Call me Alpha

Chapter 12: Normal Day

Chapter 12: Normal Day

Ashira's POV

A heavy arm on my stomach woke me up the next morning. I fell asleep last night after a few hours

when Aiden left, and did not notice the time he came back.

I saw Aiden's face as I opened my eyes. His eyes are shut as he lay sideways beside me with arms

resting above my stomach.

He slept in my room.

Feeling the urge to use the bathroom, I moved his arm away slowly, avoiding to wake him. But before I

could succeed, a pair of golden-brown eyes met with mine.

"Hey..." I whispered to him.

He snuggled me closer to him, burying his face on my neck.

He inhaled my scent before speaking. "It feels good to wake up beside you." his voice is hoarse.

I giggled at his words.

"Good morning to you too."

He chuckled and sighed before laying down on his back and looked at the ceiling.

This morning felt warm and had something into it. Different from the other mornings I woke up from


"What would you like for breakfast?" he asked, voice still husky.

Uh! I can't get enough of his morning voice. It sounds so sexy!

Energetically, I stood up and looked at him.

"I'll cook breakfast today!" I said before running to the bathroom. Not waiting for his reply or if he

believed me.

I left the bathroom door open as I do my stuff. Not really having the time to close it since I needed to

pee badly.

Going to the sink, I started washing my face then brushed my teeth when I saw Aiden leaning on the

door looking at me through the mirror.

"Cook for three. Nick's at the guestroom."

I was shocked but I did not make it visible. I just mumbled an 'okay' while finishing to brush my teeth.

So he's not jealous of Nick now? He was, right?

Aiden, on the other hand, kept watching my actions. Like he's waiting to detect something from me as

he said that.

I finished brushing and faced him.

"What's wrong?" I can sense he's bothered by something.

"You don't like Nick, don't you?"

I nearly laughed from his question but pursed my lips to not to. Meanwhile, his face looks so eager to

hear my response.

"Aiden." I tried sounding serious but it came out soft and weak. I really love saying his name. "He's not

my type. Why'd you ask that?"

I felt him relaxed from my answer as he grabbed me closer to him.

"I just want to be sure." he said sounding stern.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist, getting used to his warmth.

"You're jealous of him?"

He sighed and tightly hugged me back.

"He's the first you met before me."

"I don't like him like what you think. I considered him a friend ever since we met though."

He sighed again before letting me go. I gave him a wide smile. It's weird but I like him jealous.

He bends down his face and placed a kiss on my lips. I thought it will be a deep long kiss but it was

only light and quick before he pulled away from me.

"I'll just take a shower." he said, letting me go.

Argh. I wanted more.

I went downstairs and started cooking our breakfast. Aurea's scent is not in the house so maybe she's

not here yet.

"Good morning, Luna."

A fully dressed Nick with messy hair and sleepy eyes walked towards the table and sat on a chair.

"Hey," I started placing the fried foods on a plate. Almost done from cooking.

"That smelt delicious." He said but his voice is far from awake.

"It is."

"Thought you can't cook?" He yawned. I put the bacon and eggs on the table and he quickly took one.

"Whatever." I ignored his question, remembering what had happened yesterday when he was so

shocked that I can't cook.

"Oh yeah! The girls who didn't find their mate will be sent back to their packs today." Nick informed me.


I shrugged at him, unaware why he's saying that to me.

"Don't you have one friend there? The one crying at the ball?"

I turned to him as I remembered Ava! I didn't heard anything from her since Aiden took me in.

I wonder if she can stay for a bit?

"What time will they be departing?" I asked.

"An hour from now. I think."

That's fast. I hope she can stay for a while though. I know how devastated she was from not finding her

mate. She must felt lonely for waiting another year.

'Do you want your friend to stay?'

I almost jumped when I heard Aiden's voice in my head. He must heard our talk. Or maybe he's

keeping an ear the whole time.

Since he claimed me, I now belonged to his pack and have mind access with other wolves here as


'Can she?! I'll be happy to have her!'

"Whoa. Why're you suddenly beaming?" I ignored Nick, rolling my eyes at him and focused waiting for

Aiden's response.

'I want you happy. She can stay in our house as a guest. Let me take care of it.'

A high-pitched 'yiee' came out of my mouth with what he said.

'Thank you! I'm so happy, I can kiss you right now!' I decided to tease him a little and giggled on my

own words.

Nick rolled his eyes, probably figure out that I was talking with Aiden through my mind.

'I'll be downstairs in a minute. Don't forget to do that.'

I chuckled and continue making pancakes.

Nick snorted and rolled his eyes that made me look at him. "What?" I asked.

