Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

80: Against all odds

Hayley’s POV

“Aiden, no! Please, fight them off!” I shouted, my voice thick with panic, as I saw the rogues closing in on him. The airport lights flickered ominously in the distance, a cruel reminder of how close yet how far safety seemed.

“Hayley, run! Get to safety!” Aiden’s voice was strained and his muscles taut as he fought off the rogues that lunged at him from every direction. He was strong, an Alpha in every sense, but the sheer number of attackers was overwhelming.

“I can’t leave you! We fight together, remember?” I retorted, the thought of abandoning him unbearable. My heart pounded in my chest, not just from fear but from the undeniable bond we shared. He was my mate, my Alpha, and I couldn’t imagine a world without him.

“Damn it, Hayley, go! I can handle this!” Aiden’s voice was filled with frustration and desperation. He wanted to protect me, but he was also acutely aware of the odds stacked against him.

“No! I’m not leaving you here to die!” I shouted back, my voice breaking with emotion. The rogues were relentless, their eyes filled with malice as they circled us like vultures.

“Hayley, you need to get help! The pack-” Aiden started, but I cut him off.

“They’re too far! We need to fight our way out!” I insisted, my hands trembling but my resolve firm. I would rather die fighting beside him than live knowing I had abandoned him.

“Alright but stay close to me! Don’t let them separate us,” Aiden commanded, his eyes never leaving our attackers. His presence was both a comfort and a beacon of strength.

“I won’t. Aiden, behind you!” I warned, spotting a rogue lunging at him from the shadows. Aiden spun around, delivering a powerful blow that sent the rogue staggering back.

“Got it! Stay sharp, Hayley. They’re coming from all sides,” Aiden said, his voice steady despite the chaos around us. His confidence bolstered my own, and I prepared myself for the onslaught.

“How many are there? We’re so outnumbered!” I exclaimed, my eyes darting around as more rogues emerged from the darkness. It felt like a never-ending tide of enemies.

“Doesn’t matter. Focus on staying alive!” Aiden’s voice was a grim reminder of our reality. Survival is our only goal now.

“I’ll try to keep up. Just don’t get hurt, please!” I begged; my voice tinged with fear. The thought of losing him was too much to bear.

“I’ll be fine. Watch out, another one!” Aiden shouted, his eyes catching a rogue trying to flank me. I turned just in time, delivering a swift kick that knocked the rogue off balance.

“Take that, you bastard! Aiden, are you okay?” I asked, glancing at him. Despite the blood and sweat, Aiden looked as determined as ever.

“I’m fine. Just a scratch. Keep moving!” he replied, his voice a mixture of pain and resolve. He was pushing through for both of us.

“They’re relentless! We can’t hold them off forever!” I yelled, the reality of our situation dawning on me. We were in a fight for our lives, against seemingly insurmountable odds.

“We don’t need to. Just long enough to find an opening,” Aiden said, his eyes scanning our surroundings for any escape route. His mind was always working, always planning.

“Aiden, there’s too many of them! We’re getting surrounded!” I cried out, fear gripping my heart as the rogues closed in from all sides.

“Stay close! We can break through if we work together,” Aiden instructed, his voice unwavering. His faith in us gave me strength.

“Okay, I trust you. Let’s do this!” I responded, my voice filled with determination. If we were going to make it out, it would be together.

“On my signal, we push forward. Ready?” Aiden asked, his eyes locking on mine. In that moment, I felt our bond strengthen-an unspoken promise of unity.

“Ready!” I affirmed, my heart pounding in anticipation.

“Now! Go, Hayley, go!” Aiden shouted, and we surged forward together, fighting through the mass of rogues with everything we had.

“I’m right behind you! Keep going!” I urged, my adrenaline pumping as we fought our way towards the airport.

“Don’t stop! Just a little further!” Aiden’s voice was a lifeline, guiding me through the chaos.

“Aiden, they’re closing in again!” I warned, feeling the rogues pressing in on us once more.

“I see them. Hold on, we’ve got this!” He reassured me; his voice was a beacon of hope.

“Watch out! They’re coming from the left!” I shouted, spotting another wave of attackers.

