Billionaire Assassin

Chapter 6


Demon noticed the other one who blocked his sword was a lady also.

Two Ninjas Ladies, King Eramus really planned it. A genius King.

The one who he saw on the bed snorted loudly at his question. “She is far away somewhere in Paris where you will never find her.” She replied to his question.

Demon smiled behind his mask. At least he got to know where Elena will be.

“L (a name which she was called once they are in operation) you weren’t supposed to tell him know the whereabouts of the Princess.” The other lady hissed the words to her comrade angrily. “Don’t you know how to shut your mouth up when it’s needed.” She added watching the assassin every movement.

“Oh sis, don’t worry about it, you worry over nothing. He won’t be able to live and trace the Princess even if he wants too. He dies today, tonight.” The other lady who pretended as the Princess said in so much confidence.

Their eyesight was good as the three of them could clearly see in the dark.

“I do not come for any one of you so if you truly want to live, leave here while you can.” Demon warned dangerously.

“We are not easily scared off, assassins. We were highly trained by professionals and running isn’t in our genes. We fight till the last drop of blood.” The lady who pretended as the Princess said and dash forward moving fast raising her sword up in the process bringing it down to strike him.

One thing about ninjas is that they have been trained to move quickly.

Demon changed into his shadows and entered the dark wall. The girl may be fast but to him, in his eyes, she was slow.

Her sword met the air. She quickly turned around looking around the room.

Where did the assassin go?

She thought as her sister backed her up, each turning to face the other each side of the room carefully.

“We are all trained Ninjas but unlike you I am a bit different.” Demon voice was heard but he wasn’t seen.

“Come out wherever you are and face us like a true Ninja would.” One of the ladies shouted. “Unless you are afraid of getting beaten by ladies.” She added being alert of her surroundings.

Demon chuckled darkly.

“Seriously I would have cut you two into pieces but I am still giving you a chance to run away.” He said after a while.

Both ladies spit to the ground at the same time as if they have communicated through their minds. “We told you we don’t run away from the face of a fight. Don’t be so sure of yourself assassin.” The one pretending to be the Princess said.

“Okay then, I tried warning you both but like always, Ninjas doesn’t listen to the voice of wisdom.” Demon said and came out of the shadows.

Seeing the assassin they dash forward together this time around.

Demon didn’t disappear like he did the first time, he moved passed the ladies middle and stopped, his back facing their backs. His moves were so fast that the ladies didn’t know when he passed them to the other side of the room.

Halting almost together, they realised to their utmost horror that their hands holding their swords respectively have been cut off. Both of their hands were cut.

The one on a Ninja clothes saw blood coming out from the other one head, who pretended to be the Princess, and before she could point out her attention to it. Her head opened into two followed by her body which was cut into pieces.

The one who pretended to be the Princess fell down with a heavy thud, stone dead, cut into many pieces.

How did he manage to do that?

The remaining lady ninja thought as she turned around to look at the assassin who turned to look at her at the same moment.

Dark Shadows started coming out from every corner of the dark room as they surrounded Demon.

“I am not just a Ninja, I am a Shadow Samurai.” Demon said as some shadows went to his hand forming a ball and he raised his hand up, ready to throw the dark shadow ball at her. “All these wouldn’t have happened if you and your sister had just listened and run like I told you to. Too late for that now Ninja.” He added his silver eyes shiny.

The ninja was losing blood and she wondered why the King and the guards hadn’t showed up yet.

She closed her eyes and welcomed her death but the sudden laughter from Demon prompted her to open her eyes.

“I won’t kill you, just let the King know that I am not dead like he planned.” Demon said as the dark shadow ball in his hand dispersed quickly. “And thanks to your sister for giving me the information about the whereabouts of the Princess.” He added gesturing with his head to the pieces of the dead ninja.

The Ninja lady breathed the breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Is that all you want? To tell King Eramus that his plan to kill you failed woefully?” She asked.

