Black Sheep

: Chapter 28

“I can’t,” I say, sitting back a little from the fork that Eli holds aloft as he waits for me to cave. Chocolate drizzles from the molten cake, steam rising through the space between us where his eyes hold on to mine. He catches a syrupy drip on his thumb and licks it off with a heated gaze before he relents and slides the fork past his lips.

“Can’t, or won’t?”


That wicked smile pulls his dimple into view as he savors the chocolate. I glare in reply, but it only serves to spark the mischief in his eyes.

Eli stands and drags his chair to my side of the table, stopping to my right. He lays his phone on the surface by the candles and pulls the dessert plate in front of him, resting his arm across my backrest. His fork glides through the rich molten cake and he turns toward me.

“Some people claim that chocolate is better than sex,” he says, then lifts the fork to his lips.

“So I’ve heard. Is that what you believe?” I watch his throat bob with a swallow. He huffs a quiet chuckle.

“I think we’ve established that’s a firm no.”

“I don’t know. Your expression is pretty…ecstatic. Unless I’m getting your reactions mixed up.”

“I’m just trying to convince you that a little taste is worth it. Maybe you should break one of your rules. I’ll even make it worth your while.” Another bite of cake hovers near my lips. The scent of cocoa and vanilla fills my nostrils. The rich brown depths of Eli’s eyes shrink as his pupils consume the color, his gaze locked to my mouth. “Open up, sweetheart.”

I press my lips together and suck them between my teeth and shake my head, a smile creeping through my face before I can hide it. But Eli sees it in my eyes, and it only fuels the fire in his gaze.

Eli turns the fork to his lips and gives me a devious grin as he lets the chocolate melt in his mouth. He tugs my chair closer and then opens his phone to an app. His finger presses on a circular dial. When he turns the force of his attention on me, the rest of the room dissolves like sugar on the tongue.

My lips slide free from the grip of my teeth as Eli draws closer, inch by inch, until his kiss warms my skin and the scent of sin fills my senses. His tongue runs across the seam of my mouth. I hesitate. He strokes my lips again, beckoning. Teasing. Beseeching. When I open for him, a burst of flavor fills my mouth with the languid sweep of his tongue. Dark chocolate and heat, cream and butter. A taste of Eli beneath it, the burn of bourbon. His hand flows into my hair and down the back of my neck, holding steady on my bones.

And then I’m filled with vibration.

I gasp against Eli’s lips and my thighs press together as he turns the dial on the app to control the vibrator filling my sex. He smiles against my mouth as my breath hitches, pressing another kiss there before pulling away. The vibration is still low but I already feel my arousal dampen the narrow fabric patch of my thong. A groan slips past my lips as I shift in my chair.

“Shh, baby. You wouldn’t want to make a scene, would you? I told you I’d make it worth your while,” Eli says in a voice like smoke and secrets. He takes up another bite of cake and drags the fork across his tongue, his dimple winking through the dark stubble peppering his skin. And then he kisses me again, gripping the back of my neck, coating my mouth in chocolate as I sigh with pleasure.

Eli turns the vibration of the toy up higher and starts to back away, but I grasp his shirt and keep him locked to me. The kiss deepens with heat. With need. I lean into him and he turns the vibration up higher when I bite his lip and suck it into my mouth. My hand drifts up his thigh and over the hard bulge that strains against his zipper. A low moan rolls from his chest, barely audible above the ambient music.

“We need to leave,” he says as he pulls away with a strained breath and hooded eyes. “Right now.”

The toy is still buzzing quietly as Eli motions to the server and places a few hundred dollars onto the table, more than enough for the bill and a generous tip, and then he grasps my hand and stalks toward the exit.

As soon as we’re out the doors, Eli lurches to a halt, scanning the dark road and the closed businesses around us.

“Keys,” I demand, lifting my palm. He places the key in my hand and I walk toward the parking lot, Eli following like a specter in the night.

