Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

96: Luna Elara

Hayley’s POV

Aiden and I were tearing at the wind on our way to Moonlight Howl Pack territory.

And so I could still see in my head the ghost of an attack that was about to befall us.

As the sun started to rise and spread a golden but airy morning light in the vicinity, there was no time or energy for idle romanticism about dawn.

We needed to alert the pack and brace ourselves for what was coming.

I recognized the faces of some pack members going about their usual morning business as we neared where they had made a little enclave.

Ordinarily, this would be a common sight, but I knew that was about to change.

Aiden and I shared a wary look, feeling the weight of what fell to us.

We sprinted to the main building, where, of course, the helm and brave lord leads would all be.

Aiden gave me a reassuring squeeze as we walked back in, and I took another deep breath to prepare for what happened next.

The leadership of the pack was already inside, their faces growing somber when they saw us. A tall and bulky man with sharp eyes and a commanding attitude called forward the power holder you could see in his gait, Alpha Lucas.

Luna Elara, the quiet girl, was sitting beside him in a level-headed and tranquil presence that made Shib not feel like he might throw up at any second. Beta Caleb and Gamma Liana completed the circle, mirroring their concern in their expressions.

Hayley, Aiden. Damn Why are you two here so soon? Alpha Lucas inquired with a steady but heavily curious voice.

I paused, the heaviness of their eyes bearing down on me. “Listen, I had this vision.” My voice trembled but held.

Moonlight Howl Pack is in dire straits. An attack is coming to us, and we need to make sure that we are ready.

There was a low murmur of disquiet that ran through the room. Luna Elara took a step forward, her eyes soft yet somber. “Tell us everything, Hayley.”

I told him about the vision and described all of the chaos I had witnessed. I could see the weight of what I was saying settling in with those that represented my pack. Aiden was always there with me by my side.

Alpha Lucas nodded his head stiffly when I was done. “We need to act quickly. We will strengthen our defenses and prepare for the worst.

It was Beta Caleb who walked up, struggling to find the right words. Then we will have to warn the sentries and double patrol now. We ought to evacuate these individuals as well, albeit fewer in number than the main group.

Gamma Liana bobbed her head. If everyone is safe, then I will prepare for all of us to get off the island.

Leaders throughout the room began to attack their businesses with fervor. Aiden and I kind of take a step back as the pack rallies. It was a little balm for my wounds to watch them rally together so quickly-one more example of the constancy and ferocity with which they united Moonlight Howl.

His eyes were steely-determined when he turned to me. We better go help with the preparations. The more, the merrier.

I agreed with a sense of vigor. – “Let’s do it.”

For hours, we worked with the pack members on building up defenses and awaiting what would come next. A tough slog mind, hard graft, but with a great sense of team spirit. The members of the pack were clear and determined, having not lost their focus on what may come.

Aiden and I chatted with some of the pack members as we worked, adding kind words here or there to encourage them. Their loyalty to the pack and belief in their leaders kept them strong, though; it was evident that they had all just been rattled by the vision we were about to relate.

Middays, the setup was in full swing. Sentries were at the highest levels of vigilance, patrols had been doubled, and all except those who could not move quickly-oldsters and children-were being moved to safety. It was a beehive of activity in the pack territory, everyone looking after each other’s backs.

Aiden and I rested on a fallen beam at the clearing’s edge. Now the sun was hidden high, with long shadows streaking across the ground. The fatigue of the work that morning was spreading through my muscles, but I had no time to sleep.

“Trust me, Aiden told him in a voice dead set with determination. When they come, we’ll be ready to go.

I nodded, torn between fatigue and determination. “I know. Still, I feel like we could be doing more.

Aiden’s gaze softened, and he reached for my hand. We’re a small crew, but we are working as hard as we can, Hayley. And when it does, we will confront anything that comes our way.

It was so nice to hear him say that; it made me feel like I wasn’t the only one in this. I held onto his hand and pulled energy from his unfailing devotion. “Thank you, Aiden. I would be lost without you.

