Bounty Hunter



“Find her! Fucking Find her! I don’t give a bloody darn if you need to hack the fucking satellite, just fucking my girl before I put bullets in your heads,” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The anger in my voice sent terror into the souls of my men.

She was gone. My little flower was gone. Just like that.

“Security cameras spotted someone forcefully take her and Miss Alex,” one of my men, the asshole who claimed to be bold enough, spoke up. I looked him dead in the eyes. At once, I watch his demeanour shrink. I took out my gun and fired a shot, the bullet barely grazing his hair.

“Anyone bold enough to state the obvious again?” I asked. No one dares utter a word. With the heads bowed down, the shook their heads in disagreement.

“I need to know who those men are. Who they work for. How they got in without the security alarms going off. You all have one bloody hour. If I don’t have something concrete within one hour, I have more than enough bullets to fit in your brains. Disperse!” I disposed of them.

All of them scrambled to leave my study, except for Hermine. Whilst the men with tall and broad shoulders struggled to pass through the door, her petit frame squeeze passed them and walked towards me.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

It wasn’t until the room was occupied by just us when she spoke up.

“I need you to calm down,” Hermine spoke. Her hand was briefly on my shoulders before I shrugged it off.

“Don’t fucking ask me to calm down. They took her. He fucking has her. Do you know the hell that awaits her? How do you expect me to calm down when I know what will be done to her,” I fired back. My heart was aggressively beating against my ribcage. just thinking of the things that my little flower could be going through right now upsets my stomach.

“We don’t know if it’s Roman who took her,” Hermine quietly spoke.

“And you think that makes this any better? She could be anywhere right now! Fucking hell, she might as well be on a fucking ship to God knows where,”

Hermine sighed. For the next seconds, she was silent. “She’s going to be fine Reed, she can protect herself,” she placed yet another arm on my shoulder.

“Get out!” It was a silent command that didn’t quite express the rage and the guilt I was feeling. It was the reason why Hermine didn’t move an inch, or attempt to remove her hand from my shoulder.

“You have three seconds to leave this room, or I swear to God,” my voice was still calm as I ordered. Hermine quietly removed her hand from my shoulders, finally feeling the weight of my command. When I heard the door lock, I let the silence of the room weigh on my shoulders, and for the first time in who know fucking how long, tears welled up in my eyes.

My phone had rang midway during my mission. At first, I’d been adamant to pick it up, but after it rang again and again, distracting me from slicing open my victim, I decided to pick it up.

The first words that flew out of Hermine’s mouth were rambles and I had a hard time understanding. But then, she’d mentioned Zinnia and taken in the same sentence and I felt my heart dropped to my feet. The death of my victim came too soon and before I knew it, I was on the highway.

Watching the CCTV footage of my garden spread rage through my body. One, I couldn’t see the assholes who took her. They were covered in masks. And two, it was the person who delivered her to the assholes.

It was her friend. The one person she loved in this world after me. The one person she considered family. Fucking Alex delivered her to those fucking bastards. Why? I had no fucking clue.

Perhaps, the little argument they had over me wasn’t as minor as I made it out to be.

Unlike Zinnia, she wasn’t kidnapped. She let herself willfully be taken. And now, she was no fucking where to be found.

The interphone in my office went off and Hermine’s voice came through.

“Reed, I know you’re upset but there’s something I need to show you,”

I was silent to the sound of Hermine’s voice. I didn’t acknowledge her, but a few minutes later, the door to my study creaked opened.

“I found Alex’s phone. I was able to unlock it. I went through her message and I realised the only person she spoke to about Zinnia was her father,”

I let her words sink in. “Her father? It doesn’t make any sense,” I turned, taking the phone Hermine was stretching out to me. My eyes flew across the conversation with Alex’s supposed father.

“It could be an alias,” I stated, handing back the phone to Hermine.

“Or not. I did a background search on Alex. She ran away from home at seventeen when her religious parents forced her to marry a man to hide her sexuality. Since then, she cut all ties with them, until two days ago when she reached out to her father,” Hermine explained.

“That still doesn’t explained why you don’t think whoever she sent that message to is an alias,”

“Her father is Lucas Greystoke. Ring a bell?” Hermine asked, giving me a knowing look, her eyes zeroing in on me. I pondered for a while, trying to recall if I’d ever come across that name.

“Doesn’t ring a bell. Am I supposed to know him?” I asked. Instead of replaying, Hermine showed me her phone. However, I still couldn’t recognise the man I was looking at.

“Who the hell is this?”

Hermine sighed. “For someone who gets aroused from killing bad guys, you’ve been living behind a rock. Lucas Greystoke is known in the underground world as Viper,”

My eyes widened in shock. “No way!” I exclaimed. “This man is part of the underworld?” I took Hermine’s phone, carefully studying the picture of the man. He had his left hand dropped over a woman whom I assumed was his wife and his right hand over a little boy.

“Fucking hell,” I cursed, ruffling my hands through my hair. How had I been so careless?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I spat.

“Reed, you couldn’t have known,” Hermine’s voice followed behind me.

“Of course I should have. I should have ran a background check on Alex before letting her get closer to Zinnia,”

Hermine rolled her eyes. “Reed, you can’t control who Zinnia choses to let into her circle,”

“Yes, I fucking can. I own her. She belongs to me. Her entire world revolves around me. I can easily eliminate anyone who isn’t good for her,” I spat.

I could tell Hermine was getting exasperated with my outbursts from constantly rolling her eyes. Yet, that was all she could do. Roll her eyes.

“I will find this Alex and when I do, she gets to experience just how evil I can be. I will not spare her,” I stared into space as I spoke.

Lucas, Alex. I am coming for you.


Hi guys, thank you for taking interest in my book. For those of you who haven’t noticed, there was a mix up with the chapters.

WELCOME TO HELL is chapter 47 and ALEX was supposed to be chapter 46, but for some reason, I can’t edit it. I hope it doesn’t confused you too much.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.