“Yeah but not only that. Where exactly is the Princess?” Demon demanded and when he saw no answer was forthcoming he chuckled. “You’d better answer my question or you will join your sister, your death will be more painful than her because I will dismember your whole body making sure you are still alive to go through such pains.” He added with seriousness.

“In Paris, she is somewhere in Paris and plans on going to school with her younger sister in her aunty house. That is all I know.” She scrambles out quickly.

“Good that you cooperated.” Demon said pleased with her answers. “Scream loudly in fear, Now!” He commanded.

The Ninja screamed out loudly in fear.

Demon disappeared in the shadows on the wall as the door to the room opened to reveal King Eramus and his plenty of guards entering the chambers.

King Eramus has to hold his vomit that was threatening to come out when he saw the mess in the room. He succeeded in controlling the urge to vomit and face the only surviving Ninja who some of his men are trying to stop the blood from rushing out from what is left of her arms.

“What happened, how did this happen?” King Eremus asked.

“He was fast my King, super fast we couldn’t defeat him.” She replied weakly.

“Did you manage to see his face? Or perhaps know his name?” He asked.

“We couldn’t see his face, my King.” She managed to say. “But he called himself a Shadow Samurai, he moves in the shadows.” She added then her eyes widened as realisation came to her. “On the light right now.”

Before she could even finish her statement, her head was cut off from her body making blood to slash on the King and those around her.

“On the lights NOW!” King Eramus ordered and one of the guards quickly put on the lights in the Princess room.

Looking around them, the room seemed normal but what the Ninja had said was stuck to his heart.

A shadow Samurai? And this shadow Samurai moves in the shadows. No wonder he couldn’t be caught.

King Eremus thought. “Clean up this mess and the room. I have to inform their master of their failed mission and death.” He ordered and walked out of the room to make the call, the first thing he would do once it’s morning is to put a call across his daughters. He was right when he said the assassin will come.

His palace was the next target but luckily for him, he had moved his daughters to a safe place.


The Hotel Room:

Coming out from the shadows from his booked room, Demon sat down on his bed and felt really bad for killing those two Ninjas. If he hadn’t killed the last Ninja she would have spilled the beans to the King.

His Shadows disperse whenever they connect with lights that is why he always makes sure his victim’s rooms lights were off.

Gathering his Shadows which formed as a portal. Hades face was seen.

“Well Demon I never expected it to be this fast and easy. Did you collect her soul?” Hades asked.

“Not yet Hades, I failed tonight. The King played a fast on me. He sent his daughters somewhere in Paris to hide and use some Ninjas to trick me.” Demon responded. “Though the Ninjas are dead.” He added.

“This is the first time to hear you admit your failure Demon. What else did they tell you?” Hades asked. “Did they mention where she might be in Paris?” He added.

“No she did not. That is what I am going to find out myself and she plans on going to school with her younger sister in Paris.” Demon replied.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Hades thought for some minutes before coming to a conclusion.

“As it has come to this Demon, there is a change of plan.”

“Change of plan? What change of plan?” Demon demanded.

“You will have to go to Paris and register yourself in any of the schools around there. Once in the school, look for Elena’s younger sister, with her you can get to Elena quickly since no one knows her face or how she looks.” Hades said out his new plan like it was a normal thing to do.

“I am too old to be among children Hades. Why can’t I just monitor the whole school in Paris in that way I can fetch out Elena’s younger sister.” Demon said, suggesting his own part.

“King Eremus is a wise Demon, he will tell his daughter to disguise themselves unless you don’t want to see your beautiful wife alive.”

Demon gave it a brief thought.

His wife was important to him. She has been there for him when he was nothing. Going to the human school won’t kill him. He made up his mind, for his wife he would do anything.

“Fine Hades, I will look for a nice school around Paris to register.” Demon said finally.

“Good Demon, this just shows you truly love your wife.” Hades said with a mischievous smile.

If only Demon knows.

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