Chapter 40

His words sent shivers down my spine, he sounded genuinely sorry and I believed him when he said the Slut seduced him, that’s what they do anyways.

Was he really thinking of me all this while?, Did he just say it for me to forgive and forget his crime?, I didn’t want to fall for his plea just yet but at same time I didn’t want to get angry with him, at this stage of my pregnancy I needed him the most.

I could see Seren and Rosamund giving me signs to accept his plea but I refused to fall for it.

I turned to the brown haired slut, she wasn’t pretty enough to get into archers eyes but she looked really curvy, she didn’t look scared one bit she just stared at me in distaste which got me angrier.

I didn’t plan to punish her or do anything to her but with her disgusting attitude I decided to do something to make her expose Fox, every one might be thinking that she is just a regular slut but apart from being told by Cressida about her mission, I saw evil in her eyes.

“Lock her up in the oldest dungeon” I ordered, I could see the surprise in Archer’s eyes maybe he didn’t expect me to punish the slut.

The guards grabbed hold of her arms and pulled her out of the room without her restricting at all, just then the doctor came in.

“Doctor thank God you’re here already, Pearl has lost a lot of blood please do something to stop it” Seren panicked as she hurried beside the doctor.

“I would prefer if you all leave the room…” The doctor simply said as he dropped his aid box on the floor staring closely at my injury.

Archer clearly didn’t want to leave, I could see the hesitation in his eyes but he just had to obey the doctor, for some reasons I also didn’t want him to leave, I wanted him to sit by my side and comfort me when the pain becomes excruciating.

“You see, queen pearl I don’t know what might have caused you this big injury” it’s anger! I cursed in my head “But what ever it is just know that being pregnant is involved, as a pregnant woman you sometimes get angrily at little things, you get irritated and get mood swings, you eat a lot and you tend to always need attention” the doctor spoke facts!, Indeed I felt all the things he mentioned expecially wanting attention, I really need the attention, love and care but I am not getting enough of it, archer doesn’t have my time.

“But no matter how irritated or angry you get just know that you have another being inside of you and anything you do also affects your baby” the doctor advised calmly as he carefully cleaned the wound, it hurt so much that I just wanted to shout and let the pain out into the air but I just had to bite my lips and seal the pains in.

I watched him mix things inside the glass of water on the table and handed it to me.

“Gulp it all at once” he instructed, I looked into the blue coloured content that looked yummy as I gulped the content into my belly, it was neither sweet nor bitter it was just sore.

I watched him apply solid medicines on the wound as my body started weakening, I was feeling suddenly dizzy and the pains from the wound was slowly suppressing until every where went blank.

King Theodore frustratedly walked to and fro of his chamber, he couldn’t just imagine losing Pearl and he wasn’t sure if she was alive or dead, it was possible that she died after falling from the high castle but how about her cops!, No one found it how is that possible?.

He was worried that king archer might find out and raise more alarm that will ruin him, king archer is more powerful and famous than he is with one of the largest Kingdoms, King Theodore knows that Archer is a better warrior than he is just that king archer could be sometimes merciful unlike him.

His kingdom will be taking away from him if king archer finds out because from the beginning he doesn’t have the right to violate another king’s wife.

“I can’t let any mortal take over my throne and kingdom, I rather burn down the castle instead of watching any king take over!” Theodore cursed audibly as he sat angrily on his throne his anger heating up the atmosphere around him, he just wanted to kill archer that minute without stress!, If only he could just click his fingers and archer dies he definitely would be grateful.

“My King you tend to be thinking too much, why don’t you let me take care of you” Ciara said walking seductively to him in her sexy black lingerie.

Maybe he needed her to calm him down indeed he hated being so frustrated, he swifted his eyes head to toe of her pretty body and back to her face staring at her pretty pouted lips… No doubt he needed her.


Zinnia paced to and fro of her room with mixed feelings, she didn’t know if she should get confused, angry or shocked!.

Pearl was the last person she ever expected to see, she came back like zues no one saw her no one expected her, she was confused why king theodore would release her without getting to defeat King Archer or something worst.

Pearls condition made her happy in anyways, she came back looking wasted, her pretty freckled skin was just out of place it was flayed disgustingly with lots of whip marks.

But then why did she come out of the king’s room angry with a deep injury?, did the king beat her up on the day of her return?, If that is the case zinnia was definitely happy but at same time she was jealous of Pearl for numerous reasons, pearl will be giving birth to an heir soon after all she has done to ruin it.

Fox said he had a plan but she wasn’t seeing anything working out, fox never told her his plans and she was still hoping he had some valid plans that will ruin pearl if possible the king also.

“My queen, the king asked me to call you to his chamber, the other wives are waiting” the head guard who never respects her announced after barging into her room without permission.

It’s been a while King Archer called for such meetings and it is always held when something important happens or if he has a vital information or rule he wants to announce.

For some reasons zinnia was scared of going for the meeting, she had a bad feeling about it expecially as Lula would be their.

“Right after you” she said calmly trying her best not to sound worried as the guard bowed and headed out.

She didn’t just feel like going at all!, Her mind drifted to what fox said about the guards suspecting them, have they been reported or something close to that?, The thought of that brought goosebumps to her skin as her pours prouted out.

Zinnia stood from her bed as she took her crown from the table where she placed it as she gently sat it on her hair, she felt like a queen who lost her sparkles, some months ago she was the king’s favourite always with the king and making the rest of the Queen’s jealous but once pearl stepped her foot to the castle the king’s attention drifted to her instead!.

King Archer did things that he had never done with her to pearl, she has never slept over in the king’s room but pearl has done that multiple times, King archer has showed love and care to pearl but has done non of that to her or any of his wives.

Zinnia walked gently into the king’s chamber sighting her Co-wives but pearl was absent, it was wrong to miss the king’s call but pearl was absent in a meeting and king archer isn’t reacting to it one bit.

She made her way to her regular spot, a couch next to the king’s throne.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Zinnia go sit with the other Queen’s, this spot now belongs to pearl” king archer emotionlessly said making not just zinnia shocked but Fox, Lula, Felicity and Snow!, Zinnia was embarrassed that the king could say that in front of the guards too!.

Yeah she knew that she lost attraction in the king’s eye’s but she never knew that she also lost her head Queen position.

Zinnia stood from the couch and angrily sat with the other wives as her eyes drifted angrily to fox who was acting as if he didn’t notice her presence.

“I called you ladies here today for a very important announcement” the king started as his eyes drifted slightly to the entrance of the chamber and back at the queens “You four know that you where never married legally to me, Zinnia was introduced to me by fox as a slut and I found her attractive just for her body” Zinnia was slightly embarrassed by the way king archer called her a slut but yeah she was a slut!, A popular one “Lula was given to me as a gift for my coronation and that one I appreciate… Without being said, I have decided to call off my marriage with this four women here!” King Archer announced as everyone gasped.

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