He pointed two fingers in his head and I laughed. Aiden must be talking to him right now.

Nick sighed in defeat. I wonder if they're arguing. When Nick put his hand up in the air with his middle

finger pointed upstairs, I laughed hard.

"You should wait for him to come down." I whispered to him and laughed when he stuck his tongue out

to me. He sure is childish.

He grabbed his phone on his pants and made a call. I eavesdropped while finishing the pancakes.

"Yes, its name is..." he looked at me in question.


"Ava. Just ask who's Ava, damn it."

Ohhh someone's grumpy. I laughed inside. I'm guessing Aiden gave him an early scold for breakfast.

"Okay. Accompany her to Alpha's house."

He put the call down and met my shining eyes.

"It's done?" I asked. I'm so excited about having a friend over. I can bond with Ava while Aiden is away.

I don't want to be a burden with his pack works. It's better if I'll have some company with me.

"Yep. She'll be here before afternoon." He grabbed some pancakes and are it whole. Wow, he is

hungry. I'm glad I cooked a lot because the meal for three might not be enough.

Aiden came and gave me a kiss on my lips as he snaked his arm around me again. I can sense his

possessiveness with his gestures, probably because Nick is here.

We started eating and I can't stop laughing when the two of them started talking. They're like brothers

and Nick wasn't intimidated with Aiden even though he's his Alpha.

"Have you called your family?" Aiden asked me after a while. I looked at my head, I forgot to call

Ophelia last night because I fell asleep. "You should call them."

"I will. Later." He just nodded at me and resume eating.

"Hey, Ashira, I saw your file. So Eric was your foster dad?" it was Nick. I nodded at him, unable to

speak with my mouth full.

"Eric?" Aiden turned to Nick. "Someone I know?"

"Yeah. He's the beta of the Regal pack."

"Poster? You're an orphan?" it was me Aiden turned to asked next. I nodded my head again, slowly this


I'm not comfortable talking about myself and my relationship with Eric's family. It's not because I'm

scared of anything but I just don't like where the conversation will lead next.

Aiden's hand rested on my thigh and he gave me a weak smile.

He might sense my discomfort that I needless to say it.

"Who's your real parents?" It was clueless Nick who asked the question I've been avoiding.

A low growl escaped Aiden's throat as he snapped his head on him. I sighed and just laughed at the

sight of them.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Nick asked Aiden, totally oblivious.

"No, it's okay." I said mostly to Aiden and put my palm on his nape.

"Dumbass." Aiden said to Nick who widened his eyes. Unaware of anything.

I laughed and decided to answer Nick. "I don't know who my parents are. Eric just found me in the

woods when I was a kid."

He must have understood what he missed to realize earlier as his lips formed an 'O' with widen eyes.

"I'm sorry." Nick said and I just smiled with a nod at him.

"Idiot." Aiden said, not letting go of Nick's sluggish intellect.

The two of them squabble, letting go of the topic. I continued laughing at the two of them. They looked

so cute.

After eating Aiden said they needed to go to the pack building and asked me to stay inside the house

while he's gone.

"I put some guards around the house."

"To keep me in?"

He chuckled and put his arms around my waist, nestling his head on mine.

"To keep you safe, silly." he said and planted a kiss on my nose and down to my lips.

I moaned when his kiss deepened that made my breath hitched.

He let go after a while and looked at my eyes, his forehead pressed on mine.

"I love you, Ashira." he said. I closed my eyes when he kissed my forehead next.

"I love you, too." I almost whisper, not used to saying those words to him but it felt just right.

He was gone after and I was left alone in the house. It was a few hours when Aurea came to the house

and fixed the guestroom meant to be for Ava's short stay. I guessed Aiden instruct her to do so.

"I'm glad he claimed you, Luna." she said with a smile. We are sitting at a porch in the garden. This has

been my favorite place in the house.

I smiled at her and closed my eyes as sun rays hit my face. I love how warm it is.

"To tell you the truth, he rejected me at first. That was the same night I met you." I decided to share. I

did not bring it up to her before because I was ashamed. But now that he accepted me, it don't feel bad

to tell her now.

"I'm aware of it, Luna. I've been with him since he lost his parents and took over the pack. I knew he

will have a hard time when he meets his mate because of how he sees his mother."

So I was right. It's not about me that he reject me but because he feared to be controlled by his


"I'm glad the mate's pull is greater than his fear."

I smiled at her. We share the same thought. I was afraid his disdain will be longer but things fell just


"I heard an attack has occurred yesterday. Have you heard of it?"