“Aiden, you’re bleeding!” I exclaimed, panic rising in my chest as I saw the crimson staining his shirt.

“Don’t worry about me. Focus on getting out!” Aiden growled, his voice filled with determination even as he fought off another rogue.

“No, I’m not leaving you behind!” I insisted, my voice breaking. The thought of abandoning him was unimaginable.

“Hayley, just listen to me for once!” Aiden’s voice was desperate, but I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

“I can’t! You’re my mate, my Alpha. I won’t abandon you!” I shouted back, my heart aching with the intensity of our bond.

“Then fight with everything you’ve got! We will finish this together!” Aiden roared, his strength seeming to double as he fended off another attacker.

“Always, Aiden. Always!” I echoed, my resolve solidifying.

“Hayley, behind you!” Aiden’s warning came just in time as I turned to see a rogue lunging at me. I dove and delivered a swift punch to his gut, sending him sprawling.

“Got it! Take that, you rogue scum!” I yelled, feeling a surge of adrenaline as I saw the rogue fall.

“Good job! Just a few more to go!” Aiden was encouraged, his eyes blazing with determination.

“We can do this, Aiden! We can make it!” I shouted, feeling a spark of hope igniting within me.

“Push forward! Don’t stop now!” Aiden’s voice was like a battle cry, urging me to keep moving.

“Almost there! Just a little bit more!” I panted, my body screaming in protest, but my mind focused on our goal.

“Aiden, they’re retreating!” I noticed hope blooming as the rogues began to back away.

“Don’t let your guard down. It could be a trick.” Aiden cautioned, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of deceit.

“I know. But we’re so close to the airport!” I said, my voice filled with a mixture of relief and caution.

“Keep moving. We’ll regroup inside.” Aiden instructed, his voice steady despite the chaos.

“Aiden, look out!” I screamed as another rogue lunged at him from the side.

“Damn it! Hayley, get inside! Now!” Aiden shouted, fighting off the attacker with a fierce growl.

“No! I’m not leaving you!” I yelled back, refusing to abandon him.

“Hayley, please! For me!” Aiden’s voice broke-a plea that tore at my heart.

“I can’t! I won’t!” I shouted, my voice filled with determination.

“Then stay close. We fight together.” Aiden said, his voice a mix of resignation and resolve.

“Always, Aiden. Always.” I whispered, feeling our bond strengthen even in the face of danger.

“We’re almost there. Just a few more steps.” Aiden encouraged his voice as a lifeline.

“I see the entrance! We’re going to make it!” I cried, hope surging, as the airport doors came into view.

“Stay with me, Hayley. Don’t let go.” Aiden instructed, his grip on my hand tightening.

“I won’t. I promise.” I assured him, my heart beating wildly as we neared the doors.

“We’re in! Lock the doors behind us!” Aiden shouted as we burst through the entrance, slamming the doors shut behind us.

“Got it! Aiden, are you okay?” I asked, my voice trembling with concern as I looked at his blood-stained shirt.

“I’ll be fine. I just need to catch my breath.” Aiden painted, leaning against the wall for support.

“We did it. We made it.” I said, relief washing over me as I realised we were safe, if only for the moment.

“Yeah, we did. Together.” Aiden agreed, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of relief and determination.

“Always together.” I echoed, feeling a surge of love and resolve.

“Let’s find somewhere to rest. We need to regroup.” Aiden suggested that his voice be steady despite the exhaustion.

“And then?” I asked, my heart pounding with anticipation.

“And then we get back to the pack. We figured this out.” Aiden replied, his voice filled with determination.

“Together?” I asked, needing to hear the reassurance.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Together, Hayley. Always.” Aiden promised, his eyes filled with resolve.

Just as we started to move, a loud crash echoed through the hallway. My heart sank as I realised the rogues had broken through the doors.

“Damn it! They’re inside!” Aiden growled, his body tensing as he prepared for another battle.

Before we could react, a familiar voice called out, “Aiden! Hayley!”

“Ryan?” I gasped, turning to see our Beta rushing towards us, flanked by some unknown guys. Relief flooded through me at the sight of reinforcements.

