them since its useless to continue going into war that pack.

"Let's go. We got work to do." Aiden said standing up.

"You won't see Ashira first?" I curiously asked.

He hissed by my question. Giving me a sharp and narrowed look.

"I really hate how that mouth of yours mentioned my mate's name, Beta."

There he goes again. I put my hands up, sign of defeat. I don't want my jaw to break next.

"I'm just curious. By now, she might be experiencing the heat hard than you do."

Aiden didn't speak but his eyes were far. Does he forgot how the mate bond works?

He growled, I don't know what he was thinking but he sounds frustrated.

I decided to continue triggering him. He can't be this way towards his mate. He need her as his wolf


"Well, whatever. Let's just hope she'll stay inside the house or else she might jumped with any male

wolf because of the heat."

He growled loud that my knees shake. Damn it!

He turned to me and his eyes are red. I actually won triggering him. Though I hope I won't be beaten so

I took a step back.

He's huffing hard and loud. His wolf is taking over but he's trying to control him.

He closed his eyes tight, I figured he's trying to reach someone through mind link. And he frustratedly

growled and snapping his head to me again.

"I can't reach Aurea!" He growled once again, his voice was deeper now. I'm sure Aiden was

devastated, making an unsettling focus right now.

Ohhh, so this is how the Luna affects the Alpha. Interesting..

"I'll call her.." I said and grabbed my phone, it almost fell when it slipped my shaking hands. Even

though I'm making fun of his situation in my mind, I can't stop being afraid of him still. Well, it's natural

since he'a the Alpha.

God! Why do I have to be sandwiched with his 'mate situation'!

A few rings and Aurea won't pick up my call. That made Aiden growled again, shutting his eyes close

tight before jumping into the air and shifted on his black wolf form. His wolf is huffing, I can't tell if its

worried or angry right now.

When he heard the automated message from the call, he run faster than I've ever seen him before.

Taking the forest route on his way home, he's in such a hurry that he's gone from my sight next.

I sighed and put my phone back to my pocket. Now I'm left with mine and his pile of works again. Well,

I guess having a lot of work is better than having a grumpy, surrounded with love sickness Alpha

around me while working. My hair is rising while thinking about it.

Now is the first time I'm thankful that old Aurea never put interest with mobiles.

Ashira's POV

I can't remember how Aurea pushed me to go on shopping but I end up walking on path walks with

shops everywhere. We're now at the Center of the pack. We're surrounded by variety of shops,

markets and other services.

"What would you like to buy, Luna?" She whispered my title that confused me.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, also in a whisper.

"I don't know if anyone knew you yet. I don't want to interrupt your introduction ceremony."

Well, if Aiden ever planned to introduce me. Or even accept me at that.

"Don't worry. Everybody from the party knows that I'm your Alpha's mate." I said, remembering the

night before.

"Alpha Aiden sent everyone from the party a message last night. No one can spread the news that he

found you, Luna."

Okay? But why does it feel weird for me? I didn't like the thought that he's keeping me hidden. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I started shopping for some clothes from different shops. I already bought a dozen of underwear, some

comfy shirt and shorts, some pants and dress.

I hesitated on buying a dress but Aurea urged me to get it. Saying I might need it on some occasions.

"You should get this as well, Luna." I turned to Aurea who spoke behind me.

My eyes widened with what she's holding! A red tiny piece of lacy cloth! A sexy lingerie!

"Aurea!" I put her hands down, preventing the other customer to see what she's holding. "I'm not

getting that!" I said in a low high-pitched voice.

I swear that every blood in my body moved to my cheeks! I'm blushing with the thought of what that

piece of cloth means!

"What? Why? You'll need this at your first night, Luna."

Aurea seemed so innocent and naive. I can't blame her, she's expecting us to complete the mating

process sooner than later.

But damn! I can't believe the ideas that build inside my head when she showed me the lingerie!