“Where are we going?” he asks as I start the car. “Not far, I hope.”

A smirk lifts one corner of my lips. “It’s not.”

The car surges through the parking lot and I steer us in a wide curve, slowing as I reach the shadows of the empty far side of the lot. I park across three spaces beneath the reaching bows of tall, thick pines, the passenger side sheathed in darkness. I turn the vehicle off and slip out of the driver’s seat before Eli has even opened his door, pulling a small bottle from my purse as I stride around the front of the car.

“You can use cherry this time, Dr. Kaplan. Mixes well with the scent of chocolate, don’t you think?” I squeeze between Eli and the car, resting my hand on his chest with the lube in my grip. Radiant heat burns beneath his shirt, in his gaze as it scorches my skin. Desire simmers in my veins. The toy is still buzzing within me, but it’s not enough. What I need is him. “And I already know the drill,” I say as he pulls the bottle from my fingers, his eyes not leaving mine. “Tap three times if it gets too much. But it won’t.”

Eli’s expression is ravenous. Lethal, even. A look like one I’ve felt in my own eyes so many times before.

“Get on your knees, Ms. Brooks,” Eli says as he opens the rear passenger door for me. “Lift up that pretty dress and show me what’s mine.”

My heart hammers up my throat and in my ears as I climb just far enough onto the seat that Eli can stand at the open door and see me in the dim light. I pull my dress up at an agonizing pace, the hem grazing the backs of my thighs, Eli’s fingers trailing after it in a gentle caress, up, and up, slower, and slower, almost stopping where my legs flow into my glutes. And then slower still over the swell of my ass, unveiling my deep green thong, finally stopping once it reaches my waist.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Eli hisses as his hands trail over my ass cheeks, his fingertips as soft as a whisper on my skin. One of his palms slides up my back to push my chest down toward the seat, and then he firms his grip at my hips and lifts them higher. His hands mold around my ass and pull my cheeks apart. “Bria…you are soaking wet.”

Eli hooks a finger through the ribbon of fabric and pulls it to the side, cursing again as he takes in my hidden toys. The vibrator, still buzzing in my channel. The black silicone anal plug with its jeweled handle. There’s a moment of stillness and then the vibration is turned to its full strength. I hear the cap of the bottle open as he tugs my thong down my legs and I bite back a shudder of anticipation.

“Do you remember what I told you in my office?” he asks as his fingers fold around the edge of the plug and he starts to pull. I don’t answer except to nod. Of course I remember, I think as the plug slips free. A breath later and I feel the head of his lubed cock rub against my ass, heating my exposed skin. “I told you that you would take my cock here. And I always keep my promises, Ms. Brooks.”

Eli circles and teases, presses and withdraws, all the while caressing my skin, the backs of my thighs, the swell of my ass. The toy in my pussy radiates pleasure through my core, and yet it’s not enough. But the anticipation is fuel on the fire that surges through my veins.

“Deep breath in, Bria,” Eli says, his voice thin with the strain of holding back. I feel him poised at my entrance, waiting as I inhale. “Now let it out, nice and slow.”

The air passes from my lungs through my pursed lips as Eli presses against my rim, not letting up or pulling back this time, pushing with steady pressure until he slips past the resistance. I cry out with pleasure that’s spiced with a hint of pain.

Eli stays still for a long moment, letting my body acclimate to his girth. “That’s it, baby. Good girl. Just relax. You take my cock so well, don’t you.”

I don’t answer. I’m too focused on the pleasure, the fullness. The toy’s vibration curls through my body in waves as Eli pushes further in, whispering curses and praise as he gradually fits his full length into my ass. When he’s lodged to the hilt, his hips resting against my ass cheeks, he waits, breathing hard.

“I want to take my time with you,” Eli says as he pulls back an inch and then pushes in, rolling his hips and groaning as the vibration shifts in my pussy. He pulls back again, a little farther this time, and then pushes in with a faster stroke. “I just don’t know if I can.”