“Thank the Moon Goddess! We need to get Aiden to safety!” Ryan shouted, his eyes widening as he took in Aiden’s blood-soaked shirt.

“We’re almost at the airport hospital. Just a few more steps!” I urged, supporting Aiden as best as I could.

“Aiden, can you walk?” Ryan asked, his voice tight with concern.

“I can manage,” Aiden grunted, though his legs were trembling. His face was pale, and I could see the pain etched into his features.

“We’ll help you,” Ryan said, moving to Aiden’s other side. Together, we half-dragged and half-carried him down the hallway, the sound of rogues pounding on the doors behind us driving us forward.

“Hayley, we need to move faster,” Aiden murmured, his voice weak but insistent.

“We’re almost there,” I repeated, willing it to be true. “Just hold on a little longer.”

As we rounded a corner, the hospital doors came into view, and I felt a surge of hope. “There! We’re here!”

Ryan and I pushed through the doors, and the sterile smell of the hospital hit us. “Help! We need a doctor now!” I screamed, my voice echoing through the empty corridor.

A nurse rushed out, her eyes widening at the sight of Aiden. “Get him on the gurney!” she ordered, and we carefully lowered him onto the stretcher she pushed towards us.

“Aiden, stay with me,” I whispered, gripping his hand tightly as they wheeled him away. “Don’t you dare leave me.”

“I won’t,” he promised, his voice barely a whisper. “Always together, remember?”

“Always,” I echoed, my heart breaking at the sight of him so weak.

Ryan placed a hand on my shoulder. “He’s strong, Hayley. He’ll pull through.”

“He has to,” I said fiercely, watching as the medical team worked to stabilise him. “We need him.”

“We do,” Ryan agreed, his expression grim. “But right now, we need to make sure the rogues don’t breach this area.”

“You’re right,” I said, forcing myself to focus. “Let’s secure the hospital.”

Together, we moved to barricade the doors, using whatever we could find to reinforce them. The sound of the rogues battering against the entrance was growing louder and more desperate.

“How long do you think we have?” I asked, my voice trembling despite my efforts to stay strong.

“Not long,” Ryan admitted. “But we have to hold them off until Aiden is stable.”

Just then, a loud crash echoed through the hallway, and my heart sank. “They’re coming through!”

“Get ready,” Ryan said, his eyes hardening with resolve. “We fight until we can’t anymore.”

As the doors burst open, the first wave of rogues poured in, their eyes wild with bloodlust. Ryan and I stood our ground, fighting with every ounce of strength we had left.

“Hayley, behind you!” Ryan shouted, and I spun around just in time to see a rogue lunging at me. I dodged and delivered a kick to its chest, sending it sprawling.

“We can’t keep this up forever!” I yelled, my voice straining with effort.

“We don’t have to,” Ryan replied, his eyes flashing. “Just long enough.”

Just when I thought we were overwhelmed, a deafening roar filled the hallway. The rogues hesitated, their eyes widening in fear.

“What’s happening?” I asked, my heart pounding.

“It’s Aiden,” Ryan said, his voice filled with awe and relief. “He’s awake.”

Aiden stumbled into the hallway, his eyes blazing with fury and determination. Despite his injuries, he looked every bit the Alpha he was born to be.

“Get away from my mate!” He roared, and the rogues faltered, their confidence shattered.

With renewed strength, we fought back, driving the rogues towards the exit. One by one, they fled, unable to withstand the combined force of our pack.

As the last rogue disappeared, I turned to Aiden, tears streaming down my face. “You did it,” I whispered. “You saved us.”

“We did it,” he corrected, his voice hoarse but filled with pride. “Together.”

Before I could respond, a sudden pain shot through Aiden’s body, and he collapsed, his eyes rolling back.

“Aiden!” I screamed, rushing to his side. “No, no, no!”

“Hayley, we need to get him back to the hospital, now!” Ryan shouted, lifting Aiden with my help.

As we rushed him back inside, the nurse from earlier reappeared, her expression urgent. “We need to operate immediately,” she said, wheeling.

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