"No. Put it back." I sighed and snatched the item from her hand, tossing it somewhere but away from


I'm satisfied with what I bought so I headed out of the shop. I came across a pretty man who's smoking


Suddenly, I felt something inside me that flared up. My vision instantly hazed making my eyes and mind


I had the urge to throw myself towards the guy. Its weird but I wanted to kiss a stranger and even more

than that.

'Aw, heat is coming...' My wolf sang and I can't understand her at first.

"Aurea!" I called lowly, not having enough voice to shout her name. I'm beginning to stumble on my

feet. My knees are turning jelly that I had to lay my back on the wall for support.

Lust. Arousal.


My mind are filled with those and I don't know how or what to do.

I did not realize that I've been looking at the guy for some time. I might have gave the wrong

impression because he started walking closer to me.

"I can smell your lust, wolf." The guy said. His hand touched the side of my face and I can't stop him.

"Why'd your mate left you unclaimed?"

That's the same question I have but I'm not focusing on it.


Aurea as if on cue, showed up and pulled me away within the stranger's reach.

"Get back." She snarled at him who put his hands up as defeat.

"I just thought your friend needed some help." The stranger wolf said as he shrugged and walked away

from us.

Aurea looked at me with worried eyes before sniffing in the air.

"You're in heat." She stated. I'm shaking, I can feel the in-between my thighs pulsing, getting wet even.

"We should go home now." She said and dragged me towards the car where we ride in.

Once inside the car, my urge started to cease. Letting me think clear and the blur slowly fading.

"I did not know you'll have the heat this fast." Aurea said, her pleading eyes says sorry.

"I-It's okay. But what does this mean?"

"When you meet your mate, there's a reason for them to claim you instantly. This is the reason. Once

they won't, you'll experience the heat which is this. The purpose of the claim is to stop situations like


I gulped, starting to feel a little relax but my breathe is still heaving.

"What do you mean by having the heat fast?" I asked. Trying to learn from whatever this is and also

distracting myself.

"Regular wolves can undergo heat two days after they laid their eyes on their mate. Yours, on the other

hand, started only fourteen hours after meeting Alpha Aiden."

I wonder why but somehow I have a theory about it. I'm a stealer. Does that mean my abnormality

leads me to be more horny than a regular wolf?

I sighed at the thought.

"This is the first time I've seen it act that fast." Aurea said. Then she gasped and widened her eyes, an

idea gotten into her. "Oh! Its because Aiden was an Alpha! I forgot that they're much more attractive

than anyone and can magnetize the heat faster than a regular wolf. That is why you've heated that


I didn't know that. Well, Im really unaware of stuffs about mate anyway.

So its not because I'm a stealer, huh?. That made me sigh in relief. Finally relaxing completely.

We reached home fast than when we left it. I went out of the car and inhaled the air. I'm glad that

Aiden's house is so peaceful and nature-friendly. Everywhere are trees and greens, that makes the air

so fresh.

"I'll put this in your room." Aurea said with all the shopping bags in her hands.

I nodded at her. "I'll stay here for a while." She smiled and bows lightly before heading inside the


Loud thuds from huge paws coming near my direction was heard a few minutes after Aurea was gone.

My heart beat faster when my nose caught the scent of Aiden.

He's coming in his wolf form.

The scent of him becomes stronger, making weird feelings arise within me again.

I felt my arousal taking me over once again. What I'm feeling right now is much more stronger than

what I had earlier with that stranger.

Just by his scent and the thought he is coming for me made me wet. Soaking wet.

My thigh pressed closed to each other, making me quiver from the sensation that is new to me. I feel


His wolf jumped from the bushes. He was about to run me over but made an abrupt stop when he saw

me. He then easily shifted back to his human form and dropped just in front of me.

He grabbed my shoulders tightly as he looked straight into my soul with those bright red Alpha eyes of


"Where have you been?" His deep masculine voice made me shiver. His tone are fixed anger,

frustration and worry. I gulped the lump on my throat when his touch reached my skin, savoring the

sensation it brought me.

