Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

83: Unseen Shadows

Hayley’s POV

“I don’t know from whom, but it was an Alpha.” He frowned. “Someone very strong.” And I think that it is dangerous. “We have to be ready.”

I knew what he meant. “We shall find out who that person is and face them together.”

Aiden let out a sigh of relief. “I know it’s true.” But he had no other option than to heal for now.

“Of course you will.” I said this firmly, intending not to leave his side.

At this point, Ryan walked in with some food on a tray and drinks as well. “I thought you might be hungry,” he said, grinning.

Aiden chuckled softly. “You know me too well.”

He put down the tray and sat on one of the chairs around the patient. “Indeed, we’ve gone through so much, yet we still stand together as one. This is what matters most.”

The next few hours were spent talking about old times’ joys and sorrows, accompanied by laughter over cups of tea or coffee. The same thing happened when Aiden was able to smile again, and colour returned to his cheeks.

Then, at last, the healer came back, smiling happily. “He’s recovering very well. Soon, he will walk again, provided he has enough rest along with proper care.”

My heart felt lightened with joy after hearing her words, while my throat was choked. “Thank you,” I said, my voice trembling with emotion.

Her face lit up with a kind smile. “It’s really nothing.” She added, turning back towards Aiden before continuing, “You’re lucky; indeed, your family is ever so supportive.

Once the healer left, Aiden turned serious at me with his eyes. “We must get back to the Moonlight Moon pack immediately. We have a lot of figuring out to do.”

I nodded. “We will. But for now, rest and recover.”

Ryan agreed. “We are behind you, Aiden; just focus on getting well.”

Aiden sighed, leaning back on the pillows. “I will. But if anything happens, promise me you will look after each other at all costs.”

“We promise,” I replied authoritatively, looking at Ryan for confirmation.

Ryan nodded. “Always.”

Care and recovery were all that happened in the following few days. With each day that passed, Aiden became stronger; his wounds healed faster than expected. It amazed the healers, who argued it was due to his Alpha resilience and determination.

Finally, the day arrived when Aiden could travel. We loaded our bags, ready to leave the airport towards our pack’s land.

While preparing to leave, Aiden turned towards me and Ryan and said, “Thank you both of you because I wouldn’t have made it without your support.”.

“We’re family,” I said, hugging him tightly. “We stick together.”

Ryan slapped Aiden on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go back home to decide the next move.”

Aiden has a determined look in his eyes as he nods. “There’s much to do. It would be fine. We can do it if we cling together.”

So we left the airport to take on whatever challenges lay ahead of us. We had one another, and that was sufficient. The journey could be arduous, but we are ready for it. Together, there was no way to stop us. Leaving the airport, it was a relief to step out into the cool evening after the oppressive heat inside. Aiden looked more robust by the minute, and I had renewed hope. Ryan had made arrangements for a car to take us back home.

“Let’s get you home, Aiden,” I said, helping him into the car.

“Great idea,” Aiden replied, grimacing slightly as he slid into place. “I am set on returning where I know my ways.”.

Ryan got into the front seat; his eyes scanned their surroundings. He was always alert, but there was something in his stance that made me feel uneasy.

It appeared to me that Ryan was checking the rearview mirror more often than usual while driving through town. “What’s happening with you?” I asked him, dropping my voice down to a whisper filled with worry.

He turned his face towards me and said, “I suspect someone is tailing us” in an earnest tone of voice.

Then Aiden opened wide eyes, surprised at this revelation, before turning back to see what was happening outside their rear window. “Who would want to trail us?”

Ryan gripped the steering wheel tightly. “I do not know. However, I saw a few men back at the airport. They seemed out of place, and I spotted them again as soon as we got off the plane.”

My spine shivered. “Do you think they are in any way related to the Alpha that attacked Aiden?”

“It’s possible,” responded Ryan grimly. “We must be ready for anything.”

The automobile arrived at a small, remote house, which served as our safe house. We assisted Aiden in, and he immediately took a seat, his face pale but decisive.

“Aiden said, despite his injuries, ‘we need to find out who these men are and what they want’,” indicating the strength he was able to summon even amid such serious wounds.

“I am going with you,” I declared while standing up, thus having committed myself more.

“Stay here with Aiden instead,” insisted Ryan adamantly. “That is where he requires you most. I’ll soon be back.”

He slipped out the door, disappearing into darkness before vanishing amid it all together. Meanwhile, I turned back to Maiden, who was staring with worry across at me.

“Hayley, be careful,” he said softly. “We don’t yet know the situation.”

“I know,” I replied, sitting next to him. “But we will get through this together.”

The silence we perpetuated was nerve-racking, as though time itself stood still. In no time, Ryan was back, looking all grim and stuffy.

“They are here,” he said, shutting the door behind him. “I saw at least three of them. Though they are trying hard to hide themselves, they are not succeeding.”

“Why did they follow us from Australia?” Aiden asked, frowning. “What do they want?”

“I am not sure,” Ryan said with a hint of dismay in his voice. “But we must prepare ourselves for anything that may happen. If they decide to approach us, then we should know how best we can defend ourselves.”

I stood up, trembling all over my body like someone who was coming out of an adrenaline rush. “Let’s face them,” I suggested. “Let us ask them why they came here.”

Aiden nodded with determination etched on his face. “Agreed! Ryan, could you bring them here?”

Ryan took a moment before he could respond but eventually nodded his head affirmatively. “Yes, I can do that, but everyone should prepare themselves because their behaviour might be extreme.”