I did not got the chance to ask Aiden about it earlier because I was too excited about Ava's case.

"Yes, Luna. A few rogues trespassed our land and killed some of the pack's fighters."

I nodded. In Regal, we often had rogues tresspassing but only to disturb the peace, not harming


I guess strong packs got strong rogues after it, huh.

"That's sad. Did they catch them?"

"Our fighters managed to kill four of them but there is a rumor that one of the rogues is strong. He

escaped and came back last night."

That was what Aiden said yesterday. I'm confused if I get to know cases like this from him though he

never mentioned it anyway.

"Did they took care of it?"

Aurea shook her head and gave me a weak smile.

"He escaped again before Alpha Aiden catch him is what I heard, Luna."


"Rumors was the rogue has incredible speed."

My forehead knotted at that. A rogue having an incredible speed? That's new. Most rogues are not

strong and fast unlike wolves from a pack. The unity in the pack can make a wolf stronger than any

lone wolf.

Aurea had to take care of something and excused herself. I was left alone at the garden.

I decided to dial Ophelia's number and after a few rang, she answered.

"Chicken! Why did you call so late! I was worried!"

I smiled as I heard her voice. I suddenly missed her and felt my eyes moisten.

"Hey," I sniffed when I felt my tears swelling up. I get myself together and cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. I

got busy so my call delayed."

"I can imagine! Hey, Eric! Wait, your dad is home."

I heard some noise in the background, she must have attended to Eric. She always does that. Like

kissing him or hugging him when he came home. Sometimes, Eric spends the night at work so he'll

come home early in the morning.

"Yeah, I was talking to her. Go grab something to eat. There's cooked food in the kitchen." Oh, how I

missed those moments.

"Ashi? You still there?"

"Yeah. I'm here."

"So how is it? Did you find your mate?"

"Is that Ashira?" I heard another voice and it was Cruz.

"Yeah!" Ophelia yelled so Cruz must be upstairs. I heard loud footsteps in the background. I heard

some noises like snatching the phone and I smiled. God, I miss them a lot!

"Go eat with your father and stop pestering me!"

"Sorry, chicken. So where we're we? Oh! Have you found him?" I can hear her excitement and my

smile widened from imagining what she looked like now.

"I did." I chuckled and bit my lip. I heard spoons falling and Ophelia nagging to respect the food. I can

guess that Eric and Cruz must've eavesdropping with our conversation.

"How was he? Is he good? He don't have any anger issues, right? Some wolf tend to be since its in our


"He's... kind. And possessive at times."

"Oh that's given! He's your mate! Eric forbids me to be with my male best friend when we first met."

Ophelia chuckled and I did, too.

"I heard that." It was Eric in the background.

"Hey, Eric." I said loud enough that he can hear. They must have using their enhanced hearing to listen

with our conversation.

"You good there, lady?" He yelled back.

"Don't mind them, chicken. Eat your foods in silence, will you?" she yelled to them and I laughed. "So,

what's his name?"

I bit my inner cheeks. I don't know how they will react with Aiden.

"His name is Aiden." I said. They all fell in silence as they heard the name. It's never unfamiliar for us

since Aiden has been a great Alpha and achieved a lot that earned him spreading rumors anywhere.

Also, Eric is a beta. He had meetings with the Prime before.


"Ask her!" it was Cruz who I heard in the background.

Ophelia cleared her throat and before she can talk, I spoke again.

"My mate is the Alpha of the Prime pack." I said and smiled. It sounds good to say that.

Everyone fell into silence. I pursed my lips as I waited for their response.

It took a long pause.

"You're not having a mind link meeting right now, right?" I asked.

"Oh, we are, chicken. Wait a bit."

I chuckled. She's never a liar, Ophelia it is.

"Okay! We're happy for you!" she exclaimed with a yelp. I laughed at her reaction. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"What was Eric's 'but'?" I know he have. He always does.

"It's Cruz that have a but. Eric thinks it's better since you'll be safe despite the, you know, your wolf's


I nodded. "Okay. What was Cruz's but?"

"He's just worried since your mate is Alpha Aiden. Eric told us the full story about the Alpha and a

stealer and, well, it was Aiden's--"

"His uncle." I finished.

"You knew?"

"Yeah. I heard the story from a friend."

"Okay. That's good. As for me, I'm just glad you found the one! And an Alpha, huh."

I laughed then I fell silent for the next minutes.

"Hey..." she said on the other line. "You okay?"

"I was just thinking... Do you think I need to tell him what... I am?"

"No!" It was Cruz's outburst.

"Tell her, not now." Then Eric seconded, calmly but with a loud voice.