He grinned, and warmth filled his eyes. “Good thing you never will.

We both were silent; the weight of what was happening filled up our silence. All this, of course-tthere was also a feeling that we could win literally anything and overcome everything.

As we were getting our act together to get back on duty, someone was coming towards us. Marcus stood there, his face studied and positive. ‘You’re doing okay,’ he said, in a voice as refulgent. “The pack is in good hands.”

This statement made me burst with pride. “Thank you, Marcus. We’re trying so hard.

He chewed on that for a moment, staring off into the distance. So, there’s one more thing we need to talk about… Your powers, Hayley. It may be a key part of the fight to come.

My heart missed a beat upon hearing his words. “What do you mean?”

Marcus let out a large breath, and his gaze pierced into mine. We would benefit from your connection with the elements. I thought if only you were more agreeable, we might actually have a chance.

I was excited but nervous. I was both excited and terrified at the prospect of bringing my powers to bear in a live-action fight. I’ll gladly give up everything to defend the pack.

Aiden squeezed my hand. We’re here for you at every stage.

Marcus subconsciously nodded with an apparently stoic expression. But we will need to keep training you in between getting everything ready. Every moment counts.”

We stood to return to the training area, and once again, I was infused with a sense of purpose. The path I foresaw was obscure and the attack ominous, but we were prepared to confront it. I was filled with hope for the first time in weeks-a fierce, powerful sense of determination-while Aiden and Marcus marched them.

It was a tense and exciting few moments while the pack waited. All of their members were extremely sharp, and without being told, they all stared at the spectacle before them so resolutely. It could breathe; it was the Moonlight Howl Pack banding together, a fearless reminder that we are not alone in this fight.

Aiden looked at me with a new edge of fierceness in his eyes. We should pitch in with making lunches. The more people on deck, the merrier.

I gave a wry nod, fresh satisfaction coursing through me. “Let’s do it.”

Instead, we spent the hours thereafter lending a helping hand, shoring up defenses, and bracing ourselves for what was coming. It was very hard physical work, and some felt it was nearly unbearable to live this way in the absence of a single word or exchange beyond choice. Others were sustained by the camaraderie. The pack members had a single mind, aware of the danger, ready for what they saw coming.

Aiden and I stopped to speak with a few of our pack members. Words of encouragement and reassurance were delivered from both human bodies nearly identically in the dark of night. The vision had clearly rattled them, but their loyalty to the pack and belief in their leaders held strong.

Around noon, they got things started. The sentries were doubled, the patrols were on high alert, and Dixie was somewhere safe, happy to watch it all from a detached distance. The pack’s territory was alive, with all hands on deck to keep each other safe.

Aiden and I sat on a fallen log at the edge of the clearing while we took a short break. The sun was in the sky, high enough to cast a long shadow. My muscles began to stiffen with work in the morning, but there was no time for that.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Aiden had determination in his voice. “We’re doing all we can.” By the time they get here, we’ll be set.

I nodded, fading with a blend of exhaustion and determination. “I know. I just have this lingering feeling that there has to be more we should do.

Aiden’s eyes softened, and he then reached over to hold my hand. Hayley, we are trying our best. And when that time comes, we can handle anything together.

His words were a reassurance, which I had also been through. My grip on his hand tightened, knowing somewhere he knew this and would keep holding my hand. “Thank you, Aiden. I should have brought you handcuffs or a tranquilizer gun instead of duct tape and twain; how would I live without them?

His eyes sparkled with a touch of warmth in them as he smiled. You will never find out.

There was a moment of silence, the weight of whatever this truly meant settling on my shoulders. There was a bone-deep weariness, but there was also hope that had me thinking we could do this.

As we were getting ready to circle back into actuators’ ville, a figure came towards us. It was Marcus, looking grave but encouraging. His voice was unwavering: “You’re doing great.” “The pack is in good hands.”

His words filled me with pride. “Thank you, Marcus. We are doing our best.

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