I can't understand what he was saying. I can't hear him at all. My heartbeat sounds like a drum that I

can't focus on anything except him.

He growled softly, his eyes turned golden brown and I immediately drowned into it.

He continued speaking, saying things I cannot hear anymore.

I groaned when my eyes travelled on his face, on his knotted forehead, his eyes, to his moving lips.

I didn't stop there. I trailed my eyes down his neck, hearing his rapid pulse. My eyes travelled down

more to his bare chest, his perfect chiseled stomach, and to his long and hard member.

When my eyes focused on his proud manhood, he stopped speaking. I did not looked back at his eyes,

not taking away my gaze down there. He's naked and proud in front of me.

I felt my arousal rise high even more. Rabid thoughts were playing on my mind of what I could do with

his hard rod and what that can do to me.

I caught a different scent and figured it was his arousal. That's when I looked up to his eyes and found

it sparkling with lust and evident.

My folds didn't stop soaking as it pulsate nonstop, making me quiver.

I moaned when I felt good down there but longing for something, for him. That's his cue to groaned,

cutting the control he was trying to wall up.

He cupped my face with his hands and smashed his lips on mine. I trembled when millions of electricity

shot through me, sending me to heaven straight as his lips found mine.

He nibbled on my lips, and I opened my mouth for him. I want to deepened our kiss. It's not enough. I

want more.

He groaned when I gently bite his lips, glazing my teeth on his lower lip. He let go of my face and

snaked one arm on my waist, pulling me closer while the other went to my nape, making me moan


I held his shoulder, supporting myself when I felt my knees turned jelly. Any moment now, I might melt.

His raging manhood pressed hard on my exposed belly when my shirt crumbled up. I loved how warm

it felt on my skin. It's even pulsating and telling me it wanted more than just a kiss.

His kisses trailed down on my jaw, then to my neck, nibbling on my sensitive skin. I moaned as I grab

on his hair, keeping his head down.

"Please, I want you..." I begged. I can't stop myself to plead. I want him. That is how I feel right now, my

wetness pulsates even more! I want him now!

He groaned and cupped my ass tightly, making me moan hard. God! I feel like I'm in heaven!

I felt his canines brushing on my neck. He wanted to claim me and this right now is the best time to do

it. The arousal we're sharing won't give me any pain. I'm not sure of it but I felt like it will.

When he licked the skin on my neck, I already lost it. Every nerve in my body flared up an incredible

fire of lust and arousal.

"Luna I'm done-OhmyGod."

I opened my eyes and got distracted by Aurea's voice. Aiden stopped what he was doing, too. Making

a low dangerous growl as his eyes shot arrows toward her.

I suddenly snapped out of it, embarrassed of what just happened.

I pushed Aiden away from me and I was met by his hungry eyes. His stare sent me a message that it

was not enough and we're not done yet.

Suddenly, I'm lost. I want more, too but I'm too embarrassed to continue what we'd left behind.

"I'm sorry. I'll took the day off." Aurea said and bow lightly at us. Avoiding to look our way.

Aiden didn't pulled his gaze away from me and I can't stand the heat on my cheeks anymore.

I ran inside the house, straight into my room and locked the door.

I want more of him but when I snapped out of the action, I can't put the mood back again.

I buried my face on the pillow and let out a high-pitch scream. Why do I felt so ashamed right now

when earlier, every sinful thoughts were clear in my mind?!


I don't even know how to face him again.

A soft knocks on the door made me jump, raising my head from the pillow.

"Let's talk." Said a deep soft voice from outside.

It's Aiden!


Hi. A small note.

I was a bit distracted making this chapter. A volcano near us is showing symptoms of eruption again

but let's hope it won't.

Just sharing. Sorry if this chapter will come out lame.

Anyway, enjoy reading and thank you for supporting this story.❤

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