"She can hear you so stop yelling and wasting the food!" It was Ophelia. I imagined their mouth was full

when they exclaimed.

"Chicken, listen to me. I agree with the boys. But I won't tell you to hide it forever. Just let him knew you

more. Show him who you are so he won't be suspicious of you."

I nodded even though she can't see it. It's probably best to listen to them. I, too, was thinking the same


"But one thing you should never forget is this: Everything is up to you. If you wanted to tell him, you

can. If you feel like the time is right, do it. Don't let our words stop you from being true to yourself.

Okay? You understand me?"

"Yeah. Thank you, Ophelia. Everyone."

Our call ended and I took my time to think about what they had said. It's best to hide it for now. I knew

that. Everything was still fresh and it was just yesterday when he decided to accept me.

Everything may be falling into place faster than I can imagine but it doesn't mean I should act quickly

as well.

I needed to wait. I'm not yet sure of what possible outcome will be but in order to avoid trouble, I will

choose silence for now.

My phone beeped and it was a message from Lucy.

I had a missed call from her, too. A lot of missed calls.

I opened her message.

"I hope I can talk with you right now."

That's was all it said. I felt sadness in her words and I can't stop myself from calling her back.

A few rings and she answered.

"Ashi!" her voice was stern.

"Lucy! I missed you!" I'm worried about her voice. It's not cheerful like she used to. "Are you okay?"

She fell silent for a minute before soft sobs were heard in the other line.

I was caught off guard by her sudden outburst. She's crying like a beaten child!

"What happened?! What's wrong? You didn't found your mate?"

She sniffs. "I did found him." and cried loudly again.

"What's wrong then?"

"I was happy when I found him. My mate is the Alpha, Ashira." then she cried loudly again.

She mated with an Alpha, too?!

Wait, what pack was she sent to again? I think I heard her say Shadow pack, right?

"You're mates with Alpha Jacob?!" I asked. Whoa! I can't believe it! Me and my friend is mated with an



"Then why are you crying? Is he hurting you?"

Another loud cry came from her. I closed my eyes as her cries shot pain to my chest. Lucy is like a

sister to me. She's the only one in Regal pack who let herself close to me despite rumors about me

being a rogue.

"He's never gentle to me, Ashi! Jacob, he...he's scary! I'm hating him but my wolf only screams his

name! I don't know what to do!"

I can feel her. She's troubled. If I'm in her shoes, I might felt insane as well.

Her mate must be hurting her that she hate him like this. Lucy always loved the idea of a mate. So

hearing her saying she hates him means her mate is rotten.

"Its not just that! Jacob wanted to have someone stronger to be his mate and he called me an Omega

because I'm not a daughter of an Alpha or Beta at least!"

That's absurd. Lucy is one of the best female fighters in our pack. She's young but she took down Cruz

once. She is far from being an Omega. She's not weak.

"Lucy, listen to me. You're not an Omega. You're never weak. Don't let him do that to you! Show him

that you're strong!"

"I can't! He's stronger than me and I can't prove to him that I am strong!"

Her mate is an Alpha so I understand what she meant. Even I knew I can't win a fight with Aiden.

"Listen to me, you'll figure out his weakness. You're his mate. It's impossible to reject the bond, trust


She sniffs on the other lines, continuing her soft sobs as she listens to my words.

"He claimed me without any tenderness. It hurts so bad! My wolf is in pain but she wanted him still! He

said he only claimed me so he won't feel the heat as bad as I would!"

"Did you guys had sex?"

I don't know why but I'm thinking that I've seen Aiden softened by lust and arousal of me.

"What? No! Why'd you ask that in times like this."

"Maybe that can be his... Weakness?"

Opposite of the reaction I expected, she cried even louder than she did before.

"He's cheating on me! I can feel him cheating on me, Ashi! He's having sex with another girl and I don't

think he'll need me for that part because he's occupied with many!"

She cried again and again and I just listened to her wails.

I didn't know what she meant from 'she can feel him cheating' but if she said he is, she must had proof.

She's not the one who easily believed in any rumor.

She stopped crying in a sudden.

"I might as well cheat on him, too! Right! I'll give him a fair fight! I'll hang up."

I was worried about her but I ended up chuckling because of her fast solution. Though I don't know if

she can do what she says. I felt the bond and it's not easy to just be with another guy.

That Jacob must have resented Lucy a lot. He didn't knew her though. Lucy is smart and skilled. She's

strong, too.

I'll remember to ask Aurea how to know if my mate is cheating. I can't forget Lucy's words that she can

feel it.

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