I saw Ryan go out again silently while my heart raced inside me with fear and anxiety mixed together. Aiden held my hand in solace mode.

“Hayley, don’t worry,” he said softly, touching my shoulders gently. “This is nothing compared to the worst things we have already gone through.”

I exhaled deeply, agreeing, “True, but it scares me when I do not know who or what my opponent is.”

Then, after 5 minutes or so, the door was opened by Ryan, and he stepped inside with three men behind him. The guys looked haggard, and their eyes were everywhere around the room, making them appear suspicious.

“Who are you?” Aiden asked righteously, though he was weakened, “Have you been following us?”

The one man stepped ahead with carefulness written all over his face. “I’m Jack. We followed you from Australia because we know who you are, Aiden.”

Aiden’s eyes shortened. “And who do you think I am?”

Then Jack hesitated before taking a deep breath. “We have always been aware that you are an Alpha. We have searched for you all this time.” Anger coursed through me, and I stepped forward. “Why? What do you want him for?”

A glance from Jack went to his partners before coming back at us again. “We are not here to harm you. We need assistance.”

Aiden frowned. “With what help?”

“There is alpha in Australia,” Jack explained. “He has been terrorising our pack, claiming our territory, and killing anyone who opposes him. Rumours about you reached us; they claimed that you possess strength. We thought perhaps you could help us.”

I glanced at Aiden, who was listening attentively. “Why didn’t you just approach us directly?”

“Why didn’t you just come to us? Aiden asked, continuing his suspicious tone. ” Jack sighed; frustration and desperation were palpable in his voice as it was enunciated in its entirety. “There was no way we could trust our best-case scenario. The only case where we would have to consider your identity was if these were rumours.”

Ryan, by the door, folded his arms. “And now? Are you sure?”

Jack nodded affirmatively. “Yes. We’ve observed enough things that classify you as the required Alpha.”

I noticed the fight within Aiden. He seemed like he wanted to do something, but the pains inside his body were still too much for him. So I said to him, “Aiden, you don’t have to decide now,” in a gentle tone. “We need some time.”

With Jack never taking his eyes off, Aiden nodded. “We will talk about it. But if you are not telling the truth or have any other intention, then it will be your downfall.”

In response, Jack raised both hands towards the fellows, trying hard not to show that anything was wrong with them. “We understand. We are in your hands.”

At that moment, my mother, Rachel, came through the door and stood beside me, gazing straight into my eyes before rushing forward and holding me tight in her grasp. “Hayley, thank goodness you’re safe,” she whispered frantically.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” I asked, slightly stepping back from her.

“I heard what happened to Aiden.” She glanced over at him while saying this. “I needed to come see if everything was okay with you.”

Aiden smiled feebly back at her. “Thank you, Rachel; good seeing you.”

There was a softness in Rachel’s stare before she regained herself again, and she turned towards me, clenching her fingers tighter around mine. “Hayley, we need to talk.”

A feeling of dread settled deep within my belly. “What is it, mom?”

Rachel gave Aiden a wary glance, then looked at the three men who had followed after us. “Not here, outside.”

I felt unsure and sought reassurance from Aiden with my eyes, who subtly nodded for me to go ahead. My mother opened the door, and I walked out with my heart in my mouth.

Once we were outside, Rachel’s demeanour changed.

“Hayley, you need to stay away from Aiden.”

“What?” I asked, taken aback. “Why?”

“He’s dangerous. His world is dangerous,” she said, her voice urgent. “You’ve already been through so much, and I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

“Mom, I can take care of myself,” I insisted. “And Aiden needs me. We’re in this together.”

Rachel shook her head. “You don’t understand. This isn’t just about you. It’s about our family. Our safety.”

I felt a surge of frustration. “Aiden is my family too. I love him.”

Rachel narrowed her eyes at me. “Love isn’t enough to keep you safe, Hayley. You have to think about your future.”

“My future is with Aiden,” I said firmly. “I’m not leaving him.”Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

Rachel’s face hardened. “Then you’re making a mistake. And you’ll regret it.”

Before that could be said, the door opened again, and Ryan stepped out with an expression of tension on his face. “There’s a problem.”

“What is it?” I asked, and my heart sank.

“The men who followed us-they weren’t alone,” Ryan said. “There are more of them, and they’re closing in.”

Rachel went pale instantly. “We need to get out of here.”

“Join us together, for he is already prepping.” Ryan remarked, his features grim. “But we have to be prepared for anything.”

I took a deep breath and glanced at my mother. “Mom, just leave. It isn’t your battle.”

Tears were filling Rachel’s eyes as she pleaded with me, “Hayley, please don’t do this.”

“It’s imperative that I do,” I said softly. “I cannot abandon Aiden.”

Rachel’s face became a mask of anguish when she took a step backward. “You are on your own then.”

My heart ached as I observed her walking away. However, I realised that I could not allow her fears to control my actions.

Turning back towards Ryan, I said, “Let’s do this.”.

The tension in the house was tangible when we went back inside together. Aiden looked at me; pain mixed with determination reflected from his eyes. “Are you prepared?”

Nodding my head gave me strength-always being strong enough was all there was, but now it seemed there wasn’t much chance for that anymore since it had been lost so long ago.

That might just be the answer. Silence spread across the room while we got ready for the clash; everyone was aware of the fact that whatever happened would mean everything changing forever.

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