Billionaire’s Baby Mama

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

* Next Day *

” Morning Marvy ” I felt a light tap against my skin and then those words followed.

” Morning? ” I said as I opened my eyes lightly and met with an already dressed Amy and I jumped off the bed immediately.

That seemed to suprise her a bit as she flinched lightly.

” Oh my! What time is it? ” I asked hurriedly, ignoring the fact that she seemed startled.

” 7am ” She said and I stopped abruptly and then turned to her.

” 7am? ” I asked to be sure I had heard the right thing and she nodded.

” Oh God ” I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

” So why are you all dressed? ” I asked, looking all over her body.

” I’m having a class by 7:30″ She said and I raised a brow.

” Isn’t today the first day of resumption? There are 7:30 am classes for freshers? ” I asked unbelievably and she nodded with a light chuckle.

” I guess ”

” Well, my first class is at 9am, what course is yours? ”

” Biochemistry ” She replied and I nodded after muttering an *oh*

” Mine is business administration ” I replied and get eyes widened.

” Really? Anita too ” She said and my little smile faded but I had to pretend I was suprised, tho I am.

” Really? ” I asked and she nodded.

” That’s nice then, I guess. It would have been more nicer if she liked me ” I said with a fake little smile.

Amy chuckled and then hit my arm lightly. ” She does like you, she’s only always uptight but I know by the time you two start attending classes together, you two are going to get along well ” She said and I nodded.

” You should get to class ” I reminded and she nodded.

” Yeah, bye ” She said and then rushed out and I chuckled silently.

I glanced over at Anita’s side of the bed and she was up, she had a book before her and seemed to be studying.

Oh great, it’s only our first day and she knows what to read already, how many days have they been here already? She seems like a nerd tho.

I turned away from her and brought out my phone from my pants pocket. I dialed mom’s number. I slept really late last night as I spent the night on a call with my baby.

” Morning ” I heard her sleepy voice.

” You just waking up? ” I asked tho I knew she was just waking up, with the way she sounded.

” Yeah, you made us sleep late last night ” She replied and I chuckled lightly.

” I’m sorry mom. What about Lia? She still sleeping? ” I asked.

” Yeah, I would have to wake her up soon anyways. She has to go to school ” Mom said and I nodded.

” Alright then, I have to prepare for a class soon too, so bye mom ” I said and waited for her to acknowledge my bye before I hanged up.

I inserted my phone into my pants and walked into the bathroom to have my bath, after grabbing a towel.

* 8:30 am *

It was 8:30am as already indicated and I was on my way to class with Anita tho we haven’t said a word to each other since we started this journey, I meant walk.

We are having economics class right now and it’s not that far from our hostel but I don’t know the class and I preferred to let Anita take me instead of replying on the map.

” We are here ” She said and then walked in at once and I did the same.

Anita walked over to a seat and I did the same, I sat beside her and she looked at me with a raised brow.

” You’re going to keep following me everywhere? ”

” Well yeah, I know nowhere here ” I said with a nervous laugh and then looked away from her.

I turned to look at the students and almost everyone seemed to be on their own, except some people who seemed to be getting along already.

Well, we are all freshers here, I shouldn’t feel “not among” except for the fact that I’m older than probably 90% of them all.

I indicated “90%” cause not everyone of them might be 18 or 19, we probably might see someone older than I am, I guess.

Not like I had thought but it happened anyways, the lecturer walked in.

” Wow, that was quick ” Anita said beside me and I nodded. ” Yeah, he seems like an early teacher ” I said and she chuckled.

Wait, we just had a conversation. That was quicker than I had thought.


We had two consecutive classes after the economics class and trust me, I didn’t sign up for this.

I mean, it’s just our first day. They doing us bad really.

” I’m so fvcking tired ” Anita mumbled beside me as the “Financial Management” lecturer walked out and I nodded in support.

” Yeah, me too. We should go get something at the cafeteria ” I said and she nodded. With that, we both walked out of the class.

” Hey ” We were met with Amy as we got to the entrance of the class. ” Hey, you were waiting for us? ” Anita asked like she was suprised and I was too.

” Yeah, I got here some seconds ago actually, I was about coming in. I just finished a class ” She said tiredly.

” You hungry too? ” I asked and she nodded with a tired yawn.

” Yeah I am.. ”

” Hey! ” A cheerful voice sounded behind us and we ( Anita and I ) turned and we were met with this girl, not by “girl” I meant a little girl, just a teen like them, probably 18 or 19.

I’m 21, I’m not a teen anymore and moreover, I have a kid, yeah, I’mma keep reminding y’all, haha.

” Hi Amy ” She greeted Amy first and Amy smiled at her.

” Hi ” She greeted us.

” Guys, this is Alina, we are in the same class ” Amy introduced and we said “hi” to her.

” We should go eat now ” I said and we nodded.

With that, we made our way to the cafeteria.

* At The Cafeteria *

We were all seated around a table in the cafeteria. I ordered spaghetti Bolognese, I didn’t order this so as to feel among since this is London, I did cause I actually do love that meal.

Amy ordered fish and chips, while Anita and Alina ordered same thing, Bangers and Mash.

Yeah, I’m the only foreigner in the squad, the three of them are from here.

” Hi White ” I suddenly heard Alina squeal and I raised my head to see exactly whom I thought it was.

” Hey baby girl ” He pecked her lips and she blushed lightly.

” Hi ” He greeted us with a light while.

” Hi ” Amy and Anita chorused but I didn’t say anything as I only looked on at him, I wasn’t expecting to run into him just like this.

He finally noticed me when his gaze landed on me and I saw his brows twitch slightly.

” Hey.. Marvy? ” He said and I nodded with a little smile.

” Hi White ” I greeted and he smiled lightly.

” Hey White, Tyler’s waiting ” A boy said behind him and with that, they all walked away not after he winked at Alina.

” Wow, you know White? ” Amy asked like she was suprised.

” Yeah, they seem like a couple ” Anita cut in and Alina chuckled.

” No we’re not, he’s my big brother ” She said and I almost choked on my food and they turned to me while Amy offered me a bottle of water since she was right next to me.

” Thanks ” I muttered as I gulped it down.

” He’s your brother and you blushed when he pecked your lips? ” I asked unbelievably and she chuckled.

” Yeah, sometimes my brother’s hotness affect me ” She said and I chuckle.

” Yeah I can relate, my cousin’s hotness affect me too. You guys wanna meet him? ” Anita asked and I raised my brows.

” He’s here? ”

” Yeah, he’s in his third year tho, he’s two years older than me. I’m nineteen ” She said and then stood up at once.

” Where are you going? ” Amy asked.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

” I want you guys to meet him ” She said and then draged Alina who was beside her and then me, then Amy up and she began walking us to a table.

She took us to a table which happened to be the same table where White was and the other guy who called him earlier.

” Hi ” Anita greeted them and then she turned her head to this particular dude who had his head lowered as he stabbed how s food, alright he should stop that! That’s an innocent food!

” Hey Cousin ” She said and the guy groaned without looking up.

” Leave already Anita ” He said, still stabbing his meal.

” I want you to meet my friends ” She insisted and he sighed and then dropped the fork. Great, he should pardon that innocent thing.

He looked up to us at once and my eyes widened when his eyes met with mine.

Tyler? Oh my Goodness! It’s really him!

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