“I don’t care about time, Dr. Kaplan. I want you to fuck me until you think I can’t take it, and when I do, I want you to fuck me harder still,” I toss over my shoulder. I meet his eyes in a fleeting glance with a wicked smile. The burning, ravenous look he returns fills me with need. I turn ahead once more, reaching down between my legs to grab the end of the toy and start working it within my tight channel, the fullness of Eli’s cock giving it a stronger burst of pleasure with every pass.

“You have bewitched me, Bria Brooks,” Eli hisses behind me as he builds a rhythm of deep and steady strokes. “For every fantasy you breathe to life, you make ten more to take its place.”

“Tell me what they are.” Eli doesn’t answer for a moment, but his thrusts grow stronger and his grip on my hips tightens, though I can feel the restraint in his motion. He’s holding back. “Tell me, Eli.”

Eli growls and thrusts with the full length of his cock, pulling back immediately to do it again. With every stroke he hits a little harder, lets go a little more. He finally picks up a punishing pace, thrusting until his balls slap my pussy in a metronomic cadence.

“I want to fuck you in a club,” he grits out. “Right there on a packed dance floor. I want to lift your dress and fit my cock in your ass and bite down on your neck until you scream my name, surrounded by sweat and music and the bodies of strangers. I want to take you in a church and lay you on the altar and hold your legs on my shoulders as I rail into you, then spray my cum all over your tits. I want to take you to the movies and sit in the back of the theatre so you can take my dick in your pretty mouth and swallow every last drop of my cum.”

Sweat coats my skin. Eli’s thrusts grow more desperate. My body shudders as the images of Eli’s fantasies slip through my mind. My free hand scrabbles to find purchase on the leather seat as I call out his name. And then I come apart in a burst of stars, my nerves shredding down to the last atom as I cry out. The torrent of pleasure sucks me into a dimension where I can’t think or feel anything other than my bursting heart and the release that grips me and tears me apart. Eli thickens and spills into me, my name ringing through the air like bells. Bria… Bria… Bria…

Eli braces on the frame of the open door and we both go still as we try to recover in the boneless, breathless aftermath. It’s a long, silent moment. There’s only my heartbeat. The sound of cars in the distance. The quiet of deepening night. The soft buzz of the toy gripped in my hand.

Eli pulls away and I stay as I am, bare ass in the air and the toy still humming until he turns it off. He goes to the front seat to rummage in the center console and returns with soft, dry cloths to wipe us both clean. I take one from him and do the same for the toys as he completes his careful, almost sacred ritual of reverential strokes across my skin. Eli asks me to stand when he’s done as much as he can in this position, and places a gentle kiss on my hip as though the beast within him is satisfied, its thirst sated for a while.

But that is a lie. It’s one he tells himself. That the beast can be caged behind bone. The truth is, he is mine as much as I am his. And his beast now answers to me.

I back off the seat. I stand and turn to face him in the darkness. He moves to finish cleaning me now that gravity will pull our arousal down my legs, but I rip the cloth from his hand and toss it behind me onto the back seat of the car.

“So where are we going first?” I ask as I lift the hem of my dress so he can watch me insert the vibrator back into my pussy. I take the anal plug next, and turn to bend over so he can watch my slow and teasing little show. I know how much he loved a similar view in his office. He took his time. So I take mine, sliding the pointed silicone tip through the cum gathered at the entrance. I push it in, gently, carefully, oh so slowly, until it’s lodged to the jeweled handle. Then I slide my thong back into place and straighten, letting my dress drift down as I face Eli once more. “I suggest we find a club.”

Eli stands motionless in stunned silence, a dark hunger rising to the surface in his eyes. “Who are you?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet, Dr. Kaplan? You may think you have a demon in you…” I say as I step toward him. I place my hands on his chest and rise up on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “But I’m the devil he worships in the night.”Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

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